Fine Games for Players & Collectors Games by Historical ERA then TOPIC for: MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD Available Items Categorized by Specific TOPIC & Era as of 10-14-24 19:37 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: Medeival Period Generally ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CHARLEMAGNE ATTAQUE A L'EST #147 (VaeV_C) n n 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & Game. French-language game of militiary history with a complete game in each issue. Covers Charlemagne's conquest of Saxony in the late 700s AD against a coalition of of Saxons and their Danish & Frisian allies. Charlemange uses terror and massacre as one tool toward that end. 1yr/turn. '19 2 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 INFERNO, GUELPHS & GHIBELLINES 1259-61 (GMT) DC* 4.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Third game in the Levy & Campaign game series. Focuses on the conflict between the merchant class & fuedal lords in Tuscany, Italy, 1259-61. A small battle between the cities of Florence & Siena escalates into a large regional war. Gathering resources in this rich region is less of a problem than treachery. Point-Point map, 2mo/turn, mounted map, 175 wooden blocks, 108 cards, 3 counter sheets. High solitaire suitability. Enrico Acerbi, Volko Ruhnke'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $65.00 * MEDIEVAL (GMT) BC 1.4 Out-of-Print 3-5 player card game of power politics in medieval Europe. Players represent conglomorations of 27 powers ranging from the Holy Roman Empire to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, with various events, characters etc. Players attempt to build an empire, prepare for the inevitable arrival of the Mongols, so as to survive to the end. R.Berg'03 1 73601 MINT $29.00 Cherry mint. TANTO MONITA, RISE OF FERDINAND (GMT) BC* 5.9 4 player game of the efforts of Spanish monarchs Ferdinand & Isabella to unite Spain & eliminate the Muslims still remaining in Spain between 1470-1516. Both monarchs faced opposition as they asscended to their thrones, and are also opposed by 3 foreign powers (Portugal, France & the Muslims of Granada). Uses the same system as Here I Stand & Virgin Queen enhanced with siege artil & cavalry & world exploration. Point-point map of Iberia & northern Africa. 130 cards, 1 map, 6 countersheets. Carlos Diaz Narvaes'23 1 151656 NEW $52.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: Byzantium & the Near East ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- APOCALYPSE IN THE EAST #48 (Agains) n HP 1.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game of the rise of the first Islamic caliphate, 646-656, as Islamic forces determine to capture Constantinople and thus eliminate the Byzantine Empire. Alas, Constantia has just become Emperor, and he leads the Byzantines in a forceful defence of the Empire. Also includes a mini-game, BLACK FRIDAY, in which Balck's 11th Panzer near the Chir River defeats most of a Soviet tank army on Christmas Eve, 1942. 180 counters total. Jason Juneau'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: Britain & France ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- 1066, END OF THE DARK AGES #240 PARTS (DecS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 86561 EXCELL $2.50 Rules photocopy only. CAROLINGIAN TWILIGHT #342 (DecS_T) n n 0.9 Out-of-Print Mag & game. Strategic level, 2-6 player, area-move game of the decline of the Carolingian Empire of Charlemagne in the 9th century AD. After his death, his empire was divided among his sons and civil war broke out. 10 Scenarios depict individual divisions & conflicts with the empire. Goal is to reunite the empire under one leader. France & other foreign powers may intervene, and Vikings may raid anywhere in Europe. Uses strategem chits that act as events or special abilities. Includes diplomacy, and loss of a leader brings that player back as controller of a secondary force. For 2-6 players, 280 counters, 1inch/75mi, 1yr/turn. Brendan Whyte'23 / ARTICLES ON: Carolingian Civil War in 9th Century; Battke if Narawi, Philippines, 2017; WOrld War I in East Africa; Seminole Wars 1817-58; Flying Circuses Over the Front in World War I; Venezuela Update; Russian Mine Warfare in Ukraine; Time for an Asia-Pacific NATO?; Pompey the Great; Chinese Air Force's OPFOR; Operation Countenance, Iran Aug 1941; Chinese PLA Exampaning Noncommissioned Officer Corps. 1 151417 NEW $35.00 Last copy. GREAT MEDIEVAL BATTLES QD: KING ARTHUR (SPI) Fo 0.4 Out-of-Print Mythical battle of Stonehenge, c550, at 50ft/hex, 10min/turn. 1 1977 V.GOOD $19.00 Moments in History folio version. 50% punched, missing 1 (of 8 identical) units & all 11 blanks. Otherws EX. HAMMER OF THE SCOTS 2ND PARTS (ColumG) n Out-of-Print 1 76224 EXCELL $2.50 Clean photocopy of rules, only. v2.3 HAMMER OF THE SCOTS 4TH (ColumG) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 2019 4th ed with 24mm wooden blocks, v3 rules. Block-style, strategic level board game of the Braveheart Rebellion led by William Wallace against Britain, the War of Scottish Independence. Map covers n.England & Scotland. 56 blocks, 25 event cards. T.Dalgliesh, J.Taylor'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 HAMMER OF THE SCOTS 4TH [DELUXE] (ColumG) BC 2.5 2-6wks Turnarnd 2019 4th [deluxe] ed with 24mm wooden blocks, v3 rules, thicker map. Block-style, strategic level board game of the Braveheart Rebellion led by William Wallace against Britain, the War of Scottish Independence. Map covers n.England & Scotland. 56 blocks, 25 event cards. T.Dalgliesh, J.Taylor'19 1 Stock NEW $72.00 HASTINGS 1066 (AgaTPS) HP 0.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Game on one of the 20 most-decisive battles of human history, judged by LTC Joseph Mitchel in his book. Game covers the pivotal battle of Hastings, England, in 1066, as William of Normandy invades England & begins pillaging to encourage the English king, Harold, to offer battle quickly. Harold's loss influence a millenia of English (and world) history after. 90 counters, mounted map. L.Tolver'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 HASTINGS, 1066 #110 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 51261 EXCELL $2.00 Photocopy of rules, only. LEGEND OF ROBIN HOOD, 2ND (AH) SC 1.2 Out-of-Print Fun, reasonably simple game of the Sheriff v R.Hood. Reprinted from OSG. J.Bisic'81 1 492 EXCELL $20.00 Complete, 50% punched (all units, some markers). Clean. NORMAN CONQUESTS, 1053-1265 (GMT) BC 1-3wks Turnarnd Game using the Men of Iron game system to cover 7 battles occuring during the period of Norman conquests of Britain, Italy, Sicily and Syria. Includes the battles of Civitate 1053, Fulford 1066, Stamford Bridge 1066, Hasting 1066, Tinchebrai 1106, Lewes 1264, and Evesham 1265. 110yd/hex, Ralph Shelton'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 PLANTAGENET, COUSINS WAR FOR ENGLAND (GMT) DC* 4.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Game of the English Civil War known as the War of the Roses, 1459-85, using the Levy & Campaign game series. Covers the entire war in a campaign game, and also provides scenarios covering the main time periods individually. Lots of color reflecting the treason, political maneuvers, and a color cast of characters. Can be played solitaire. 1Qtr/turn, pt-pt map, mounted map, 152 wooden pieces, 179 cards, 2 countersheets. Francisco Gradaille'23 1 Stock NEW $59.00 * RICHARD III, WARS OF THE ROSES (ColumG) BC 1.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Block-style game of the War of the Roses, where supporters of the houses of Lancaster & York duke it out to see who will rule England. Expands upon Hammer of the Scots system by enhancing the event deck. 63 blocks (representing the major nobles), 25 event cards. J.Taylor'09 1 Stock NEW $63.00 WALLACE'S WAR (CofA) HC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of two battles in the Scottish War of Independence in which the Scots are led by William Wallace, aka Braveheart. Covers Stirling Bridge, Wallace's great victory as they strike at the head of the English army as it crosses a bridge, and Falkirk, in which Wallace is soundly defeated. 281 counters, 2 maps. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $36.00 WARRIORS OF GOD 2ND PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 134256 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box corner; otherws new & shrinkwrapped. WARRIORS OF GOD PARTS (MMP) n Out-of-Print 1 88402 MINT $8.00 Countersheet #1, only. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: Japan & Asia ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- SAMURAI PARTS (AH-BL) n Out-of-Print 1 70699 V.GOOD $2.00 Set of 4 Clan Strength Charts. Somewhat soiled. 2 22971 V.GOOD $2.00 Photocopy of rules copy, only. SAMURAI PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 59555 EXCELL $3.00 Rules photocopy, only. 3 holed. SEKIGAHARA, THE UNIFICATION OF JAPAN 5TH (GMT) DC* 4.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2023 Reprint. Simpler block-style game set in 1600 in Japan as each clan attempts to gain dominance over, and thus unify, all of Japan under one Shogun. A 7-week campaign including marshalling armies of dubious loyalty, fight key battles & secure defections from your enemies. 119 blocks, 110 cards, 5000men/block, 3.5days/turn, simpler mechanics. Combat is resolved via card play. M.Simonitch'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 * SHOGUN PARTS (Milton) n Out-of-Print 1 91384 EXCELL $6.00 Army Cards, set of 5, only. 2 91381 EXCELL $9.00 SHIPPING QUOTED. Map only. MUST SHIP as a HUGE Box item due to size. 3 91383 EXCELL $7.00 Reference screens set of 5, only. 4 91385 EXCELL $9.00 Rules, only, sml amt of underlining in red. Minor wear thru use. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: the Crusades ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CRUSADER REX 2ND (ColumG) BC 1.6 1-3wks Turnarnd 2nd ed has graphically updated, larger board, new unit labels, thicker cards & rules updates. Block-style game of the 3rd Crusade, 1187-1192 (the fun only lasted so long...). The Christian Franks compete with the Muslim Saracens for control of key cities in the Palestine. 63 wooden blocks, 25 event cards. J.Taylor, T.Dalgliesh'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 CRUSADES #70 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 92879 MINT $4.00 Rules only. 2 103303 V.GOOD $2.00 Rules only. Has been torn from staples leaving a 1/2" hole in margin at lower staple binding. Order of Battle check boxes used & annotated. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDEIVAL: Other Wars of Religion ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ALMORAVID, RECONQUISTA & RIPOSTE 1085-86 (GMT) DC* 5.2 1-3wks Turnarnd The western jewel of Islam in Iberia had fractured by 1085, and the christian king Alfonso VI mustered a large army to recapture the lands from the Muslims. But the defenders sought help from north Africa, and the reconquest was anything but easy. Uses the Levy & Campaign game system from Nevsky. Shows lords' ability to muster forces, and their ability to command armies. Politics, the need for tribute will, Moor fortifications, African troops & bloodthirsty crusaders all will guide strategy. Mounted map, 177 wooden pieces, 112 cards, 3 countersheets. Volko Ruhnke'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 * ALMORAVID, RECONQUISTA & RIPOSTE PARTS (GMT) DC Out-of-Print 1 149719 NEW $5.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box cover corner, otherws new. 2 149718 NEW $5.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box cover corner, otherws new. 3 149717 NEW $5.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box cover corner, otherws new. GRANADA, FALL OF MOSLEM SPAIN (Avalan) BC 2.4 Out-of-Print Small game of the last 10 years of the Reconquista of Spain which forced the Moors out of Iberia. Point-to-point movement with 120 colorful but simple counters, 1 mounted map, 8pgs of rules. R.Markham'03 1 63696 NEW $23.00 New & shrinkwrapped. GRANADA, LAST STAND OF THE MOORS 1482-92 (Compas BC Block-style game of the Reconquista in Spain, as the Catholics attempt to push the Muslims (Moors) out of Spain. An alliance of Castille & Aragon, with Papal support, creates the last Crusade. But deception & betrayal on the Catholic side may undermine their abilities. Units represented by blocks depicting the symbol of their origin. Played ona point-point movement map of southeastern Iberia. Uses colorful cards which allow raising, moving or rallying armies & fleets. Cards also allow specific elements to participate in a battle. Various weapon types have specific advantages when used properly. Key to victory is possession of the city of Granada. 1Yr/turn, 137 unit blocks, 67 other blocks, 155 cards. Jose Rivero'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $76.00 TOURS, BATTLE OF..., 732AD (AgaTPS) HP 0.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Vol 7 of the 20 Decisive Battles series. Smaller game of the pivotal battle of Tours, 732AD, as Charles (grandfather of Charlemagne) stems the Muslim expansion from Iberia into what is now France and began a 700yr counterattack that ultimately drove the Muslims out of Europe. The two armies are different - the Muslims are light & mobile, and fight in small groups. The Franks are in transition between Roman-style heavy infantry & the knights of later days. 100 counters. R.Berg'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! MEDIEVAL Era, 500 -- 1400 AD MEDIEVAL: Tactical Battles ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AGINCOURT 1415, BATTLE OF... PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 71145 EXCELL $6.00 Counter set, Complete or substantially complete, inlcuding 111 (of 120) counters, including 2 handmade replacements. COMMANDS & COLORS, MEDIEVAL 2ND (GMT) DC* 5.1 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint. Game in the C&C series covering the Byzantine Empire versus a host of enemies together with a changing face of warfare between 528-586AD. Includes mounted, oversized map, 330 blocks, 19 scenarios, 45 cards. Richard Borg'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 * COMMANDS & COLORS, MEDIEVAL PARTS (GMT) DC 1 137953 V.GOOD $5.00 Box only. One corner dinged but structurally intact. Otherws new. GREAT MEDIEVAL BATTLES #197 (DecS_T) n n 1.0 Out-of-Print Mag & Game. Colorized & repackaged version of 2 of the 4 games from SPI's quad game by this name. ROBERT AT BANNOCKBURN, 1314, covers the decisive Scotish victory over the English. 70yd/hex, 15min/turn, 500-800men/unit. A.Buccini'99 / TAMBURLAINE covers the battle of Angorra, 1402, in which Tamburlaine's Tarters meet the Ottomon Turks. 50yd/hex, 20min/turn, 500-750men/counter. D.Werden'99 / ARTICLES ON: Great Medieval Battles, 1001-1500AD; Future Conflict in Asia; OoB for the Korsun Pocket, 1944; ERRATA for Crimean War #193; the Indo-Pakistani Nuclear Arms Race; Columbia's Quiet War; Unknown Stories of the Mexican Revolution, the Yankee Kingmakers. 1 38207 NEW $27.50 Last copy. - - 42 Items & 26 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember... [IM_Topic:2024] XXX Michael Dean