Fine Games for Players & Collectors REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA Games Listed by Game SCALE for: REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 17 Available Titles, for, REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America ERA as of 01-22-25 19:42 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America INDIVIDUAL soldiers or combat vehicles. Depicts weaponry and fireteam tactic ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CAPTAIN'S SEA, THE AMERICAN FRIGATES (Legion) BC 1.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler game of naval battles between individual ships (rather than fleet actions) involving the original 6 American Frigates between 1799-1815, against British & French opponents. Players captain a single ship, managing its guns, the rigging, repairs & crew. Crew must be allocated to various parts of the ship for them to function. And Action cards provide surprise events. Includes 10 scenarios involving all the original US frigates (and possible engagements). 1 map, 24 blocks, 176 counters, 55 cards. Mike Nagel'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $56.00 FIGHTING SAIL #85 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96905 MINT $4.00 Rules only FRIGATE (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print Very playable ship-ship combat in Age of Sail. 14 scenarios using SiMove. J.Dunnigan'74. 1 1929 MINT $39.00 Rules hilited in yellow. 4 laminated SiMove sheets included (only). Mint in other respects. Inlcudes additional scenarios & optional rules from Moves mag. FRIGATE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 107445 V.GOOD $4.00 Coversheet, only. Several sml abraisions & tiny holes along edges. UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS (GMT) BC 2.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Stand-alone game in the Flying Colors game series, this covering the South American Republics during the 19th century. Additional rules pertaining to the environment and times. Covers 24 battles of varying size. Also includes the ship duel map & activation cards previously published in Serpents of the Seas, with 18 duel scenarios. 2 countersheets, 3 maps, 55 cards. Mike Nagel'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 76514 EXCELL $1.00 Chart sheet, only. One sml stain. 2 76511 GOOD $3.50 Rules, only. Cover spine worn & torn, repaired & reattached. Most pages soiled & stained. Basic game tables marked. 3 76512 GOOD $4.50 Rules, only. Cover separated from staples & reattached. Most pages soiled & stained, with some marks on rules & scenarios. 4 76513 V.GOOD $1.00 Chart sheet, only. Soiled thru use. 5 76516 V.GOOD $1.00 Chart sheet, only. Soiled thru use. = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America TACTICAL: lowest level of combat units (sqd, Platoon, Co., Battalion) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- SARATOGA 2ND PARTS (GMT) BC Out-of-Print 1 110596 NEW $5.00 Box, only. = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America GRAND TACTICAL: Btln/Rgt Lvl Battles ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- COMMANDS & COLORS TRICORNE AM REVOLUTN (Compas) DC* 5.8 Temp OoP/OoS Game of tactical battles during the American Revolution using the popular Commands & Colors game system which uses command cards to drive movement. Adds several new rules systems to provide historical depth & challenges to those experienced with this sytem. Simpler game with fast play time. Scale varies with scenario. 12 battle scenarios including Bemis Heights, Bunker Hill I & II, Camden, Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse, Eutaw Springs & more. 309 wooden blocks, 3 decks of a total of 108 cards. Richard Borg'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $85.00 * RHODE ISLAND, BATTLE FOR... (GMT) BC* 3.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Game of two battles from Rhode Island in 1778. In the first, the British pursue the retreating Continentals as they abandon their siege of Newport. Small number of units, and action tends to follow along the roads. Includes 26 opportunity cards that influence events and combat. Also includes a hypothetical assault on the fortified city of Newport that assumes that the French fleet stuck around and participated. 176 counters, 68 cards, double-sided map. Mark Miklos'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 * SARATOGA 1777, BATTLE OF... (AgaTPS) HP 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Chosen as one of the 20 decisive battles of world, this game covers the 1777 battle of the American Revolution that destroyed a small British army in what is now up-state New York, and gave the Americans standing in the world & hope of winning over the Brits. Covers both Bemis Heights & Freeman's Farm, and includes command control & fog of war issues. Includes 200 counters & mounted map. R.Markham'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 SPIRIT OF '76 (PanzrF) n 0.3 Out-of-Print Game of operational & tactical combat in the 4 southern states during the American Revolution (VA, NC, SC, GA), 1778-1782. Rgt/Brig level, with 2 scenarios. Includes a full-sized operational map in 4 sections plus 3 geomorphic maps for tactical battles. Regt level. Includes c.170 paper counters that must be mounted & cut apart. C.Lane'72 1 108213 V.GOOD $40.00 All components mildly wrinkled (not creased, just a bit wavvy, with evidence of moisture warping) thru use & less than ideal storage. Paper counters separated but not mounted (making playing problematic). Includes a separate bag of add-on counters but no text to explain them. WHITE PLAINS, BATTLE OF... (GMT) DC* 5.0 1-3wks Turnarnd 10th game in the Battles of the American Revolution series. Covers a little-known battle that had tremendous potential to be decisive. Park of the New York campaign, two relatively huge armies met in Oct 1776. The Americans under Washington sat in well-fortified positions only 3 miles across awaiting a British frontal assault; the British under Howe prepared for such an assault but called it off due to heavy rains, and eventually Howe simply turned south towards other objectives with the Americans dividing their forces to screen the British. Includes 3 scenarios: the historical battle at Chatterton hill, a what-if had Howe pressed an assault as planned, and the full 4 day campaign, 28-31 Oct 1776. Uses event cards that add flavor and variability. 2 mounted boards, 245 counters, 52 cards, 1hr/turn, 200yds/hex, Btln/Regt level. Mark Miklos'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $48.00 * = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America OPERATIONAL: Rgt, Brig, Div level. Shows a battle or offensive ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- 1812, WAR OF..., 4TH (ColumG) BC 1.2 1-3wks Turnarnd Simpler, block-style game of a little known war, focused on the fight for control of the Great Lakes area between US & Canada. Fast playing w/ excellent fog-of-war element. Great beginners game, too. '85 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 ALMOST A MIRACLE, AM REV IN NORTH #51 (Agains) n HP 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game of the American Revolution in the northern portion of the US, focused on the area from northern Maryland north. Uses the Tarleton's Quarter game system. Covers the factors that made warfare of the era unique: morale, leadership, disease & desertion. 280 counters, area move. David Jones'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.99 AMATEURS TO ARMS! PARTS (CofA) n Out-of-Print 1 108016 GOOD $3.00 Map only. Was used as packing material by publisher, salvaged here. 2 lengths of clear packing tape on 1 map panel, narrow 1" hole at 1 seam, some scuffs. Quite serviceable. AMATEURS TO ARMS!, THE WAR OF 1812 (CofA) BC 2.1 2-6wks Turnarnd Operational/strategic game of the War of 1812 between US & British/Canadian forces on all fronts of the war in North America including the South. Played on a large scale map & includes 150 illustrated cards impacting place, 352 counters. Simpler & fast playing. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $74.00 BAYONETS & TOMAHAWKS, FRENCH & INDNWAR2D (GMT) DC* 4.3 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint. Strategic level game of the French & Indian War, 1755-60, that ended France's control of Canada. Includes army movement, naval operations, diplomacy with indiginous nations, etc. Four scenarios & 3 variants & optional extension into 1760. For 1-4 players. 3wks/round, mounted map, 54 cards, 143 counters. Marc Rodrigue'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 * FURY ON CHAMPLAIN, PLATTSBURGH CAMPAIGN (WWW) BC 1.0 4-8wks Turnarnd Grand tac/op lvl of the British attempt to capture Lake Champlain during the War of 1812, Fall 1814. Detailed terrain & unit types plus intereaction between naval & land units. J.Farewell'96 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 GLORIOUS CHANCE, STRUGGLE FOR LK ONTARIO (Legion BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitair, operational level game in which the player commands either a US or British naval squadron on Lake Ontario in 1813. You have four months to dominate the lake to win. Played in a series of missions, you perform patrols, convoys and amphibious landings in each of 6 lake zones, but each action risks full-scale battle with the risk of total victory or catastrophic loss. Enemy forces are activated by chit draw together with card draws. 2 maps, 314 counters, 162 cards. Gina Willis'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $57.50 STRUGGLE FOR NEW FRANCE (Schutz) HC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler game of the French & Indian War, a subset of the Seven Years War (1754-62) in Europe. Players guide French Canada or the British Colonies in this pre-revolutionary war as they use the limited resources available to them, and the unpredictable level of support from both home countries, as determined by seperate event card decks. Includes small map, 176 counters, 61 cards. Area-move, regt level, seasonal turns. B.Molyneaux'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 WASHINGTON'S CROSSING, WINTER 1776-7 (Revolu) HC 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Operational level game of the 12 days of the Winter campaign of 1776-7 that included the two American victories of Trenton & Princeton as the British attempt to pacify New Jersey. First in the intended Campaigns of the American Rev series. 200 counters, 1.14mi/hex, 6hrs/turn, 1 map. R.Miller'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 WILDERNESS WAR 1ST PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 103990 V.GOOD $4.00 Photocopy of rules bookly, only. Modestly highlighted in pink & yellow, with a few underlinings. WILDERNESS WAR: DELUXE MAP (GMT) Fo 0.8 Going OoP Deluxe, mounted mapboard for this game, plus copy of rulebook. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! REVOLUTIONARY AMERICA, 1759 -- 1815 in North America STRATEGIC: Div, Corp, Army. Shows a war or extended campaign ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- COLUMBIA GAME INNER BOX PARTS (ColumG) BC Out-of-Print 1 144944 < NEW $4.00 Generic Columbia Games inner box, only. 3" Mar on one box end panel. Otherws new. 2 147332 NEW $4.00 Generic Columbia Games inner box, only. Clean. 3 147333 NEW $4.00 Generic Columbia Games inner box, only. Clean. COMANCHERIA, RISE FALL OF COMANCH EMP 2D (GMT) BC* 3.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Reprint of this second game in First Nations series. Solitaire game of the rise & fall of the Comanche empire in the American Southwest between 1700 and 1800. After the Comanches obtained horses, they developed the most effective light cavalry force in the hemisphere, and aggressively attacked its many neighbors. But its neighbors are many and powerful including the US, Mexico and its Texas colony, and other Indian nations including the Cheyenne, Pawnee and others. Point-Point movement, 6m-2yrs/turn, 133 cards, 2 counterships. J.Toppen'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $46.00 * END OF THE EMPIRE #46 (XTRCmd) Y n 0.5 Out-of-Print GameOnly. 2 map, 560 counter game of the French & Indian War as well as the American Revolution from Nova Scotia to New Orleans. 9 scenarios including an intro, 1 covering the French & Indian War of 1759, and 7 yearly or campaign scenarios for the Am Rev. Mag includes Command index thru this issue. W.Marsh'97 1 48932 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 2 48923 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 3 48935 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 4 48938 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 5 48924 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 6 48936 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 7 48921 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of south map but MISSING North map and so unplayable as is. Otherws new, unpunched 8 48925 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 9 48939 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 10 48937 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. 11 48926 NEW $2.00 INCOMPLETE Game-only. Includes 2 copies of South map but missing North map and unplayable as is. Otherws new & unpunched. LIBERTY OR DEATH 3RD (GMT) DC* 5.2 1-3wks Turnarnd 2023 reprint of this popular game of the American Revolution using the popular COIN Counter-Insurgency game system. For 1-4 players, with multiple factions interacting (British, Rebels, French & Indians). Card-assisted play allows for brilliant actions, rabble-rousing, French entry, India raids, blockages, etc. The British initially have the initiative, strength & mobility, but can't be everywhere. The Americans must muster & preserve their strength and pick their battles carefully. Highly suitable to solitaire play. Includes 150 wooden pieces, 110 cards. 1yr/turn. H.Buchanan'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * LIBERTY, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1775-83 (ColumG BC 1.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Strategic level game of the American Revolution, 1775-83, thruout the east coast of North America. Includes a map & 50 hardwood blocks for the American, British & French armies & navies involved, plus 25 cards. T.Dalgliesh, M.Kwasny'03 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 LIBERTY, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION PARTS (ColumG) BC 1 139718 EXCELL $5.00 Generic box & box sleeve, only. Crease along upper sleeve cover as well as along side panel. Some sticky residue from inventory tag on end panel. Otherws new. WASHINGTON'S WAR 3RD (GMT) BC* 3.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint of this update of We the People, perhaps the first card-driven game. Covers the American Revolution on a strategic, point-point map. This version speeds play (to about 90min per game) & is highly suitable to tournaments. 2 countersheets, 110 cards, mounted map; 1yr/turn. M.Herman'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 * - - 46 Items & 27 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember...