Fine Games for Players & Collectors OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICT Games Listed by Game SCALE for: OTHER 20th CENTURY Available Titles, for, OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present ERA by SCA as of 01-22-25 19:42 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present INDIVIDUAL soldiers or combat vehicles. Depicts weaponry and fireteam tactic ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- PATROL PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 122699 EXCELL $1.00 Map panel C only. 2 91498 EXCELL $2.00 One Terrain Effects Chart only RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR, DAWN OF RISING SUN (CofA) BC 2.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Game of the Russo-Japanese War using the Fear God & Dreadnought (Admiralty Triology) rules system. Includes 20 scenarios, 350 counters, series rules & data annex booklet, plus a simplified jump-start rules set for teaching beginners. B.Madison'04 1 Special Ordr NEW $64.00 RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR: SHIP FORMS (CofA) Bk 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Add-on kit contain ship hit record forms for Dawn of the Rising Sun. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present GRAND TACTICAL: Btln/Rgt Lvl Battles ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- DEFIANCE, BATTLE FOR CUFRA, 1931 (Khyber) zl 0.3 Out-of-Print Game of the battle of Cufra, the final battle as Italy conquers Libya. 8.5x11" map, 39 counters, w/ armored cars, aircraft, camel artillery & cavalry. A tense but small game. '01 1 55398 NEW $14.00 Includes separately published die-cut counters (as well as original paper stock counters). = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present OPERATIONAL: Rgt, Brig, Div level. Shows a battle or offensive ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CHACO WAR #12 PARTS (XTRCmd) n n Out-of-Print 1 128873 MINT $3.00 Countersheet, only. MUKDEN 1905, RUSSIA VS JAPAN (SG_Gms) zl 0.4 Out-of-Print Small, rare game of decisive btl of Russo-Japanes War near Mukden, Korea, 1905. Brig/Div level, 1 day/turn, 80 heavy cardstock counters that must be cut apart for play. '76 1 1695 MINT $24.00 RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR (GDW) FT 0.8 Out-of-Print 1 1152 MINT $49.00 Complete. Packaged in an SPI flattray. All 3 rules booklets hilited in yellow. 14 breakdown units annnotated w/ unit ID, others with type. One river name neatly annotated on map. Rules unit manifest crudely written on in pencil. Otherws EX. STRIKE FORCE ONE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 92171 EXCELL $1.00 Sample game foldout, only. TACTICS II PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 74297 EXCELL $0.50 Weather / Time Record Chart, only. 2 74295 EXCELL $0.50 Weather / Time Record Chart, only. 3 74296 EXCELL $0.50 Weather / Time Record Chart, only. TACTICS II ['73] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 107601 MINT $7.00 Rules book, only. VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR (ColumG) BC 1.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Modest simplicity block game in a hypothetical, WW2 era world. Includes the finest components Columbia has produced to date w/ color unit illustrations, 10 unit types, for 2-4 players. Multiple scenarios w/ geomorphic maps. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR 2ND (ColumG) BC 1-3wks Turnarnd 2019 2nd edition. Modest simplicity block game in a hypothetical, WW2 era world. Includes the finest components Columbia has produced to date w/ color unit illustrations, 10 unit types, for 2-4 players. Multiple scenarios w/ geomorphic maps. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present STRATEGIC: Div, Corp, Army. Shows a war or extended campaign ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- BLITZKRIEG PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 109077 EXCELL $2.00 Basic rules only. Sun fading to upper margin, otherws EX. 2 74288 EXCELL $1.00 Time Record Chart, only. 3 92952 EXCELL $3.00 CRT chart page only 4 109078 GOOD $1.00 Basic/tournement CRT chart, only. Lots of penciled longhand math on both sides, and two areas of stains but nothing obscured. Servicable. BLITZKRIEG, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70745 EXCELL $2.00 Basic rules, only. Some writing on back cover. 2 70750 EXCELL $2.00 Set of two OoB cards. 3 70748 V.GOOD $0.50 CRT. Wrinkled. 4 120061 V.GOOD $2.50 CRT sheet, only. 5 120059 V.GOOD $5.00 Battle manual, only. Worn with stains, some soiling, dog ear torn off cover. Entirely serviceable. 6 120062 V.GOOD $2.50 Turn Record Chart only. 2 columns partially used. 7 120060 V.GOOD $3.00 Basic rules, only. 8 70747 V.GOOD $0.50 Turn Record Chart only. 1 side clean, other has tape on several columns BLITZKRIEG, 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 77205 V.GOOD $1.00 Blue Order of Battle chart. Some spot stains. KRIEGSPIEL PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 65294 EXCELL $1.00 Battle table (chart) page only. 2 106950 MINT $1.00 Battle Table (CRT) & addtl rules sheet, only. 3 6649 V.GOOD $2.00 Rules (only). Battle manual, slightly soiled. = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present HOLLISTIC: Focuses on entire system w/ economics, diplomacy & politics ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ATTACK! PARTS (EGL) n Out-of-Print 1 88567 NEW $1.00 Money set, only. 2 88568 NEW $4.00 TAN army minis (112 inf, arm, artil & air). = Games by ERA / Game SCALE === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! OTHER 20th CENTURY CONFLICTS, 1900 -- Present OTHER: Other scale. ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- STRATEGY (WWW) n 0.5 Out-of-Print 1 61494 EXCELL $1.00 Rules, only. VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR: BLACK BLOCKSET (ColumG) SC 0.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete, std counter set in one of the orignial colors of the game. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR: GRAY BLOCKSET (ColumG) SC 0.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete, standard set of 50 blocks in a new color. Includes 3-4 player rules and a scenario appropriate to mutlti-player play. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR: GREEN BLOCKSET (ColumG) SC 0.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete, standard set of 50 blocks in a new color. Includes 3-4 player rules and a scenario appropriate to mutlti-player play. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 VICTORY, BLOCKS OF WAR: ORANGE BLOCKSET (ColumG) SC 0.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete, std counter set in one of the orignial colors of the game. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 VICTORY, BLOCKS WAR: LOGISTICS MARKRS 2D (ColumG Fo 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit adding a few rules for engineers, airbases, etc, plus a countersheet of markers. 2nd edition uses/provides wooden markers - and a hefty price increase. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 - - 39 Items & 30 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember...