NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 10 / 2019 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 12-27-19 12:19 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĪ ³ What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). ³ ³ This listing is NOT intended as a catalog; rather, the games ³ ³ shown here reflect when they were released, and stock status and ³ ³ price AS OF THE DATE THE LISTING WAS PRINTED. Items may have ³ ³ changed price or gone out of print & ceased to be available. ³ ³ Check regular catalogs for current availability & pricing. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Price Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt (Cash) YY/MM Ordr Turnaround ------ ----------------------------- --- --- ------ ------------ --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATO - TURNING POINT SIMUL (AgaTPS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHALONS, THE BATTLE OF..., 451AD HP 0.9 29.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138950 The last Roman general, Aetius, who learned the Huns & Goths' ways as a hostage, meets Attila the Hun's forces in central France in 451 in one of the pivotal battles of human history. Each side is a hodge-podge of many ethic factions. Uses cards to represent units & battleline formations (similar to TPS's Arbela). Simpler & faster playing. 63 playing cards, 46 playing pieces. Richard Berg'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES (Compas) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BAR-LEV, 1973 ARAB-ISRAELI WAR 3RD BC 2.4 92.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138338 Deluxe update of this once-popular game of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Massively updated in nearly all respects including the OoB, expanded rules for integrated air defense, a new sequence of play, and play by up to 5 players. 2 maps, 1872! counters (which include 2 complete sets, one with AFV profiles, the other with NATO symbols). 1day/turn, 3-6km/hex, Co/btln/brig level, high solitaire suitability. A FUN game ! John Hill, Frank Chadwick, Chris Fawcett'19 COMBAT! MAN-MAN COMBAT IN WWII BC 109.00 19/10 Stocked Solitaire game of man-to-man combe in World War II. Each Temp OoP/OoS soldier is represented by a large counter, with smaller markers placed on top to show morale, woulds, orders, etc. Includes 14 scenarios. 30-120sec/turn, 10yd/hex, 4 maps, 4 countersheets, 2 card decks. Ross Mortell'19 NATIONS IN ARMS, VALMY TO WATERLOO BC 2.7 102.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139494 2ND 2nd edition reprint. Complex, strategic level game of the entire Napoleonic Era in Europe, 1797-1815, using an updated version of the Le Grand Empire game system (from Pratzen Eds). Up to 7 players control the major combatants' armies, economies & diplomacy. Emphasis on lines of communication & command & control. Seasonal turns, 10 scenarios, 110 colorfully illustrated event & tactics cards, 912 counters, 2 maps. S.Thomas'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES PAPER WARS (Com_PW) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAGRAM 1809, NAPOLEON'S LAST TRIUMPH n 0.8 42.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139500 #93 Mag & game. W/ 41 variant counters for Russia Falling #85. Game covers Napoleon's 1809 campaign that included Napoleon's last great victory at Wagram. The French are on the offensive but both sides have opportunities for attack, and the Austrian's can win a sudden victory by capturing the French bridge across the Danube River. Designer's intent was to show the batlte possiblities had Napoleon not been overconfident of his own & his army's abilities. Brig/div level, faster playing. 228 counters, 400m/hex, 2-4hrs/turn. Ty Bomba'19 / ARTICLES ON: Previews of CPS Brief Border Wars, Amerika Bomber, Korean War Deluxe Ed, Once We Moved Like the Wind; Battles of Ogoula Tchetoka & Ackia; Reviews of LEG Demyansk Shield; New Bertha in the Mist scenario for Combat!; Stalin's WW III Errata; Variant for A Pragmatic War; Solitaire Rules for Pragmatic War; Battle of Secessionville, near Charleston SC, 1862; Review of Nato Air Commander; Operation Solstice, 1945; Optional Militia Rule for Russian Falling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECISION GAMES S&T GAMES (DecS_T) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEPOY MUTINY, 1857-8 #320 n 0.9 29.50 19/10 In-Stk: 138814 Mag & game. 2-player game of the Sepoy Rebellion in India against the British, 1857-8. Uses the They Died With Boots On game system with random command activation, rebellions & events. Each side aims to secure control of the Indian subcontinent. 2mo/turn, 40mi/hex, 2-10,000men/unit, 176 counters. Joseph Miranda'19 / ARTICLES ON: Sepoy Mutiny, Great Indian Rebellion of 1857-59; Spain's Expeditions in SE North America, 1526-68; Triumph & Failure of Strategy, 1776-78; Original WIndtalkers, Choctaws of Company E in World War I; Dogger Bank Incident of 1904; Centurions of Rome; Miscount in the Gulf of Bomba, 1940. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GMT GAMES (GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATACLYSM: MOUNTED MAP W/ BOX DC 2.6 28.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139449 Mounted map, plus a 3" doublecase box (to replace the original 2" bookcase box), for the base Cataclysm game. No other components included. '19 MBT [MAIN BATTLE TANK] 2ND: 4CMBG KIT BC 1.4 32.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138649 Kit adding the Canadian forces (in the form of the 4th Mechanized Brigade) to the MBT game. Adds new countersheet, 2 dbl-sided maps & 5 new scenarios. Requires base MBT game to play. James Day'19 NAVAJO WARS, 1598-1864 2ND BC* 3.6 48.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138455 Reprint. Solitaire game of the Navajo Nation thru 3 centuries of conflict in what is now the American Southwest, 1598-1864. Player must use planning & cunning against an ever-changing set of outside threats. Enemy actions based on cards interpreted thru an instruction matrix. Includes the full range of tribal activities, from raiding enemy settles & outposts, to building population, to planing & harvesting the vital corn that sustains the tribe. Mounted map, 1.5 countersheets, 80 cards, 20 wood cubes. Joel Toppen'19 STALINGRAD '42 BC 2.6 55.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139044 Game of the Axis Fall Blau offensive across the breadth of southern Ukraine & the Caucasus Mountains, June-Dec 1942. 3 detailed & colorful maps, 3 countersheets, 5 scenarios, 4-7days/turn, 10mi/hex, Reg/Brig/Div level. Mark Simonitch'19 TANK DUEL, ENEMY IN THE CROSSHAIRS DC* 5.4 55.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139049 Card-based game for 1-8 players depicting tank-tank combat on the Eastern Front during World War II. Uses a simple, fast-paced action system. Multi-deck card-driven system with full solitaire rules. Displays reflect status of each tank & its crew. Fast playing. Many scenarios from basic engagements to elaborate, historical duels. 220 cards, 16 double-sided boards, 2.5 countersheets. Mike Bertucelli'19 TWILIGHT STRUGGLE 10TH & TURN ZERO BC* 3.6 55.00 19/10 Stocked BUNDL Bundle of 2 items: (1) Deluxe edition; 2019 reprint of this 1-3wks Turnarnd immensely popular, 2-player game of the Cold War thru the fall of the Soviet Union, 1945-1989. Covers the secret intrigue as well as the small hot wars in which the USSR & the western allies used hapless proxies to further their ends. 2 countersheets, 110 cards, mounted map. Ananda Gupta, Jason Matthews'19; and (2) Expansion kit that duplicates a promotional offer made in 2017, now with standard card backsides. Adds variable At-Start results that can widely vary the course of the game (and possibly imbalance it). Adds additional cards, plus revised Space Race track adding new avenues to victory. '19 TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, COLD WAR 1945-89 BC* 3.6 45.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139484 10TH Deluxe edition; 2019 reprint of this immensely popular, 2-player game of the Cold War thru the fall of the Soviet Union, 1945-1989. Covers the secret intrigue as well as the small hot wars in which the USSR & the western allies used hapless proxies to further their ends. 2 countersheets, 110 cards, mounted map. Ananda Gupta, Jason Matthews'19 TWILIGHT STRUGGLE: TURN ZERO KIT zl 0.4 14.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139285 Expansion kit that duplicates a promotional offer made in 2017, now with standard card backsides. Adds variable At-Start results that can widely vary the course of the game (and possibly imbalance it). Adds additional cards, plus revised Space Race track adding new avenues to victory. '19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURO NEKO WORKSHIP (KuroNk) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTH KURSK, BATTLE OF... BC 1.4 42.00 19/10 Special Order Chinese-produced game published with Chinese & (broken) 1-3wks Turnarnd English rules. Area-move game of the battles near Oryol at the northern German pincer at Kursk, July-Aug 1943. Btln/rgt/brig/div level, 196 counters, 40 cards, 4days/turn. (Again, publisher's use of the English language is broken and odd phrases & misspellings abound.) '19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:ACTION PACK #14, OKTOBERFEST Fo 0.5 26.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138515 XXXIV Scenario kit including a double-sided board (12a/b) and a new board (#84), plus 12 scenarios from the summer of 1944 in France, and involving most of the forces then fighting in France. Rules and key ASL modules required to play. '19 MONTY'S GAMBLE, MARKET-GARDEN 2ND BC 1.6 45.00 19/10 In-Stk: 139014 Update of this game of battle for "Hell's Hiway" during Market Garden, from Eindhoven to Arnhem, based on the Storm Over Arnhem game system. Btln/rgt level, daily turns. Each turn brings tough choices to both sides. 2 countersheets. 1.5mi/inch, btln/rgt/brig level. High solitaire suitability. 2nd ed is graphically updated, and includes a Fortress Holland 1940 variant with 100 counters (reprinted from Ops Special Mag #2). 469 counters, 1 map. M.Rinella'19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAE VICTIS CERIGO EDITION (VaeV_C) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND BULL RUN #148 n 0.8 32.00 19/10 Stocked Mag & Game. French-language game of militiary history with a 4-8wks Turnarnd complete game in each issue. Covers the Second Battle of Bull Run, 1862. Uses system previously used for Cedar Creek (#94) and Stones River (#121). 1.5hrs/turn, brig level, on a small map. '19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAN VERSSEN GAMES (Versse) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELD COMMANDER ALEXANDER 2ND BC 2.5 40.00 19/10 In-Stk: 138830 Reprint. Fast playing Solitaire game of Alexander the Great's expansionary expedition followed by a period of managing the conquered lands. Includes 4 campaigns (Granicus, Issus, Tyre, Guagamela), 5 small maps, 176 counters. D.Verssen'09 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VICTORY POINT GAMES (VPG) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAWN OF THE ZEDS 4TH: NEW PLYR BLUES Fo 0.2 $8.99 19/10 In-Stk: 138422 KIT Kit including 13 new blue Outbreak event & fate cards, which enlarge the game's narrative & excitement. These have the zeds learning to move in new ways, causing panic & confusion. Also, a new hero is added: Bouncing Betty Bolivar. Includes 1 hero card, 9 Event, 4 Fate, 1 countersheet, 1 dossier sheet, 1 rules sheet. '19 20 Items listed here for your shopping pleasure. [IM_NuPn2:2019] Newly Released Gaming Items Listed by Publiher