Fine Games for Players & Collectors CATALOG of Games by PUBLISHER NAME then Game Title, Beginning L ALL Available Titles, by Publisher (Ls) then Title as of 10-14-24 19:37 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates begin at $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with boxed games. A $ 4.00 surcharge applies to each "LB" Lrg boxed items & those weighing 3#+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for further info on international & heavier APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter orders & all international shipments sent via USPS Priority Mail; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray FB-Flat Box HB-Humungous Box (+$) TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg FBox+$ ZL,FO-huge folio, must HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml FBox ship boxed SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed fo-Folio HP-Plastic HC Bk-Book zl-normal ziplk n-(not boxed) CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . == Games by PUBLISHER ========= 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! LEGION WARGAMES URL: ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ACES OF VALOR, WWI AERIAL COMBAT (Legion) BC 1.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game of air-air combat during World War I. Player commands a fighter squadron on the Western Front from the German, British, French or American forces. Choose a campaign consisting of 8-16 missions, draw cards to set the mission objective (such as patrol, strafing, recon, spotting balloon busting, or bomber escort). When combat occurs, pilot skill, aircraft performance & luck all determine the outcome. Earn points by destroying enemy aircraft or ground targets & completing missions successfully. Those points can then be used to repair, replace or upgrade aircraft. Points determine victory. Eric von Rossing'23 2 Stock NEW $55.00 ADOBE WALLS, BATTLE OF..., NOVEMBER 1864 (Legion HC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Third game in the Indian Wars game series. Covers a battle known as the First Battle of Adobe Walls, Nov 26 1864, a small US force under Kit Carson attacks the winter encampment of Comanche & Kowa Indians to eliminate this "threat" to settlers moving into the area on the Sante Fe trail. The number of Indians present was underestimated. And the battle includes a mountain howitzer that had a substantial psychological impact. 0.25mi/hex, 20min/turn, Company&Band level. M.Taylor'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $44.00 ADOBE WALLS, BATTLE OF..., PARTS (Legion) HC Out-of-Print 1 149381 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Box cover has big X in permanent marker on cover; btm is clean. Otherws new. 2 149380 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Box cover has big X plus some writing in permanent marker on cover; btm is clean. Otherws new. 3 142897 V.GOOD $2.00 Mis-match box, only. Box prototype with Adobe cover in green hues, and Saipan btm. B-29 SUPERFORTRESS, BOMBERS OVR JAPAN 3D (Legion HC 1.5 2-6wks Turnarnd 3rd edition reprint of this solitaire game similar to B-17 in scope; player operates a crew of an American B-29 of the 20th Air Force in bombing runs agains Japan. Goal is to live thru 35 missions. Missions vary by elevation & day or night, and face opposition in the form of flak, fighters, searchlights, etc. Your goal is to shepard your crew thru 35 missions to earn your return home. 172 counters, 48pgs charts, map. S.Dixon'16 1 Stock NEW $44.00 B-29 SUPERFORTRESS: HELL OVER KOREA KIT (Legion) BC 1.0 Kit for B-29 that expands the game to Korea, covering a 6-month B-29 crew tour of duty. Covers various phases & missions within the first year of the war. After Nov.1950, large numbers of Chinese MiG-15s appeared which were specifically designed to shoot down the now aging B-29s. Includes F-80, F-84 & F-86 US fighters & MiG-15 & Yak-9 NK & Chinese fighters. S.Dixon, S.Rife'12 1 128118 NEW $27.00 B-29 SUPERFORTRESS: HELL OVER KOREAPARTS (Legion BC Out-of-Print 1 144946 EXCELL $3.00 Box only. Box cover has an ink scrawl all across it but structurally intact. BALL'S BLUFF, BATTLE OF..., OCT 1861 2ND (Legion zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Revised from earlier War Diary version, adding a 16pg historical booklet. Covers the Oct 1861 abortive raid and recon by a Union force south of the Potomac. After encountering some Confederate forces, the bulk of the Union forces had to be transported across the river in small groups, thus negating their 4:1 advantage in numbers. Confederate reinforcements defeated then routed the union forces, with more than half the Union force becoming casualties or captured. 120 counters. John Poniske'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 BLENHEIM 1704 (Legion) BC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Grand tactical game of the battle of Blenheim, 1704, one of the key battles of the War of Spanish Succession. British & allies forces encounter superior French & Bavarian forces in a strong defensive position. Marlborough pins the flanks, draining the enemy center of forces, then smashes it with cavalry. Uses the Seven Hex System, whic groups hexes into super-hexes of seven, in which various tactical decisions are made. Battalion level, 500m/hex, 20min/turn, 176 counters. Steve Pole'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $50.00 CAPTAIN'S SEA, THE AMERICAN FRIGATES (Legion) BC 1.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler game of naval battles between individual ships (rather than fleet actions) involving the original 6 American Frigates between 1799-1815, against British & French opponents. Players captain a single ship, managing its guns, the rigging, repairs & crew. Crew must be allocated to various parts of the ship for them to function. And Action cards provide surprise events. Includes 10 scenarios involving all the original US frigates (and possible engagements). 1 map, 24 blocks, 176 counters, 55 cards. Mike Nagel'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $56.00 DECISIVE VICTORY 1918, SOISSONS (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd First of three intended games in the Decisive Victory series that together will cover all of the Second Battle of the Marne, July 1918. This game covers the period 18-23 July near Soissons, France. This was the first time the French army attacked with massed tanks or by surprise, and an American division under French command participated. Mechanics model WWI tactics that made it difficult to punch thru defensive lines and even harder to keep going without a supply chain; Zones of Control are rigid, and disengaging is problematic; combat is highly attritional, and disrupts unit cohesion. System emphasizes need for coordination of artillery support, command control & time to organize an attack. High solitaire suitability. Reg/div level, 1km/hex, 6hrs/turn, small map, 352 counters. Tim Gale'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $48.00 DEMYANSK SHIELD PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140970 < NEW $3.00 Box only. Very sml ding to one box cover corner. Otherws new. 2 140969 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Light 1" scratch on cover. Otherws new. DEMYANSK SHIELD, FROZEN FORTRESS 1942 (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covers the campaign near the Valday Hills area near Leningrad in the first five months of 1942. Soviet winter offensive had broken the German lines, threatening to isolate 70,000 Germans around Demyansk and later the entire German 16th Army and open a supply line to Leningrad. Designed by a yeoman designer. Btln/rgt/brig level, 2mi/hex, 6days/turn, 352 counters. Vance von Borries'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 DEMYANSK SHIELD, FROZEN FORTRESS PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140314 EXCELL $3.00 Box only. Some minor scuffs, but cover crossed out (twice in each of 2 directions) with black marker. Entirely servicable as a storage box. No other damage. DIEN BIEN PHU, THE FINAL GAMBLE 2ND (Legion) HC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 2019 reprint. Game of the decisive, 1954 campaign that destroyed the elite, mobile forces of the French colonial army in Vietnam in an isolated jungle valley in what is now Laos. The French intended the battle to be on their terms, to bring the Viet Minh to battle where their superior arms (French air superiority, all provided by the US) would win the day. They didn't count on artillery being hauled into the area. And the Viet Minh were committing half of their total forces to what would surely be a costly battle. A fast & furious game, with lots of casualties. 150m/hex, 3days/turn, 352 counters, 4 scenarios. K.Kanger'19 1 Stock NEW $45.00 DIEN BIEN PHU, THE FINAL GAMBLE 2NDPARTS (Legion HC Out-of-Print 1 144947 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Ink scrawl all across box cover; box otherws clean & intact. 2 144948 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Ink scrawl all across box cover; box otherws clean & intact. DIEN BIEN PHU, THE FINAL GAMBLE PARTS (Legion) HC 1 136763 NEW $5.00 Box only. New tho not shrinkwrapped. FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN (Legion) BC 1.3 Game of Sept 1862 actions around Turner's Gap & Fox's Gap during the Confederate invasion of the north that year, and Stonewall Jackson's siege of Harper's Ferry. 3 Confederate brigades, later reinforced by 2 of Longstreet's divisions, are charged with blocking three Union corps. Ultimately, only the Union's delay allowed the Confederates to avoid defeat. 218 counters, brig level, 300yd/hex, 1hr/turn. John Poinske'22 1 150174 NEW $38.00 GLORIOUS CHANCE, STRUGGLE FOR LK ONTARIO (Legion BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitair, operational level game in which the player commands either a US or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake to win. Played in a series of missions, you perform patrols, convoys and amphibious landings in each of 6 lake zones, but each action risks full-scale battle with the risk of total victory or catastrophic loss. Enemy forces are activated by chit draw together with card draws. 2 maps, 314 counters, 162 cards. Gina Willis'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $57.50 GREAT GAME, RIVAL EMPIRES IN CENTRALASIA (Legion BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 2-player (or solitaire), card-driven game of rivalry between the Russian & British empires in central Asia between 1837 - 1886. Perceived threats by both nations prompted both to weave a complex network of intrigue & betrayal, colonial conquest & proxy wars that spanned a half century. Point-point map covering all of central Asia (Persia to Tibet to lower Russia. It is a chess game for the two imperial powers with repercussions still echoing today. 1 decade/turn, strategic scal, 196 counters,54 cards. John Gorkowski'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $47.00 HEART OF DARKNESS PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 149752 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Box cover has big X in blue; minor ripple on one side panel. Otherws new. HEART OF DARKNESS, EXPLORATION OF AFRICA (Legion BC 1.8 2-6wks Turnarnd Adventure game of in which players are a team of explorers leading an expedition into uncharted (by white men) Africa during the 19th century, hoping to bring back fantastic stories & artifacts. Game traces its heritage to Source of the Nile, one of the most innovative & fun adventure games ever published in our opinion. Kim Kanger'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 HILL OF DOVES, FIRST BOER WAR 1880-81 2D (Legion BC 2.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Significant update from the previous DTP version. Solitaire game of the first Anglo-Boer War, 1880-1. Player controls the British army against the Transvaal Republican Army, and must dominate the Laing's Nek area between Natal & the Transvaal to win. Played at concurrent strategic, operational & tactical levels, each with its own mapboard. Battles are resolved via Tactical or Ambush decks of cards, and turns involve an Operational deck as well. 181 counters, 5 card decks (~94 cards), 4 mapboards, company level, weekly turns. Godfrey Bailey'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 ICI 2ND PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143196 NEW $3.00 box only. Box cover is a mis-produced box btm, but structurally game box is entirely clean & new. ICI, C'EST LA FRANCE, ALGERIA 1954-62 3D (Legion BC 1.2 4-8wks Turnarnd Reprint of this game of the bitter Algerian War for independence from France, 1954-62. Unique design includes 3 dimensions of conflict: political, insurgency & overt military. Ultimate purpose is to sour the French publics' will to fight or to win the hearts & minds of the Algeria. Qtrly turns, rgt level, 344 counters. K.Kanger'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 ICI, C'EST LA FRANCE, ALGERIA 2D PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143733 MINT $3.00 Box, only. An X drawn across box cover in permanent marker, otherws clean. 2 143732 MINT $4.00 Box, only. Clean. 3 143734 MINT $2.50 Box, only. Couple of Xs drawn across box cover in permanent marker, lengthy creases extending from two box cover corners. ICI, C'EST LA FRANCE, ALGERIA 3D PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143918 NEW $4.00 Box, only. 2 143916 NEW $4.00 Box, only. 3 143917 NEW $4.00 Box, only. INVASION OF MALTA & BATTLE OF LEROS (Legion) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the grand what-if had the Axis forces actually invaded Malta by air & by sea at any of 3 key time frames: Fall 1940, Spring 1941 or Summer 1942. Uses a chit-draw system for unit activation, and efficiency ratings for each individual unit. Includes random events and a well-researched OoB by a veteran designer. Game also includes a game on the German Nov 1943 air & sea invasion of Leros, with forces about a third the size of those on Malta. 8hrs/turn, 600yd/hex, Btln/Comp level, 3 maps, 704 counters, total of 4 scenarios. Vance von Borries'24 1 Stock NEW $60.00 LA BATAILLE DE HANAU (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the 1813 attempt by the defecting Bavarians, supported by an Austrian Corp, to stop Napoleon's retreating army before Frankfurt. The Bavarians assumed the French would be a ragged, incoherent mob. But they were soon attacked the the French Imperial Guard led by Napoleon himself. After an initial defeat, the Bavarians attack the French the next day. This game covers the latter. Regt level with btln level formations, 165 counters, 30min/turn, 250m/hex, 300men/strength pt. Didier Rouy'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 LA PRIMOGENITA, 1941 EAST AFRICA (Legion) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Operational level game of the Italian East African campaign of 1941. The Allies invade Italian-held Eritrea with two Indian divisions & some Free French units. The defenders are all colonial units, plus some Italian units in reserved. The Italians held off the Allied forces for 8 weeks around the town of Cheren (Keren) before being forced to retreat. Units are assigned orders to attack, move, entrench, resupply, etc, with prioritized numbers what decide which actions occur first, each side getting 4 sets of orders at a time. 1wk/turn, 7.5mi/hex, btln to brig level. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 MAORI WARS, THE NEW ZEALAND LAND WARS (Legion) BC 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Board game of the various Maori rebellions against British rule by native New Zealanders in the period 1845-72 on New Zealand's northern island. The Brits regarded the Maori as fierce and very clever; they were defeated in the NZ interior more by infighting than by the Brits. Includes 7 scenarios, 3 campaigns, 264 double sided counters. Rgt or 150warriors/unit, 10mi/hex, 2mo/turn. John Poniske'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 NEMESIS, BURMA 1944 (Legion) HC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of Burma in 1944. Th largely unsupplied & undermanned Japanese launch an offensive against India. At the same time, the Allies press into southeastern Asia from multiple directions, with a host of big-name leaders including Stillwell, Slim, Mountbatten and Chiang Kai-Shek, each with their own goals. Ultimately, the Japanese were soundly defeated. Btln/reg/brig level, 10mi/hex, 15days/turn, 202 counters, 1 map. Kim Kanger'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 PRAIRIE AFLAME, NORTHWEST REBLLN 1885 2D (Legion BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Update in boxed format of this interesting, operational level study of the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 in Canada. Canada attempts to suppress "untamed" Indian tribes while being "gentle" enough to prevent a general uprising among the Blackfoot near Calgary. Unique features of the campaign, such as the early spring weather, and the untrustworthy Quebec troops, make for an interesting study of this Canadian Indian war. 11mi/hex, Btln level, 1wk/turn. Full color map & die cut counters. M.Woloshen'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 QUATRE BATAILLES EN ESPAGNE (Legion) BC 2.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covering 4 key battles fought in Iberia between 1809-13 as the French struggled to conquer and later simply to hold onto Spain. Covers Vittoria, 1813; Ocana, 1809; Salamanca, 1812; and Sorauren, 1813. Rgt level, 250m/hex, 30min/turn. This is the 4th game in the Vive l'Empereur series (the other having covered a total of 7 battles in central Europe). D.Rouy'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $69.00 QUATRE BATAILLES EN ESPAGNE PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 144949 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Ink scrawl across box cover; box otherwise intact & clean. 2 122873 V.GOOD $3.00 Box, only. One corner crunched resulting in rippled creases for 2" on end panel and a concaved crease along 6" of btm edge. Box still quite servicable. REDVERS' REVERSE, BATTLE COLENSO PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 125286 < NEW $4.00 Box, only. Two 3" crease extending from opposite box cover corners, otherws new. REDVERS' REVERSE, BATTLE OF COLENSO 1899 (Legion BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire, area move game of the attempted British relief of the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, in 1899. Facing determined Boer oposition, 16700 British race against time to relieve the siege while minimizing British casualties. Key dynamic is losses inflicted upon Boers, which slowly decrease their morale, staying power, firepower and increase the likelihood of withdrawal. Strength of Boer units is hidden until engaged. Btln/battery level, with lots of focus on tactical impacts at that level. Btln/regt level, 30min/turn, 240 large counters. G.Noble'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 ROSEBUD CREEK, BATTLE OF THE... 2ND (Legion) BC 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Update of game & physical presentation. Game of the smaller battle that preceeded the Little Bighorn, 1876. Just before the bigger battle, Gen. Cook's detachment of the 7th Cav is attacked along Rosebud Creek and forced to retreat, leaving Custer without the support of a third of his forces. 264 counters. M.Taylor'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 SAIPAN & TINIAN (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Co/Btln lvl game of the US invasions of 2 key islands in the Pacific in 1944. Eventual US victory is a certainty; the Japanese must due better than they did historically to win. 2 maps, 450 counters, 0.5mi/hex, 12hrs/turn. R.Lein'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 SKYHAWK, ROLLING THUNDER 1966 (Legion) BC 2.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game putting the player in command of an A-4E Skyhawk during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder, the mass bombing campaign over northern Vietnam in 1966. Player is based on the USS Rosevelt at Yankee Station. Your goal is to successfully carry out missions -- which includes return alive. Player loads out their aircraft with munitions as needed, with occasional political meddling, then faces determined Vietnamese opposition in the form of small arms fire, AAA, SAMs and a rare MiG. Three campaigns (composed of multiple missions) are included: First Tour of Duty (Aug-Sept 1966), Second (Oct-Dec) and the third covers the complete 5 month period. Fast playing & engaging, with systems descended from B-17, B-29, Target for Today & Tonight. Mounted battle board, 284 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'23 1 Stock NEW $55.00 SLOUCH HATS & EGGSHELLS (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covering the de Gaulle-inspired, Allied invasion of Vichy Palestine in 1941. The Allies expected a bloodless cakewalk but the Vichy forces resisted fiercely. Designed to facilitate mating with L2D's Rommel's War 2nd. 200 counters. V.von Borries'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 SPLENDID LITTLE WAR, SANTIAGO 1898 2ND (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 2nd edition update of this grand tactical game of the Battle of Santiago, the key battle in the American conquest of Cuba, July 1898. Scenarios include the btl for El Caney, Rough Riders at San Juan Hill, a combination of the two, plus the 14 day campaign. Btln/Reg level, 350yd/hex, 6hrs/turn. 352 counters. Med-High solitaire suitability. A.Nunez'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 TANGA, BATTLE OF... 1914 (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Second game of the Great War Tactical series. The battle of Tanga was the result of the first Allied offensive against German East Africa in 1914. The Brits make an abortive amphibious landing near the town of Tanga, outnumbering the Germans 8-1. But prompt & decisive German response routs the Brits who retreated by boat. 360 double-sided die-cut counters. 200yd/hex, 1hr/turn, platn/co level. D.Biship'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $48.00 TANGA, BATTLE OF... 1914 PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 112017 < NEW $4.00 Box, only. New, but has 4 separate creases on box cover. 2 112016 NEW $4.00 Box, only. Clean. TARGET FOR TODAY PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140315 EXCELL $3.00 Box only. Ding to one box corner with some minor deformation. Structurally intact & entirely servicable as a box. Otherws new. 2 148029 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Box btm has a few minor creases. 3 148028 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Box btm has a few minor creases. 4 147383 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Sml ding to one corner, several creases on box btm. Otherws clean. 5 150047 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box cover corner, otherws new. 6 143195 NEW $5.00 Box only TARGET FOR TODAY: AXIS FIGHTER AIRCRAFT (Legion) n 0.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Small Kit that adds fighters from Italy, Romania & Hungary to the Target for Today game of daylight strategic bombing of Germany, and its air defenses. Includes 56 1" counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 TARGET FOR TONIGHT (Legion) BC* 3.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Sequel to very popular Target for Today game. Solitaire game covering Britain's nighttime strategic bombing campaign over Europe, 1942-45. Player commands individual RAF bombers on night missions in any of 12 campaigns each with individual missions. Goal is to survive your tour of duty. Mounted map, 204 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'20 1 Stock NEW $67.00 * TARGET FOR TONIGHT PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143362 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Modest ding to one box cover corner. 2 149102 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box btm corner; otherws new . TARGET FOR TONIGHT: ITALIAN CAMPAIGN KIT (Legion zl 2-6wks Turnarnd (Kit that focuses on the RAF's night bombing campaign against the industrialized north of Italy between 1940-43. During this time, Italian air defenses were poor & poorly organized but slowly grew stronger. The British used primarily the Whitley bomber during this period. Includes 75 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'24 1 Stock NEW $32.00 TONKIN 2ND PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 150048 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Box has a big X written on cover in permanent marker but is otherws new. TONKIN, FIRST INDOCHINA WAR 1950-54 3RD (Legion) BC 1.5 4-8wks Turnarnd Update of this game previously published in Vae Victis. 2 player game of the First Indochina War, that between the Viet Mihn & the French colonial army, focused on the 4 key years in northern Vietnam. Key dynamic is supply which is spent to perform actions including combat. 352 couinters, modest complexity. K.Kanger'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 TOULON, 1793, NAPOLEON'S FIRST VICTORY (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Operational level game for 2-7 players covering the siege of Toulon, France, Aug-Dec 1793. Area-move, operational level, covering the entire campaign from the landing of Anglo-Spanish forces thru their evacuation. It became Napoleon's first great victory. Operational points are the key dynamic, with the interaction of multiple nations' forces interacting adding another layer. As an artillery captain, Napoleon makes his presence known & eventually turns their guns on the supporting Allied ships, making their moorings unsafe, thus ending the siege & rebellion within Toulon. 1wk/turn, co/btln/regt level, 528 counters. A.Loakes'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $50.00 TROIS BATAILLES EN ALLEMAGNE (Legion) BC 2.8 2-6wks Turnarnd Game bundle including 3 key battles from the Napoleonic era played at regt level. Covers the battles of Jena, Oct 1806 against the Prussians; Auerstaedt, on the same day as Jena, also against the Prussians, which together routed the Prussian army; and Le Siege de Danzig, part of the Eylau campaign, March to May 1807, involving the Russians. 250m/hex, 30min/turn, 5 maps, 560 counters. Didier Rouy'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $79.00 TROIS BATAILLES EN ALLEMAGNE PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143363 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Slight ding along one box btm edge. Very slight, and otherws new. VELIKIYE LUKI, STALINGRAD OF THE NORTH (Legion) zl 2-6wks Turnarnd Mini-game of the bitter, winter battle of Velikiye Luki, Nov 1942-Feb 1943, as the Soviets' northern Operation Mars pincer seeks to cut the main north-south rail line for the Germans. The Soviets advanced thru difficult terrain around the town & isolated it; Hitler insisted that the town be held, but fell in mid-January. 1 small map, 64 counters. Michael Taylor'24 1 Stock NEW $15.00 == Games by PUBLISHER ========= 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! LITTLE WARS MAG ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- LONG MARCH #7 (LittlW) n n 0.2 Out-of-Print Mag+Game. Little Wars mag. Long March is a 2-3 player game of World War II in China, and the Chinese Civil War, which followed, 1942-49. Japanese seek to control China & play off rival Chinese factions. Communist & Nationalist Chinese must fight each other, while keeping the Japanese at bay. Strategic level, provence based. Counters printed on thicker cardstock, must be optionally mounted & cut apart for play. T.Wham'77 1 87533 MINT $32.50 == Games by PUBLISHER ========= 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! LOONEY LAB URL: ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AQUARIUS CARD GAME (Loo) SB 0.3 2-5 player, simple card game. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 CHEMISTRY FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Card game in the Fluxx family focused on chemistry & the elements. Find the elements needed to combine to achieve a goal. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 CHRONONAUTS (LOO) SB 0.6 Temp OoP/OoS Simple card game of time travel for 1-6 players in which players attempt to change history, then travel back to the present. Fast playing & intriguing. Best card game of '00 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 CHRONONAUTS: LOST IDENTITIES BOOSTER (LOO) zl 0.3 Boosters containing 13 Chronoaut IDs, 1 mission card. '01 1 Special Ordr NEW $2.50 CHRONONAUTS: THE GORE YEARS KIT (LOO) n 0.1 Set of add-on cards that allow a miracle: what if time travelers could alter the outcome of the 2000 US presidential elections? Includes 11 cards that would spare everyone much heartache. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 CTHULHU FLUXX (Loo) SB A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, utilizing Lovecraft's Cthulhu theme. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 DOCTOR WHO FLUXX CARD GAME (Loo) SB 0.5 Fast-playing family card game for up to 6 players that integrates the themes of the Doctor Who show with the basic Fluxx game. The rules change, the good Doctor changes, as does some of his companions. This version includes creepers & surprise cards. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 DRINKING FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Game in the Fluxx family focused on the fun of drinking alcohol. Players must collect the individual elements needed to complete a goal (eg beer & pizza).. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 FLUXX CARD GAME V5.0 (Loo) SB 0.4 Current v5.0 version of this 2-6 player, fast playing card game in which both the rules & the goal change thru the course of the game. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.00 FLUXX CARD GAME: BLANK CARDS KIT (Loo) zl 0.2 Pack of 13 blank cards which you can use to make your own bizarre twist in time. '01 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 FLUXX: DICE EXPANSION KIT (Loo) SC 0.2 Kit that adds dice to any version of fluxx; a roll of the dice will now change the draw & the rules, too! 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 LOONACY, THE MANIACAL MATCHING CARD GAME (Loo) BC Simple, very fast paced & fast playing, 2-5 player family card game of matching images quickly with the open piles of cards in front of everyone. First to discard 7 cards wins. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 MAD LIBS, ADULT VERSION, THE GAME (Loo) SC 0.5 Game aimed at a mature audience that allows the possibility of suggestive words, but really its pretty mild. Combine a word card with a sentence card in an effort to create the funniest sentence each round. For 3-8 players, very fast playing. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MAD LIBS, THE GAME (Loo) SC 1.0 Card game in which players play word cards to complete a sentence card in either an appropriate or most inapporpriate way. The game has been in circulation since 1958, reprinted here by Looney. '16 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MATH FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Game in the Fluxx family. Players collect cards with the individual elements needed to achieve a goal card. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 MONTY PYTHON FLUXX (Loo) SB Another variation on Fluxx, focused on Monty Python's Holy Grail movie. Players attemp to help Arthur & his knights find the Holy Grail by bringing a shrubbery to the Knights Who Say Ni!, etc. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 PIRATE FLUXX (Loo) SB A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, that is part party game combined with Fluxx. Players must at times Talk Like a Pirate & plunder from yer mates, and find fruit to protect from scurvy. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 RETRO LOONACY, MANICAL CARD MATCHING GM (Loo) SC 0.4 Rapid-paced, 2-5 player, very quick playing card game where players strive to be the first to paly all 7 cards from their hand by matching 1 of 2 images on each card with images on previously played cards. Quick wits are important. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SEVEN DRAGONS (Loo) SC Fast-paced, domino-like game played with colorfully illustrated cards & bluff & subterfuge. Players seek to connect 7 panels of cards. L.Elmore'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 STAR FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.5 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, set in space & depicting many strains of popular sci-fi TV, movie & fiction characters & settings. Visit this wormhole of hilarity...! '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 STONER FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.4 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, that celebrates the Weed, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness while allowing you to change the rules in mid-game. The goal of the game is to end marijuana prohibition, cards contain lots of stoner humor (e.g. "Uh...what were we just doing?") A likely winner encouraging those who sympathize with pot use to say "enough is enough." Like Canada, our progressive neighbor to the north already has. $1 donated by publisher to end marijuana prohibition for each deck sold. '03 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 ZOMBIE FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.5 Newest version of Fluxx -- now with zombies. Introduces the Creeper card, and Keepers are used against zombies. If other players become zombies, you must destroy them! '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 == Games by PUBLISHER ========= 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! LUDOFOLIE EDITIONS ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- MARIGNAN 1515 2ND (Ludofo) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Update of a game appearing in a very early issue of Vae Victis magazine (#3). Game of the 5th War of Italy, July 1515-Feb 1517, which included the battle of Marignano that shaped the Swiss relationship with the rest of Europe. The French & their allies take on the Swiss and their many allies (including the Papacy, the Holy Roman Empire & the Kingdom of Naples). Both seek to gain control of the Duchy of Milano and Venetian areas held by the Holy Roman Empire. Players must collect resources each turn and pay their numerous mercenary forces -- or to bribe opposing forces. Game is both strategic and tactical, with both gunpower & pike forces involved. English language edition. 1-2mo/turn, 1-2000men/unit, 216 counters. '16 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 MARSHALLS, THE..., V4, JOSEPH (Ludofo) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Fourth game in The Marshalls series (published by different publishers). This volume covers Joseph's response to being surprised by the Anglo-Spanish attack on Madrid in Nov 1809. 216 counters, point-point map, 5 scenarios + campaign, div/brig level. Denis Sauvage'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 NORMANDY 1944, BLOODY SUMMER [2ND] (Ludofo) zl 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Revision of earlier Normandie 1944 game from Vae Victis #27, with new mechanics & revised OoB (with twice as many units), plus air support units, and a second map extending the game to Paris and covering the D-Day landings thru August 1944. Regt/div level, 1week/turn, 6km/hex, complex, 2 scenarios (Cherbourg & Goodwood/Cobra) plus campaign. E.Teng'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 - - 96 Items & 36 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember... [IM_Publs:2024]