as of 10-14-24 19:37 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST e-mail: THIS GAME GIFT SUGGESTION LIST is designed to give you some ideas for the Gamers in your life. Maybe its your significant other who enjoys a nice, non-competitive card game about gardening. Maybe it's for your ASL-addict brother who gave you this list. And maybe, just maybe, its for YOU! In all cases, you'll find games that we regard as prime candidates as Xmas or B-Day gifts. TERMS OF SALE All prices are stated on a cash-basis (check or money order) Add 3.1% to net total to remove the implicit cash discount when paying by credit card (V/MC/Disc/AmEx). See our web site's Terms of Sale page at for more info. DOMESTIC SHIPPING CHARGES are generally $23.00/order. Add $ 4.00 per LBoxed or weighty (3#+) item. Add $ 6.00 per order if your zip code is categorized as "rural" by our friends at UPS (for domestic UPS shipments). You'll be advised of actual shipping charges when we confirm you order. INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS are bases on actual shipping weight. For more details, see our web site at . *** We recommend that you place orders as long before any *** *** holiday or birthdate as possible to allow shipping lead *** *** times. Expedited shipment (USPS & UPS 1, 2 or 3 day) *** *** are available; additional charges may apply. *** BOX TYPES: BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray FB-Flat Box TB-Tube n,zl-(none) DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg FBox AL-Album FO - Folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml FBox See our Catalog Orientation web page for more . CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor See our web site at for details. STOCK STATUS Items with a numeric PART # are in-stock now. "stk" indicates an item we normally have in stock but currently not. "s/o" indicates an item available (only) by special order. Item MagGm Price$ General Box Out ID-# Game Title & Edition (Publishr Code) Only? (cash ) Conditn Typ Prt ===== =========================================== ===== ======= ======= === === ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXCELLENT & RECOMMENDED GAMES Suited to Being a Memorable Gifts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s/o AMATEURS TO ARMS!, THE WAR OF 1812 (CofA) $74.00 New BC E Operational/strategic game of the War of 1812 between US & British/Canadian forces on all fronts of the war in North America including the South. Played on a large scale map & includes 150 illustrated cards impacting place, 352 counters. Simpler & fast playing. '12 stk ARDENNES II [2ND] (MMP) $54.00 New BC E 2023 overhaul of this game using the SCS Std Combat System. OoB & map have been updated, and artillery has been modified. Fun, relatively simple and extremely colorful grand tac, 2 map game of entire Battle of the Bulge Campaign, Dec 1944-Jan 1945. 1.8ed of series rules; 3rd in Std Combat series; 560 counters, 6 scenarios, 1day/turn, 1mi/hex. Dean Essig'23 stk AUSTERLITZ 1805, RISING EAGLES (Hexasi) $60.00 New BC D French-produced game with English & French rules. Covers one of the great victories of Napoleon's career, Austerlitz in 1805. Emphasizes orders from leaders to units, and this game makes changing orders more difficult than in prior games in this series. 4 countersheets, 2 double-sided maps, regt level, 250m/hex, 1hr/turn. Walter Vejdovsky'16 s/o B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER 2ND (Versse) $70.00 New DC n 2nd edition fixes errors on a couple of cards, revised some rules, and provides examples of play in a separate booklet now. Solitaire game of daylight strategic bombing raids over Europe by the US 8th Air Force during World War II, 1942-45. Player must plan how best to damage the German war machine while also managing a flight of B-17s executing each planned mission, along with their fighter escorts. Includes 11 historical campaigns, a mini-campaign focused on one bomber surviving a 25-mission tour, a solo bombing mission focused on one bomber in one mission, and Down in Flames solitaire rules so that that game system of air-air combat can be used to resolve air-air combat (if desired; ownership of DIF required). Includes 336 cards, 6 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Fast playing, 30min/mission. Dean Brown'19 stk B-29 SUPERFORTRESS, BOMBERS OVR JAPAN 3D $44.00 New HC E (Legion) 3rd edition reprint of this solitaire game similar to B-17 in scope; player operates a crew of an American B-29 of the 20th Air Force in bombing runs agains Japan. Goal is to live thru 35 missions. Missions vary by elevation & day or night, and face opposition in the form of flak, fighters, searchlights, etc. Your goal is to shepard your crew thru 35 missions to earn your return home. 172 counters, 48pgs charts, map. S.Dixon'16 151970 BARBAROSSA, ARMY GROUP CENTER 1941 2ND (GMT) $49.00 New DC n 2022 update of this large, complex 5-map, 1400 counter game of the German Army Group Center's push into the the central Ukraine (from Brest Litovsk in the south, Smolensk to the NE). Third in GMT's East Front Series (after Typhoon & AGS) using an excellent, detailed system by a yeoman designer. Division level, with lots of specialized units including NKVD, air, siege artillery, coastal def artillery. Excel graphics thruout. 8 scenarios including a simpler, intro one. Rules have been completely rewritten, and OoB updated. RECOMMENDED for E.Front fiends. 2days/turn, 5mi/hex, Regt/Div level. Vance von Borries'22 s/o BRITANNIA, CLASSIC & DUEL [4TH] (PSC) $75.00 New FB n Further enhancement of AH's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, simple, FUN 3-5 player game of ethnic migrations & conflict in Britain between 43-1085AD. Players control multiple ethnic groups in multiple eras, an seek to maximize points for control over time. In addition to a massive graphic overhaul from prior editions, this edition adds a parallel game designed for 2-player play with a separate board that includes Ireland, and covers from 350-1050AD. Inspired later Maharaji game. Playing pieces are more eye-catching (but no more functional) plastic minis for infantry, cavalry & leaders. Lewis Pulsipher'20 s/o BY STEALTH & SEA (Versse) $49.00 New DC n Solitaire or cooperative game of the pioneering Italian commando frogmen unit, Decima Flottiglia MAS, seeking to destroy elements of the Royal Navy in the heavily guarded harbors of Gibralter, Algiers & Alexandria. Includes 9 historic attack scenarios, plus campaigns during which you can develop your technology, train your frogmen while the Royal Navy also improves its defenses. 3 mounted mapboards, 116 counters, 141 cards. Fast playing. '20 s/o CAESAR, GREAT BATTLES OF JULIUS... 2ND (GMT) $80.00 New DC D 2022 deluxe update of 2 previously published games: Caesar the Civil Wars, and Caesar, Conquest of Gaul, plus all the 8 scenarios published as kits. Has a unified rulebook for all land battles (and another for the one naval battle included). Scenarios provided for 20 battles that trace the evolution of the Roman military system from Jugurtha 106BC to Wales 51AD. Battles range from 1/2 to 1-1/2 map sized and include sieges, an amphibious invasion & a naval battle. Maps updated to current graphic standards & a unified look. 2100 counters, 7 double-sided maps. All scenarios can be played with more complex original rules or the Simple GBOH rules. Mark Herman, Richard Berg'22 stk CDG SOLO SYSTEM KIT #1 2ND (GMT) $15.00 New zl D Kit that provides solitaire rules systems & play aids for seven of GMT's previously published card driven board games including Paths of Glory, For the People, Washington's War, Caesar, C&C Ancients, Samurai Battles. Serves the goals of adding the narrative flow of the war, increasing the fog of war, and reducing the overhead of the game system. Provides 2 card displays, a custom die, 4 markers, a rules summary & a play sheet for each covered game. Stuka Joe, Ken Kuhn'22 stk CDG SOLO SYSTEM KIT #2 (GMT) $15.00 New zl D 2nd kit for the Card Driven Games published by GMT. Provides 2 card displays, another custom die, 4 markers, rules summary & 9 playsheets for a variety of games. '23 stk CELLES, THE ARDENNES, 23-27 DEC 1944 2ND $25.00 New zl E (Revolu) Reprint of this first game in the Battle of the Bulge series using a chit activation system, and set at the high water mark of the German Bulge offensive, 23-26 Dec 1944. The Germans must make a desperate lunge for the Meuse while the Allies both try to blunt those moves & prepare for their own counteroffensive aimed at destroying the overextended panzers. Each sides' units are activated by chit draws which makes every game different & exciting. 1mi/hex, 12hrs/turn, 88 counters. Errata & French translated rules avail online. R.Miller'17 s/o CHURCHILL 3RD (GMT) $66.00 New DC D 2022 reprint. 3 player game the rivalry between the 3 major Allies in World War II to both conclude the war & shape the post-war world: Britain, US & USSR. Players must cooperate to defeat Germany, yet compete to further their individual agendas. Represents the 10 conferences among the Big 3 from 1943-45. Each of the 10 conferences is essentially a "turn," with issues being nominated for disccusion at each conference (such as directed offensive, production priorities, strategic warfare, etc). Cards influence how the conference proceeds & is resolved. Includes both 2-player & solitaire rules. 2 shorter scenarios included. M.Herman'22 s/o COLONIAL, EUROPE'S EMPIRES OVERSEAS 2ND $42.00 New BC D (Strate) Highly popular, European-produced game of Europe's period of colonizing & pundering the world from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution. Each player represents a major European power seeking to establish colonies, gain scientific knowledge, and trade in exotic goods. Uses a card-based, character driven system that requires careful management of resources, diplomacy & a keen eye for opportunity. English language rules. For 2-6 players, but still reasonably fast playing (~2hrs/game). C.Pont'13 s/o COMBAT COMMANDER: TOURNAMENT BATTLE PACK (GMT) $14.00 New Fo D Kit for the Combat Commander series providing 12 scenarios well suited to tournament play (most previously published), plus 2 new maps & tournament guidelines. B.Collars'15 s/o COMMANDS & COLORS, SAMURAI BATTLES 2ND (GMT) $66.00 New DC D 2023 reprint. Complete game in the Commands & Colors game series. Focuses on tactical battles in medieval Japan with 40 scenarios. Includes many unit types & terrain types. Terry Leeds'23 s/o CORSAIR LEADER (Versse) $77.00 New DC n Solitaire game based on the Hornet Leader game system, focused on engagements including the US F4U Corsair & other naval aircraft in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Provides 2 campaigns covering the Solomons from Fall 1942-Spring 1944. Player decides upon the aircraft to use for a mission, including the Corsair but also possibly B-17, B-25, Dauntlesses, and others, each with unique advantages & disadvantages. This game enhances the tactical options available while over the target. Basically a solitaire game but can be played cooperatively with others. 400 well-illustrated cards, 9 countersheets. Relatively simple. '18 s/o CORSAIR LEADER: ACES KIT (Versse) $17.50 New SC n Expansion kit including 56 cards depicted real US navy & marine ace pilots to the game. Just add them to your game at the start of a game. '20 s/o CUBA LIBRE, CASTRO'S INSURGENCY 4TH (GMT) $50.00 New DC D 2022 reprint. Game using the COIN (Counter Insurgency) game system covering the model of the late-20th century guerilla revolution, Castro's overthrow of the corrupt Batista regime in Cuba. Beginning with just 12 dedicated men, Castro build's political base & allies with rival guerilla factions to throw the bastard out. Playable solitair or with up to 4 players. Uses a deck of 48 cards to influence play. 52 cards, 106 wood pieces. V.Ruhnke, J.Grossman'22 s/o DEATH VALLEY: BTLS FOR SHENANDOAH KIT (GMT) $24.00 New zl D Kit for the base game which adds 4 battles to the base game: McDowell (May 1862), the first battle of the Shenandoah as Jackson's reconstituted army attempts to defeat two Union forces in detail); Second Winchester (June 1863, in which Jackson attempts to clear the lower valley to support supply lines for the Confederate invasion of the north later that month); Piedmont (June 1864, during which a larger Union force under Hunter aggressively moves up the valley defended by a much smaller, scratch force); and Cool Spring (July 1864, as Early's corp fresh an abortive drive on Washington, turns to attack pursuing Union forces). Includes 560 counters, 4 maps. '22 s/o DUNE 2ND: IXIANS & TLEILAXA HOUSES KIT (GF9) $18.00 New FB n New kit adding 2 more houses to the base game: the Tleilau, a sophisticated race of xenophobes that aim to dominate the world, and the Ixian a race of superb manufacturers of technologies only they know how to use. These two races are mortal enemies. Does NOT increase the number of players '20 s/o DUNE 3RD: ECAZ & MORITANI HOUSE KIT (GF9) $19.00 New FB n Kit adding two new houses to the Dune base game, the Ecas & House Moritani. '23 s/o DUNE 3RD: RISE OF IX KIT (GF9) $33.00 New FB n Kit focused on the rise of the house of Ix. '22 s/o FANTASY TRIP: DEATHTEST & DEATHTEST2 2ND (SJG) $15.00 New BC A Set of two kits previously published separately, and requires the Melee & Wizard base games to play. This is an adventure module in which players are offered big rewards by Thorsz - IF you can make it thru his labyrinth full of traps, monsters & other hostile adventurers just like you. Steve Jackson'19 stk FIELD COMMANDER ROMMEL, DELUXE [2ND] (Versse) $42.00 New BC n Deluxe reprint of this solitaire game of each of 3 campaigns of Rommel, the Desert Fox. The player commands the German during the France 1940, North African campaign 1941-2, and France 1944 campaigns. Includes options which increase difficulty, and also tracking of unit performance over time. Success in one campaign impacts later campaigns. Deluxe edition has a mounted board. D.Verssen'11 stk FIRE IN THE LAKE 3RD (GMT) $62.50 New DC D 2022 reprint. Game of the insurgency & counterinsurgency campaigns in America's Vietnamese War using the COIN (Counter Insurgengy) game system. 1-4 player game of this pivotal war, with emphasis on the elements behind the war for the hearts & minds of the southern Vietnamese, and the factionalism not often recognized in the US. Fourth game in the COIN games series. Includes 1 countersheet, 248 wooden blocks, mounted map, 130 cards. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for those interested in this war. M.Herman, V.Ruhnke'22 s/o FLEET COMMANDER NIMITZ (Versse) $79.00 New GB E Solitaire game of the US-led defense against the seemingly unstoppable Japanese naval expansion in the Pacific during World War II. Player takes the role of Adm. Nimitz, first defending against Japanese thrusts then bringing the war ever closer to the Japanese home islands. Covers nearly the entire war, from Jan. 1942 thru as late as Sept. 1945 at an operational & strategic level in 4 historical campaigns for each year. The player commands a combination of land, air & sea forces which engage in detailed battles as they pursue the goals of each campaign. Includes mounted map, 8 counter sheets. Its a heavy & big sucker. '14 151932 FOR THE PEOPLE II [5TH] (GMT) $42.50 New DC n 2024 25th anniversary; only the cover art and adding a mounted map changes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED strategic level game of the entire American Civil War for 2 players with a card-driven system. Double-sided Mounted map (with original art on one side, new art on the other), 130 cards, revised rules and 420 counters. 6000men/pt, 4mo/turn, Annual scenarios plus campaign game. This labor of love made just that much better by the original designer. Minor errata updates incorporated into components. Mark Herman'24 s/o FOR THE PEOPLE II: MOUNTED MAP & DC BOX (GMT) $21.00 New Fo D Mounted map for this game, plus a 3" Dbl-case bookcae box. '24 151315 GREAT BATTLES OF ALEXANDER, 6TH (DELUXE) (GMT) $57.50 New DC n 2023 update of the last & greatest version of this celebrated game, Now includes the Tyrant kits well as those included in last edition (Juggernaut, Diadochoi & Phalanx). Covers 19 of Alex's most famous btls: Macedonia v Greece @ Chaeronea (Aug 338BC); Alex v Persian screening force @ Grancius (May 334BC); Alex recovers his LOC from Persian force @ Issus (Nov 333BC); Alex defeats Darius III, King of Persia @ Gauamela (Oct 331BC); Alex subdues the Triballians @ Lyginus in his first battle as King (336BC); Alex secures his rear in the Balkans by defeating the Illyrians at Pelium (336BC); Alex succeeds at a dangersou river crossing at Jaxartes against the Scythians (329BC); a Macedonian group is trapped by the Scythians at Samarkand (328BC); Alex assaults a mountain fort at Arigaeum (327BC); and Alex wins his last battle agains the Indians at Hydaspes (326BC). Mark Herman, Richard Berg'23 s/o GREATEST DAY, BATTLE FOR NORMANDY V.1 (MMP) 209.00 New GB E First of a planned 3 game set to cover all of the Normandy landings. Large game using the Grand Tactical Game series (ala Devil's Cauldron & Where Eagles Dare) to cover the D-Day landings at Sword, Juno & Gold beaches. Includes 17 scenarios, 16 countersheets, 4 maps (3 dbl-sided) plus 8 map extensions. Big, did we say BIG?, and bulky. A.Starkweather'15 151073 INTERCEPTOR ACE, AIR DEFENSE OVR GERMANY $69.00 New BC Y (Compas) Solitaire, low level tactical game covering daylight air defense over Germany, 1943-44. Player is placed in any of 30 models of daylight fighters tasked with stopping the American bomber offensive and their fighter escorts over the course of days & weeks. Emphasis is on the pilot's (player's) experience & skill development over time. Uses the Hunters (Night Fighter Ace) game system. 1 countersheet, 60 cards, individual aircraft & crew members. Gregory Smith'19 s/o LA BATAILLE DE LA MOSCOWA 4TH (CofA) 118.00 New FB A 3rd reprint of this btln/rgt level battle of Borodino, Sept 1812, on 4 maps with c.1000 units using the classic La Bataille game system. This version uses the CofA colorful ensignias on counters rather than NATO symbols, revises the OoB, maps & rules, & expands the area covered by the maps. 100m/hex, 100men/strength pt. A labor of love. '11 stk LABYRINTH, WAR ON TERROR 5TH (GMT) $57.50 New DC D 2024 reprint. 1-2 player game of the Islamist jihad and what's called the war on terror. Uses a system similar to Twilight Struggle to model the wider ideological struggle around the world thru guerrilla war, regine change, and the range of political, military & economic issues. V.Ruhnke '24 s/o LABYRINTH, WAR ON TERROR: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) $15.00 New n D Mounted map, only. s/o LABYRINTH: FOREVER WAR 2015 - ? KIT (GMT) $20.00 New zl D 2nd kit for Labyrinth. Continues where The Awakening Kit left off, adding new rules & event cards to cover the events from 2015-2020, including Trump becoming president with his own style of warfare. '20 s/o LAST HUNDRED YARDS 2ND (GMT) $45.00 New BC D 2023 reprint. Innovative game of small unit, tactical combat in western Europe after the D-Day landings. The systmes for initiative & reaction try to model how units actually behaved, with events happening more simultaneously than sequentially, and opposing player given a reaction cycle during which defenders MIGHT be able to react if attackers are seen. Victory is determined by achieving objectives. Modest complexity & solitaire suitability. 6 dbl-sided geomorphic maps, 4 countersheets. Mike Denson'23 151544 LAST HUNDRED YARDS: RUSSIAN FRONT KIT (GMT) $35.00 New BC Y Kit for the Last Hundred Yards series requiring both base games (Last Hundred Yards & Airborne Over Europe) to play. 4th edition in the LHY series covering major campaigns & missions from the 2nd half of the War in the East during World War II. Focuses include the Oct 1943 fighting near Krivoi Rog, Summer 1944 during Bagration. Rules for the Soviets reflect tactical inflexibility & indifference to casualties. 8 double-sided geomorphic maps, 4.5 countersheets, 16 missions. Mike Denson'23 s/o LEGION OF HONOR (CofA) $57.00 New FB O Unusual card game depicting the life of an ambitious French soldier during the Napoleonic era, set with the backdrop of historical events. Suitable for solitaire play as well as for groups of up to 6 players. Players play control the life of a Napoleonic soldier at war & "in the salon", from 1792-1815. Player with highest rank, most glory or most wealth wins. R.Kane'14 s/o LIBERTY OR DEATH 3RD (GMT) $60.00 New DC D 2023 reprint of this popular game of the American Revolution using the popular COIN Counter-Insurgency game system. For 1-4 players, with multiple factions interacting (British, Rebels, French & Indians). Card-assisted play allows for brilliant actions, rabble-rousing, French entry, India raids, blockages, etc. The British initially have the initiative, strength & mobility, but can't be everywhere. The Americans must muster & preserve their strength and pick their battles carefully. Highly suitable to solitaire play. Includes 150 wooden pieces, 110 cards. 1yr/turn. H.Buchanan'23 s/o NAPOLEON AGAINST EUROPE 2ND UPDATE KIT $8.00 New n D (Hexasi) Update kit bring 1st edition game up to a 2nd edition. Includes a rule book plus a total of 7 player aids of 2 types. '16 s/o PACIFIC WAR, STRUGGLE AGAINST JAPAN 2ND (GMT) $85.00 New HB D MUST SHIP UPS DUE TO SIZE & WGT; SHIPPING WILL BE QUOTED. Major update of this complex game, but perhaps THE best game on Pacific theater of WWII. Includes 2 mounted maps covering the entire Pacific, 2340 counters, 27 scenarios of variing complexity & scope, from battles to campaigns to the entire war, a streamlined logistics system, & fully integrated air ground & naval operations. Land units vary from btln to army level, capital ships are 1/counter. 100mi/hex, monthly turns (daily movement). Highly recommended. Mark Herman'22 151980 PATHS OF GLORY, FIRST WORLD WAR 7TH (GMT) $48.00 New BC n 2023 deluxe reprint (ie 7th edition) of the last revision of this extremely popular strategic level game of WW-1 in Europe and the Near East using the modestly simple board game utilizing cards for strategic events, ala Krieg. Corp/army level, w/ seasonal turns, 3 scenarios.Changes in this game included a double-sided map with traditional & tournament maps, 20 new optional cards, update rules & player aids, and new optional counters. MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. '23 s/o PERSIAN INCURSION (CofA) $49.00 New BC E Complete game covering the strategic, military & political game of the what-if of the consequences of an Israeli military campaign against Iran, esp its nuclear industry. Uses a Harpoon system to resolve military conflict, but is as much a game of card-based diplomatic action in which political, intel & military resources are spent to influence events & shape public opinion. Includes lengthy rulebook w/ analysis of the current situation, 280 counters, 110 cards. L.Bond, C.Carlson, J.Dougherty'11 stk RICHARD III, WARS OF THE ROSES (ColumG) $63.00 New BC D Block-style game of the War of the Roses, where supporters of the houses of Lancaster & York duke it out to see who will rule England. Expands upon Hammer of the Scots system by enhancing the event deck. 63 blocks (representing the major nobles), 25 event cards. J.Taylor'09 s/o RISK, GAME OF THRONES (USO) $69.00 New GB n Huge Game of Thrones-themed version of the classic game of Risk. Played on maps of Essos (for 2 players), Westeros (for 3-5) or both for up to 7. Eah faction has uniquely sculpted colored minis, with 650 pcs total. 187 cards offer characters (leaders) with tactical abilities, maesters granting more abilities, objecitves to define victory, and terratory cards to garner more armies. Plus special units represented by counters. Well designed for players familiar with the basic risk & who enjoy Game of Thrones TV series. '15 s/o ROMMEL IN THE DESERT 4TH (ColumG) $55.00 New BC E Reprint with a complete cosmetic overhaul. Remastered, larger map is now mounted, Rommel cards are printed on playing-card stock, even the box is better (printed rather than sleeved). Mechanics are the same. Simple, challenging and long a popular block system game of the entire war in N.Africa, Spt'40-Nov'42, at rgt lvl. 7 Scenarios using the block system to provide fog-of-war and logistical limits. Includes the 1940 Italian campaign, 1941 & 1942 scenarios, 1941-42 campaign, Crusader & Gazala & El Alamein battles. 113 wooden blocks 42 cards map. RECOMMENDED. C.Besinque'23 s/o SOUTH CHINA SEA, CONFLICT IN S PACIFIC2D $62.00 New BC A (Compas) Reprint of this strategic level, integrated political & military game of the real & potential conflicts in the South China Sea between 5 key players: the US, China, Malaysia, Philippines & Vietnam. Players engage in structured activies to shift the political situation in their favor, but each activity bears a varying risk of provoking armed conflict that shifts the game to the traditional hex board format. 2 maps, 39 cards, 390 counters, 3-7hrs/turn, 45nm/hex, 2ships/counter, btnl-level. Designed for 2-3 players and can be played solitaire. John Gorkowski'21 stk TARGET FOR TONIGHT (Legion) $67.00 New BC E Sequel to very popular Target for Today game. Solitaire game covering Britain's nighttime strategic bombing campaign over Europe, 1942-45. Player commands individual RAF bombers on night missions in any of 12 campaigns each with individual missions. Goal is to survive your tour of duty. Mounted map, 204 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'20 stk TARGET FOR TONIGHT: ITALIAN CAMPAIGN KIT $32.00 New zl E (Legion) (Kit that focuses on the RAF's night bombing campaign against the industrialized north of Italy between 1940-43. During this time, Italian air defenses were poor & poorly organized but slowly grew stronger. The British used primarily the Whitley bomber during this period. Includes 75 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'24 stk THIRD WORLD WAR DESIGNER SET 2ND (Compas) 145.00 New DC n Update of the complete set of four previously published, well-regarded games on the anticipated fronts of conflict in World War III. Covers central Europe, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf. Includes both air & land forces. Graphically overhauled with new maps & counters, & integrated the four games into one with no core design changes, yet includes many enhancements to simplify play. 6 maps, 9 countersheets, 20 diplomacy cards. Frank Chadwick'22 s/o THUNDERBOLT APACHE LEADER 4TH (Versse) $70.00 New DC E 2016, 4th ed is a straight reprint of this updated & expanded card game of close air support aircraft & helicopters. Your job is to select & best utilize the right mix of pilots, aircraft & munition for each mission. Now includes 168 cards, 352 counters, 8 campaigns. 1st ed was popular. Each missing takes about 30min play time. G.Billingsley, D.Verssen'16 s/o TRIUMPH OF CHAOS, RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR 2ND (CofA) $92.00 New BC E 2019 deluxe 2nd edition. Substantial revision that incorporates the previously separate players guide, uses 2 maps & 3 countersheets, & wooden markers rather than glass stones, plus rules revisions. Moderate sized, card-driven game of the Russian Civil War, 1918-21. Richly illustrated political cards determine control of the 18 factions early in the conflict (each of which may negatively impact other factions). Action cards are used to move, initiate combat or implent events such as reinforcement, mutinies, redeploy units, etc. Leader cards represent the personalities of this turbulent time. 2 maps, 3 countersheets, 220 cards. D.Dockter'19 s/o TWILIGHT STRUGGLE 10TH & TURN ZERO BUNDL (GMT) $55.00 New BC D Bundle of 2 items: (1) Deluxe edition; 2019 reprint of this immensely popular, 2-player game of the Cold War thru the fall of the Soviet Union, 1945-1989. Covers the secret intrigue as well as the small hot wars in which the USSR & the western allies used hapless proxies to further their ends. 2 countersheets, 110 cards, mounted map. Ananda Gupta, Jason Matthews'19; and (2) Expansion kit that duplicates a promotional offer made in 2017, now with standard card backsides. Adds variable At-Start results that can widely vary the course of the game (and possibly imbalance it). Adds additional cards, plus revised Space Race track adding new avenues to victory. '19 s/o TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, COLD WAR 1945-89 11TH (GMT) $40.00 New BC D Deluxe edition; 2021 reprint of this immensely popular, 2-player game of the Cold War thru the fall of the Soviet Union, 1945-1989. Covers the secret intrigue as well as the small hot wars in which the USSR & the western allies used hapless proxies to further their ends. 2 countersheets, 110 cards, mounted map. Ananda Gupta, Jason Matthews'21 151982 U.S. CIVIL WAR 3RD (GMT) $46.00 New DC n 2022 reprint. Strategic level game of the American Civil War, 1861-65. Seasonal turns, each with several impulses. Units are leaders and generic strength point units representing about 5000 men per point, plus ships, forts, etc. Scenarios for each of the first 3 years of the war, and the grand campaign. Without the naval rules, rules length is 21pgs. RECOMMENDED GAME. 2 mounted maps, 3 countersheets, 30 special event cards. 5000men/strength pt, 24mi/hex, 3mo/turn. M.Simonitch'22 s/o VICTORY IN EUROPE (ColumG) $81.00 New BC D Strategic, area-move, block-style game of the second World War in Europe & northern Africa, for 2-3 players. The Axis, Western Allies and Soviet Union duke it out on land, at sea and in the air for control of Europe. Play utilizes 108 color illustrated cards for events, initiave & combat. Includes 180 wooden blocks. T.Dalgliesh, R.Draker'15 151983 VIRGIN QUEEN, WARS RELIGION 1559-1598 2D (GMT) $49.00 New DC n 2024 Reprint. Sequel to Here I Stand, VQ is a game of wars in the world during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, 1559-98. Uses the Here I Stand game system that covered the prior 40 year to cover the latter half of the 16th century. Puts oceanic expeditions under players' direct control, alters the dipolomatic system, streamlines the religious system, offers arranged marriages & patronage systems. 4.5 countersheets, 134 cards, mounted map. E.Beach'24 s/o WARFIGHTER, SPECIAL FORCES CARD GAME 4TH $49.00 New BC n (Versse) 2021 4th edition. Card game of special forces operations around the world for 1-6 players. Play cooperatively against the game system to complete squad-level combat missions. You select a soldier, arm them with skills & equipment, then attempt to acheive your mission in a 60-90 min game. Experience gains you greater abilities. Includes 240 cards, 2 countersheets, 6 plastic soldier minis. 4th (& 3rd) edition required to use expansion #14 up & newer editions of expansion 1-13; also cleans up the rules. '21 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII PACIFIC THEATER (Versse) $49.00 New DC n Base game in a very extened, intended set of game & kits allowing coverage of WWII combat in the Pacific to parallel earlier game on the European theater as well as kits for the various combatants in WWII and in the Korean War. This is the base (core) game. Card game for 1-6 players (including solitaire); you play cooperatively against the game system on squad-level missions. Given a mission objective, you select your soldiers, equip them with weapons & skills within a resource limit. Then fight your way thru enemy territory to complete your mission. Each eliminated enemy increases your experience and offers opportunities to up-gun & receive support cards. '19 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 1 USA #1 KIT (Versse) $15.00 New SC n Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 2 UK #1 KIT (Versse) $15.00 New SC n Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 3 GERMANY #1 KIT $15.00 New SC O (Versse) Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Germany. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 6 USA #2 (Versse) $15.00 New SC n Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US; second set for this country. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 7 UK #2 KIT (Versse) $15.00 New SC E Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. Second set for this nation. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 8 GERMANY #2 KIT $15.00 New SC n (Versse) Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the Germany. Second set for this key player. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 10 USSR #2 KIT (Versse) $15.00 New SC n Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the USSR. Second set for this nation. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 11 POLAND #1 (Versse) $15.00 New SC n Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Poland. '17 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 14 JAPAN #1 (Versse) $16.00 New SC E 56-card expansion set for one nation's force, first of 2 kits for Japan in this case. This is the 1st of 2 for Japan. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 15 JAPAN #2 (Versse) $16.00 New SC E 56-card expansion set for one nation's force, Japan in this case. This is the 2nd of 2 for Japan. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 16 US MARINES #1 $15.00 New SC n (Versse) Adds 56 cars focused on the US Marine corp during WWII. Just add these to your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 17 US MARINES #2 $15.00 New SC n (Versse) Adds 56 cars focused on the US Marine corp during WWII. Just add these to your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 24 US AIRBORNE KIT $15.00 New SC n (Versse) 56 card deck adding cards specific to the US airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 25 GERMAN AIRBORNE $15.00 New SC n (Versse) 56 card deck adding cards specific to the German airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 36 VEHICLE # 1 (Versse) $29.00 New SC n Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the US, France & Japan. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 37 VEHICLE # 2 (Versse) $29.00 New SC n Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the Germany, Finland & Pland. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 38 VEHICLE # 3 (Versse) $29.00 New SC E Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the USSR, Britain, Australia & Canada. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 40 UK AIRBORNE KIT $16.00 New SC n (Versse) 56-card deck adding cards specific to Britain's airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 43 INVASIONS KIT $16.00 New SC n (Versse) 56-card deck adding cards specific to adding beach invasions to the game. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 50 BASTOGNE (Versse) $16.00 New SC n 56-card deck adding cards specific to the battle around Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 52 DIEPPE (Versse) $16.00 New SC n 56-card deck adding cards specific to the raid on Dieppe, France, by Canadian forces in 1942. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 53 IWO JIMA (Versse) $16.00 New SC n 56-card deck adding cards specific to the US invasion of Iwo Jima, 1945. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 57 NARVIK (Versse) $16.00 New SC n 56-card deck adding cards specific to the battle around Narvik during the German invasion of Norway, 1940. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20~~ stk WATERLOO 1815, FALLEN EAGLES II [2ND] (Hexasi) $60.00 New BC D Fully updated 2nd edition with revised OoB & new map, plus rules revisions. Regt/Btln level game of the 3 day battle of Waterloo, June 1815. 4 countersheets, 2 maps, 18 cards, 200m/hex, 1hr/turn. Scenarios for key battles of Hougoumont, D'Erlon's Attack & Plancenoit, plus the grand campaign. Focus of mechanics is on morale, attrition & unit commitment, with div & corp-level units required to follow preassigned orders till changed. Relatively high solitaire suitability. W.Vejdovsky'23 s/o WATERLOO, NAPOLEON'S LAST BATTLE (Compan) $56.00 New BC E Area-move, impulse-driven game of the final battle of Waterloo, 18 June 1815, using a system akin to the Storm Over series. Players alternate activating a leader's units in each impulse until both players pass or a die roll ends the turn. Brig level, 10 turns. Entirely separate game from the Phalanx game of same title. Mark Scarbrough'19 s/o WEST FRONT II (ColumG) $90.00 New BC D Redesign of this block system game of WW2 throughout France, Italy & the Balkans. This game covers the western front from Spain to Norway to northwestern Africa and the western Med (plus area boxes for other world regions) on two maps (34x45" total). Blocks & labels revised from prior version. Inlcudes multiple senarios from '43-45 with invasions, production and supply limitations. Simple yet extremely challenging. Mates w/ East Front II using Euro Front II kit. '06 s/o WINGS OF THE MOTHERLAND 3RD (CofA) 115.00 New DC E Fourth volume in the Fighting Wings (Whistling Death) game series. Covers air combat on the Eastern Front during World War II from the German invasion to the fall of Berlin. This edition includes 48 mostly new aircraft, 2 double-sided maps, 630 counters. Includes more emphasis on air-ground combat than prior games in the series. 3rd edition rules have smoother, cleaner mechanics, 150 air combat & 60 ground & anti-shipping scenarios. 48 aircraft & 16 types of naval vessels. Received 4 Charlie Roberts award nominations in 2019. JD Webster'20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT FAMILY GAMES, a Way to Involve Everyone in a Simpler Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s/o 1500, THE NEW WORLD (Versse) $42.00 New BC n Fast playing board & card game in which 2-6 players explore & conquer the New World. This is the core game; 5 national add-on kits available separately. Addition of a Nation add-on kit allows solitaire play. During a player's turn, they can play as many action cards as they are able, with each card able to perform one of several types of actons such as building, repairing or reducing a colony, adjusting royal support & more. 112 cards, 2 countersheets, smallish map of North & South America. '18 s/o 1812, WAR OF..., 4TH (ColumG) $45.00 New BC D Simpler, block-style game of a little known war, focused on the fight for control of the Great Lakes area between US & Canada. Fast playing w/ excellent fog-of-war element. Great beginners game, too. '85 s/o 1848, AUSTRALIA (GMT) $52.50 New DC D Semi-historical, 3-6 player game of developing & operating railroads in Australia, and even more about manipulating the stock market to make a bundle even while your RRs whither. Uses the 18xx game system. 6 private & 8 public RRs, plus the Bank of England as a source of loans. Player with the most shares of a company controls its actions. Player with the most loot at the end wins. Helmut Ohley'21 s/o 1862, RAILWAY MANIA IN EASTERN COUNTIES (GMT) $55.00 New DC D 18xx series game set in 1862 eastern England. Allows up to 8 players as well as solitaire play, and can be completed in a long evening. Company selection varies, and there are 2 ways to secure financing. Includes solitaire rules. Mounted map of East Anglia, 34 train cards, 10 other cards, 160 certificates, 12 countersheets of track tiles & tokens, paper money. '20 s/o ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE INNER SEA (GMT) $50.00 New DC D Abstract game of civilization development in the areas surrounding the Mediterranean. Can be played by up to six players, including solitaire, with each play possibly playing up to 3 civs. Tone of a game may be one of cooperation or of conflict & war. Natural disasters play a role, as does barbarian invasions. 2 mapboards, 412 wooden tiles, 110 cards. Excellent solitaire suitability with solitaire rules. Christopher Bruegge, Mark McLaughlin'19 s/o ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE MIDDLE EAST (GMT) $59.00 New DC D Abstract, stand-alone game of civilization development in the Middle East, using the system developed with prior Ancient Civs of the Inner Sea, but adding new features. Plays with up to 6 players, and has high solitaire suitability. Game can be played with varying strategies, from cooperative city building & trade, to one of combat. Game length can be varied as well. Mounted board, 416 wooden disks, 8 diety blocks, 110 cards. Christopher Bruegge, Mark McLaughlin'23 s/o BANG 4TH (DVG) $17.50 New SC n Reprint of this card game of a gunfight between the sheriff & deputies v the Outlaw gang. A renagade livens things up by shooting at either side. '09 s/o BANG, THE BULLET 2ND (DVG) $32.00 New LB n Set including all the Bang components published to date, plus some bonuses. Includes all cards from Bang base game, plus those from the High Noon, Dodge City & Fistful of Cards expansions. Also includes 2 new High Noon cards plus 3 new special characters, & 2 blanks & Sheriff's badge. Card game of a gunfight between the sheriff & deputies v the Outlaw gang. A renagade livens things up by shooting at either side. '09 s/o BANG, THE DICE GAME (DVG) $13.00 New SB n The popular Bang! card game ported into a dice game format. Players take turns rolling the dice up to 3 times each turn. The dice determine the actions the player can or must take that turn. Good strategy involves managing your dice rolls to attach opponents or avoid threats. Includes 5 custom dice, 30 game cards, plus various tokens. '13 s/o BANG: HIGH NOON & FISTFUL CARDS KIT 2ND (DVG) $9.00 New SC n Combined & updated Expansion kits with High Noon's 13 cards focused on shootouts between the Outlaws & the Sherrif, and Fistful's 15 cards, and a rulebook. '14 s/o BATTLE LINE CARD GAME 11TH (GMT) $16.00 New SB A 2021 reprint of this simple, fast playing, 2 player card game of ancient tactical combat during the time of Alexander the Great. Play is directed toward capture of opponents leader (flag) cards. Revised & enlarged from German Schotten-Totten game. R.Knizia'21 s/o BATTLE LINE CARD GAME 12TH (GMT) $16.00 New SB D 2024 reprint of this simple, fast playing, 2 player card game of ancient tactical combat during the time of Alexander the Great. Play is directed toward capture of opponents leader (flag) cards. Revised & enlarged from German Schotten-Totten game. R.Knizia'24 s/o CARGO EXPRESS CARD GAME (Compas) $54.00 New SB n Card game for 2-4 players where players are railroad entrepreneurs accepting orders to transport goods along share rail lines. '19 s/o CHARIOTEER, RACE FOR GLORY IN ROME (GMT) $58.00 New DC D Simpler, fast playing strategic game of chariot racing at Circus Maximus. Movement is based on achieving a set of cards, but those same cards offer special abilities or events if used for other purpuses. Players can attack others, or simply race, and the emperor can always intervene. A player's skills increase over multiple races, or with the emperor's pleasure. 2 mounted maps, 6 wooden chariots, 171 cards, various markers & tokens. Simpler game suitable to family play. Matt Calkins'22 s/o CODENAMES DUET XXL (CGE) $29.00 New BC n Cooperative, 2+ player game in which players must give each other 1-word cludes to help each other identify "safe" secret agents in a network. s/o CYTOSIS, A CELL BIOLOGY GAME 2ND (GEN) $28.00 New FB n Interesting theme: players guide biological functions within human cells as players take turns guiding cellular actions by placing "workers" on organelles & collecting resources, then reinvesting resources in detoxifying the cell & building enzymes, hormones & hormonal receptors to score health points. Healthiest player wins! '19 s/o DOMINANT SPECIES 6TH (GMT) $60.00 New DC D 5th reprint of this 2-6 player game of survival of the fitest species, 90,000BC, as another ice age approaches. Each player represents a major animal group (eg mammal, reptile, bird etc) and seek to become dominant on as many terrain tiles as possible, receiving victory points for each. 3rd ed has new graphics on cards, map, terrain tiles & counters. C.Jensen'21 s/o DOMINANT SPECIES: MARINE SPECIES KIT 2ND (GMT) $59.00 New DC D 2023 reprint. Large kit adding ocean creatures to this game of survival of the fittest. Presents 4 aquatic classes of animals - dinosaur, fish, cephalopod & crustacean, and each must seek dominance in a changing environment on earth after an ice age 60 million years ago. Modest complexity. 54 cards, 7 sheets of tiles, 178 wooden cubes. Chad Jensen'23 s/o GET LUCKY, THE KILL DOCTOR LUCKY GAME (Cheapa) $23.00 New SB n What amounts to a 5th Ed of Kill Lucky. Simple, humorous card game for 2-15 players. Akin to Clue BEFORE the murder. Players find a weapon, hunt down Dr. Lucky (who is just that - very hard to kill), and take him out. Players use cards to locate a room, weapon & murder-intent character; other players are Dr. Lucky's luck. '14 s/o GRAND PRIX (GMT) $49.00 New DC D 2-11 players compete in a Formula 1 Gran Prix auto race, each controlling one or multiple 2-car teams. Players score points by being among the top 10 finishers (1st being huge), and also by placement of all cars in the race. Includes 4 race traces (with more surely to come), each with many tight corners limiting the opportunity to pass. Uses game elements drawn from earlier Thunder Alley. Wear & tear on the cars is great, and the penalty for pitstops less in this game. Tracks compatible with earlier Thunder Alley. Includes 122 race, event & team cards. J & C Horger'16 s/o HAMMER OF THE SCOTS 4TH (ColumG) $63.00 New BC E 2019 4th ed with 24mm wooden blocks, v3 rules. Block-style, strategic level board game of the Braveheart Rebellion led by William Wallace against Britain, the War of Scottish Independence. Map covers n.England & Scotland. 56 blocks, 25 event cards. T.Dalgliesh, J.Taylor'19 stk HAMMER OF THE SCOTS 4TH [DELUXE] (ColumG) $72.00 New BC E 2019 4th [deluxe] ed with 24mm wooden blocks, v3 rules, thicker map. Block-style, strategic level board game of the Braveheart Rebellion led by William Wallace against Britain, the War of Scottish Independence. Map covers n.England & Scotland. 56 blocks, 25 event cards. T.Dalgliesh, J.Taylor'19 s/o ILLUMINATI, THE GAME OF CONSPIRACY 3RD (SJG) $29.00 New SB n Box says 2nd edition but is actually 3rd edition. 2018 substantive revision of the highly popular 2-6 player card game from the '80s in which all sorts of secret sects & govt agencies try to rule the world. This edition uses more current events & contemporary references in the game material. Best Sci Fi game of '82. Includes 110 cards. '18 s/o LAST SPIKE, THE... (ColumG) $36.00 New BC D Simpler game in which 2-6 players cooperate to build a railway from St. Louis to Sacramento in the 1800s. Players compete to accumulate cash from land speculation along the way. Fast playing, suitable for beginners. Board is largely abstract but colorful land. T.Dalgliesh'15 s/o LEAPING LEMMINGS (GMT) $25.00 New BC D Fun, fast playing card-driven family board game. Players represent genetic scientists seeking to manipulate their colony of lemmings to be best at throwing themselves off a cliff. But there are hazards: hungry eagles & lots of treachery. Has a depth of strategy that isn't obvious by the topic. R.Young, J.Poiniske'10 s/o LEAPING LEMMINGS: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) $16.00 New n D Mounted map for this game. '10 s/o LONGEST TRENCH WITH TWO EXPANSIONS (UGG) $39.00 New SB D (Simple historically-oriented card game of famous land & sea World War I battles from a strategic view. The Central Powers & the Entente try to defeat their opponent by effective allocation of troops, ships & support such as mines, air power, trenches, etc on each of three fronts. Intended to be a fast-playing, fun 2-player game (which can be played as 2 teams of 2). Includes two expansions. Arno Maesen, Frederic Moyersoen'23 s/o LOONACY, THE MANIACAL MATCHING CARD GAME (Loo) $12.00 New BC n Simple, very fast paced & fast playing, 2-5 player family card game of matching images quickly with the open piles of cards in front of everyone. First to discard 7 cards wins. '14 s/o MED SIROCCO (Hexasi) $30.00 New SC D French-produced, English-language card game for 2-6 players akin to Atlantic Storm, Modern Naval Battles and Pacific Typhoon. Played in 21 rounds with multiple players on each of two sides. A card is drawn to determine the kind of engagement: battle or convoy. Then players on each side commit force cards. Side with the largest total wins, then the one player that committed the plurality of force distributes the enemy ships & convoy (which are worth points). Lots of interactivity & continuous action. 165 cards. '17 s/o MODERN NAVAL BATTLES, GLOBAL WARFARE 3RD $43.00 New BC n (Versse) Overhaul of the popular 2-6 player card game of ahistorical ship-ship combat in the modern age. 2-6 players, fast playing, includes 110 ship & aircraft cards now featuring photos of the craft in question. '08 s/o MUNCHKIN APOCALYPSE (SJG) $18.00 New SB O A new game in the Munchkin line. Players experience - & throw at each other - every possible natural & unnatural disaster possible. Also includes variable victory conditions. '12 s/o MUNCHKIN BOOTY (SJG) $18.00 New SB n Stand-alone game that combines with other games in the Munchkin series. This time, the characters are swaggering pirates in search of plunder & booty. '08 s/o MUNCHKIN BOOTY: JUMP THE SHARK KIT (SJG) $14.00 New SB n Kit in the Munchkin theme, moving the game to the ocean in search of booty. Fight various sharks or Moby Dick. New ships, new class (explorer). '09 s/o MUNCHKIN DELUXE (SJG) $21.00 New FB n Physical elaboration of this simple, fun, multiplaer card game that captures the essence of a dungeon experience, tongue in cheek: Grab the Horny Helmut & the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. '11 s/o MUNCHKIN LEGENDS (SJG) $18.00 New SB n A new game in the Munchkin line. Players face mythical monsters & collect their loot. Challenge the Boogie Man by wearing your Achilles Heels! This is a stand-alone game, compatible with all other Munchkin games & kits, with 168 cards. '14 s/o MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES (SJG) $18.00 New SB O Simple, multiplayer card game in the Munchkin theme but focused on zombies kicking in the door to eat your brains. '11 s/o MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES 2: ARMED &DANGEROUS KIT (SJG) $14.00 New SB n Kit adding 112 new cards to Munchkin Zombies. Use your Trained Attack Flies or your Prehensile Tongue, or use the Power of Scientists against the braindead Survivalist... '11 s/o ONCE UPON A TIME, 3RD (Atlas) $20.00 New SC n Neatly little card game for all ages, esp. good w/ children. Players tell stories to match each card played. Object is to play out all cards, the last being a Happy Ending card. Cards nicely illustrated. R.Lambert, A.Rilstone, J.Wallis'95 s/o ROBO RALLY 5TH (RGS) $39.00 New LB n Latest reprint of this simple, elegant, colorful, family-oriented & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED game of 8 robots dueling w/ one another on an automated factory floor to complete a race circuit. Cards provide special weapons & abilities. Map sections can be combined in innumerable ways. Has been out of print for 7 years. '23 s/o SLAPSHOT 3RD (ColumG) $22.50 New SC D Reprint of this v.simple, fun & humorous game of managing a comical hockey team thru the normal season & into the playoffs, for 2-6 players. Players assemble a team, wheel & deal with players thru the normal season, then compete in playoffs with a fixed team roster, injuries not withstanding. T.Dalgleisch, L.Gutteridge, R.Gibson, J.Gordon'11 s/o THUNDER ALLEY (GMT) $45.00 New BC D 2-7 player, fast playing & exciting game of stock car racing using a card-driven system. Each player controls a team of 3-6 cards. Play remains quite fluid, with several cards allowed to move with the play of a single card. Positioning is important to maintain draft & keep your team together. Wear & mechanical failures will force pit stocks. Game includes 4 tracks on 2 dbl-sided mounted boards. Includes 42 car counters & 110 Racing & Event cards. J & C.Horger'14 s/o TICKET TO RIDE 15TH ANNIV EDITION (DayWon) $39.00 New LB O 15th Anniversary edition in a large box with a mapboard 50% larger than the original, and 5 sets of sculpted colored plastic trains. Basically a deluxe printing with few substantive changes to this popular game of moving frieght around the US for fun & profit. '19 s/o URBAN SPRAWL (GMT) $18.00 New DC D 2-4 player game modeling how a town grows into a sprawling metropolis. Players are entrepreneurs, tycoons & politicians seeking "growth" & thus wealth & prestige. Buildings are placed on an existing grid of streets, Building Permits can be converted to cash, and players can execute a limited number of actions each turn: gain new building permits, build, or acquire a favor. Something like SimCity, except the goal is ultimately personal - rather than social - advantage. C.Jensen'11 s/o WELCOME TO CENTERVILLE (GMT) $41.00 New BC D Fast-playing 2-4 player game of building & running a small town. Players are movers & shakers seeking personal fortune "in the public benefit." Requires skillful play to win, but chance is a big element to keep you guessing. Chad Jensen'17 s/o WORLDS, WAR OF THE..., ENGLAND (Versse) $49.00 New BC O Base solitaire game in this series covering HG Well's story of a Martian invasion of Earth in the late 1800s, with the player representing England. This is the base game covering England; kits available separately for other nations. Earth defenders must build their defenses and guide refugees away from the Martians, while the Martians aim to lay waste to much of England by destroying cities & abducting refugees. As the devestation mounts, Earth's productivity declines. 112 cards, 4 countersheets, custom dice.'19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECENTLY PUBLISHED GAMES Your Significant-Other May Not Have (Yet) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s/o 18 INDIA (GMT) $59.00 New DC E Game of the Indian railroad system based on the 18xx series, but which major deviations. For 2-5 players. Based on an earlier game, but in-game randomness is replaced with pre-game variability, making each game unique. Goal of course is to be the wealthiest player at the end of the game. Mounted map, 210 track tiles, 125 wooden tokens, 253 cards. '23 s/o 1846, THE RACE FOR THE MIDWEST 2ND (GMT) $52.50 New DC D 2021 update. 3-5 player railroading game in the 1830 (18xx) game system. Railroad boom in the midwest has gone bust, and 5 larger railroads based in the east take advantage of the vacuum. Players try to piece together a dominant railroad from the remnants of the busted railroads. This game has unique features including an opening draft, variable setup and relatively shorter game length. This game system focuses on stock market manipulation as equally or more important than actually operating the railroads owned. Includes 6 countersheets of tiles, 109 cards & stock certificates, mounted map. Tom Lehmann'21 s/o 1871, RULES FOR THE FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR (CofA) $29.00 New Bk E Kit containing additional miniatures rules set in the 1870 series. This set provides fast-playing rules for the Franco-Prussian War while remaining compatible with prior games, plus additional scenarios. Includes OoBs, historical notes & maps, and alternative scenarios. Includes scenarios for small battles of a couple of divisions as well as multi-corp battles. Perfect bound. s/o 1914, OFFENSIVE A OUTRANCE: COUNTERS KIT (GMT) $6.00 New n D 140 counter countersheet that serves to provide errata counters as well as counters for the 2018 living rules sets for Offensive Outrance & Serbien Muss Sterbien. Includes an explanatory sheet. Mike Reisch'21 stk ACES OF VALOR, WWI AERIAL COMBAT (Legion) $55.00 New BC E Solitaire game of air-air combat during World War I. Player commands a fighter squadron on the Western Front from the German, British, French or American forces. Choose a campaign consisting of 8-16 missions, draw cards to set the mission objective (such as patrol, strafing, recon, spotting balloon busting, or bomber escort). When combat occurs, pilot skill, aircraft performance & luck all determine the outcome. Earn points by destroying enemy aircraft or ground targets & completing missions successfully. Those points can then be used to repair, replace or upgrade aircraft. Points determine victory. Eric von Rossing'23 s/o ALEXANDER AGAINST PERSIA (VaeV_G) $40.00 New FO D French-produced, English (& French) language game. Grand tactical game of 3 battles occuring during Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia. First in the By the Edge of the Sword game series. Covers the battles of Granicus, 334BC; Issos, 335BC; and Gaugamela, 331BC. Each sides' unique unit types must be managed properly to acheive success. 2 maps, 432 counters, 3 scenarios with what-if variants. Frederic Bey'20 s/o ALMORAVID, RECONQUISTA & RIPOSTE 1085-86 (GMT) $63.00 New DC D The western jewel of Islam in Iberia had fractured by 1085, and the christian king Alfonso VI mustered a large army to recapture the lands from the Muslims. But the defenders sought help from north Africa, and the reconquest was anything but easy. Uses the Levy & Campaign game system from Nevsky. Shows lords' ability to muster forces, and their ability to command armies. Politics, the need for tribute will, Moor fortifications, African troops & bloodthirsty crusaders all will guide strategy. Mounted map, 177 wooden pieces, 112 cards, 3 countersheets. Volko Ruhnke'22 s/o ALMOST A MIRACLE, AM REV IN NORTH #51 (Agains) n $29.99 New HP E Mag & game. Game of the American Revolution in the northern portion of the US, focused on the area from northern Maryland north. Uses the Tarleton's Quarter game system. Covers the factors that made warfare of the era unique: morale, leadership, disease & desertion. 280 counters, area move. David Jones'20 s/o ARCTIC DISASTER, DESTRUCTION OF PQ17 #47 n $29.00 New HP E (Agains) Mag & game. Initial copies of this game had a poorly printed countersheet; a reprint is planned. Game of the disasterous destruction of PQ-17 in July 1942. When this arctic convoy was threated with focused German naval, surface & air attacks, the convoy dispersed making individual ships vulnerable. Each merchant & surface ship & U-Boat is represented by a counter, with ~10 aircraft per counter. 280 counters. Mark Stille'19 s/o ASL:BEST OF FRIENDS 2 SCENARIO KIT (MMP) $20.00 New Fo E New scenario pack with new map #85, plus 12 scenarios, all of which were used in the Swedish Friendly Fire Tournament. Includes a variety of actions thruout WWII in Europe (with one in the Pacific between Russian & Japanese forces). '10 stk ASL:BITTEREST DAY (Boundi) $72.00 New n D Module covering the bitter fight in the mountainous terrain of Okinawa, Feb 1945. Includes 9 scenarios, 1 countersheet of specialized units included in the scenarios, and one historical ASL map. Requires prior modules (rules, US & Japanese) to play. '24 stk ASL:ROMA 2020 (MMP) $10.00 New Fo E Scenario pack created in association with an Italian ASL group. Includes new, #86 map and 4 scenarios including Italian, Greek, German, French partisans, New Zeland & US forces. Scenarios occur in Greece & Italy, 1940-44. '20 s/o ASL:STARTER KIT BONUS KIT #2 (MMP) $20.00 New FO E Kit adding 2 maps & 8 scenarios to all of the prior Starter Kits. Includes maps I & J, and scenarios S82-89, which cover actions thruout WWII and in both Europe & the Pacific. Requires parts all 4 Starter Kits plus Exp Pack #1 & 2 to play all scenarios. '21 s/o ASSAULT ON TOBRUK 2ND #99 (Com_PW) n $37.00 New n A Update of a 1980 SimCan, company level game of Rommel's successful one-day, June 1942 assault on Tobruk. Map covers the fortress of Tobruk and its strong points along the perimeter. Turns are double impulses. 7 scenarios including historical battle plus 6 other what-ifs exploring improved Allied command control & tactics, artillery coordination and an alternative attack plan for the Axis. Low complexity. 670m/hex, 2hrs/turn, company level. Stephen Newberg'21 s/o AUTUMN FOR BARBAROSSA DELUXE [2ND] (MMP) $30.00 New zl E Updated version of game previously published in Special Ops #7 using the SCS Standard Combat game system. Covers the campaign in central USSR in late summer of 1941 as the Germans attempt to sieze Smolensk before the front stablized until the fall. Deluxe edition uses larger, 5/8" counters and a physically larger map, and incorporates errata. Smaller game with a limited number of units, making for fast play & good for tournaments or beginners. There game begins with the German offensive at full tilt, but a Hitler roll with eventually cause all the mechanized and half the air support units to disappear, so must move fast. The Soviet seeks to stall, and conserve forces, until the tide turns when they can counterattack. 352 counters, 2 maps, 6days/turn, 7mi/hex, rgt/div level, hi solitaire suitability. Dean Essig'21 s/o AVEC INFINI REGRET III (VaeV_G) $25.00 New Fo D Third installment of battles of the French Wars of religion between 1562-98. This set includes the battle Moncontour 1569. While besieging Poitiers, Protestant forces turn to face a larger Catholic army that soundly defeats them. 1 double-sided map, 216 counters, 200-1200 men/counter, 150m/hex, 20-30min/turn. '21 151644 BANISH ALL THEIR FEARS (GMT) $34.00 New BC n Game in the Bayonet & Musket game series covering 2 key battles of the War of Spanish Succession. Neerwinden covers the 1693 defense of a fortified village against the French army under Luxembourg, leading to the British army's defeat. Blenheim covers Marlborough's victory deep in Bavaria against combined Bavarian & French forces. System reflects the larger armies armed with flinklock muskets & steel bayonets during this era, as well as problems with command & control. 190-220yd/hex, 20min/turn, Btln level, Dbl-sided map, 5 countersheets. Suitable for solitaire play. David Fox'23 s/o BARRACKS EMPERORS, TIME OF CRISIS (GMT) $33.00 New BC D 1-4 player card game set during the Roman Time of Crisis in the 3rd Century, where 45 men made claim to be emperor. Players accumulate & deploy political influence (given by their cards) in an effort to claim the emperorship for one of their boys. Basically a trick-taking game in an unique way. Every card can be played in two ways, making for tough decisions. Includes a simple solitaire module. Low complexity, 116 cards, 6 counters. Brad Johnson, Wray Ferrel'23 151944 BAYONETS & TOMAHAWKS, FRENCH & INDNWAR2D (GMT) $36.00 New DC n 2024 reprint. Strategic level game of the French & Indian War, 1755-60, that ended France's control of Canada. Includes army movement, naval operations, diplomacy with indiginous nations, etc. Four scenarios & 3 variants & optional extension into 1760. For 1-4 players. 3wks/round, mounted map, 54 cards, 143 counters. Marc Rodrigue'24 s/o BRIEF BORDER WARS (Compas) $53.00 New BC E Quadragame of 4 smaller, lesser known wars from 1969-2006. Uses a card-driven system modeling the chaotic, on-&-off nature of border wars. FOOTBALL WAR covers the dispute between El Salvador & Honduras, 1969. OPERATION ATTILA covers the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, 1974. THIRD INDOCHINA WAR covers the Chinese attack on Vietnam in 1979. SECOND LEBANON WAR covers the Israeli attack on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, 2006. Variable time scale, area-move map, btln-div level. Faster playing. 4 smaller maps, 176 counters. Brian Train'20 s/o BROTHERS AT WAR, 1862 (Compas) $75.00 New BC n Complex, grand tactical level quad game of four battles of the American Civil War from 1862: Antietam, Fox's Gap (South Mountain), Mill Springs & Valverde. Brigades activate via a chit pull, with constituent units moving & fighting individually. Combat resolved via a simple dice mechanism without charts. Unit composition - formed or unformed, mounted or unmounted, limbered or unlimbered. Once a unit's reserves are used, it becomes exhausted & subject to breaking morale. Multiple scenarios for each battle. 100yd/hex, 20min/turn, Regt level, 4 maps, 634 counters, high solitaire suitability. Christopher Moeller s/o CARRIER BATTLE, PHILIPPINE SEA (Compas) $53.00 New BC A Solitaire game of the largest carrier battle during the invasion of Saipan, June 1944. Player commands US forces attempting to locate and attack the Japanese carrier groups before they can attack you. Uses Victory Games' Carrier game system (and by original designer). 9 scenarios: 4 use programmed instruction & cover slices of the battle; 2 cover individual days, 1 is a 2-day scenario, 1 is a hypothetical with different US plans, and 1 is a hypothetical scenario in which Midway never happend and the Japanese have their full carrier fleet. 33nmi/hex, 80min/turn, 528 counters, mounted map. Jon Southard'23 s/o CONQUEST & CONSEQUENCE (GMT) $80.00 New DC D Companion game to (and mateagble with) Triumph & Tragedy, covering the Pacific Theather from 1936-45 at a strategic level. Designed for 3 players giving it a unique dynamic. Begins with the militaristic government in power in Japan tho resource poor yet newly in control of Manchuria. Easier to learn, with cards included in play. Mounted map, 228 blocks, 2 countersheets, 110 cards. Craig Besinque'22 s/o COUNTER TRAYS, AEGIS STYLE 5PAK (Aegis) $19.00 New FB A Five (5) pack of Aegis's counter trays. Each tray contains 20 1.5x2.5 compartments with fitted clear plastic lids. Overall size is 11.25x8.5x0.75". '22 s/o CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION (Compas) $69.00 New DC n Two-game, deluxe package with mounted maps & thick counters covering the Ancient era. FROM SUMERIA TO PERSIA is a multiplayer game of the Bronze & Iron age where players randomly select a civilization, and attempt to grow it from a city-state to a kingdom then an empire, using mechanics akin to History of the World. Special abilities, wonders of the world and special events play a role. ALEXANDER VS DARIUS, FALL OF THE PERSIAN EMPIRE covers Alexander the Great's defeat of the Persian Empire. Key dynamic is war weariness of Alexander's army that could have been hastened by a Persian victory or other Persian strategies. This game has high solitaire suitability. 950 counters, 48 cards. Sean & Daniel Chick'21 s/o CROWNING GLORY, AUSTERLITZ 1805 #57 (Agains) n $32.50 New HP F Mag & game. Includes Enter the Dragon expansion counters for Red Dragon Blue Dragon. Game of what is generally considered Napoleon's greatest victory, the crushing defeat of the Austrians & Russians at Austerlitz in 1805. Feigning weakness, Napoleon encouraged his opponents to attack his right flank which they did, whereupon he attacked their center. Breaking thru, the French surrounded the Third Coalition forces. 600yd/hex, brig/div level, 1hr/turn, 1 map, 216 counters. Ty Bomba'23 s/o CRUELEST MONTH, AIR WAR OVER ARRAS 1917 $42.50 New HP F (Agains) 2020 Annual printed in 2023. Includes the Lash of the Turk expansion. Game of the air war over Arras, France in Apr 1917. The best fighters in the world piloted by some of the best German pilots dig into the British forces, many of which were second line aircraft better dedicated to being trainers. Despite heavy losses, the Brits continued to fly. Game provides multiple missions including balloon busting, ground attack, bombing, photo recon & artillery spotting. Dogfights occur around the 2-seaters. '23 s/o DAWN OF EMPIRE, SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR (Compas) $43.00 New BC n Simpler game of the naval war during the Spanish-American War of 1898 in the Atlantic Ocean at a strategic level. Uses the War at Sea game system, so as much fun as history. The US seeks to control sea areas around Cuba to prevent Spain from supporting their forces in Cuba, and to generally destroy the Spanish navy. 216 counters, 11days/turn, area move, individual ships.'20 s/o DAY WAS OURS, FIRST BULL RUN JULY '61 ZL $42.00 New zl E (Revolu) Packaged in a ziplock. Game of the First Battle of Bull Run, July 1861, using the Blind Swords game series. Covers the often chaotic first major battle of the American Civil War. The Confederate leadership had concluded they'd been outmanuevered & beaten, but the troops continued fighting and turned a defeat into a victory. Using this system, troops may not respond to orders, may hold their fire (mistaking foe for friend). 1 map, 176 counters. '21 s/o DAY WAS OURS, FIRST BULL RUN JULY 1861 $52.00 New BC E (Revolu) Packaged in a bookcase box. Game of the First Battle of Bull Run, July 1861, using the Blind Swords game series. Covers the often chaotic first major battle of the American Civil War. The Confederate leadership had concluded they'd been outmanuevered & beaten, but the troops continued fighting and turned a defeat into a victory. Using this system, troops may not respond to orders, may hold their fire (mistaking foe for friend). 1 map, 176 counters. '21 s/o DEATH OF AN ARMY, YPRES 1914 ZL (Revolu) $42.00 New zl E Packaged in a ziplock bag. Game of the First Battle of Ypres, 1914, at the end of the period after the battle of the Marne as the German and Allied armies attempted to outflank each other in a race to the sea. The British Expeditionary Force, the best army at the time, was bled dry during this campaign. Brig/reg level. 2.5 countersheets. Kerry Anderson'22 s/o DECISIVE VICTORY 1918, SOISSONS (Legion) $48.00 New BC E First of three intended games in the Decisive Victory series that together will cover all of the Second Battle of the Marne, July 1918. This game covers the period 18-23 July near Soissons, France. This was the first time the French army attacked with massed tanks or by surprise, and an American division under French command participated. Mechanics model WWI tactics that made it difficult to punch thru defensive lines and even harder to keep going without a supply chain; Zones of Control are rigid, and disengaging is problematic; combat is highly attritional, and disrupts unit cohesion. System emphasizes need for coordination of artillery support, command control & time to organize an attack. High solitaire suitability. Reg/div level, 1km/hex, 6hrs/turn, small map, 352 counters. Tim Gale'21 s/o EAGLES IN THE SKY (Revolu) $62.00 New DC E Card-based game of air-air combat during the last 18 months of World War I. Players command flights of up to 6 planes conducting a range of missions such as patrol, recon or ballon gbusting. Includes all the major aircraft of the period. Played as either individual engagements or as a campaign of 5 engagements. Quick to play, with a campaign completed in a long evening. 280 counters, 110 cards. A weighty game. Michael Lemick'23 s/o EMPIRES & ALLIANCES, WWI ACROSS EUROPE2D $75.00 New BC G (Compas) Revised & colorized update of AH's Guns of August. Strategic level div/corp level game of World War I thruout Europe, 1914-18. Can be played with up to 4 players. Now includes air, armor, forts & other enhancements. 1mo/turn, Corp level, 30mi/hex, 4 maps, 896 counters. Rob Beyma'18 s/o FATE OF REITERS, 5 BATTLES OF RELIGION $49.00 New BC D (Hexasi) French-produced, English-language version of this game of 5 battles from the French Wars of Religion between catholics & huguenots, 1562-1598 on a grand tactical scale. Uses the By Shot, Shock & Faith game system. Warfare was rapidly evolving during the time, so there is a great diversity of unit composition as well as weaponry. Uses a simple, traditional game sequence. Covers the battles of Cognat, 1568; Dormans, 1575; Vimory, 1587; Auneau, 1587; and Metrieux, 1587. 300-500m areas, 20-30min/turn, 100-500men/unit. 3 maps, 234 counters. Philippe Hardy'20 s/o FIELDS OF FIRE: BULGE KIT (GMT) $17.00 New zl D Kit adding details of the Battle of the Bulge to the base game. US 9th Reg of 2nd Inf Div faced nearly a month of intense combat; this kit models that. Requires any edition of the original Fields of Fire game. 55 cards, 176 counters. Ben Hull'22 s/o FIRE IN THE LAKE: FALL OF SAIGON KIT (GMT) $33.00 New BC D Boxed kit for the base game. Covers the period between 1973 and the final collapse of southern Vietnam in 1975. Includes the Paris Peace Talks, US Antiwar Movement, NVA War Weariness, and new armor units. Adds 3 scenarios allowing solitaire to 4-players to extend the war thru the final 3 years (beginning as early as the Tet Offensive in 1968). Includes 104 cards, 21 wooden pieces, 1 countersheet. Mark Herman, Volka Ruhnke'22 151885 FIRE IN THE LAKE: SOVEREIGN OF DISCORD (GMT) $28.00 New BC n Kit for the 1st or 2nd edition of the base game. Provides a prequel to the later events depicted by by base game between 1961-63 during the Diem years as the Viet Cong began resistance, and arms began arriving in the south. Inclusion of Fall of Saigon as well allows play of the entire 2nd Vietnamese War from its low intensity beginning in 1961 thru the conquest of the south in 1975. 2 1-4 player scenarios, solitaire system (applicable only to this kit), 2 scenarios for the kit + 2 for the base game; 134 cards, 6 wooden pieces, 2.5 countersheets. Rachel GBillingsley'23 stk FIRE IN THE LAKE: TRU'NG BOT KIT (GMT) $18.00 New zl D Kit for the base game that entirely replaces the rules, cards, player aids & charts for non-player forces. Includes a small rules set, a larger reference booklet and a deck of cards. '21 150174 FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN (Legion) $38.00 New BC n Game of Sept 1862 actions around Turner's Gap & Fox's Gap during the Confederate invasion of the north that year, and Stonewall Jackson's siege of Harper's Ferry. 3 Confederate brigades, later reinforced by 2 of Longstreet's divisions, are charged with blocking three Union corps. Ultimately, only the Union's delay allowed the Confederates to avoid defeat. 218 counters, brig level, 300yd/hex, 1hr/turn. John Poinske'22 s/o FLANKS OF GETTYSBURG (Compas) $52.00 New BC A Pair of company-level games covering the brigade-level attacks on Little Round Top and Culp's Hill at Gettysburg, 2 July 1863. Uses a chit-pull system to activate units. Historically, the Union won both battles by feeding reinforcements into the battles continuously. stk FURY AT MIDWAY [2ND] (Revolu) $30.00 New zl E Updated and enlarged from the Japanese game, Midway Turning the Tide in the Pacific. Primarily a game of air operations during the battle of Midway, June 1942. Players struggle with the key questions of what & when to strike, and how to defend your fleet (and for the Americans, the island of Midway). Game system adds variability to strike navigation & coordination and escort forces, which may undercut a good plan. Surface naval forces are not depicted directly. 2 maps, 72 counters, 12 cards. Yasushi Nakaguor'20 s/o GLORIOUS CHANCE, STRUGGLE FOR LK ONTARIO $57.50 New BC E (Legion) Solitair, operational level game in which the player commands either a US or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake to win. Played in a series of missions, you perform patrols, convoys and amphibious landings in each of 6 lake zones, but each action risks full-scale battle with the risk of total victory or catastrophic loss. Enemy forces are activated by chit draw together with card draws. 2 maps, 314 counters, 162 cards. Gina Willis'24 s/o GMT 2023 ERRATA COUNTERS (GMT) $4.50 New n D Single 218 countersheet providing all known errata counter corrections for GMT games published in 2022-3. Something for everyone. Provides counters for 13 games: Barbarossa AGC 2nd (7), GBoH Julius Caesar Dlx (3), Under the Southern Cross (7), Pacific War (92), Seas of Thunder (32), Musket & Pike Dual Pack (1), Next War Poland & Supplement #3 (5), Vietnam (1), Clash of Sovereigns (35), Fields of Fire Old Breed (10), Mr President (6), Border Reivers (4), Stalingrd'42 (2). '23 s/o GOOSE GREEN (MMP) $28.00 New zl E Game of the first & pivotal battle of the Falklands War of 1982 near the main town of Port Stanley. The British have greater firepower & leadership, but must overcome entrenched Argentinian defenders well-supplied with minefields, trenches, heavy weapons, AA and outnumbering the Brits 2 to 1. Includes 3 short scenarios & two campaigns. 125yd/hex, 20-30min/turn, 140 counters, Pltn level. Dean Essig'23 s/o GRANADA, LAST STAND OF THE MOORS 1482-92 $76.00 New BC n (Compas) Block-style game of the Reconquista in Spain, as the Catholics attempt to push the Muslims (Moors) out of Spain. An alliance of Castille & Aragon, with Papal support, creates the last Crusade. But deception & betrayal on the Catholic side may undermine their abilities. Units represented by blocks depicting the symbol of their origin. Played ona point-point movement map of southeastern Iberia. Uses colorful cards which allow raising, moving or rallying armies & fleets. Cards also allow specific elements to participate in a battle. Various weapon types have specific advantages when used properly. Key to victory is possession of the city of Granada. 1Yr/turn, 137 unit blocks, 67 other blocks, 155 cards. Jose Rivero'21 s/o GRAND HAVOC, PERRYVILLE (Revolu) $52.00 New BC E Boxed version. Game of the confused & ferocious battle of Perryville, 1862, during Bragg's Kentucky Campaign. Veteran Confederate forces under blander leadership attack superior Union numbers composed mostly of green troops. Includes several what-if scenarios. 352 counters. Jeff Grossman'23 s/o GRAND HAVOC, PERRYVILLE [ZIPLOCK] (Revolu) $42.00 New zl E Ziplock version. Game of the confused & ferocious battle of Perryville, 1862, during Bragg's Kentucky Campaign. Veteran Confederate forces under blander leadership attack superior Union numbers composed mostly of green troops. Includes several what-if scenarios. 352 counters. Jeff Grossman'23 s/o GRAND PRIX: NEW TRACK PACK (GMT) $26.00 New BC D Kit adding 4 new tracks to the base of Grand Prix: Silverstone, Monza, Monaco & Spa-Francorchamps. Tracks can also be used for Thunder Alley. Includes 2 mounted, dbl-sided boards & 1 page of track rules. '23 151943 GREAT WAR COMMANDER: BATTLE PACK KIT (Hexasi) $30.00 New zl n Scenario pack for the base game. These 12 new scenarios are focused on the Western Front with German versus US, British, French and Portuguese forces. Includes an amphibious assault WWI-style and also the battle of Verdun. Adds 1 dbl-sided map, 113 counters with new units, tanks & weapons. Reqs base game AND BEF expansion to play all scenarios. Rules in English & French. '22 stk GREAT WAR COMMANDER: BEF EXPANSION KIT $60.00 New BC D (Hexasi) Boxed kit adding British Commonwealth forces to the game by providing a unique, 90-card deck highlighting Britain's unique advantages & disadvantages, plus 226 counters depicting infantry, leaders, tanks, weapons & aircraft. Also includes 16 scenarios and 5 double-sided maps, plus a revised rulebook. Platoon level, 50m/hex, few minutes/turn. Pascal Toupy'20 s/o GREATER VICTORY, SOUTH MOUNTAIN 1862 (Revolu) $59.00 New BC E Boxed version. Game of a key battle fought in Sept 1862, three days before the major batle of Antietam, and influencing the latter as well as Stonewall's siege of Harper's Ferry. Uses the Blind Sword game system of unit activation. The Confederates under DH Hill are heavily outnumbered, but the Union forces are scattered and must coordinate across most difficult terrain. Played on a single map, but with two small scenarios covering Fox's Gap & Frosttown, plus a scenario covering the entire battle. Well suited to solitaire play. OoB reflects the effective strength of units rather than just the number of men. 352 counters, regt/brig level. Steve Carey'22 s/o GREATER VICTORY, SOUTH MOUNTAIN 1862 ZL $49.00 New zl E (Revolu) Ziplocked version. Game of a key battle fought in Sept 1862, three days before the major batle of Antietam, and influencing the latter as well as Stonewall's siege of Harper's Ferry. Uses the Blind Sword game system of unit activation. The Confederates under DH Hill are heavily outnumbered, but the Union forces are scattered and must coordinate across most difficult terrain. Played on a single map, but with two small scenarios covering Fox's Gap & Frosttown, plus a scenario covering the entire battle. Well suited to solitaire play. OoB reflects the effective strength of units rather than just the number of men. 352 counters, regt/brig level. Steve Carey'22 s/o HANNIBAL, ITALIAN CAMPAIGN 2ND #95 (Com_PW) n $42.00 New n A Mag & game. Update of much earlier SimCan game. Covers the 2nd Punic War in the Roman mainland beginning with Hannibal's 218BC crossing of the Alps with the Carthagenian army and lasted for 13 years. Hannibal's army survived in hostile territory, often defeating Roman armies, with sieges, recruitment & Roman elections. 1yr/turn, 40km/hex, 248 counters. Peter Hollinger'20 / ARTICLES ON: Preview of upcoming CPS games; Reviews of: CPS Blue Water Navy, CPS Decision at Kasserine 2nd, CPS Attrition of Souls; the Battle of Lugdunum, France, 197AD; How to Research a Wargame [topic]; new Night Drop scenario for CPS Combat!; CPS Russia Besigned & the Evolution of East Front games; Company Scale System Bootcamp Tutorial. s/o HEART OF DARKNESS, EXPLORATION OF AFRICA $55.00 New BC E (Legion) Adventure game of in which players are a team of explorers leading an expedition into uncharted (by white men) Africa during the 19th century, hoping to bring back fantastic stories & artifacts. Game traces its heritage to Source of the Nile, one of the most innovative & fun adventure games ever published in our opinion. Kim Kanger'21 s/o HILL OF DOVES, FIRST BOER WAR 1880-81 2D $55.00 New BC E (Legion) Significant update from the previous DTP version. Solitaire game of the first Anglo-Boer War, 1880-1. Player controls the British army against the Transvaal Republican Army, and must dominate the Laing's Nek area between Natal & the Transvaal to win. Played at concurrent strategic, operational & tactical levels, each with its own mapboard. Battles are resolved via Tactical or Ambush decks of cards, and turns involve an Operational deck as well. 181 counters, 5 card decks (~94 cards), 4 mapboards, company level, weekly turns. Godfrey Bailey'22 s/o HOOD STRIKES NORTH (MMP) $80.00 New BC E New game in the Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) game series. Covers the attempt by the Confederates under Hood to capture Nashville in Nov 1864. While initially successful, they were crushed by the Union counter offensive the next month. Includes 8 scenarios & a campaign game. 1 maps, 2 countersheets. Joe Balkoski, Chris Withers, Ed Beach'21 151946 HORNET'S NEST, BUYING TIME AT SHILOH (DecGms) $8.50 Mint Fo Y Small folio game of the desperate Union defense of the roads leading to Pittsburgh Landing which supplied their army against a determined Confederate attack during the height of the battle of Shiloh, Apr 1862. Uses the Musket & Saber game system that emphasizes unit quality over size, and shows the unique roles of artillery & reserves. '21 stk HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY (MMP) $99.00 New BC E Game of the 1944 Soviet drive into Hungary (including the battle of Debrecen), and the German's desparate 1945 Konrad offensive to relieve the siege of Budapest and save 50,000 troops there. Soviet forces are powerful: 3 tank armies, 5 mech corps & 3 cavalry corps, but are operating at the limits of their logistical trail. German forces include 13 panzer divisions. Uses the OCS Operational Combat game series. Regt/Div level, 3.5days/turn, 5mi/hex. Includes 2 maps, 6 countersheets, 13 scenarios using 1 or 2 maps plus grand campaign. Stephane Acquaviva, Dean Essig'20 s/o I, NAPOLEON (GMT) $45.00 New BC D Solitaire, role-playing card game that puts in in the shoes of Capt. Napoleon Bonaparte in 1793 late in the French Revolution, as all of the rest of Europe assemble armies to put down the popular rabble and restore the French monarchy. Game involves marshalling Napoleon's talents in this setting to both save France and rise in rank. Game progresses by playing out Napoleon's life using a series of card decks, which you use to manage politics, military campaigns, diplomacy & domestic well-being of France. Oh, and Napoleon's wives & mistresses as well! High replay value. 220 cards, 140 counters, mounted map. Tim Raicer'24 s/o IMPERIAL TIDE (Compas) $53.00 New BC A Highly strategic level game of World War I, with only four game turns each representing 1 year of time. Each turn consists of several rounds of card play that enables movement, combat, entrenchment & other actions. Based on the Pacific Tide game system. Uses a point-point map of all of Europe, and 100 counters. Key mechanics is the annual purchase of cards, each giving unique abilities; attritional combat; purchase of resource points. Rules for solitaire play included. s/o INFERNO, GUELPHS & GHIBELLINES 1259-61 (GMT) $65.00 New DC D Third game in the Levy & Campaign game series. Focuses on the conflict between the merchant class & fuedal lords in Tuscany, Italy, 1259-61. A small battle between the cities of Florence & Siena escalates into a large regional war. Gathering resources in this rich region is less of a problem than treachery. Point-Point map, 2mo/turn, mounted map, 175 wooden blocks, 108 cards, 3 counter sheets. High solitaire suitability. Enrico Acerbi, Volko Ruhnke'23 s/o INTO THE WOODS, BATTLE OF SHILOH 1862 (GMT) $41.00 New DC D 8th installment of GMT's line of Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) begun with SPI's Terrible Swift Swords. Shows the 1862 battle of Shiloh, as the Confederates under Johnson surprise Grant's forces along the Mississippi. Uses chits to activate higher units. Includes 10 scenarios, from single divisions on each side to the full 2-day campaign. Includes the effect of the Confederate surprise attack, the green quality of many of units, and the unique role the Confederate general Johnson played. High solitaire suitability. 1hr/turn, 110yd/hex, 50men/strength point, 1120 counters, 2 double-sided maps. Richard Berg, Dick Whitaker'22 stk INVASION OF MALTA & BATTLE OF LEROS (Legion) $60.00 New BC E Game of the grand what-if had the Axis forces actually invaded Malta by air & by sea at any of 3 key time frames: Fall 1940, Spring 1941 or Summer 1942. Uses a chit-draw system for unit activation, and efficiency ratings for each individual unit. Includes random events and a well-researched OoB by a veteran designer. Game also includes a game on the German Nov 1943 air & sea invasion of Leros, with forces about a third the size of those on Malta. 8hrs/turn, 600yd/hex, Btln/Comp level, 3 maps, 704 counters, total of 4 scenarios. Vance von Borries'24 s/o KEEP UP THE FIRE, BOXER REBELLION (Worthi) $52.00 New FB A Solitaire game set during the Boxer Rebellion in Peking, China, 1900. Player commands the foreign forces in China. You must coordinate the various nations' foreigns and await relief by an 8-nation relief force that must battle their way from a port to Peking, making the game a race against time. '21 s/o KHARKOV BATTLES, BEFORE+AFTER FALL BLAU $54.00 New BC A (Compas) Game using the Fall Blau game system covering the 2nd & 3rd Battles of Kharkov, May 1943 & March 1943. Stand-alone game, but can mate with Fall Blau to offer a grand campaign. Div/corp level, with stacking of 3 units but only one large unit (& all smaller sized units) may attack from a hex. 4 scenarios, High solitaire suitabililty. 3days/turn, btln/brig/div/corp level, 6.5mi/hex, 2.5maps, 3 countersheets. Greg Blanchett'21 s/o LA BATAILLE DE HANAU (Legion) $39.00 New BC E Game of the 1813 attempt by the defecting Bavarians, supported by an Austrian Corp, to stop Napoleon's retreating army before Frankfurt. The Bavarians assumed the French would be a ragged, incoherent mob. But they were soon attacked the the French Imperial Guard led by Napoleon himself. After an initial defeat, the Bavarians attack the French the next day. This game covers the latter. Regt level with btln level formations, 165 counters, 30min/turn, 250m/hex, 300men/strength pt. Didier Rouy'21 s/o LA BATAILLE DE MONT ST. JEAN DELUXE 2ND (CofA) 119.00 New BC F 2022 reprint. Exp kit w/ 4 maps, rules, tables & 7 scenarios allowing the mating of Quatre Bras & Ligny to fight the btl of Waterloo. '22 s/o LA BATAILLE DE MONT ST. JEAN EXP KIT 2ND $38.00 New HC F (CofA) 2022 reprint. Kit adding 4 maps, rules, tables & 7 scenarios allowing extending the btl to Waterloo on 18 June & link the btls dynamically. Reqs Quatre Bras & Ligny. E.Wimble'2022 s/o LA GUERRE DE 1870 (VaeV_G) $23.00 New Fo D French-produced, English-language version of this strategic-level game of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 using an evolution of the Marshals game series. The French declare war on Prussia, fulfilling Bismarck's desire to unite the German states, but lack an offensive plan. Meanwhile, Prussia has a carefully prepared plan for mobilization and concentration that ultimately led to its victory. Area-move, 1 map, 216 counters, 3 scenarios, Div level, 10km/zone, 1day/turn. Laurent Martin'20 s/o LA PRIMOGENITA, 1941 EAST AFRICA (Legion) $42.00 New BC E Operational level game of the Italian East African campaign of 1941. The Allies invade Italian-held Eritrea with two Indian divisions & some Free French units. The defenders are all colonial units, plus some Italian units in reserved. The Italians held off the Allied forces for 8 weeks around the town of Cheren (Keren) before being forced to retreat. Units are assigned orders to attack, move, entrench, resupply, etc, with prioritized numbers what decide which actions occur first, each side getting 4 sets of orders at a time. 1wk/turn, 7.5mi/hex, btln to brig level. '23 stk LAST HUNDRED YARDS: MISSION PACK #1 KIT (GMT) $13.00 New zl D Kit with 10 new missions set in France 1944 after D-Day, including Normandy, Hurtgen Forest & the Battle of the Bulge. Adds new weapons such as Rhino tanks, new terrain like Hedgerows. Reqs both Fields of Fire and Fields of Fire II to play all scenarios. Includes 2 dbl-sided maps, 10 missions. Mike Denson'22 s/o MANILA, THE SAVAGE STREETS 1945 (Revolu) $38.50 New BC E Game of the bitter, 2-month battle for Manila in Feb-Mar 1945. Area move game. The closer the American forces come to the city center, the stiffer the Japanese resistance becomes. 1 countersheet, 1 small map. Mike Rinella'24 s/o MAORI, WARRIORS OF THE LONG WHITE CLOUD $62.00 New BC A (Compas) 1-4 player game of clan warfare in New Zealand prior to its conquest by Britain. Players build war canoes and train warriors to create a strong force to strike adversaires. Each tribe has a main leader who if killed knocks the tribe out of the game. Can be played solitaire. Played on an area move map of the northern island and the northern tip of the southern island. Kevin McPartland & Jerry Shiles'22 s/o MBT [MAIN BATTLE TANK] 3RD (GMT) $70.00 New BC D "Main Btl Tank." 2022 reprint of GMT's 2016 update of AH's detailed armored combat between Warsaw Pact & Nato forces, circa 1987. Highly detailed combat system, with each unit type has dozens of rated qualities. 5 double-sided geomorphic mounted maps, 6 countersheets, 28 tankcards. Individual AFVs & guns, half & full squad inf units, 15sec-15min/turn, 100m/hex. J.Day'22 s/o MEDIEVAL CONSPIRACY (UGG) $55.00 New DC D 2-6 player card & board game in which players are a noble family in Germany during the Middle Ages seeking to gain votes to be elected the new Holy Roman Emperor. Play is motivated by Action & Event cards which players bid on or receive from the deck, and play as part of their turn. Cards can have numerous & special affects, making each game unique. Board printed in German words & script, but game components otherwise in English. Includes 161 cards, 352 blocks, mounted map. U.Grebe'16 149355 MUNICH WAR #74 (DecWAW) n $34.00 New n Y Mag & game. Game of the possibility of war thruout Europe in 1938, had the British & French not backed off at the Munich conference concerning the Sudetenland & Czechoslovakia. Basically, World War II begins in 1938. Diplomatic alliances are determined prior to the game, and then the game covers the first two months of war. Objective is to sieze a dominant position from which to continue the war. 176 counters, 40mi/hex, 1wk/turn, corp/army level. Joseph Miranda'20 / ARTICLES ON: World War II Beginning in 1938; Indian Army in WWII; Air Battle at Kursk; Hungarian Disaster on the Don River, 1942; Dunkirk Disaster; the Luftwaffe's Kamikaze; USN PC-461 class Patrol Craft. s/o MUSKET & PIKE DUAL PACK [2ND] (GMT) $52.00 New DC D 2022 update of two previously published games now in a single package: This Accursed Civil War and Sweden Fights On. Both depict 30 Years War-era combat in a faithful way, as armies integrate gunpowder in the mid-1600s, with an easy learning curve and well-regarded games. s/o NAPOLEON 1806 (Shakos) $44.00 New FB D First game in the Napoleon games series, covering the Napoleonic 1806 campaign at an operational level which led to the defeat of the Prussians at Jena & Auerstaedt. Uses point-point movement. Rules in English. Denis Sauvage'24 s/o NAPOLEON 1807 (Shakos) $51.00 New FB D Second game in the Napoleon games series, covering the Napoleonic 1807 campaign at an operational level which led to the defeat of the Prussians & Russians at Pultusk, Eylau & Friedland. Includes 13 scenarios, including 2 that allow linking with earlier Napoleon 1806 game. Uses point-point movement. Rules in English. Denis Sauvage'24 s/o NAPOLEON 1815, WATERLOO (Shakos) $47.00 New FB D Third game in the Napoleon games series, covering the Waterloo campaign at an operational level. Uses point-point movement. Rules in English. Can be played by 2 or 3 players. Denis Sauvage'24 s/o NAPOLEON'S IMPERIUM 1798-1815 (Compas) 119.00 New BC n Large, 2-sided, 2-8 player, team-oriented, strategic scale game of the whole of the Napoleonic wars. Eight empires are represented, each with different abilities & econoimies, and each is cast to one of two opposing alliances. Event card adds historical events as well as the fog of war. 780 counters, 2 maps, 1yr/turn, 240 cards, corp level. Units represent artillery, cavalry, camels, infantry, fleets. One side wins by either capturing enemy territories or winning multiple battles. Andrew Roland'21 stk NEXT WAR, IRAN (GMT) $60.00 New BC D 6th game in the Next War series. This game covers the hypothetical boogeyman scenario where Iran asserts its agency by striking at the thing the west cares about the most: the flow of oil from the Middle East and thru the Straits of Hormuz. Likely scenario has Iran mining the Straits, and the US with no real allies in the region attempting to reopen the area to shipping. The US-led Allied player is therefore required to be on the offensive for much of the game with a very long logistical trail, while the Iranian player plays defense. Iran's A2AD weapons as well as all land, air & sea assets of regional powers are included. 7.5mi/hex, Brig/Div/Squadron/Task Force level, 2 maps, 4 countersheets, 3.5day/turn, high solitaire suitability. Mitchell Land'24 151147 NEXT WAR: SUPPLEMENT #3 KIT (GMT) $16.00 New Fo n Kit adding expansion material for the Next War series of games. Includes an expansion map for the balance of Kaliningrad & a portion of Lithuania; expansion hex map showing the islands of Bornholm & Gotland; 2 countersheets with new & revised counters; Cyber Warfare player aid cards; and some optional rules. Kit largely upgrades NW Poland but adds to other games in the series as well. Mitchell Land'23 s/o NORMAN CONQUESTS, 1053-1265 (GMT) $45.00 New BC D Game using the Men of Iron game system to cover 7 battles occuring during the period of Norman conquests of Britain, Italy, Sicily and Syria. Includes the battles of Civitate 1053, Fulford 1066, Stamford Bridge 1066, Hasting 1066, Tinchebrai 1106, Lewes 1264, and Evesham 1265. 110yd/hex, Ralph Shelton'23 s/o NORMANDY '44, JUNE 6TH-JUNE 27TH 4TH (GMT) $42.00 New BC D 2024 reprint of this 2-3 player game of the D-Day landings & the crucial 3-week period of establishing a firm beachhead, June 1944. Uses a simplified Ardennes 1944 system with movement, combat & reserve movement, and a key quality rating. 1day/turn, 2.3mi/hex, btln/rgt/brig level, 2 scenarios & campaign. M.Simonitch'24 s/o NORMANDY '44: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) $15.00 New zl D Kit containing a mounted map for this game of the Normandy campaign in 1944. '20 s/o NORMANDY '44: MOUNTED MAP & DC BOX (GMT) $21.00 New DC D Kit containing a mounted map & a larger, double-case box for this game of the Normandy campaign in 1944. '24 s/o NORTH AFRICA '41, WESTERN DESERT 1941 (GMT) $42.50 New BC D Overhaul of the earlier and well regarded The Legend Begins, plus ideas from later games, by the original designer. Covers the campaign in northern Africa from Rommel's arrival in the theater in March 1941 thru the end of that year. Bttln/Reg/Brig level, 2wks/turn, 2 maps, 2 countersheets. Scenarios for Battle Axe & Crusader, plus the campaign game. Mark Simonitch'23 stk NORTH AFRICA, AFRIKA KORPS V DESERT RATS (MMP) $60.00 New BC E Game of the war in North Africa, 1941-42, using the SCS Standard Combat System; essentially, a reworked & condensed DAK. Covers the war from Operation Compass (1940) to the final battles at El Alamein (1942). Uses a unique activation system tied to supply units in a supply-scarce environment. 4 maps, 560 counters, 10 scenarios (2 using 1 map, 3 using 2 maps). Dean Essig'21 s/o ONCE WE MOVED LIKE THE WIND, APACHE WARS $54.00 New BC n (Compas) Simpler block system game covering the key 25yr period after the American Civil War in which the various Apache tribes made life difficult for the whites trying to appropriate their land in the American Southwest. Each turn a provocation determines the forces available that turn and placement. Movement & combat occur sequentially, but the side with the most points for the turn increases their victory total by one, with the high side at the end being the winner. Use of wooden blocks provides excellent fog of war, with the Apache especially benefiting from decoy units. 22mi/inch, 3-4yrs/turn, 80 blocks. Fast playing. Stephen Newberg'19 150365 OPERATION CAUSEWAY, FORMOSA #83 (DecWAW) n $36.00 New n Y Mag & game. Game of the planned but never executed 1944 invasion of Japanese-held Formosa (now Taiwan). This would have been the largest amphibious invasion in the Pacific. In fact, the US elected to recapture the Philippines instead. Key dynamic is the logistic point, which enables operations. Includes hidden movement. Victory based on control of ports, airfields & cities on the island. Two scenarios: the original, planned invasion and a later, 1945 invasion that assumes portions of the Philippines were captured to better enable Causeway. Includes abstracted air & naval support, choice of invasion locations, ranger & airborne landings. 176 counters, Regt/brig level, 10mi/hex, 1wk/turn. Joseph Miranda'22 / ARTICLES ON: Operation Causeway, Formosa 1944; Greenland in World War II; Polish 1st Armored Division 1944-5; Fatal Flaws of the ME-262 Jet Fighter; Soviet Naval Ops during the Winter War 1939-40; Spanish Invasion of Portugal; the Japense Breakout from Australian Cowra POW camp, 1944; Italian Submarines in WWII. s/o OPERATION ROUNDUP (Agains) $40.00 New HP F Against the Odds Annual. Game covers the hypothetical situation had the western Allies invaded France near Calais in 1943 rather than the Italian mainland. Their forces are not a strong, and they aren't nearly as well prepared with special units such as mine destroyers & mulberries, while the German forces are still rather hollow. '23 s/o PACIFIC TIDE, THE US V JAPAN 1941-45 2ND $46.00 New BC A (Compas) 2022 update. Relatively compact & simple, strategic level game of World War II thruout the Pacific, 1941-5. Uses a fast-paced, card-driven combat & production system revolving around carrier operations. Designed as a 2-player game, it works well as a solitaire game as well. The Japanese must act fast as their advantages - initiative & pilot quality - dwindle over time, while the US must defeat Japan by the historical time frame. Area-move map, 1 countersheet, 51 cards. Gregory Smith'22 s/o PANZER NORTH AFRICA (GMT) $89.00 New LB D Stand-alone game in GMT's Panzer game series (5th edition), this one covering tactical combat in northern Africa 1940-2. Individual AFVs & guns, squad inf. 100m/hex, 15sec-15min/turn. High solitaire suitability. 6 double-sided maps, 8 countersheets, 49 dbl-sided data cards, 45 map overlays. James Day, Fernando Solo Ramos'24 s/o PANZERS LAST STAND (MMP) 125.00 New DC E Large game using the Battalion Combat (BCS) system to cover the German's final series of offensives of World War II. Game covers the period of Jan-Mar 1945 as the Germans attempted to relieve Budapest thru a series of attacks (Konrad, Southwind and Spring Awakening) involving a third of Germany's remaining panzers. Units include the war's biggest & best tanks including the Tiger II, Brummbar, IS-2 & ISU-152, together with the many specialized & ad hoc forces involved in the defense of Budapest. Includes 10 scenarios (2 with 1 map, 7 with 2 maps), 4 maps, 1680 counters. Carl Fung'21 151890 PEOPLE POWER (GMT) $37.50 New DC n 11th game in the popular COIN Counterinsurgency game series. For 3 players, but has high solitaire suitability. Covers the insurgency in the Philippines, 1981-86, against the US-supported Marcos regime which ended with the Marcos fleeing to the US. Three factions - the Government, the Marxist NPA, and the Reformers led by the widowed Aquino - compete to control the country's future. Historically, it led to the sudden collapse of the Marcos regime. Simpler & faster playing game, making it a good intro to the game system. 1yr/turn, area move map, Mounted map, 2 card decks, 80 wood pieces, 12 pawns, 1 countersheet. Kenneth Tee'23 stk PLANTAGENET, COUSINS WAR FOR ENGLAND (GMT) $59.00 New DC D Game of the English Civil War known as the War of the Roses, 1459-85, using the Levy & Campaign game series. Covers the entire war in a campaign game, and also provides scenarios covering the main time periods individually. Lots of color reflecting the treason, political maneuvers, and a color cast of characters. Can be played solitaire. 1Qtr/turn, pt-pt map, mounted map, 152 wooden pieces, 179 cards, 2 countersheets. Francisco Gradaille'23 s/o PQ-17: NORWAY 1940 KIT (GMT) $35.00 New zl D Large kit adding all the British, French, Polish and German air & naval units allowing players to fight naval actions during the 1940 invasion of Norway. Includes a lot of secret what-ifs. Operational scenarios covering the periods of initial invasion, and also the British invasion & evacuation of Narvik in June, plus a campaign game. 281 counters. Chris Janiec'22 s/o PRELUDE TO VICKSBURG (Revolu) $49.00 New BC E Packaged in a bookcase box. Grand tactical game of the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, Dec 1862, prior to the key battle for Vicksburg. 9th game in the Blind Sword game series. 2 countersheets. '24 s/o PRELUDE TO VICKSBURG [ZIPLOCK] (Revolu) $38.50 New zl E Packaged in a ziplock. Grand tactical game of the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, Dec 1862, prior to the key battle for Vicksburg. 9th game in the Blind Sword game series. 2 countersheets. '24 s/o QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2D:PRELUDE KIT $15.00 New BC n (AresGm) Second expansion kit for QG 2nd edition base game, adding events & develops prior to the outbreak of war. This is sort of a prequel that sets the stage for the later general war. Includes armament & history cards that differ in effect & mechanics from those in the base game. '21 s/o QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2D:TOTAL WARKT $25.00 New FB O (AresGm) First expansion kit for QG 2nd edition base game, adding new play options. Adds air forces which help defend both armies & navies or can attack opposing air forces. Also adds Chinese & French armies & changes the starting setup. Adds Bolster cards which can be played immediately in reaction to game play. Pluse new What-If cards to represent historical strategies (such as Sea Lion) that were not implemented. 165 cards, 20 wooden pieces, 5 markers. '21 s/o QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2ND (AresGm) $37.00 New FB O 2nd edition that enlarges & fine tunes much of the game. Strategic level game of World War II around the globe that emphasizes supply as necessary for your armies & navies to fight, and even to keeps them from surrendering. Military units are represented by wooden blocks, with illustrated cards to provide abilities. 220 cards, 56 blocks, 1 countersheet. Simpler & fast playing. Ian Brody'19 s/o RACE FOR BASTOGNE, SEVEN ROADS TO HELL (MMP) 120.00 New DC E Game of the German 47th Corp's attack in the Ardennes from the Our that led to its siege of Bastogne, Dec 1944, using the Grand Tactical (GTS) game system. Begins with their attack across the Our River against the 110th Inf Reg on 15 Dec, includes engagements with 9/CCR and 10/CCB armored brigades. Extends thru 25 December. Includes 3 maps, 8 countersheets, 6 scenarios plus campaign (5 using 1 map). Company level, 2 maps, 8 countersheets, 500m/hex, 2hr/turn. Joseph Chacon'22 s/o RAILROAD RIVALS (MIB) $35.00 New BC n Fast-playing, multiplayer game of tile drafting & laying game where you build a railroad across 18th century America. Build your RR while also building your wealth thru your stock portfolio. '18 s/o REBEL FURY, BTLS OF THE AM CIVIL WAR (GMT) $40.00 New BC D First game in the Civil War Heritage game series of low complexity battles from the American Civil War. This game includes 6 games from the Chancellorsville & Chickamauga campaigns. System is akin to the Blue & Gray quad system of SPI. Division level, with march or battle formations based on proximity to the enemy. Fast playing. 3 mapboards, 2 countersheets. Mark Herman'24 s/o REVOLUTION OF 1828 (RGS) $22.00 New SB n Game of the American presidential elections of 1828 - the first fought bitterly in the pages of newspapers. John Quicy Adams & Andrew Jackson duke it out in a ruthless & malevolent way. Players select election tiles that fit their needs by advancing interests & discouraging your opponent, all trying to sway the voting public in your favor. All to become the 7th president. '19 s/o RUSSIA BESIEGED DELUXE [3RD] (Compas) $77.00 New BC n Nicely produced corp/army level game of the war in the east, 1941-5. Includes production and step reduction. 528 counters, 2 maps, 2Mo/turn, 32mi/hex. This edition includes the prior expansion kit, refined scenarios, updated artwork, and 5/8" counter size. A.Lupinacci'18 s/o SALERNO '43: MOUNTED MAP KIT (GMT) $12.50 New n D Mounted map (only) for Salerno '43 game. '23 s/o SANTIAGO CAMPAIGN 1898 #102 (Com_PW) n $37.50 New n A Mag & game. Game of the land campaign for Santiago, which included the battles of San Juan Hill & El Caney. Map covers Daiquiri & Siboney to the area west of Santiago. 1mi/hex, 1day/turn, '23 s/o SCHNELL BOATS (Compas) $49.00 New BC E Solitaire game of tactical naval combat between German Schnell Boats (akin to US PT boats) in the English Channel, June 1943 to June 1944. Player leads a squad of 4 Schnell boats (or experimental hydrofoil boats) based in Cherbourg on missions against allied shipping or occasionally a special mission such as mine laying or pilot rescue. Players track up to 14 crew members as well as each boats' equipment and weaponry. Player's goal is to survive the full 12 months while also destroying as much Allied shiping as they can. Patrols can be completed in about 30 minutes. Moderate complexity, 10 missions/month, 2 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Follows in the long line of solitaire games begun with B-17 and the later Target for Today/Tonight. Joe Carter'23 s/o SEA MONSTERS, 4 NAVAL GAMES (Agains) $37.00 New HP E ATO's 2018 Annual (published 3 years late!). Set of four naval games set in the 19th & 20th centuries. IRON & FIRE depicts the battles of the Peruvian ironclad Huascar during the 1879 war with Chile, where it outclassed everything it encountered but was but a single ship. Paul Rohrbaugh / UNDER TEN FLAGS covers the German merchant raider Atlantis in the south Atlantic early in WWII, where it survived 600 days by continually changing its appearance. Solitaire. Paul Stuhlfaut. / XXI is a solitaire game that challenges the player to build an adequate fleet of Type XXI u-boats for the Germans beginning in 1943; historically, only 2 actually sailed. Game is akin to Wings for the Baron where the focus is on the logistics of producing a critical mass of this more complex submarine. Steven Cunliffe / FIRST STRIKE is a solitaire game in which British float planes observe and bomb zeppelin hangers, while in reply the German bomb the British fleet. Paul Rohrbaugh / Includes 6 maps, 350+ counters. '21 s/o SEAS OF THUNDER (GMT) $40.00 New DC D Strategic level game of the naval war in World War II around the world. Depicts not only the struggle for supremacy, but emphasizes the challenge each nation's leaders faced allocating limited resources to the struggle. Game has 7 smaller scenarios that can be combined to include most of or all of the war. Something of a massive elaboration on earlier War At Sea & Victory in the Pacific games. 1400 counters, 1 dbl-sided map. Jeff Horger'23 s/o SEDGWICK ATTACKS, SALEM CHURCH (Revolu) $49.00 New BC E Packaged in a bookcase box. Grand tactical game of the battle of Salem Church, May 1862. 10th game in the Blind Sword game series. 1 countersheet. '24 s/o SEDGWICK ATTACKS, SALEM CHURCH [ZIPLOCK] $38.50 New zl E (Revolu) Packaged in a ziplock. Grand tactical game of the battle of Salem Church, May 1862. 10th game in the Blind Sword game series. 1 countersheet. '24 s/o SEKIGAHARA, THE UNIFICATION OF JAPAN 5TH (GMT) $52.00 New DC D 2023 Reprint. Simpler block-style game set in 1600 in Japan as each clan attempts to gain dominance over, and thus unify, all of Japan under one Shogun. A 7-week campaign including marshalling armies of dubious loyalty, fight key battles & secure defections from your enemies. 119 blocks, 110 cards, 5000men/block, 3.5days/turn, simpler mechanics. Combat is resolved via card play. M.Simonitch'23 s/o SIX DAYS OF WAR, 2017 ANNUAL (Agains) $39.99 New HP E 2017 annual (published way late in 2020, as usual). Game of the Six Day War of 1967, as Israel makes a preemptive strike on its several neighboring Arab states for a decisive military victory against all. Includes card play that accounts for the political backdrop to the situation. 245 counters, map divided into 3 fronts (Golan, West Bank & Sinai), reg/brig level, 1day/turn. 10 turns but game can end at anytime when the UN calls a ceasefire. Historical & nightmare scenarios. Good beginners' game (without pre-game cardplay) and excellent solitaire suitability. '20 s/o SKIES ABOVE THE REICH 2ND (GMT) $63.00 New DC D 2024 reprint. Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Messerschmidt BF-109 fighter squadron in the face of endless American bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Jerry White & Mark Aasted'24 s/o SKIRMISHER MAGAZINE #3 (MMPSKI) $16.00 New n E Magazine supporting the Great Campaigns of the Am Civil War game series. ARTICLES ON: Preview of On to Richmond II (w/ Grant Takes Command included); Long Road to Gettysburg strategic variant (via download; Streamline version of Atlanta is Ours Advanced Game Rules. '22 stk SKYHAWK, ROLLING THUNDER 1966 (Legion) $55.00 New BC E Solitaire game putting the player in command of an A-4E Skyhawk during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder, the mass bombing campaign over northern Vietnam in 1966. Player is based on the USS Rosevelt at Yankee Station. Your goal is to successfully carry out missions -- which includes return alive. Player loads out their aircraft with munitions as needed, with occasional political meddling, then faces determined Vietnamese opposition in the form of small arms fire, AAA, SAMs and a rare MiG. Three campaigns (composed of multiple missions) are included: First Tour of Duty (Aug-Sept 1966), Second (Oct-Dec) and the third covers the complete 5 month period. Fast playing & engaging, with systems descended from B-17, B-29, Target for Today & Tonight. Mounted battle board, 284 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'23 s/o SPACECORP 2025-2300AD 2ND (GMT) $60.00 New DC D 2021 reprint of this fast playing 1-4 player game of capitalistic exploitation of space in 3 separate eras of the future. Played on 3 space maps printed on 2 mounted maps. Play options provide high replay value. Can be played solitaire. John Butterfield'21 s/o SPACECORP 2025-2300AD: VENTURES KIT (GMT) $32.50 New BC D Expansion kit bringing the number of competing corporations in space up to 14, and offering new ways to play & win. Also provides advanced AI for solitaire play by 10 of the 14 corporations. 14 dbl-sided HQ boards, 12 cards, 2 rule books; For 1-4 players. John Butterfield'21 s/o SPLENDID LITTLE WAR, SANTIAGO 1898 2ND $42.00 New BC E (Legion) 2nd edition update of this grand tactical game of the Battle of Santiago, the key battle in the American conquest of Cuba, July 1898. Scenarios include the btl for El Caney, Rough Riders at San Juan Hill, a combination of the two, plus the 14 day campaign. Btln/Reg level, 350yd/hex, 6hrs/turn. 352 counters. Med-High solitaire suitability. A.Nunez'20 s/o SPRUANCE LEADER, COLD WAR FLEET SOLITAIR $75.00 New DC n (Versse) Solitaire game in which the player commands a US naval carrier battle group during a hypothetical conflict set in the 1980s-90s in either the Pacific or Atlantic. Carriers must be protected at all costs, and enemy attack submarines must be hunted down and neutralized. Group assets must be managed carefully and allocated to combat air patrol, long range missions and attack strikes. You must select the right combination of assets to successfully complete your missions. 11 campaigns included. 397 cards, 8 counter sheets, 1 small mounted display. Fast playing. '22 s/o STALINGRAD '42: LITTLE SATURN KIT (GMT) $15.00 New zl D Kit for Stalingrad '42 that adds a 5th scenario to the game including a half-sized countersheet of new counters. Covers the concurrent German Winter Storm offensive to relieve Stalingrad and the Soviet Little Saturn offensive on the Italian forces NW of Stalingrad. Covers Dec 42 - Feb 43. Mark Simonitch'22 stk STALINGRAD, ADVANCE TO THE VOLGA 1942 2D $39.00 New BC E (Revolu) 2024 Reprint. Solitaire, area-move game of the German drive to the Volga, into Stalingrad and possibly their historical fate. Includes the Sept 1942 investment into Stalingrad and its industrial core. Victory is judged by besting the historical German achievements. Full game is 9 turns, plus there is a 5-turn Factory District scenario depicting the final German offensive in October. Quick set-up, low counter density, lots of variability game to game, and fast playing, it is suitable for repeated play and to beginners. Small mounted map, 1 countersheet. Michael Renella'24 s/o STORM ABOVE THE REICH (GMT) $66.00 New DC D Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Focke-Wolf FW-190 fighter squadron in the face of endless American B-24 bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min, and campaigns consisting of 6-60 missions. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Sister game to Skies Above the Reich, and can be mated to that game. 4 dbl-sided mounted maps of various sizes, 2 countersheets, 60 blocks, 96 cards.Jerry White & Mark Aasted'21 s/o STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #18 KOREA $15.00 New n A (DecSTQ) Quarterly magazine dedicated to a single, broad historical topic of military history. This issue is focused on the history of the Korean War, Nov 1950 - 1953, beginning with the context of the immediate aftermath of World War II. '22 s/o TANK DUEL: NORTH AFRICA KIT (GMT) $49.00 New BC D Expansion kit for this card-based game of tank-tank combat during World War II. This kit switches the subject to combat in North Africa. '22 s/o TANK DUEL: TANK PACK #1 KIT (GMT) $27.00 New zl D Expansion kit for this card-based game of tank-tank combat during World War II. This kit adds more AFVs to the fray. '22 151656 TANTO MONITA, RISE OF FERDINAND (GMT) $52.00 New BC n 4 player game of the efforts of Spanish monarchs Ferdinand & Isabella to unite Spain & eliminate the Muslims still remaining in Spain between 1470-1516. Both monarchs faced opposition as they asscended to their thrones, and are also opposed by 3 foreign powers (Portugal, France & the Muslims of Granada). Uses the same system as Here I Stand & Virgin Queen enhanced with siege artil & cavalry & world exploration. Point-point map of Iberia & northern Africa. 130 cards, 1 map, 6 countersheets. Carlos Diaz Narvaes'23 s/o THREE DAYS OF GLORY (VaeV_G) $37.00 New HC D French-produced, English & French language components. Game of three previously published Days of Glory series games, updated & revised here. All three battles took place during the 1805 Austrian campaign that culminated at Austerlitz. Elchingen (Oct 1805) has Ney's corp attacking an isolated Austrian corp of similar strength; this resulted in the surrender of the main Austrian army a short time later. Hollabrun (Nov 1805) was a chaotic battle between the French advanced guard under Murat & the Russian rear guard, with the Russians putting up an effective defence under Bagration. Austerlitz (Dec 1805) was Napoleon's most decisive victory, and included 150,000 combatants of three nations. Austro-Russian armies fall into Napoleon's trap and are decisively defeated. 3 maps, 648 counters, 1pt/200infantry, btln/regt level, '22 s/o THUNDER AT DAWN, WILSON'S CREEK (Revolu) $52.00 New BC E Packaged in a bookcase box. Game using the Blind Swords system covering the battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug 1861, the first battle west of the Mississippi near Springfield Missouri. A Union force and two Confederate forces, all green, Mistakes & misjudgements heavily influenced the battle, with an early Union success end with a Union retreat. Regt level, 1 map, 176 counters. '21 s/o THUNDER AT DAWN, WILSON'S CREEK ZL (Revolu) $42.00 New zl E Packaged in a ziplock box. Game using the Blind Swords system covering the battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug 1861, the first battle west of the Mississippi near Springfield Missouri. A Union force and two Confederate forces, all green, Mistakes & misjudgements heavily influenced the battle, with an early Union success end with a Union retreat. Regt level, 1 map, 176 counters. '21 s/o TOURCOING 1794 (VaeV_G) $23.00 New Fo D French-produced, English (& French) language components. Grand tactical level game of one of many battles in which the monarchs of Europe attempt to destroy the French Revolution before it establishes itself. Cobourg, one of the best of the Coalition generals, seeks to do just that in May 1794 in northern France where the Coalition holds several bases. They attempt to surround a portion of the French army in the north, but after multiple engagements successive elements of the Coalition force are routed. 1 map, 216 counters, Brig/regt level, 800m/hex, 90min/turn. '20 s/o TRIUMPH & TRAGEDY 3RD (GMT) $67.00 New DC D 2022 update. Geopolitical game for 2-3 players in the World War II era, 1935-45, between the advocates of Capitalism, Communism & Facism. Played on diplomatic, economic, technological and military spheres, with a map covering Eruope to India, and 208 wooden block units, 110 cards. Players can win economically, technologically or thru military conquest. Fast moving, interactive game. Area move, strategic level, armies/fleets, 1yr/turn. 1 countersheet, 110 cards. C.Besinque'22 s/o TROIS BATAILLES EN ALLEMAGNE (Legion) $79.00 New BC E Game bundle including 3 key battles from the Napoleonic era played at regt level. Covers the battles of Jena, Oct 1806 against the Prussians; Auerstaedt, on the same day as Jena, also against the Prussians, which together routed the Prussian army; and Le Siege de Danzig, part of the Eylau campaign, March to May 1807, involving the Russians. 250m/hex, 30min/turn, 5 maps, 560 counters. Didier Rouy'20 s/o TWILIGHT STRUGGLE, RED SEA (GMT) $25.00 New BC D Standalone game using the extremely popular Twilight Struggle game system. Covers conflict around the Red Sea & Horn of Africa in 1974. Conflict breaks out as a key American ally in Ethiopia becomes dictatorial, provoking a coup that upset the balance of power in the entire region, prompting a Cold War competition for the area. Designed as a 2-player game, but includes a full solitaire game driven by a bot. Cards from Twilight Struggle can be used with this game to add additional cold war events & vice versa. Mounted map, 51 cards, 1 counterseheet. Jason Matthews'23 s/o UNDAUNTED, NORMANDY (Osprey) $29.00 New BC n Deck building card game of the battles for Normandy, summer 1944. Players play US or German forces fighting a series of missings in the Normandy area of Franc. Use cards at proper times to gain initiative, improve moral, or control troops' actions. Casualties remove cards from your deck. 108 cards, 18 map tiles. Fast playing. '19 s/o UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS (GMT) $42.00 New BC D Stand-alone game in the Flying Colors game series, this covering the South American Republics during the 19th century. Additional rules pertaining to the environment and times. Covers 24 battles of varying size. Also includes the ship duel map & activation cards previously published in Serpents of the Seas, with 18 duel scenarios. 2 countersheets, 3 maps, 55 cards. Mike Nagel'23 s/o VALLEY OF TEARS (MMP) 110.00 New DC E Game covering the entire Yom Kippur War of 1973 on both Sinai & Syrian fronts, and lasting until a ceasefire is imposed the UN. Uses the Battalion Combat Game System (BCS). Includes air power missions, and brings the BCS into the post-WWII era. 8 scenarios & 3 campaigns. 4 maps, 1400 counters, Carl Fung'23 stk VELIKIYE LUKI, STALINGRAD OF THE NORTH $15.00 New zl E (Legion) Mini-game of the bitter, winter battle of Velikiye Luki, Nov 1942-Feb 1943, as the Soviets' northern Operation Mars pincer seeks to cut the main north-south rail line for the Germans. The Soviets advanced thru difficult terrain around the town & isolated it; Hitler insisted that the town be held, but fell in mid-January. 1 small map, 64 counters. Michael Taylor'24 s/o VICTORY & GLORY, NAPOLEON (MrB) $85.00 New HB n 2-player game of all of the Napoleonic Wars, focused on the rivalry between France and Great Britain. Britain must coordinate alliances among other nations to resist French domination of the continent and thus isolation of Britain. Area move. Includes economic, military, diplomatic and leadership quality elements to the game. Cards allow selection of strategy. Largbe map of Europe, 143 cards, 88 counters, 100 wooden cubes. Glenn Drover'18 s/o VICTORY AWAITS, OPERATION BARBAROSSA '41 (MMP) $60.00 New BC E Large game of first 10 weeks of Operation Barbarossa, June-Sept 1941. Previously published as three mating games in the Fierce Fight series in Japan. This unified update covers all of Barbarossa south of Leningrad, using 3 maps, 3 countersheets. Scenarios cover Army Group North, Center or South's offensives on a single map. Includes multiplayer rules for 4-8 playes. 840 counters, 3 maps, 16km/hex, 10days/turn. Div level. Uses the game system found in Victory Lost, Fire in the Sky, Most Dangerous Time and What Price Glory. Tetsuya Nakamura'22 s/o VIETNAM 1965-75 2ND (GMT) $60.00 New DC D Update of this well-regarded, complex 3-map, 6 countersheets, Btln-lvl game of Vietnam war, clarifying past ambiguities, updating the graphics, and enlarging the counters & hexes to 9/16". 1965-75. Multiple scenarios & 2 campaign games. Awarded Best Graphics & Best 20th Cent game in '84. 6wks/turn, 6mi/hex, btln/regt level. NickKarp'22 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII MEDITERRANEAN (Versse) $47.50 New BC A 1-6 player card game of squad level combat & missions set in Sicily & Italy during 1943. Played either cooperatively or solitaire. Base game provides the full OoB of the Italian Army plus some British hostiles. Individual missions can be played in 60 minutes. Add-ons provide other nations' forces which which to play this game instead of the Italians. '23 s/o WARFIGHTER, WWII NORTH AFRICA (Versse) $47.50 New BC A 1-6 player card game of squad level combat & missions set in North Africa during WWII. Played either cooperatively or solitaire. Base game provides the full OoB of the British 8th Army. Individual missions can be played in 60 minutes. Add-ons provide other nations' forces which which to play this game instead of the Brits. '23 151161 WARSAW 1920 (Revolu) $29.00 New zl n Game of the battle of Warsaw, 1920 between Soviet vs Polish & Lithuanian forces that blunted the communist rush to the west. The Russians had already defeated 2 Polish army groups while advancing 500km in 5 weeks. But an aggressive defense from reorganized units & reinforcements from the south repulsed the attacking Russians. Covers the time from July-Aug 1920 in a large area around Warsaw. Simpler game with just 10pgs of rules. 1 countersheet (counters for this game were backprinted), 30km/hex, 1wk/turn, Brig/div level. Yasushi Nakaguro'22 s/o WHITE PLAINS, BATTLE OF... (GMT) $48.00 New DC D 10th game in the Battles of the American Revolution series. Covers a little-known battle that had tremendous potential to be decisive. Park of the New York campaign, two relatively huge armies met in Oct 1776. The Americans under Washington sat in well-fortified positions only 3 miles across awaiting a British frontal assault; the British under Howe prepared for such an assault but called it off due to heavy rains, and eventually Howe simply turned south towards other objectives with the Americans dividing their forces to screen the British. Includes 3 scenarios: the historical battle at Chatterton hill, a what-if had Howe pressed an assault as planned, and the full 4 day campaign, 28-31 Oct 1776. Uses event cards that add flavor and variability. 2 mounted boards, 245 counters, 52 cards, 1hr/turn, 200yds/hex, Btln/Regt level. Mark Miklos'23 s/o WING LEADER, VICTORIES 2ND UPDATE KIT (GMT) $32.00 New zl D Update kit containing all the material updated in the 2nd edition of the base game in 2019. Includes rules, 4 countersheets (with counters & aircraft tiles), scenario booklet, player aid cards, and a new battle display. '19 s/o WING LEADER: LEGENDS 1937-45 KIT (GMT) $29.00 New Fo D Kit covering the lesser combatant nation's aircraft (Italy, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia) in the Wing Leader system, and provides scenarios in the Philippines, the South Pacific, and a Kursk campaign game. Lee Brimmicombe-Wood'21 s/o WING LEADER: ORIGINS 1936-42 KIT (GMT) $31.50 New zl D Kit adding 29 new aircraft & 26 scenarios for minor nations from before & early in World War II (including China, Spain, Poland, Netherlands, Czechoslovakia; and includes the Malta campaign. '20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFESTYLE CHOICE GAMES, Game Series Their Adherents NEED! NOW! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s/o ASL: JOURNAL #12 (MMP_J) $24.00 New n E 40pg magazine including 12 new ASL scenarios (on cardstock), corrected scenario 181 from Yanks, and many strategy & analyses articles. A must for ASL fanatics. '17 stk ASL: JOURNAL #13 (MMP_J) $49.00 New n E 52 page mag supporting the ASL Advanced Squad Leader system with 33 new scenarios on cardstock, errata, new ASL board #77 & updated overlay X20. '23 s/o ASL:ACTION PACK #13, OKTOBERFEST XXX II (MMP) $20.00 New Fo E Scenario kit that celebrates the 32th ASL Octoberfest in Cleveland. Includes new boards #78 & 79, plus 11 scenarios. Involves US, Soviet, German, Polish, British, Japanese, Chinese, Free French & SS forces. Bill Sisler, Pete Shelling'17 s/o ASL:ACTION PACK #14, OKTOBERFEST XXXIV (MMP) $26.00 New Fo E Scenario kit including a double-sided board (12a/b) and a new board (#84), plus 12 scenarios from the summer of 1944 in France, and involving most of the forces then fighting in France. Rules and key ASL modules required to play. '19 s/o ASL:ACTION PACK #16, FROM LAND DOWN UNDR (MMP) $23.00 New FO E Scenario pack focused on 15 scenarios involving the Australian forces in actions around the world. Includes map 15a/b. Developed by Australian ASL group. Req core ASL modules to play. '21 s/o ASL:ACTION PACK #17, OKTOBERFEST XXXV (MMP) $28.00 New FO E Scenario pack focused on 16 scenarios involving the the US 1st Cavalary Divison (sans horses) between their time late in the war against Japan thru many actions in the Korean War. Includes 2 mapboards (87 & 88). Sequence of scenarios tells the story of what was initially an average unit made soft thru five years of occupation duty in Japan, then quickly thrown into the Korean War at Pusan. Actions span 1944 and 1950-51. '21 s/o ASL:ACTION PACK #18, OCTOBERFEST XXXVII (MMP) $29.00 New Fo E Scenario pack focused on 14 scenarios from from an previous Oktoberfest. Includes 2 geomorphic maps (91,92). Actions cover actions on the Eastern Front from Dec 1941 to May 1945, the Pacific in Guadalcanal 1942, the Western Front in 1944, plus 4 scenarios involving the US 1st Cav in Korea in 1950. '23 s/o ASL:BEST OF FRIENDS SCENARIO PACK (MMP) $14.00 New n E 12 scenarios drawn from the Swedish Friendly Fire ASL tourny including some tweaks by their original designers. Scenarios cover many fronts in both Europe & Pacific, including a scenario between the Soviets & Japanese at the very end of the war. Sequel to Out of the Bunker. '13 stk ASL:BLOOD & JUNGLE 2 [2ND] (Boundi) 122.00 New Fo F Update of this large scenario kit focused on ASL actions in the Pacific Theater. Includes a whooping 47 scenarios set in China, Burma, Borneo, the Philippines, Tarawa & other known & lessor venues. Includes 4 counter sheets, 3 16x22" geomorphic boards on heavy stock, mag w/ articles as well as rules, & a divider card. 2nd ed integrates errata & adds a new player aid & an enlarged map for one scenarios. Reqs US, Japanese, Brit, French, Soviet, Chinese & minor nations units plus boards 2,7,10-12,14-18,22,25,32-40,42,43,47-51, b,d,u, v, BRT & BRP board B for play of all scenarios. '17 133876 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $2.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 114394 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 98075 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 136903 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 102958 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 102957 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 114392 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 114393 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 126976 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 114395 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 126977 ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) $5.00 New n Y Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. s/o ASL:CORREGIDOR, THE ROCK (Boundi) $79.00 New Fo E Large ASL module focused on the 1942 and 1945 battles for Corregidor Island, the fortress guarding Manila harbor. 3 scenarios cover the Japanese assault on the Allies in early 1942, and 18 scenarios cover the US assault on the Japanese in 1945. Includes 2 campaign games that link scenarios, 180 1/2" and 64 5/8" counters (244 total), two historical ASL maps, and special rules. Req Beyond Valor, Yanks, Gung Ho & either Code of Bushido or Rising Sun to play all scenarios, including US, Japanese & partisan forces & boards 2,24,36,37,39,40,43,44,46,58,61. David Roth'19 stk ASL:CRUCIBLE OF STEEL 2 [2ND] (Boundi) 122.00 New Fo F Reprint of this large, 32 scenario kit depicting tactical battles from the southern pincer of Kursk, Op Citadel, July 1943. Includes 3 boards, rules & magazine with historical articles plus analysis of slopes, dug-in tanks, forts etc. A major kit on a highly gameable subject. Req Blood & Jungle, Into the Rubble, High Ground 2, boards 16,17,33,38,43,44,56,57,62. Includes 2 countrsheets (less than included in first edition). C.Smith, S.Swann'17 s/o ASL:DELUXE ASL 2ND (MMP) $79.00 New BC E Scenario kit including all 8 ASL Deluxe maps (A-H) from previous Streets of Fire & Hedgerow Hell kits, plus 4 maps from Winter Offensive #9 (I-L); includes all overlays published in the 1995 ASL Annual, plus 2 sheets of new overlays; four new sheets of wood & stone rubble overlays; the original 18 scenarios, play-balanced plus 20 other scenarios previously published but out of print. ASL Deluxe is standard ASL that uses 2" hexes so that stacking is not necessary. '20 s/o ASL:DROP ZONE, SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE (MMP) $69.00 New BC E Historical ASL module focused on the initial airborne assault by the 505th regt of the US 82nd Airborne on the eastern side of the Cotentin Penisula behind Utah Beach at Normany. Tasked with protecting the crossroads the Germans would need to launch any counterattacks on Utah Beach. Facing them were an Ost Btln of Georgians, the 709th Division, Panzer Grenadier Regt 1058, plus Luftwaffe's 91st Div, all supported by a Sturm Btln & other armored assets. Covers 2 days of time around the town of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Includes 3 historical map boards, 11 scenarios plus 3 campaign games, 1 countersheet. '23 s/o ASL:FORGOTTEN WAR, KOREAN WAR 1950-53 (MMP) 119.00 New DC E Large ASL Module offering rules, maps, counters & scenarios for actions during the Korean War, 1950-53, involving the US, British, New Zealand, Australia,south & north Korean, French & Chinese forces. 7 countersheets, 4 maps, 16 scenarios, a new Chapter W covering Korean War rules. '18 151210 ASL:HAKKAA PAALLE 2ND (MMP) $85.00 New BC n 2022 reprint incorporating some errata. ASL module #14 containing the complete Finnish order of battle w/ 4 countersheets, board 52, Chp H rules for the Finnish vehicles & guns & early war Soviet vehicles, plus 4 chapter dividers, overlays & 17 scenarios. Includes a bunch of early war Soviet vehicles such as the T26 & T28, the aerosan (fan-driven sleds), and various other weapons. 2min/turn, 40m/hex, sqd level with indiv AFVs & guns. '22 151211 ASL:HOLLOW LEGIONS 3RD (MMP) 125.00 New DC n Overhaul of this module including the entire Italian OoB plus the desert components from West of Alamein (which were not printed in King & Country), plus components from Soldiers of the Negus (Ethiopia, 1935-6). Revised mix of 53 scenarios from previously published modules, action packs, magazines & Negus kit. Includes 5 countersheets, 8 boards (25-31, 25e), & all desert overlays. A core module for actions set in the North African desert or involving the Italians. '22 stk ASL:INTO THE RUBBLE 2 [2ND] (Boundi) $76.00 New n F Update of this first ASL kit from this small ASL publisher since their 2008 revival. This updated scenario pack now includes 20 scenarios focused on intense firefights in urban rubble on all theatres of WW2 plus the Spanish Civil War. Includes 228 1/2 & 5/8" counters, and 2 geomorphic maps with city & rail yard terrain plus a rubbled city overlay. Reqs Beyond Valor, Yanks, Doomed Battalions, Armies of Oblivion, Red Barricades, Recon by Fire #4 to play all of scenarios. Errata has been incorporated into rules, maps & scenarios. C.Smith'16 stk ASL:OBJECTIVE SCHMIDT (Boundi) $99.00 New Fo E Large ASL kit focused on the bitter battles in the Hurtgen Forest, November 1944, as the US 28th Inf approached the German towns of Schmidt, Kommerscheidt & Vossenack. Includes 17 scenarios with a campaign game covering the battle for Kommerscheidt, 576 1/2" and 88 5/8" counters, a total of 6 full-sized maps (2 for Vossenack & 4 for Schmidt & Kommerscheidt), an article on Slopes in ASL. Reqs Beyond Valor, Yanks & of course the ASL rules to play. '17 stk ASL:ONSLAUGHT TO ORSHA 2ND (Boundi) 109.00 New LZ F Update of this large kit now including 32 scenarios (2 solitaire) covering the reinforced Soviet 16th Guard Inf's attack on the German 78th Sturm inf in a heavily fortified area south of the Minsk-Moscow Hiway, during Operation Bagration, June-July 1944. Includes a focus on river & bridgeheads & very mobile actions. Includes three color maps, new rules, new player aid, 370 1/2" & 296 5/8" color counters. Chas Smith'20 stk ASL:OPERATION NEPTUNE (Boundi) $56.00 New zl E Scenario kit for ASL Advanced Squad Leader containing 10 scenarios plus campaign game covering the British crossing of the Seine River at Vernon, France, in August 1944. Also includes an historical map, 122 counters & special rules. Requires either Poland in Flames or Onslaught to Orsha 2nd, and Beyond Valor & either For King & Country or West of Alamein, plus boards 81 & 83 (Forgotten War) 1b & 4b (AP#8) & 7a (AP#9). '22 s/o ASL:OVERLAY BUNDLE (MMP) $38.00 New zl E Bundle that includes & reprints all ASL overlays published previously, printed on 37 cardstock sheets (with the exceptions of overlays from MMP's Red Factories & Deluxe ASL, and AH's Annual 93b (found in Rising Sun) & E1 escarpment from West of Alamein (found in Hollow Legions 3rd). '22 stk ASL:POLAND IN FLAMES (Boundi) 122.00 New Fo E Large ASL kit focused on many clashes during the German invasion of Poland, 1939. Includes 6 boards, 1280 countersheets, and 45 scenarios -- its a BIG game. Reqs components from many game to play all scenarios: boards 3,5,6,10,13,17,18,21,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,45,46,52,57,59,62,63,64,65, 1a,2a,3a,5a,6a,7a/b, Beyond Valor, Armies of Oblivion, Into the Rubble, High Ground 2, Blood & Jungle, Crucible of Steel. '16 s/o ASL:RED FACTORIES (MMP) 135.00 New DC E HASL (historical ASL) module that combines an update of Red Barricades with a newly created parallel kit, Red October. Red Barricades' maps were recreated, and separately published materials including a 4th campaign game are incorporated. Includes 4 maps, 8 countersheets, 4 chapter dividers, Chapter O, and 7 campaign games and a total of 21 scenarios. 2min/turn, 40m/hex, complex due to unit density & urban terrain '19 s/o ASL:RISING SUN 2ND (MMP) 189.00 New DC E 2021 update that now includes map & scenarios for Hell's Corner scenario previously published in Ops SE #3. ASL module that combines & replaces the earlier Code of Bushido & Gung Ho! kits. Includes the Japanese army & naval land forces, Chinese, and US Marines. Includes revisions & additions to Chp G, H & Z rules; 1892 counters, (16 countersheets), 7 boards 34-39,47, many overlays, 32 scenarios including 16 that appeared in various mags. A must have module if you're interested in the Pacific Theater. '21 s/o ASL:RIVERS TO THE REICH SCENARIO PACK (MMP) $18.00 New n E 15 scenarios adapted from official Squad Leader scenarios, completing the effort begun with Turning the Tide to convert all SL scenarios to ASL. Covers actions on the West Front after August 1944. Includes 2 overlay sheets (taken from GI Anvil of Victory). '13 stk ASL:STARTER KIT #1 6TH (MMP) $26.00 New BC E 2021 reprint reprint of this complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 6 scenarios pitting US or Soviet soldiers against the Germans (focused soley on infantry). Includes 280 counters, 2 maps, along with tutorial style rules. 2 min/turn, 40m/hex, squad level. '21 stk ASL:STARTER KIT #2 4TH (MMP) $27.00 New BC E 2022 reprint. Complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 8 scenarios pitting US or British soldiers against the Germans & Italians. Kit #2 focuses on ordnance & light AT weaponry. Includes 2 countersheets, 2 unmounted maps, along with tutorial style rules. '22 stk ASL:STARTER KIT #3, TANKS 4TH (MMP) $32.00 New BC E 2022 reprint. Complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 8 scenarios which focus on the use of tanks & other vehicles within ASL. Includes 3 maps. Designed to introduce players to the basic ASL game system as well as vehicles & ordinance. '22 stk ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #1 3RD (MMP) $34.00 New Fo E Updated reprint of this scenario kit adding 12 scenarios, new counters, 4 maps (P,Q,R,S) & rules; requires Starter Kits #1, 2 & 3 to play all scenarios. Also designed to supplement each of the first 3 starter kits. 8 scenarios set in Poland'39, Finland'42, Sicily'43, France'44, Germany'44, and includes the Poles, Slovaks, Soviets, US, Italians, Free French. Labeled "2nd edition" but is actually 3rd printing. '21 stk ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #2 (MMP) $32.00 New Fo E Expansion kit with additional rules, counters, maps & scenarios for the Starter Kit series of games (#1-4).Includes 8 scenarios & 2 maps covering actions between Japanese army & naval forces and Australian, Indian, Filipino, Dutch & Chinese opponents on mainland Asia & on Pacific Islands, 1937-45. Rules introduce the use of regular & fanatical Chinese squads, overlays, vehicles & ordinance. Includes additional Dutch vehicles & other nationalities previously available in only token amounts. Includes mapbs k & l. Requires ownership of all 4 Starter Sets to play all scenarios. '20 stk ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #3 (MMP) $34.00 New Fo E Expansion kit for the ASL Advanced Squad Leader game series with additional rules, counters, maps & scenarios for the Starter Kit series of games (#1-4). Adds 2 maps (g & h), 8 scenarios between US & US marines, Poles, Brits and Russians versus German, Italian & Japanese forces in Europe & the Pacific, 1941-44. Reqs Starters #1-4 & all Bonus & Expansions to play all scenarios. '23 s/o ASL:SWORD & FIRE, MANILA (MMP) 105.00 New DC E ASL module of the US conquest of the Phillippne capital of Manila in 1945 during the course of a month. The Japanese planned only to fight to the death, tenaciously contesting every building, using all their resources including veteran army & naval units as well as untrained conscripts. Adds new terrain types, and provides 25 scenarios & 5 campaigns. 6 maps, 4 countersheets. '22 stk ASL:TWILIGHT OF THE REICH, ENDGAME'44-45 (MMP) 129.00 New DC E ASL module focused on battles as the Western Allies advanced across into Germany in late 1944 thru 1945, encountering a series of fortress cities including Berlin. Adds a host of new terrain & obsticle types depicting vicious urban combat. Expands the late-war SS OoB & substitution rules & adds Soviet NKVD units, assault engineers & Volksgrenadier MMC units. Scenarios are set on 4 double-sided mapboards (16a/b-19a/b) & use 48 terrain overlays. Includes updated Chp A & B rules, 2 countersheets, 48 overlays & a total of 17 scenarios. '24 s/o ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #11 2020 BONUS PACK (MMP) $26.00 New Fo E Tournament scenario pack including 3 new scenarios & one map (13). Scenarios span World War II on both the European & Pacific fronts. '20 146390 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #12 2021 BONUS PACK (MMP) $23.00 New Fo n Tournament scenario pack including one new map (14a/b) and 3 scenarios. Scenarios cover actions in France, Netherlands & Germany, all in 1944. Reqs core modules & boards 11b to play all scenarios. '21 s/o ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #13 2022 BONUS PACK (MMP) $34.00 New Fo E Tournament scenario pack including 3 new maps (m,n & o) and 4 scenarios (WO39-42). '22 s/o ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #14 2023 BONUS PACK (MMP) $17.00 New Fo E Tournament scenario pack including 3 new maps (89 & 90) and 3 scenarios (WO43-45). '23 s/o ASL:YANKS 3RD (MMP) 119.00 New DC E 2022 update of this kit which provides the complete American army OoB plus the units & scenarios from earlier Paratrooper kit. Now includes a total of 41 scenarios (16 from earlier editions of Yanks & Paratrooper, & 25 from previously published but OoP scenarios, all revised & rebalanced). Includes 6 countersheets & 8 maps (16-19, 24, 40, 41, 46). Errata from prior edition incorporated. '22 s/o COMMAND AT SEA, ATLANTIC NAVIES (CofA) $99.00 New BC F Miniatures oriented rules & counter set to recreate WW2 in the N.Atlantic & Mediterranean, in the air & at sea 1939-45. Sister game to Rising Sun & Supermarina. The edition focuses in depth on the navies of Germany, France & Britain, emphasizing French capabilities. Includes 4th ed series rules (which make all games in the series, including Fear God & Harpoon, compatible). Includes 700 counters & booklets for each of three featured nations. L.Bond'09 s/o COUNTER SHEET, BLANK 1/2" COLORED (140) (GMT) $2.50 New n D 140 blank counters, 1/2" without any printing. In 5 colors, sky blue (20), gray (20), green (20), tan (20), white (60). '01 s/o COUNTER SHEET, BLANK 1/2" WHITE (140) (GMT) $2.50 New n D 140 blank white counters, 1/2" (w/o any printing). stk COUNTER SHEETS, BLANK 9/16"WHT (114) 5PK (GMT) $12.50 New n D Multi-pack containing FIVE copies of 9/16" countersheets, each with 114 blank counters, all white, for a total of 570 counters. No printing at all. '13 151984 COUNTER TRAYS, UGG STYLE BOOKCASE 5-PAK (UGG) $15.00 New FB n FIVE-Pak of Udo Grebe's new 2pc, 20 compartment counter tray w/ clear snap on lid. aka as GMT as they're sold thru them in the US. Each compartment is about 2.1 x 1.1 x 0.6" (less the depth of the tray cover, about 0.1") '04 s/o COUNTER TRAYS, UGG STYLE BOOKCASE 10-PAK (UGG) $26.00 New FB D TEN-Pak of Udo Grebe's new 2pc, 20 compartment counter tray w/ clear snap on lid. aka as GMT as they're sold thru them in the US. Each compartment is about 2.1 x 1.1 x 0.6" (less the depth of the tray cover, about 0.1") '04 s/o DAY OF DAYS, INVASION OF NORMANDY 1944 (MMP) $90.00 New DC E Highly detailed, company-level game of the first 10 days of the Normandy invasions, June 1944. Allies strive to move away from the beach & develop a secure beachhead; Germans try to try throw them back into the sea. Using a playable system, this huge game includes all the action of those furious & chaotic days: para drops, ranger assaults, & more. Uses the Standard Combat System. Includes 4 maps, 8 countersheets, v1.7 series rules, 15 scenarios (many using only 1 or 2 maps). D.Essig'15 s/o LA BATAILLE DE DRESDE 1813 (CofA) 125.00 New FB E Vol. 13 of the renowned La Bataille game series on Napoleonic era battles at grand tactical scale with spectacular color. In August 1813, Austria ends neutrality to join Russia & Prussia seeking an end to Napoleon's threat to Europe's monarchies. The Austrian army follows the west bank of the Elbe River toward Dresden defended by a lone French corp. Napoleon redirects several corps to defend Dresden, the supply hup of his entire army. Can be well played with up to 4 players on each side. 6 scenarios, 4 maps, over 1000 counters. '15 s/o LA BATAILLE DE LES QUATRE BRAS 3RD ZL (CofA) $52.00 New zl F Packaged in a ziplock. 2016 reprint. Covers the initial meeting of the French Armee du Nord under Ney with the Anglo-Allied armies under Wellington near Quatre Bras, June 15 1815 at the beginning of the battles of Waterloo. Relatively small size makes for a great introduction to the game system. E.Wimble'17 s/o LA BATAILLE DE LIGNY 3RD [ZIPLOCK] (CofA) 115.00 New zl E Packaged in a ziplock. 2017 update of this 1st of 3 La B games on the Battle of Waterloo. Covers Napoleon's assault on the Prussians, 16 Jun 1815. Mates w/ Quatre Bras, Wavre & Mt St. Jean kit. Large game w/ 5th edition series rules, 4 period-style maps, 1000+ counters. Well-suited to both team & solitaire play. All components except the OoB have been reworked & updated for this edition. E.Wimble'17 s/o LAST CHANCE FOR VICTORY ZIPLOCKED (MMP) New zl I Packaged in a ziplock; no box. Second game in the Line of Battle regimental civil war series. Covers the battle of Gettysburg in a detailed way, making for a very large game but also a definitive one of this battle. Attempts to fully explore the missed opportunities & mistakes of this battle. Includes v2 series rules. 6 maps, 2240 counters, 22 scenarios with some using only 1 map. D.Essig'13 s/o NAVAL SITREP MAGAZINE #46 (CofA) $6.00 New n F Magazine devoted to naval miniatures & history, w/ emphasis on CofA's Harpoon & Command at Sea systems. ARTICLES ON: Persian Incursion update; Taiwan's new missle ship; Chinese Kunming commissioning; Aircraft of the Spanish Civil War; Soviet aircraft in the early days of WWII; Fishing War in the S.Atlantic 1978 Harpoon scenario; CAS Q&A; Chinese rescue ships & helicopter fleet; German 1920s Vorentwurf I/10 Ship design; review of the movie Phantom. April 2014 s/o NAVAL SITREP MAGAZINE #47 (CofA) $6.00 New n F Magazine devoted to naval miniatures & history, w/ emphasis on CofA's Harpoon & Command at Sea systems. ARTICLES ON: COA Product upates; Harpoon Senkaku Crisis scenario in the China Seas; Caspian Sea Secenario; Imperial German Battleship Concepts in 1911; the Il-2 Sturmovik Fighter; LRASM Enters Service; Goeben's Austrian Gambit for Fear God; Il-38 Novella Enters Russian Service; the FREMM Program, a joint French-Italian Frigate development; Movie review of The Admiral; Torch Italian Style CAS scenario; Russian Sub Force on the Rebound; book review of Hell to Pay. '14 --- 35 Items & 347 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL us at M.Dean@FineGames anytime (& preferred), or CALL us between 10am-9pm PST at (541) 756-4711, to reserve a game, ask for more info, or arrange a trade. Prices TRIPLE if you call after hours; beware! XXX MD [GiftList:2024] Game GIFT Suggestion Listing. (C) Fine Games.