Fine Games for Players & Collectors 'S' TITLES (i.e. Alphabetic), IN-PRINT *and* IN-STOCK All Available Items Listed Alphabetically (0-A-Z) as of 01-22-25 19:41 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . == Games by TITLE ============= 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! "S" TITLED ITEMS (i.e. Titles beginning with "S") ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- SADOWA CAMPAIGN, 1866 (AgaTPS) HP 1.1 2-6wks Turnarnd One of the 20 decisive campaigns of history. This unheard of campaign from the obscure Austro-Prussian War of 1866 furthered Bismarck's trajectory of making Germany a modern nation - and likely formed the basis for two world wars. An outnumbered but aggressive, more progressive Prussian army faces a slow moving Austrian army that largely failed to exploit its advantages. But France could have entered the war, and other possibilities were present. J.Werbaneth'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 SAILS OF GLORY STARTER SET (AGS) FB Temp OoP/OoS Starter set for this expandable game of ship-ship naval combat during the Age of Sail, using detailed, 1:1000 scale, pre-painted & assembled miniatures (ala Wings of War). Game system includes the full range of detail, but it is handled elegantly so play is streamlined, and game system can be learned quickly. Designed for 2-4 players. This set provides everything needed to play smaller scenarios between the British & French during the Napoleonic era (including 4 ships). MANY additional ships available & sold separately. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $65.00 SAIPAN & TINIAN (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Co/Btln lvl game of the US invasions of 2 key islands in the Pacific in 1944. Eventual US victory is a certainty; the Japanese must due better than they did historically to win. 2 maps, 450 counters, 0.5mi/hex, 12hrs/turn. R.Lein'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 SALAMANCA, BATTLE OF... (SSG) HC 0.5 Out-of-Print Turning point of Penisula War, July 1812. 1 2697 MINT $32.00 39 counters fallen from tree; game never used & others mint. SALERNO '43: MOUNTED MAP KIT (GMT) n 1-3wks Turnarnd Mounted map (only) for Salerno '43 game. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.50 SAM GRANT, CIVIL WAR IN THE WEST 1862-4 (ColumG) BC 1.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Brother game to Bobby Lee, uses Columbia's block system and a beautiful map to cover the western campaigns between St. Louis & Atlanta, 1962-4. 3 yearly & mateable scenarios plus campaign linking with Bobby Lee. Simpler game, fun. T.Dalgliesh, G.Selkirk'97 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 SAM GRANT, CIVIL WAR IN THE WEST PARTS (ColumG) n Out-of-Print 1 36423 V.GOOD $3.00 Counter sheet labels, only. Missing Confed inf counters #2 & 3, label residue marring Union inf #9 & 10, and partially marring 6 other units. Labels otherws still on sheet & mint. SAMURAI PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 59555 EXCELL $3.00 Rules photocopy, only. 3 holed. 2 70699 V.GOOD $2.00 Set of 4 Clan Strength Charts. Somewhat soiled. 3 22971 V.GOOD $2.00 Photocopy of rules copy, only. SANDHURST WARGAMES (Sandhr) Bk 1.3 Out-of-Print 4 Games in large,richly illustrated softbound book: Aquitaine (English play cat & mouse w/ French during 100yrs War), Craonne (delaying action by French during 1814 campaign), Fjord (operational naval combat in the Barents Sea 1942-4), Men Against Fire (tactical combat during island invasions in the Pacific in WWII). 1982 book of 4 games & the history within them. Counters provided as thin cardstock. '82 1 1645 MINT $24.00 Sml dog-ear on rear cover. Otherws mint. SANDS OF IWO JIMA 2ND (Schutz) HC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Boxed version of this operational level game of the fierce battle for Iwo Jima, Feb-March 1945. Co-btln level, 3days/turn. Fairly simple rules. US goal is to eliminate all Japanese units while the Japanese seek to hold out as long as possible and cause maximum casualties. Includes 176 counters, 431m/hex, btln level, 3days/turn. B.Costello'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SANTIAGO CAMPAIGN 1898 #102 (Com_PW) n n Avail Uncrtn Mag & game. Game of the land campaign for Santiago, which included the battles of San Juan Hill & El Caney. Map covers Daiquiri & Siboney to the area west of Santiago. 1mi/hex, 1day/turn, '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.50 SARATOGA 1777, BATTLE OF... (AgaTPS) HP 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Chosen as one of the 20 decisive battles of world, this game covers the 1777 battle of the American Revolution that destroyed a small British army in what is now up-state New York, and gave the Americans standing in the world & hope of winning over the Brits. Covers both Bemis Heights & Freeman's Farm, and includes command control & fog of war issues. Includes 200 counters & mounted map. R.Markham'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 SARATOGA 2ND PARTS (GMT) BC Out-of-Print 1 110596 NEW $5.00 Box, only. SCATTERGORIES, THE CARD GAME (WMI) SB Temp OoP/OoS 2-12 player party card game in a very portable format. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 SCHNELL BOATS (Compas) BC* 3.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game of tactical naval combat between German Schnell Boats (akin to US PT boats) in the English Channel, June 1943 to June 1944. Player leads a squad of 4 Schnell boats (or experimental hydrofoil boats) based in Cherbourg on missions against allied shipping or occasionally a special mission such as mine laying or pilot rescue. Players track up to 14 crew members as well as each boats' equipment and weaponry. Player's goal is to survive the full 12 months while also destroying as much Allied shiping as they can. Patrols can be completed in about 30 minutes. Moderate complexity, 10 missions/month, 2 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Follows in the long line of solitaire games begun with B-17 and the later Target for Today/Tonight. Joe Carter'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 * SCRIMMAGE #37 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 93083 MINT $4.00 Counters only. Upper margin of tree has side (eg Allies) written in. 2 48750 V.GOOD $3.00 Map only. 1 1" spot on map, map margin cut off along hex grid. SEA MONSTERS, 4 NAVAL GAMES (Agains) HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd ATO's 2018 Annual (published 3 years late!). Set of four naval games set in the 19th & 20th centuries. IRON & FIRE depicts the battles of the Peruvian ironclad Huascar during the 1879 war with Chile, where it outclassed everything it encountered but was but a single ship. Paul Rohrbaugh / UNDER TEN FLAGS covers the German merchant raider Atlantis in the south Atlantic early in WWII, where it survived 600 days by continually changing its appearance. Solitaire. Paul Stuhlfaut. / XXI is a solitaire game that challenges the player to build an adequate fleet of Type XXI u-boats for the Germans beginning in 1943; historically, only 2 actually sailed. Game is akin to Wings for the Baron where the focus is on the logistics of producing a critical mass of this more complex submarine. Steven Cunliffe / FIRST STRIKE is a solitaire game in which British float planes observe and bomb zeppelin hangers, while in reply the German bomb the British fleet. Paul Rohrbaugh / Includes 6 maps, 350+ counters. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 SEALORDS, VIETNAM WAR IN THE MEKONG#243 (DecS_T) n n 1.0 Out-of-Print Mag & Game. Game of the American effort to control & pacify the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War. Takes a standard, asset-oriented look at the US attempt to block movement of NVA units and attack their bases. 280 counters, square grid map covering Vietnam south of Saigon. Units co to div level; 6.2mi/hex; 7-30days/turn, 3 scenarios. J.Miranda'07 / ARTICLES ON: Sealords, joint warfare in the Mekong Delta; Scipio Aemilianus, Rome's Master of Unconventional Warfare; Spanish in Vietnam 1859-62; George Thomas, Union General from the South; Soldiering & Marriage thru History; Battle of Schellenberg 1704 during the War of Spanish Succession; Caesar's Counterinsurgency in Gaul 58-51BC; HBO's Rome series. 1 80332 NEW $40.00 Last copy. SEAS OF THUNDER (GMT) DC* 4.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Strategic level game of the naval war in World War II around the world. Depicts not only the struggle for supremacy, but emphasizes the challenge each nation's leaders faced allocating limited resources to the struggle. Game has 7 smaller scenarios that can be combined to include most of or all of the war. Something of a massive elaboration on earlier War At Sea & Victory in the Pacific games. 1400 counters, 1 dbl-sided map. Jeff Horger'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 * SECOND BULL RUN 1862 #148 (VaeV_C) n n 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & Game. French-language game of militiary history with a complete game in each issue. Covers the Second Battle of Bull Run, 1862. Uses system previously used for Cedar Creek (#94) and Stones River (#121). 1.5hrs/turn, brig level, on a small map. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 SEDGWICK ATTACKS, SALEM CHURCH (Revolu) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Packaged in a bookcase box. Grand tactical game of the battle of Salem Church, May 1862. 10th game in the Blind Sword game series. 1 countersheet. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 SEDGWICK ATTACKS, SALEM CHURCH [ZIPLOCK] (Revolu zl 2-6wks Turnarnd Packaged in a ziplock. Grand tactical game of the battle of Salem Church, May 1862. 10th game in the Blind Sword game series. 1 countersheet. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.50 SEELOWE (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print What if Germany invades England in July or Spt '40? Lots of What-ifs. J Young '74 1 2144 EXCELL $29.00 Complete. British units have a code written onto blank backsides. Otherws clean. SEKIGAHARA, THE UNIFICATION OF JAPAN 5TH (GMT) DC* 4.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2023 Reprint. Simpler block-style game set in 1600 in Japan as each clan attempts to gain dominance over, and thus unify, all of Japan under one Shogun. A 7-week campaign including marshalling armies of dubious loyalty, fight key battles & secure defections from your enemies. 119 blocks, 110 cards, 5000men/block, 3.5days/turn, simpler mechanics. Combat is resolved via card play. M.Simonitch'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 * SET EUROPE ABLAZE (Agains) HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2014 Annual (yeah, in mid-2015). Card-driven game of the battle in western occupied Europe in WWII as Britain creates & supplies civilian resistance forces across Europe. Played on an abstracted, area-move map representing France & the Low Countryies. J.Prados'15 / Also includes Depths of Courage, a small, solitaire game of the first true, successful submarine attack launched in 1864 during the American Civil War. 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 SEVEN DRAGONS (Loo) SC Fast-paced, domino-like game played with colorfully illustrated cards & bluff & subterfuge. Players seek to connect 7 panels of cards. L.Elmore'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SEVEN YEARS WORLD WAR #221 PARTS (DecS_T) n n Out-of-Print 1 140335 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of rules, only. SHADOW OF THE EAGLE: MEDELLIN 1809 #16 (Alea) n n 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & Game. Includes English rules translation. Gm in the SotE series of battles in Iberia during the Napoleonic Wars. Tac lvl. All original components in Spanish. J.A.V. Zuniga'93 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 SHENANDOAH, JACKSON'S VALLEY CAMPAIGN (ColumG) BC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Block system game of Stonewall Jackson's May-June 1862 cmapaign in the Shenandoah Valley. Using boldness & agility, his smaller force first paralyzed then defeat 3 enveloping Union armies. Brigade level, using an activation system. Block system provides fog of war. T.Dagliesch, G.Selkirk'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 SHILOH, APRIL 1862 (ColumG) BC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Block system game of this key battle of the Am Civil War, April 1862. Confeds under Johnson launch a surprise but largely uncoordinated attack on the Union, which eventually rally & drive the Confeds back. 100 blocks. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 SHILOH, THE FIRST DAY (Revolu) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Packaged in a bookcase box. 11th game in the Blind Swords game series. Covers the first day at the pivotal battle of Shiloh, 6 April 1862. Includes 7 scenarios allowing for introduction to this large game, or shorter play times. Includes 2 maps, 528 counters. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $70.00 SHILOH, THE FIRST DAY ZL (Revolu) zl 2-6wks Turnarnd Packaged in a ziplock. 11th game in the Blind Swords game series. Covers the first day at the pivotal battle of Shiloh, 6 April 1862. Includes 7 scenarios allowing for introduction to this large game, or shorter play times. Includes 2 maps, 528 counters. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 SHINING PATH, STRUGGLE FOR PERU REV (MDG) Fo 0.3 Out-of-Print Small, DTP game of the long-running guerilla war in Peru between Maoist guerillas & the US-supported government, Guerillas seek to fray society, exploit the government's corruption, and wreck the economy. Includes color area 11x17 map & 140 counters that must be mounted & cut apart. Revised edition. B.Train'99 1 55415 NEW $10.00 SHOGUN PARTS (Milton) HB Out-of-Print 1 91381 EXCELL $9.00 SHIPPING QUOTED. Map only. MUST SHIP as a HUGE Box item due to size. 2 91384 EXCELL $6.00 Army Cards, set of 5, only. 3 91383 EXCELL $7.00 Reference screens set of 5, only. 4 91385 EXCELL $9.00 Rules, only, sml amt of underlining in red. Minor wear thru use. SHOWTIME HANOI (Agains) n 0.0 Out-of-Print FREE with any order. Intro game printed on a post cart. Tiny, simpler game of air-air & air-ground combat between US & northern Vietnamese forces. '08 1 86462 NEW $0.00 SI-MOVE PLOTTING CHARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print Pad of Si-Move charts 1 89951 MINT $1.00 Pad of Si-Move charts 2 110100 MINT $1.00 Pad of Si-Move charts 3 110098 MINT $1.00 Pad of Si-Move charts 4 110099 MINT $1.00 Pad of Si-Move charts 5 89953 MINT $1.00 Pad of Si-Move charts SICILY, RACE FOR MESSINA #89 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 1 42686 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 2 42688 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 3 42687 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). SIEGE OF CONSTANTINOPLE #66 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 92841 MINT $3.00 Rules only. SIEGE OF HONG KONG (MDG) Fo 0.3 Out-of-Print Small, DTP game of the Japanese invasion & conquest of Hong Kong late in 1941. 800m/hex, 12hr/turn, company level. Played on color 11x17 map w/ 280 unmounted color counters. Straight forward game system. M.Gilbert'97 1 55416 NEW $16.00 SIEGE OF JERUSALEM, 70 A.D., 1ST (HistPr) FT 1.6 Out-of-Print Packaged in an SPI flattray. A labor of love. Respectable graphics on counters & map; rules are typewritten photocopies common at the time. Covers the year-long siege of Jewish zealot rebels in Jerusalem, 70AD, as the Romans force their way into any of many sections of the city against fierce resistance. Game progresses thru a limited series of assault periods. Provides excellent detail about the units, each side's capabilities, the various Jewish factions, parts of the divided city, and Roman siege works. F.Schacter'76 1 1290 MINT $120.00 Packed in an SPI Flattray. Huge map panels have been carefully trimmed at margins, and pieces taped together, to neatly reassemble and also fit into a FT for storage. Otherws cherry mint. SIEGE OF LENINGRAD #13 PARTS (Jagdpa) n Out-of-Print 1 151868 MINT $2.00 Map only. Cherry. SIEGE OF ORGUN, AFGHANISTAN 1983 (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Operation level game of the Afghani Mujahideen's assault on fortified positions in the eastern province of Paktika held by an Afghan regiment with some Soviet forces as well. Area-move, impulse driven game with interactive play. Includes 36 event cards, 88 counters, pltn/company level. P.Ruestchmann'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SIEGE OF SYRACUSE, 415-413BC (AgaTPS) HP 1.1 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the Athenian campaign against Syracuse in Sicily during the Peloponesian War. Regarded by this series as one of the truly decisive battles in history. Athens has the option of how to attack: assault or siege, and Syracuse has many enemies of Athens coming to its aid. 176 counters, area move. P.Rohrbaugh'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 SILVER BAYONETS 2ND (GMT) BC* 3.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 25th anniversary update of this 12 scenario game of the conventional battle for the Ia Drang Valley early in the US's 2nd Vietnamese War, 1965. The NVA sends a full division against the lightly held area in the highlands of central southern Vietnam & the town of Pleiku. The newly arrived 1st Air Cav reinforced the desparate ARVN defenders & a tough, month-long battle ensued. Company level, with integrated movement & compbat, limited intelligence. 12 scenarios including what-ifs. 1.5 countersheets, 1day/turn, 1mi/hex. 2nd edition streamlines the system with a combat system integrating maneuver combat, close assault, ranged fire & air power, plus tweaks better representing each sides advantages. G.Billingsley, M.Land'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.00 * SIMULATIONS CANADA COMPUTER GAMES [PC] (SimCan) Fo Going OoP Moscow Campaign 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 SINGAPORE, FALL OF MALAYA #96 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96899 MINT $5.00 Rules only SIROCCO PARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 61459 EXCELL $1.00 Basic rules, only. 2 61458 EXCELL $2.00 Basic rules, only. SIX DAYS OF GLORY (CofA) zl 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Packaged in a ziplock. Small, colorful game of Napoleon's short-lived comeback in 1814. After an initial defeat, the French come back strong, severely mauling the overconfident Prussians on the road to Paris. Operational level game by the Master of Napoleonics, 280 counters, 1 map, 3 scenarios & campaign game. K.Zucker'97 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 SIX DAYS OF WAR, 2017 ANNUAL (Agains) HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2017 annual (published way late in 2020, as usual). Game of the Six Day War of 1967, as Israel makes a preemptive strike on its several neighboring Arab states for a decisive military victory against all. Includes card play that accounts for the political backdrop to the situation. 245 counters, map divided into 3 fronts (Golan, West Bank & Sinai), reg/brig level, 1day/turn. 10 turns but game can end at anytime when the UN calls a ceasefire. Historical & nightmare scenarios. Good beginners' game (without pre-game cardplay) and excellent solitaire suitability. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.99 SIXTH FLEET #48 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 44158 EXCELL $3.00 Rules only. 2 70761 V.GOOD $2.50 Rules only. SKIES ABOVE THE REICH 2ND (GMT) DC* 5.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint. Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Messerschmidt BF-109 fighter squadron in the face of endless American bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Jerry White & Mark Aasted'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 * SKIRMISHER MAGAZINE #3 (MMPSKI) n 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Magazine supporting the Great Campaigns of the Am Civil War game series. ARTICLES ON: Preview of On to Richmond II (w/ Grant Takes Command included); Long Road to Gettysburg strategic variant (via download; Streamline version of Atlanta is Ours Advanced Game Rules. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 SKIRMISHER MAGAZINE #4 (MMPSki) n n 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd Magazine supporting the Great Campaigns of the Am Civil War game series. Includes 140 counter for included scenarios. ARTICLES ON: upcoming GCACW games; Lee's Last Offensive module on the Bristoe Station & Mine Run campaigns of 1863 with 4 scenarios & 3 campaigns along with an historical article; Playtest reports on Lee's Last Offensive scenarios; Battle for the Gaps scencario about a cavalry engagement immediately before Gettysburg; Strategy for All Green Alike campaigns; Replay of a Stonewall Jackson II scenario; listing of GCACW tournaments & online venues. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $23.00 SKYHAWK, ROLLING THUNDER 1966 (Legion) BC 2.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game putting the player in command of an A-4E Skyhawk during the early days of Operation Rolling Thunder, the mass bombing campaign over northern Vietnam in 1966. Player is based on the USS Rosevelt at Yankee Station. Your goal is to successfully carry out missions -- which includes return alive. Player loads out their aircraft with munitions as needed, with occasional political meddling, then faces determined Vietnamese opposition in the form of small arms fire, AAA, SAMs and a rare MiG. Three campaigns (composed of multiple missions) are included: First Tour of Duty (Aug-Sept 1966), Second (Oct-Dec) and the third covers the complete 5 month period. Fast playing & engaging, with systems descended from B-17, B-29, Target for Today & Tonight. Mounted battle board, 284 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'23 1 Stock NEW $55.00 SL: SQUAD LEADER PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 40422 EXCELL $3.00 Reference Data Cards (charts), set of 2 2 148611 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 3 148613 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 4 91915 MINT $3.00 Single Cross of Iron/Crescendo of Doom CRT/Charts page, only. 5 148612 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 6 148609 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 7 148608 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 8 148610 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 9 148614 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 10 148607 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 11 148605 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 12 148616 V.GOOD $2.00 Box, only. COver sun faded. Some sml abrasions. 13 148604 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 14 148606 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. SL: SQUAD LEADER, 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148229 EXCELL $7.50 2nd ed rules, only. Spine preemptively reinforced w/ tape. Otherws clean. SL: CRESCENDO OF DOOM PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88474 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 2 88472 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 3 88473 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 4 148596 MINT $1.00 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. 5 150244 MINT $6.00 Rules, only. Clean. 6 148597 MINT $1.00 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. 7 88470 V.GOOD $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 8 148595 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. 9 148594 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. 10 88471 V.GOOD $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 11 148593 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. SL: CROSS OF IRON PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148232 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario set 13-20, only. 2 148599 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 3 148600 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 4 148601 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 5 148602 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 6 148241 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario set 13-20, only. 7 71131 V.GOOD $2.00 Set of 3 (yes, 3) Quick Ref Data (charts) cards SL: CROSS OF IRON, 3RD PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148236 EXCELL $10.00 3rd ed rules. Rules cover separated at staples & repaired. Stain on inside back page. Otherws clean. SL: GI, ANVIL OF VICTORY PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88477 EXCELL $4.00 Scenario set (#33-47). 2 148590 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 3 148591 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 4 148589 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 5 132701 V.GOOD $5.00 Set of 2 charts & tables cards. Several sml stains including staple rust. Otherws EX. 6 148592 V.GOOD $4.00 Box, only. Mildly scuffed w/ some box btm creases. Structurally sound. Writing on colored end panel. SL: GI, ANVIL OF VICTORY, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148620 V.GOOD $8.00 1st ed Rules, only. Stain on btm of back cover page. Wrinkled thru use. Otherws clean. SL: SQUAD LEADER 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 150243 MINT $6.00 Rules, only. Clean. SL: SQUAD LEADER BOARD # 4 UNMNTD (AH) n 0.1 Out-of-Print # 4 Unmounted map board. 1 149754 MINT $1.00 MUST SHIPPED ROLLED or be folded in middle. SL: SQUAD LEADER PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 94263 EXCELL $3.00 SL scenario set (1-12), only. 2 148237 MINT $2.00 Scenario 1-12 set only. 3 69166 V.GOOD $1.00 Set of 2 Charts & Tables pages. 4 69167 V.GOOD $1.00 Set of 2 Charts & Tables pages. SLAPSHOT 3RD (ColumG) SC 0.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Reprint of this v.simple, fun & humorous game of managing a comical hockey team thru the normal season & into the playoffs, for 2-6 players. Players assemble a team, wheel & deal with players thru the normal season, then compete in playoffs with a fixed team roster, injuries not withstanding. T.Dalgleisch, L.Gutteridge, R.Gibson, J.Gordon'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.50 SLOUCH HATS & EGGSHELLS (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covering the de Gaulle-inspired, Allied invasion of Vichy Palestine in 1941. The Allies expected a bloodless cakewalk but the Vichy forces resisted fiercely. Designed to facilitate mating with L2D's Rommel's War 2nd. 200 counters. V.von Borries'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 SMASH UP (AEG) FB 2-4 player "shufflebuilding" card game in which players form decks composed of pirates, ninjas, robots, zombies, aliens, wizards, tricksters & dinosaurs (all trying to take over the world). Each card type has a special ability (pirates move cards, zombies come back from the discard pile, etc). Intended to be total awesome fun. P.Peterson'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SMASH UP, AWESOME LEVEL 90000 (AEG) FB Can be played as stand-alone game, or mixed in with Smash up for all kinds of weirdness. Adds all sorts of new tricks to the deck for this game. Killer plants, steampunks, ghosts, bear cavalry, & more. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 SMOLENSK, BARBAROSSA DERAILED PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 132299 < NEW $4.00 Box, only. Slight ding to one box corner. Otherws new. SNIPER! PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 109116 GOOD $3.00 Rules, only. Well used, with lots of evidence of use: wear & repairs on seams, smudges, soiling, but fully functional. 2 109118 GOOD $2.00 Charts & Tables page, only. Single copy. Soiled & worn thru use, but whole & functional. 3 109117 GOOD $2.00 Charts & Tables page, only. Single copy. Soiled & worn thru use, but whole & functional. 4 107568 V.GOOD $5.00 Counterset & AFV cutouts, only. Complete or substantially so. Some soiling thru use. Some counters written on on blank backsides. 5 109119 V.GOOD $5.00 Map, only. Some lite stains on surface but VGd overall. SNIPER!, 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 91906 FAIR $2.00 Rules only. Well worn & soiled, with several tears w/ some missing text resulting. Servicable for a players' copy. SOLDIER KINGS: THE POTATO WAR KIT (Avalan) n 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Kit for Soldier Kings that depicts the War of Bavarian Succession, 1778. Austria seeks to secure Bavaria, while Prussia seeks to prevent that. The result was a short war in which the armies scoured the land for food, esp potatoes. Also depicts the American Revolution during 1778, and the Russo-Ottoman War of 1768. Includs a map addition plus 69 new counters. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN #95 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96900 MINT $5.00 Rules only SOLDIERS, WWI TACTICAL COMBAT 1914-5 (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print 13 scenario game of tactical combat in WW1,1914-15, including the west & east fronts, plus Africa & China. D.Isby, L.Glynn'72 1 2158 MINT $79.00 Cherry mint. SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 40445 EXCELL $4.00 Starting Forces & Reinforcement (TRC) chart, only. 2 114196 MINT $8.00 Rules, only. 3 114197 MINT $6.00 Starting Forces/Reinf/TRC Chart, only. SOME POLES APART (Agains) n 0.0 Out-of-Print FREE with any order. Game on a postcard of a simple, impulse driven game of combat between Germans & Poles, presumably for Warsaw tho the subject is never explained. P.Rohrbaugh'07 1 86475 NEW $0.00 SOUTH AFRICA #62 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 92848 MINT $4.00 Rules only. 2 70669 V.GOOD $2.00 Rules only. 3-holed; some text lost. # written in upper corner. SOUTH AFRICA, VESTIGE OF COLONIALISM #62 (SPIS_T n 0.8 Out-of-Print 1 97599 V.GOOD $3.00 Rules only. Some minor stains. SOUTH CHINA SEA, CONFLICT IN S PACIFIC2D (Compas BC 1.6 Avail Uncrtn Reprint of this strategic level, integrated political & military game of the real & potential conflicts in the South China Sea between 5 key players: the US, China, Malaysia, Philippines & Vietnam. Players engage in structured activies to shift the political situation in their favor, but each activity bears a varying risk of provoking armed conflict that shifts the game to the traditional hex board format. 2 maps, 39 cards, 390 counters, 3-7hrs/turn, 45nm/hex, 2ships/counter, btnl-level. Designed for 2-3 players and can be played solitaire. John Gorkowski'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $62.00 SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (Excal) FB 1.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Simple, strategic level 2-6 player game of international trading in the 17th-18th Centuries via merchant ships. Like a mix of Rail Baron & Empire Builder, goods available appear in a port by card play, and can be transported for $ to another port in the world. Pirates, storms & other players may make things tricky. Orig published by LCRL Ent. '79 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SPACE ALERT (RIO) FB 2-6wks Turnarnd Interesting, fast playing 2-5 player game of cooperation to protect a single space ship exploring a dangerous part of the galaxy. Uses a CD-ROM (or printed scenario card) to generate a series of threats that players must deal with cooperatively in 10 minutes of real time to defend the ship. Several difficulty levels. A 3-mission game lasts 30min. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 SPACE EMPIRES 4X: 4TH ED DC BOX (GMT) DC 0.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 3", doublecase box, only, for this game designed to hold the mounted map & all the "stuff." '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SPACE EMPIRES 4X: CLOSE ENCNTRS 2D PARTS (GMT) BC Out-of-Print 1 136182 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box corner. Otherws clean. SPACE EMPIRES 4X: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) n 1.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Mounted map for the Space Empires 4X game. 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 SPACECORP 2025-2300AD 2ND (GMT) DC* 5.3 1-3wks Turnarnd 2021 reprint of this fast playing 1-4 player game of capitalistic exploitation of space in 3 separate eras of the future. Played on 3 space maps printed on 2 mounted maps. Play options provide high replay value. Can be played solitaire. John Butterfield'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * SPACECORP 2025-2300AD: VENTURES KIT (GMT) BC* 3.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Expansion kit bringing the number of competing corporations in space up to 14, and offering new ways to play & win. Also provides advanced AI for solitaire play by 10 of the 14 corporations. 14 dbl-sided HQ boards, 12 cards, 2 rule books; For 1-4 players. John Butterfield'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 * SPANISH CIVIL WAR BATTLES, V2 #219 (DECS_T) n n 1.2 Out-of-Print Mag & Game. 2 more battles from the Spanish Civil War to complement those in the first set. Includes Guadalajara, March 1937, and the last Republican offensive at Penarroya, Jan.1939. 280 counters, 1mi/hex, 1day/turn, btln/rgt/brg/div level. P.Moore'03 / ARTICLES ON: the Spanish Civil War 1936-39; Stalingrad & the End of German Invincibility; Kaiser's Africa Airship; Sydney Reily, Ace of Spies; War Chariot in China; First Sih War, 1845-6. 1 73232 NEW $14.00 SPARTACUS IMPERATOR (Hexasi) BC 1.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Game of each of the 3 Servile (slave) Wars of ancient Rome: Spartacus (73-71BC), Tryphon (104-101BC) & Eunus (139-132BC). In each, the slaves must fan the rebellion quickly & solict all the enslaved area's help before Rome can assemble its powerful forces. Players can take a very limited number of actions that vary with the season, and balance risks & rewards in exposing their leaders & forces to battle. Victory conditions continually change. Map covers Italy plus Sicily. A rousing game. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 SPECIAL OPS WARGAMING JOURNAL # 1 (MMP_Op) n n 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag + Game. Includes RAPHIA, a Std Combat Series game of this key ancients battle w/ 130 counters & small map; SAVAGE STREETS, a small area-move game of the battle for central Stalingrad w/ 96 counters & sml map; plus 4 ASL/ASLSK scenarios plus ARTICLES ON: Pursuing an automatic victory in Shifting Sands; using Fire in the Sky in the classroom; taking Singling in an ASL scenario; Gamers' SCS Gazala; adding ace Tiger tanker Michael Wittmann to OCS games; MMP at Origins '11; seaborne assault in Baltic Gap. Premier issue of a rethinking of Operations Mag. 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.00 SPECIAL OPS WARGAMING JOURNAL # 8 (MMP_Op) n n 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd MMP's magazine supporting its extensive line of games, including ASL products. Includes complete game Avenge Pearl Harbor (previously published as Storm Over the Japanese Homeland, Avenge Pearl Harbor) which depicts a US invasion & attempted conquest of the Japanese home islands between Nov 1945-June 1946. Uses the game system first used in What Price Glory. 205 counters, 1 map, 32 event cards, div level, 1mo/turn. Tetsuya Nakamura'18 / ARTICLES ON: Learning to Play Operation Mercury; the Thinking Behind the Gamers' Game Series; Variable German Response Rules for It Never Snows; Designer's Notes for Autumn for Barbarossa; Card Combination Synergy in Avenge Pearl Harbor; Day 1 in the Barrikady in Red Barricades; ASL scenarios S62-63, O15-16; Clearing the Runway in Fallschirmjaeger; Tips for Plalying the BCS Battalion Combat Series Games Well, with Guide to Armor Values. 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SPECIAL OPS WARGAMING JOURNAL #11 (MMP_Op) n n 0.9 4-8wks Turnarnd MMP's magazine supporting its extensive line of games, including ASL products. Includes 2 ASL & 2 ASLSK scenarios, as well a 6 articles. Includes complete game Gettysburg based on the Napoleonic 20 series, with 112 counters & map. ARTICLES ON: Analyses of Third Winter & Strike-Counter-Strike, preview of Valley of Tears; new scenario for Third Winter; Curt Schilling on being a better ASL player. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 SPEED OF HEAT PARTS (CofA) FB Out-of-Print 1 124759 MINT $5.00 Box, only. Couple of minor creases along one box edge. Otherws new & very clean. SPELLMAKER PARTS (GameTm) n Out-of-Print 1 70665 EXCELL $2.00 Rules, only. SPIRIT OF '76 (PanzrF) n 0.3 Out-of-Print Game of operational & tactical combat in the 4 southern states during the American Revolution (VA, NC, SC, GA), 1778-1782. Rgt/Brig level, with 2 scenarios. Includes a full-sized operational map in 4 sections plus 3 geomorphic maps for tactical battles. Regt level. Includes c.170 paper counters that must be mounted & cut apart. C.Lane'72 1 108213 V.GOOD $40.00 All components mildly wrinkled (not creased, just a bit wavvy, with evidence of moisture warping) thru use & less than ideal storage. Paper counters separated but not mounted (making playing problematic). Includes a separate bag of add-on counters but no text to explain them. SPITFIRE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 108875 V.GOOD $5.00 Rules, only. Soiled & wrinkled thru use, with extra horizontal fold. A few sml stains. SPLENDID LITTLE WAR, SANTIAGO 1898 2ND (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 2nd edition update of this grand tactical game of the Battle of Santiago, the key battle in the American conquest of Cuba, July 1898. Scenarios include the btl for El Caney, Rough Riders at San Juan Hill, a combination of the two, plus the 14 day campaign. Btln/Reg level, 350yd/hex, 6hrs/turn. 352 counters. Med-High solitaire suitability. A.Nunez'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 SPQR 3RD PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 110391 NEW $5.00 3rd ed Scenario Book, only. Scenarios for 6 battles: Beneventum, Bagradas Plains, Cannae, Zama, Cynoscephalae. 2 110393 NEW $5.00 3rd ed Scenario Book, only. Scenarios for 6 battles: Beneventum, Bagradas Plains, Cannae, Zama, Cynoscephalae. SPQR, ART OF WARFARE... PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 59575 EXCELL $2.50 Rules photocopy, only. 3 holed. SPRUANCE LEADER, COLD WAR FLEET SOLITAIR (Versse DC* 5.6 Solitaire game in which the player commands a US naval carrier battle group during a hypothetical conflict set in the 1980s-90s in either the Pacific or Atlantic. Carriers must be protected at all costs, and enemy attack submarines must be hunted down and neutralized. Group assets must be managed carefully and allocated to combat air patrol, long range missions and attack strikes. You must select the right combination of assets to successfully complete your missions. 11 campaigns included. 397 cards, 8 counter sheets, 1 small mounted display. Fast playing. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $75.00 * ST. LO PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 6875 EXCELL $0.50 German Artillery tracking chart only. STALIN'S WAR PARTS (GMT) n 1 128266 MINT $3.00 Tables & Charts aid, only. STALINGRAD '42: LITTLE SATURN KIT (GMT) zl 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit for Stalingrad '42 that adds a 5th scenario to the game including a half-sized countersheet of new counters. Covers the concurrent German Winter Storm offensive to relieve Stalingrad and the Soviet Little Saturn offensive on the Italian forces NW of Stalingrad. Covers Dec 42 - Feb 43. Mark Simonitch'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 STALINGRAD III KIT (SPIPou) n 0.8 Out-of-Print ~~ 1 108215 V.GOOD $235.00 Missing 1 unit (ID included). Several units show minor damage by being bitten by a cat; nothing lost or destroyed. 1 counter corrected in ink in a messy fashion. STALINGRAD, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 114202 V.GOOD $4.00 1970s-vintage photocopy of original 1963 rules & battle manual. Otherws EX. STALINGRAD, ADVANCE TO THE VOLGA 1942 2D (Revolu BC 1.9 2-6wks Turnarnd 2024 Reprint. Solitaire, area-move game of the German drive to the Volga, into Stalingrad and possibly their historical fate. Includes the Sept 1942 investment into Stalingrad and its industrial core. Victory is judged by besting the historical German achievements. Full game is 9 turns, plus there is a 5-turn Factory District scenario depicting the final German offensive in October. Quick set-up, low counter density, lots of variability game to game, and fast playing, it is suitable for repeated play and to beginners. Small mounted map, 1 countersheet. Michael Renella'24 1 Stock NEW $39.00 STALINGRAD, BATTLE FOR... (Versse) BC 1.8 2-player card game of the bitter battle for Stalingrad, July 1942-Feb 1943. German forces attempt to capture the city by fighting for one rubble-strewn city block after another in the face of mounting resistance & casualties. A key dynamic is that as the city is destroyed, your supplies dwindle reducing your ability to move & fight. Includes 168 cards. Fast playing, simple. D.Verssen'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 STALINGRAD, BATTLE OF... (AgaTPS) HP 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd First in an intended line of 20 games, each corresponding to a chapter in Joseph Mitchell's book, Twenty Decisive Battles of the World. This game is a corp/army level look at the 1942 campaign in southern USSR with the German Fall Blau offensive followed by the Soviet Uranus counteroffensive, with Stalingrad in the middle of things. Mounted but bland map covers the area from Kharkove to Astrakhan. Political influences on the campaigns are key. 280 counters. H.Gerber'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 STALINGRAD: MURMANSK KIT (Misc) n 0.1 Out-of-Print Small, very early variant extending AH's Stalingrad north to include the vital city of Murmansk & its rail corridor plus 4 units & 1pg rules. Hand drawn paper map; counters on paper & must be mounted & cut apart for play. M.Carr 1 87561 MINT $19.00 STAR FLEET BATTLES BASIC SET 1ST PARTS (TFG) n Out-of-Print 1 76916 MINT $1.00 Chart page, only. STAR FLEET BATTLES CAPTAINS ED PARTS (TFG) n Out-of-Print 1 135567 V.GOOD $2.00 Basic Set ('90) 4pg Charts Booklet only: Damage Alloc, 2 Energy Alloc, Impulse Move Sequence. STAR FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.5 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, set in space & depicting many strains of popular sci-fi TV, movie & fiction characters & settings. Visit this wormhole of hilarity...! '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 STAR MUNCHKIN (SJG) SC 0.8 Simple, stand-alone, 2-6 player, 168-card game of munchkin warfare in space using the Munchkin game system rules. Origins Award for best traditional card game in '02. S.Jackson'02 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 STARFINDER RPG, BEGINNER BOX (Paizo) BC* 3.6 2-7 player, fast playing RPG including a heroes handbood, game guide & stand-up countersheets of characters. 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 * STARFIRE: FIRST CONTACT KIT PARTS (TFG) n Out-of-Print 1 135413 EXCELL $12.00 Complete counterset, only. 2 135414 EXCELL $12.00 Complete counterset, only. STARFORCE TERRA, CONTACT (WWW) HC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Simple 2-6 player card gm of space warfare using system similar to Modern Naval Btls. Good w/ lots of beer & pretzels, and a good beginners game. '91 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 STARFORCE TERRA, CONTACT PARTS (WWW) HC Out-of-Print 1 47382 NEW $3.00 INCOMPLETE GAME: missing all weapons/action cards. Contains all other components including Starship cards, rules, dice set, box. 2 74303 EXCELL $1.00 Box, only. 3 74304 EXCELL $1.00 Rules, only. STARS & BARS #30 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 88397 EXCELL $1.00 Odds determination table, only. STELLAR HORIZON (Compas) HB*11.4 Temp OoP/OoS HUMUNGOUS 1-7 player game in which players lead human multi-national factions into the solar system to explore & exploit resources. You develop your own space program, then claim your turf in space. Win by developing the first Interstellar Colonizer, by terra-forming a world, or dominating all other players. 1yr/turn, 1-7 players. Has several scenarios that can be played quickly, either cooperatively or competitively. Andrew Rader'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $125.00 * STOCK MARKET PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 21237 EXCELL $1.00 Basic rules card only. STONER FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.4 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, that celebrates the Weed, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness while allowing you to change the rules in mid-game. The goal of the game is to end marijuana prohibition, cards contain lots of stoner humor (e.g. "Uh...what were we just doing?") A likely winner encouraging those who sympathize with pot use to say "enough is enough." Like Canada, our progressive neighbor to the north already has. $1 donated by publisher to end marijuana prohibition for each deck sold. '03 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 STONEWALL IN THE SHENANDOAH #67 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96907 MINT $3.00 Rules only STONEWALL'S SWORD, THE BTL OF CEDAR MTN (Revolu) zl 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of Stonewall's attack on a stray Union division near Cedar Mountain in Aug 1862. The best of the Confed army, led by one of its best leaders, with numerical superiority, largely looses its opportunity to destroy the Union forces thru inaction, but it was a close-run thing. 176 counters, 140yd/hex, regt level, 20min/turn. H.Luttmann'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 STORM ABOVE THE REICH (GMT) DC* 6.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Focke-Wolf FW-190 fighter squadron in the face of endless American B-24 bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min, and campaigns consisting of 6-60 missions. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Sister game to Skies Above the Reich, and can be mated to that game. 4 dbl-sided mounted maps of various sizes, 2 countersheets, 60 blocks, 96 cards.Jerry White & Mark Aasted'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $66.00 * STORM OF STEEL PARTS (DecGms) LB* Out-of-Print 1 83318 NEW $5.00 * Box, only; 1 box side panel crease verticaly & litely creased lengthwise. STORM OVER ARNHEM, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88412 V.GOOD $6.00 Rules only. Wrinkled w/ some minor stains thru use. STORM OVER ASIA PARTS (GMT) BC 1 143506 NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one corner, otherws new. STORM OVER ASIA, PREQUEL TO WORLD AT WAR (GMT) BC* 3.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Prequel to GMT's World at War game, and paralleling previously published Gathering Storm game. Covers the years prior to World War II in the Pacific that built up to war. 2-4 players each try to improve their nation's preparations for war in the military, economic, political, dipomatic & technological spheres. A complete game on it own, but can also be play in tandem with Gathering Storm and also sets the scene for a varied World at War game. Provides great flexibility in strategy, varying Japanese production focus on military or civilian goods, naval forces, diplomacy, new or better military units, activation of reserves, etc. 840 counters, 93 various cards. Modest complexity, 3mo/turn, 2-4 players, div/corp level, individ capital ships. Bruce Harper'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $72.00 * STORM OVER DIEN BIEN PHU (MMP) BC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Area-move game of the pivotal battle for Dien Bien Phu in 1954, using a simplified version of the Storm Over Arnhem/Storm Over Stalingrad game system. The game adds rules to reflect the French supply limits, sappers, assaults, plus new cards depicting special events of the campaign. Playing time about 3hrs. 1.5 countersheets, 55 cards. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $36.00 STORM OVER DIEN BIEN PHU PART (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 132300 < NEW $5.00 Box, only. V.minor ding to one box cover corner. Otherws new. STORM OVER DIEN BIEN PHU PARTS (MMP) BC 1 131990 EXCELL $5.00 Box only. Box has a single large crease extending most of the way along one side edge. Otherws new. STORM OVER JERUSALEM, THE ROMAN SIEGE (MMP) BC 1.2 4-8wks Turnarnd Game of the Roman siege & assault upon Jerusalem, 70AD, using the Storm Over (Arnhem) game system. After a failed early attempt, 4 legions are assigned to end the rebellion, which occured over the course of 5 bloody months in which the many city walls and defenses where destroyed one by one. Card-assisted, area-move, 1 map, 250 countrs, 55 cards. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $69.00 STRATEGY (WWW) n 0.5 Out-of-Print 1 61494 EXCELL $1.00 Rules, only. STRATEGY & TACTICS (SPI) BOOK III (SPIS_T) n 0.6 Out-of-Print Compilation & reprint of complete contents of early issues of S&T (#13-15 in this issue). Includes a preface about the background story on these issues by Christopher Wagner, the original publisher. 96pgs+errata sheet. '70 1 151813 MINT $25.00 Some discolored scuffing on blank back cover. STRATEGY & TACTICS (WWW) #136 (WWWS_T) n 0.5 Out-of-Print Mag only; no rules. ARTICLES ON: Educator of the Army, Geo Henderson; Regimental Organization of the Armies at Waterloo; Nato Nukes German Reunification & the New Realities in 1990; Borodino, Doomed Victory, 1812; the History of Wargaming, 1975-90. 1 151811 MINT $2.50 Includes Doomed Victory rules but no other game components. STRATEGY & TACTICS QUARTERLY #18 KOREA (DecSTQ) n 0.8 Avail Uncrtn Quarterly magazine dedicated to a single, broad historical topic of military history. This issue is focused on the history of the Korean War, Nov 1950 - 1953, beginning with the context of the immediate aftermath of World War II. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 STRATEGY I PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 107813 EXCELL $3.00 TRC w/ Bombardment, PAR & Late Modern CRTs, 1 original copy. Plus, as a bonus, 3 photocopies of PAR/Modern CRT side, and 4 copies of the TRC/Bombard side. 2 97610 V.GOOD $3.00 Set of 3 conferance maps & 2 Turn Record/CRT pages. All soiled &/or worn thru use. Sold as a set. STRIKE FORCE ONE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 92171 EXCELL $1.00 Sample game foldout, only. STRUGGLE FOR NEW FRANCE (Schutz) HC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler game of the French & Indian War, a subset of the Seven Years War (1754-62) in Europe. Players guide French Canada or the British Colonies in this pre-revolutionary war as they use the limited resources available to them, and the unpredictable level of support from both home countries, as determined by seperate event card decks. Includes small map, 176 counters, 61 cards. Area-move, regt level, seasonal turns. B.Molyneaux'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 STRUGGLE FOR STALINGRAD #47 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 79402 MINT $3.00 Rules, only. 2 79403 MINT $3.00 Map, only. SUMMER STORM, GETTYSBURG 1863 [ZIPLOCK] (CofA) zl 2.4 2-6wks Turnarnd [Packaged in a ziplock] Brigade level simulation of the Gettysburg campaign, beginning before and ending after the historical battle. Emphasis is on both side's need to subdue the opponent's army (rather than capture terrain). Relatively simple with doubleblind mechanics & a command system that emphasizes the fog of war. 1hr/turn, 0.5-2mi to hex, 2 maps, 980 counters. R.Barber'98 1 Special Ordr NEW $64.00 SUNRISE OF VICTORY #2 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 28132 MINT $5.00 Rules, only. SUNRISE OF VICTORY, 1942-3 # 2 PARTS (XTRCmd) n n Out-of-Print 1 128867 MINT $4.00 Countersheet, only. SUPER MUNCHKIN [REVISED] (SJG) SC 1.0 Revised edition of this stand-alone game that can be combines with any of the other Munchkin series games. This version of Munchkin parodies & adds the abilities of the superheroes: be a mutant, an exotic, a mystic, a techno; the higher your level, the more power you have. Battle Masterminds, monsters & aliens -- and take their stuff. Lots of humor for 3-6 players. S.Jackson'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 SUPERIORITY (Yaq) AL 1.2 Out-of-Print Short, simple to modest complexity gm of tac combat in Europe in early 80s. Combined arms coordination emphasized. '81 1 3562 MINT $10.00 Last row of counters miscut slight, dmg to thin strip of bottom of 1 counter. Top 1" of box cover lightly spotted; 1" spot on inner album surface stained. Otherws clean & unpunched. SUPERPOWERS AT WAR #100 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 56697 MINT $3.00 Countersheet only. Mis-cut such that move factors offset on nearly all units. Otherws Mint. 2 96897 MINT $4.00 Rules only SUPREMACY PARTS (Suprem) n Out-of-Print 1 75652 MINT $3.00 Set of 6 Supply Center cards, only. 2 75653 MINT $9.00 Original Resource Deck of 65 cards, complete, only. SUPREMACY: BOOMER SUBS PARTS (Suprem) n Out-of-Print 1 92205 V.GOOD $4.00 Rules only. Spots & wear thru use. SWITZERLAND MUST BE SWALLOWED 2ND (Schutz) HC 1.2 4-8wks Turnarnd Boxed update of this game of a possible German invasion of Switzerland sometime after the summer of 1940, as well as a possible Allied invasion in 1944. The southern portion of the country was well protected by the Alps, but the Swiss themseles realized the northern half may be swiftly overrun. 264 dbl sided div level counters. 15k/hex, 3days/turn. 2nd ed adds several new scenarios plus rules tweaks. P.Schutze'07 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SWORD OF ROME: DELUXE MAP (GMT) Fo 0.4 Going OoP Deluxe, mounted map for this multiplayer game of Roman conquests. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 - - 215 Items & 204 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember... [IM_Title:2025]