Fine Games for Players & Collectors Games by Historical ERA then TOPIC for: WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 Available Items Categorized by Specific TOPIC & Era as of 01-22-25 19:41 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: (not categorized) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- MARITA-MERKUR PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 2 109407 EXCELL $1.00 9 counter Yugoslav Navy, only. Own a complete navy! 3 109408 EXCELL $1.00 16 counter Greek Navy, plus 2 aircraft counters, only. Die-cut off center so that left most values very close to edge tho no info lost. NORTH AFRICA QUAD PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 122703 MINT $5.00 Std rules, only. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Global Scale ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AXIS & ALLIES, 2ND PARTS (Milton) GB Out-of-Print 1 94744 EXCELL $5.00 SHIPPING QUOTED. Board, only. Extra shipping due to size. 2 94740 EXCELL $3.00 1st ed Rules only. 3 94750 MINT $5.00 2nd ed rules, only. 4 94745 V.GOOD $5.00 Box & set of 6 stryo storage trays. REQ Giant Box shipping. CATACLYSM: MOUNTED MAP W/ BOX (GMT) DC 2.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Mounted map, plus a 3" doublecase box (to replace the original 2" bookcase box), for the base Cataclysm game. No other components included. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 GLOBAL WAR PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 128603 EXCELL $3.00 Charts & Tables photocopy, only. Shows original Land CRT from errata, neatly done. 2 128601 EXCELL $3.00 Charts & Tables photocopy, only. Shows extended Land CRT from errata, neatly done. 3 128602 EXCELL $3.00 Charts & Tables photocopy, only. Shows extended Land CRT from errata, neatly done. 4 128598 GOOD $7.00 Rules, only. Rules have been read & soiled with many light stains. Entirely servicable. 5 128599 V.GOOD $3.00 Charts & table page, only. Extended Land CRT from Errata taped over original chart. Otherws EX. 6 128600 V.GOOD $3.00 TRC & Production Chart photocopy only. Folded into thirds. Must be shipped vai first class or boxed due to size. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2D:PRELUDE KIT (AresGm BC Second expansion kit for QG 2nd edition base game, adding events & develops prior to the outbreak of war. This is sort of a prequel that sets the stage for the later general war. Includes armament & history cards that differ in effect & mechanics from those in the base game. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2D:TOTAL WARKT (AresGm FB 1.5 Temp OoP/OoS First expansion kit for QG 2nd edition base game, adding new play options. Adds air forces which help defend both armies & navies or can attack opposing air forces. Also adds Chinese & French armies & changes the starting setup. Adds Bolster cards which can be played immediately in reaction to game play. Pluse new What-If cards to represent historical strategies (such as Sea Lion) that were not implemented. 165 cards, 20 wooden pieces, 5 markers. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL WW2 2ND (AresGm) FB Temp OoP/OoS 2nd edition that enlarges & fine tunes much of the game. Strategic level game of World War II around the globe that emphasizes supply as necessary for your armies & navies to fight, and even to keeps them from surrendering. Military units are represented by wooden blocks, with illustrated cards to provide abilities. 220 cards, 56 blocks, 1 countersheet. Simpler & fast playing. Ian Brody'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 WAR IN EUROPE / WAR IN THE WORLD ADDENDM (SPI) n 0.4 Out-of-Print Photocopy of WiE 2nd ed. Errata & 4 articles tinkering w/ WinEurope. Allows mating W-Europe w/ W-Pacific [for true masochists] for a War in the World game. 1 77274 EXCELL $1.00 Copies are imperfect, obscuring a line at top or side of a couple of pages; reflected in price. WORLD AT WAR 3RD PARTS (GMT) DC Out-of-Print 1 145476 < NEW $6.00 Box, only. Ding to one corner, otherws new. WORLD AT WAR PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 72166 EXCELL $2.00 Research & Diplomacy Tables booklet photocopy, only. WORLD IN FLAMES 4TH PARTS (ADG) n Out-of-Print 1 43966 MINT $3.00 WiF 4th half sized countersheet #6, only. WORLD IN FLAMES 5TH PARTS (ADG) n Out-of-Print 1 6565 EXCELL $1.00 CRT & Tables chart page, one only, 5th edition. WORLD IN FLAMES 6TH PARTS (ADG) n Out-of-Print 1 129717 EXCELL $5.00 Charts & Tables page (including CRTs), only. 1997 copyright. WORLD IN FLAMES 7TH CLASSIC PARTS (ADG) GB Out-of-Print 1 132733 < NEW $12.00 Box, only. Box has a ding to one box corner that led to a split at same corner; Split repaired. Basically cosmetic. But if you need a good box for storage, this is it! WORLD IN FLAMES, 3RD PARTS (ADG) n Out-of-Print 1 52322 V.GOOD $4.00 Rules, scenarios, 1 chart and production chart, only. Rules & scenarios are worn & well soiled. WORLD IN FLAMES, 6TH [CLASSIC] PARTS (ADG) BC Out-of-Print 1 117816 V.GOOD $5.00 Box only. Box had been damaged in shipment with large creases top & btm. Structurally intact, but damaged. 2 110498 V.GOOD $6.00 Box, only. Significant ding on end panel mildy distorts box end. Structurally intact. WORLD IN FLAMES, 6TH [DELUXE] PARTS (ADG) BC Out-of-Print 1 117817 MINT $6.00 Box, only. Slight ding to center of box end panel creating sml semi-circular crease on cover. Otherws new. 2 111971 MINT $8.00 Box only. V.mild ding to one edge, and mild crease all along same edge. Short crease at opposite box corner. WORLD IN FLAMES, AMERICA IN FLAMES PARTS (ADG) BC Out-of-Print 1 118871 MINT $5.00 Box only. Box btm has 3 light indent lines of 1/2-1" long, 2 at top edge, 1 at btm. Otherws new. WWII CAMPAIGNS, 1940, 1941 & 1942 [2ND] (Compas) BC 2.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Update of 3 popular Series 120 games originally published by GDW and sold as a set. Each contains 120 counters and design to play in under 120 minutes. 1940 covers the Battle for France, May 1940; 1941 covers the German invasion of the USSR, Operation Barbarossa; and 1942 covers the first year of the war in the eastern Pacific. Graphics upgraded. 3 maps, 2 countersheets. Frank Chadwick, John Astell, Marc Miller'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $50.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Strategic Europeon Theater ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- BARBAROSSA TO BERLIN 1ST PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 68643 EXCELL $4.00 Rules photocopy, only. 2 68642 MINT $1.00 Tables & charts card, only. BIG ONE, WAR IN EUROPE #7 PARTS (GPGGFx) n n Out-of-Print 1 140344 EXCELL $2.00 Rules photocopy, only. EAST FRONT, 1ST PARTS (ColumG) n Out-of-Print 1 61099 MINT $5.00 Rules. EUROPE AFLAME PARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 61098 EXCELL $3.00 Rules. GERMANY, BATTLE FOR... #50 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 68128 MINT $5.00 Rules only. HITLER'S WAR, 1ST PARTS (Meta) n Out-of-Print 1 101236 EXCELL $4.00 Substantially complete set of German counters (only; no Soviet or Allied, missing 2 army units) PLUS a superset of numerica counters. ALL counters mounted on small magnets for PBM use. 2 101065 V.GOOD $2.00 Box, only. Various minor creases, a little tape on one side panel. Structurally sound & otherws clean. HITLER'S WAR, 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 61055 EXCELL $2.00 Axis Unit Recort Chart only. RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN PARTS (AH) FB Out-of-Print 1 66444 V.GOOD $2.00 Box only. 3 corners repaired, cover mildly scuffed. RUSSIAN FRONT PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 113863 EXCELL $1.00 Photocopy on yellow paper of the Battle Location Chart, only. STALINGRAD, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 114202 V.GOOD $4.00 1970s-vintage photocopy of original 1963 rules & battle manual. Otherws EX. SUNRISE OF VICTORY #2 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 28132 MINT $5.00 Rules, only. THIRD REICH, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 140974 EXCELL $6.00 Rules, only. 1st edition. Clean. 2 99683 EXCELL $5.00 Map set, only. 3 145262 EXCELL $4.00 Set of 5 scenario cards, only. Applies to 1st or 2nd editions. 4 140975 EXCELL $3.00 Set of 5 Scenario setup cards, only. 1 card has a couple of folds. 5 99686 EXCELL $3.00 Scenario card set, only. 6 87177 V.GOOD $2.00 Map set, only. Musty scent, some stains. 7 91503 V.GOOD $1.50 Scenario (Nation) card set. Annotated with strategic deployment #. 8 70833 V.GOOD $1.50 Set of 5 scenario cards (equally applicable to 1st or 2nd ed.). Stain on one card. THIRD REICH, 3RD PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70836 V.GOOD $2.00 Set of 5 scenario cards; Russian card is a photocopy. Also applies to 4th ed. THIRD REICH, 4TH PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 132646 EXCELL $5.00 Photocopy of rules, only. With a few penciled annotations. TOTALER KRIEG! [KRIEG 2ND] (DecGms) LB* 2.8 Out-of-Print Updated & enlarged 2-3 player, strat lvl, modestly simple gm of WW2 in Europe & N.Africa. Intended to be a players' game using special event cards to liven the action. 2 maps, 420 counters, corp/army lvl. MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for its interactive play; the best game DG has ever produced. S.Kosakowski'99 1 41672 < NEW $75.00 * Minor staple rust to 2 rules booklets. Some scuffs around box edge perimeter & under inventory label on cover. Components cherry mint. TOTALER KRIEG! [KRIEG 3RD] 2ND PARTS (DecGms) LB* Out-of-Print 1 122661 EXCELL $8.00 * Box only. Box has 1/4" knick on one box edge, otherws new & clean. VICTORY IN EUROPE (ColumG) BC 2.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Strategic, area-move, block-style game of the second World War in Europe & northern Africa, for 2-3 players. The Axis, Western Allies and Soviet Union duke it out on land, at sea and in the air for control of Europe. Play utilizes 108 color illustrated cards for events, initiave & combat. Includes 180 wooden blocks. T.Dalgliesh, R.Draker'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $81.00 WAR AT SEA 2 EXPANSION KIT PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70734 EXCELL $9.00 Rules only. WAR IN EUROPE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 109696 EXCELL $7.50 War in East 2nd/Europe CRT, only. (Buff colored paper.) Some minor erosion of paper on upper margin of chart. 2 109698 GOOD $5.00 War in the East 2nd/Europe Soviet Game Turn Cycle Record Track. Apparent insect damage creates a string of sml holes & obscures text along fold. Handwritten replacement info included where text obscured. 3 109695 MINT $10.00 War in East 2nd/Europe CRT, only. (Buff colored paper.) 4 109699 V.GOOD $9.00 War in West/Europe Allied Game Turn Record Track. 2 turn boxes' text obscured by abrasions. Handwritten replacement info provided. WAR IN THE EAST, 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 9771 MINT $3.00 Main coversheet, only. Very clean. Multiple copies avail. WAR IN THE EAST, 2ND PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 110095 MINT $10.00 WitE CRT chart (buff colored), one only. WWII, EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPS 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 108762 V.GOOD $4.00 Rules only. Wrinkled & soiled thru use, but seams & edges fine. 2 108763 V.GOOD $4.00 Scenario card. WWII, EUROPEAN THEATRE OF OPERATNSPARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 79538 EXCELL $2.00 Rules photocopy, only. 2 79542 EXCELL $3.00 Scenario booklet photocopy, only. 3 79539 EXCELL $2.00 Rules photocopy, only. WWII, EUROPEAN THEATRE OF OPS, 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 97604 EXCELL $7.00 Rules only. 2 97603 V.GOOD $4.00 Rules only. Wear & soiling thru use. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Strategic Pacific Theater ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ACROSS THE PACIFIC 2ND PARTS (PacRim) LB* Out-of-Print 1 115757 NEW $8.00 * 2nd edition box only. New but not shrinkwrapped. CHINA, BATTLE FOR... 1ST REVISED (MDG) Fo 0.3 Out-of-Print Small, desktop-published game of Japan's attempt to conquer China, 1937-41, using an 11x17 color paper area map of China & 280 paper color counters that must be mounted & cut apart. A decent, large scale treatment of this complex campaign. This was the 1st of 4 editions, the latest being in S&T #259. As a DTP game, note that all components are on normal paper. Brian Train'99 1 55413 NEW $32.50 Includes #55453 More Battle for China (stand alone game or addon kit for base game). CONQUEST & CONSEQUENCE (GMT) DC* 5.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Companion game to (and mateagble with) Triumph & Tragedy, covering the Pacific Theather from 1936-45 at a strategic level. Designed for 3 players giving it a unique dynamic. Begins with the militaristic government in power in Japan tho resource poor yet newly in control of Manchuria. Easier to learn, with cards included in play. Mounted map, 228 blocks, 2 countersheets, 110 cards. Craig Besinque'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $80.00 * EMPIRE OF THE SUN 4TH PARTS (GMT) DC 1 150432 < NEW $3.00 Box assembly w/ insert only. One box corner cover has a moest ding, otherws new. OCEANS OF FIRE, PACIFIC THEATER IN WWII (Compas) DC* 5.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Area-move, strategic level game of World War II in the Pacific. Players expended limitied Command Points to enable movement, missions or combat including interception. Strategic warfare with subs & B-29s included. Many optional rules. Playable with 2 or 3 players, with hi solitaire suitability. 5 scenarios including intro Midway & Solomons scenario, a larger Guadalcanal & Japanese scenarios, plus campaign. Core dynamic is the availability of Command Points that enable actions & order of play. 6mo/turn, 1-4 capital ships per counter, Div/Brig level, ~30 aircraft/unit point, 2 maps, 1080 counters, 67 event cards. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $79.00 * PACIFIC TIDE, THE US V JAPAN 1941-45 2ND (Compas BC 1.3 Avail Uncrtn 2022 update. Relatively compact & simple, strategic level game of World War II thruout the Pacific, 1941-5. Uses a fast-paced, card-driven combat & production system revolving around carrier operations. Designed as a 2-player game, it works well as a solitaire game as well. The Japanese must act fast as their advantages - initiative & pilot quality - dwindle over time, while the US must defeat Japan by the historical time frame. Area-move map, 1 countersheet, 51 cards. Gregory Smith'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $46.00 PACIFIC VICTORY 2ND (ColumG) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 2nd printing. Strategic level, block-system game of the war in the Pacific during WW2. Uses an evolution of the Victory system with its lush graphics. Includes 3 discrete campaign starting points (1941,2 & 3). Allows what-if strategies such as the invasions of India or Australia. Includes 1 very nice map of the Pacific from the US west coast to India and 100 block counters. Army lvl, 600mi/hex, 3mo/turn. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $82.00 PACIFIC WAR PARTS (AH-VG) n Out-of-Print 1 132153 EXCELL $5.00 Scenario booklet only. 2 71102 V.GOOD $4.00 Set of 4 Allied Force Display cards, only. PACIFIC WAR, STRUGGLE AGAINST JAPAN 2ND (GMT) HB*10.0 1-3wks Turnarnd MUST SHIP UPS DUE TO SIZE & WGT; SHIPPING WILL BE QUOTED. Major update of this complex game, but perhaps THE best game on Pacific theater of WWII. Includes 2 mounted maps covering the entire Pacific, 2340 counters, 27 scenarios of variing complexity & scope, from battles to campaigns to the entire war, a streamlined logistics system, & fully integrated air ground & naval operations. Land units vary from btln to army level, capital ships are 1/counter. 100mi/hex, monthly turns (daily movement). Highly recommended. Mark Herman'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $85.00 * USN PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 107895 EXCELL $2.00 Japanese Naval Air Unit Chart, only. 2 107896 EXCELL $2.00 Allied Naval Air Unit Chart, only. 3 107892 EXCELL $6.00 CRT & Reinforcement Chart, only. 4 107897 V.GOOD $2.00 Air Mission Allocation Chart. A few boxes lightly used in pencil. 5 107893 V.GOOD $3.00 CRT & Reinforcement Chart, only. Has a narrow line of many pin holes extending about 7" in center of one CRT; Reinf chart check marked in pencil for all turns. 6 107898 V.GOOD $2.00 Air Mission Allocation Chart. A few boxes lightly used in pencil. 7 107894 V.GOOD $9.00 Rules, only. Some soiling thru use. VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 61661 GOOD $3.00 Rules only. Coffee spill stains & underlining in pencil. Wrinkling thru use. Servicable but well worn copy. WWII, PACIFIC THEATER OF OPERATS PARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 6876 EXCELL $3.00 Scenarios booklet only for PTO. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Pre-War Maneuvers (Czech, Austria, etc) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CZECHOSLOVAKIA DEFIANT (Schutz) HC 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Operational/strategic level game of the what-if had Czechoslovakia resisted German annexation militarily rather than accept the Munich Agreement in 1938. Uses the Fall of France game system. Political rules allow a broader, regional war developing as other nations are dragged into the conflict. 1 sml map, 176 counters, brig/div level, 1day/turn, 15mi/hex. P.Schutze'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 EUROPE IN TURMOIL, INTERBELLUM YEARS (Compas) BC* 4.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Sequel to Europe in Turmoil Prelude to the Great War covering the interwar years of 1920-39. 2-player, card driven game of the political events of that period as the "liberal" and conservative elements of the nations of Europe struggle to determine the continent's future. They must deal with the rise of Fascism, instability in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire nations, disarmament & rearmament, the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations, the influence of the communist USSR, the Spanish Civil War & more. 2yrs/turn, mounted map, 4 countersheets, 110 cards, 30 wood cubes. Kris Van Beurden'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 * GATHERING STORM, PREQUEL TO WORLD AT WAR (GMT) DC* 3.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Stand-alone game that can mate with World at War to model all the preparations for WWII and the war itself. This game focuses on the military, economic, technological & diplomatic drama that preceded and precipitated World War II, covering 1935-39. Allows each player major strategic options, such as expansion of the German Navy. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $75.00 * STORM OVER ASIA PARTS (GMT) BC 1 143506 NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one corner, otherws new. STORM OVER ASIA, PREQUEL TO WORLD AT WAR (GMT) BC* 3.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Prequel to GMT's World at War game, and paralleling previously published Gathering Storm game. Covers the years prior to World War II in the Pacific that built up to war. 2-4 players each try to improve their nation's preparations for war in the military, economic, political, dipomatic & technological spheres. A complete game on it own, but can also be play in tandem with Gathering Storm and also sets the scene for a varied World at War game. Provides great flexibility in strategy, varying Japanese production focus on military or civilian goods, naval forces, diplomacy, new or better military units, activation of reserves, etc. 840 counters, 93 various cards. Modest complexity, 3mo/turn, 2-4 players, div/corp level, individ capital ships. Bruce Harper'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $72.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Spanish Civil War at all levels ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- COMMAND AT SEA: SHATTERED ARMADA (CofA) Bk 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Kit adding naval battles that did or could have occured during the Spanish Civil War, 1936-9, using the Command at Sea system. Includes actual battles, possible battles between nearby combatants, and what-if battles based on contingency plans. 22 scenarios, 210 counters. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 GUADALAJARA (MMP) BC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Standard Combat Series system game of the pivotal battle of the Spanish Civil War. The Italian motorized Corpo Truppe Volontaire (CTV) unit let the second Fascist attack on Madrid in the Spanish Civil War. They were repulsed in a hard-fought campaign. Comp/Btln level, 280 counters, 1 map. E.Sassot'06 1 Special Ordr NEW $23.00 GUADALAJARA PARTS (MMP) BC 1 138601 V.GOOD $3.00 Box, only. Light creases along box cover btm & right edge. Otherws very clean. NO PASARAN, BIBERON & BALAGUER 1938 #27 (Alea) Y n 0.3 4-8wks Turnarnd GameOnly. Game uses the No Pasaran system (previously published with the battle for Madrid) covering two other battles of the Spanish Civil War, Biberon & Balaguer, 1938. All game text in Spanish. '99 1 Special Ordr NEW -n/a- PASARAN PARTS (UGG) BC Out-of-Print 1 87199 NEW $3.00 Box only. Creases extend from 3 corners. SPANISH CIVIL WAR BATTLES, V2 #219 (DECS_T) n n 1.2 Out-of-Print Mag & Game. 2 more battles from the Spanish Civil War to complement those in the first set. Includes Guadalajara, March 1937, and the last Republican offensive at Penarroya, Jan.1939. 280 counters, 1mi/hex, 1day/turn, btln/rgt/brg/div level. P.Moore'03 / ARTICLES ON: the Spanish Civil War 1936-39; Stalingrad & the End of German Invincibility; Kaiser's Africa Airship; Sydney Reily, Ace of Spies; War Chariot in China; First Sih War, 1845-6. 1 73232 NEW $14.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Poland 1939 at all levels ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- POLAND CRUSHED (Schutz) HC 1.1 4-8wks Turnarnd Operation level game of the German invasion of Poland. The Germans must move quickly & decisively to defeat Poland, while the Poles seek to delay their defeat. Includes historical scnarios & many variants (including the Southern Stronghold where the army tries to hold out near its ally, Romania). 2 small maps, 264 die cut counters. P.Schutze'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 POLAND DEFIANT, GERMAN INVASION 1939 2ND (Revolu zl 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Updated from earlier Crown Games version. Covers the first 10 days of the German invasion of Poland, Sept 1939, as the Polish armies met the Germans in the open terrain of Poland allowing superior German mobility & firepower to do its work. The Germans have a rapid schedule, while the Poles must hold its key cities, so the game is balanced. Uses the chit activation system used in Konigsberg. 1day/turn, 280 counters, brig/div level. Stefan Ekstrom'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 TOTAL WAR (Excal) zl 0.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Simple tho sizable gm of German invasion of Poland, 1939. '78 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Campaigns & Battles - Eastern Front ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ABSOLUTE WAR! RUSSIAN FRONT PARTS (GMT) BC Out-of-Print 1 148579 < NEW $6.00 Box, only. Sml ding to one box btm corner. ACROSS THE NARVA, ESTONIA FEB 1944 2ND (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the Soviet assault on the Estonia area of German-occupied USSR early in 1944, a continuation of the Leningrad-Novogorod Offensive of Jan 1944. The Soviets sought air and naval bases for later attacks on both Finland and East Prussia. The Germans offered a stout defense of the Narva Isthmus; while the Soviets established many brigeheads, they failed to expand them before the Germans eliminated them north of Narva, stablizing the front until the summer. Covers the three-month campaign in 1 week turns using a chit activation system. Uses same system as earlier Konigsberg game. Game previously published by 3 Crown Ent. 300 counters, 1wk/turn, btln/rgt level. Stefan Ekstrom '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 AUTUMN FOR BARBAROSSA DELUXE [2ND] (MMP) zl 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Updated version of game previously published in Special Ops #7 using the SCS Standard Combat game system. Covers the campaign in central USSR in late summer of 1941 as the Germans attempt to sieze Smolensk before the front stablized until the fall. Deluxe edition uses larger, 5/8" counters and a physically larger map, and incorporates errata. Smaller game with a limited number of units, making for fast play & good for tournaments or beginners. There game begins with the German offensive at full tilt, but a Hitler roll with eventually cause all the mechanized and half the air support units to disappear, so must move fast. The Soviet seeks to stall, and conserve forces, until the tide turns when they can counterattack. 352 counters, 2 maps, 6days/turn, 7mi/hex, rgt/div level, hi solitaire suitability. Dean Essig'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 BARBAROSSA, ARMY GROUP CENTER 1941 2ND (GMT) DC* 4.3 1-3wks Turnarnd 2022 update of this large, complex 5-map, 1400 counter game of the German Army Group Center's push into the the central Ukraine (from Brest Litovsk in the south, Smolensk to the NE). Third in GMT's East Front Series (after Typhoon & AGS) using an excellent, detailed system by a yeoman designer. Division level, with lots of specialized units including NKVD, air, siege artillery, coastal def artillery. Excel graphics thruout. 8 scenarios including a simpler, intro one. Rules have been completely rewritten, and OoB updated. RECOMMENDED for E.Front fiends. 2days/turn, 5mi/hex, Regt/Div level. Vance von Borries'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $62.00 * BLACK WEDNESDAY PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 70770 MINT $3.00 Countersheet #3 only. 22 isolation & turn markers removed. Otherws complete & unpunched. BLITZKRIEG IN THE SOUTH PARTS (WWW) n Out-of-Print 1 24648 MINT $4.00 Rules, only. BLOOD & STEEL, BATTLE OF PROKHOROVKA 1ST (MDG) Fo 0.3 Out-of-Print Simpler, Btln/rgt/brig level, operational game of the climatic battle of Kursk at Prokhorovka, 12 July'43. Only 4 pages of rules make it good for beginners. Formations are activated by chit draw. 90min/turn, 1/2mi/hex. 1 smallish map, 144 counters that must be mounted & cut apart to play. An expansion kit was later published. P.Rohrbaugh'99 1 55430 NEW $17.50 BORODINO '41 (CofA) HC 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Grand tactical game of the Soviet 32nd Siberian Rifle's stand against the German 10th Panzer & Das Reich Divisions that bought time to defend Moscow, in Oct'41. Uses simplified Black Sea/Black Death system. J.Radey'95 1 Special Ordr NEW $28.00 BUDAPEST '45 #31 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 84947 EXCELL $4.00 Rules, only. 2 84949 MINT $1.00 Charts & Tables page, 1 only. 3 84950 MINT $1.00 Charts & Tables page, 1 only. CIRCLE OF FIRE, SIEGE OF CHOLM 1942 #41 (Agains) n HP 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game is a 2-player, area move game of the first few days of the Soviet siege of Cholm, 1942, during their massive Soviet winter offensive. Besieged by a wave of Soviets, Kampfgrupe Scherer withstood the 100-day siege heroicly, mandated by Hitler's No-Retreat order. Uses a variation of the Storm Over Arnhem game series with its impulse driven activity. 176 counters. M.Rinella'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 CRIMEA 1941 (Excal) zl 0.4 Out-of-Print Simple, div lvl gm of Von Manstein's campaign in the Crimea, '41-2. '77 1 957 EXCELL $15.00 Complete. CRIMEA, CONQUEST & LIBERATION (MMP) BC 2.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Game of the two major campaigns in the Crimea during WWII, using the Operational Combat game system. Covers the German conquest of the Crimea, Sept 1941-July 1942, and the Soviet recapture during Sept 1943-May 1944, thru all of the Crimea. Includes the siege of Sevastopol, the Soviet amphibious counteroffensive, with Axis siege artillery, a soviet battleship, and German air transports. Includes 7 scenarios plus the lengthy campaign. 840 counters, 1 map,, 5mi/hex, 3.5days/turn. Dean Essig'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $69.00 CRIMEAN SHIELD (WWW) HC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Detailed 1-2 player gm of the see-saw btls for the Crimea thruout WW2. 8 scenarios, btln-div lvl, w/ emphasis on command & supply. 8 scenarios. M.Yamazaki'94 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 DEBRECEN 1944 (VaeVGm) Fo 0.6 1-3wks Turnarnd French-produced game with English rules. Game of the Soviet offensive near Debrecen, Hungary, October 1944, and the German counterattack by the isolated 8th army that threatens to isolate the Soviet mobile spearhead. 216 counters, btln/reg/div level, 5km/hex, 2days/turn. 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 DEFIANT RUSSIA: RED VICTORY KIT (Avalan) n 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Kit adding the last year of the war as a large scenario. Begins with the Soviet Bagration (summer 1944) offensive and ends in the final capture of Berlin. Also includes a Operation Zeppelin variant. 180 counters included. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 DEMYANSK SHIELD PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140969 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Light 1" scratch on cover. Otherws new. 2 140970 < NEW $3.00 Box only. Very sml ding to one box cover corner. Otherws new. DEMYANSK SHIELD, FROZEN FORTRESS 1942 (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covers the campaign near the Valday Hills area near Leningrad in the first five months of 1942. Soviet winter offensive had broken the German lines, threatening to isolate 70,000 Germans around Demyansk and later the entire German 16th Army and open a supply line to Leningrad. Designed by a yeoman designer. Btln/rgt/brig level, 2mi/hex, 6days/turn, 352 counters. Vance von Borries'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 DEMYANSK SHIELD, FROZEN FORTRESS PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140314 EXCELL $3.00 Box only. Some minor scuffs, but cover crossed out (twice in each of 2 directions) with black marker. Entirely servicable as a storage box. No other damage. DRIVE ON STALINGRAD, 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 128593 EXCELL $4.00 Rules photocopy only. Couple of unit ID annotations/corrections in historical OoB. 2 107467 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of rules, only, annotated with errata and with some rules highliting. EAST FRONT II / WEST FRONT II UPGRAD KIT (ColumG BC Avail Uncrtn Kit intended to upgrade sets of EF 2nd & WF 2nd manufactured 2000 or after (due to changes in block style to black Germans & a rounded style). Includes some addtl blocks, complete set of 4 newer maps, complete label set (which much be put over existing labels). New rules NOT included & must be downloaded. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $90.00 ENEMY AT THE GATES PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 10581 MINT $2.00 (1) copy of Charts & Tables, v2.0, for Op Combat Series. EURO FRONT II KIT (ColumG) BC* 3.2 1-3wks Turnarnd Revision of earlier kit now suited to East Front II/West Front II game set. Adds new diplomatic & alliance rules & revises exit zones. Adds the 1940 campaigns in France, the lowlands and Scandanavia. Includes 243 blocks, system rules & armies of all the neutrals. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $90.00 * FORTRESS SEVASTOPOL #8 (UGG_CS) n BC 2.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game of the German attempt to capture the Crimea during 1941, and the determined Soviet resistance the delayed the fall of Sevastopol until July 1942. Area move, using a variation of the Storm Over Arnhem system. 2mo/turn, div level, 1 countersheet. Christian Diedler'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 FOUR ROADS TO MOSCOW (Agains) HP 1.5 Avail Uncrtn 2010 Annual w/ 4 games. HITLER TURNS EAST is a hex-based game of the first 9 months of the war in the east at corp/army level. 160 counters, monthly turns. T.Racier / SLAUGHTERHOUSE is a point-point map game of the first 9 months of the war in the east at the army/army group level. 120 counters., bi-monthly turns. M. Rinella / STRIKE THE BEAR is a large hex map game of the war in the east in the first 9 months of the war in the east with key constraints of operational limits. 120 counters, 3-week turns. R.Nord / CODEWORD BARBAROSSA is an area move game of all of Europe prior to Barbarossa as Germany & the USSR gear for war. Players seek to maximize economic resources and end-game military forces. Includes sml number of event cards, and used Resource Points ala 3rd Reich. 120 counters. J.Prados '11 / ARTICLES ON: Barbarossa facts v myth; March to Magdala, Abyssinia 1868; fallacy of numbers being the dominant cause of Axis loss of WW2. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 GD'42 PARTS (MMP) n Out-of-Print 1 132455 MINT $2.00 German morale chart, only. HELL OF STALINGRAD PARTS (CofA) BC Out-of-Print 1 107984 NEW $4.00 Box, only. Some lite scuggs on lower box edge, otherws new. HITLER'S STALINGRAD, BRESLAU 1945 #56 2D (Agains n HP 1.3 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Update of this game of the successful German defense of the city of Breslau against daunting odds from Feb'45 thru the end of the war. The city sat on a major rail line and German control would hinder further Soviet advances. A garrison of 50,000, many of which were Volkstrum, held out against the Soviet 6th Army of 80,000 which laid siege to the city which has the Oder River threading thru it. 324 counters, 650yd/hex, 1wk/turn, 324 counters, Co./btln level. Perry Moore'23 1 Stock NEW $32.50 HUNGARIAN NIGHTMARE, BUDAPEST 1945 #31 (Agains) n HP 1.2 1-3wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game of the bitter battle for the Hungarian capital of Budapest, Dec'44-Feb'45, the 2nd bloodiest in history. The 79000 Germans & Hungarians have only a hodge podge of attack-capable units & logistical problems. But the Soviets have 177,000 - 2 fronts - & a tight timeline. Victory based on besting actual history. 420 counters, rgt level, 1-1/2 area move maps, 3days/turn. M.Stille'11 / ARTICLES ON: the emergency air resupply of Budapest, 1945, via glider; Soviet siege of Budapest 1945; WW2 urban sieges; TARLETON'S QUARTER! expansion rules; battle of Navarion, last btl in Age of Sail, 1827; US-China relations as a zero-sum game. 1 Special Ordr NEW $28.00 HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY (MMP) BC* 3.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the 1944 Soviet drive into Hungary (including the battle of Debrecen), and the German's desparate 1945 Konrad offensive to relieve the siege of Budapest and save 50,000 troops there. Soviet forces are powerful: 3 tank armies, 5 mech corps & 3 cavalry corps, but are operating at the limits of their logistical trail. German forces include 13 panzer divisions. Uses the OCS Operational Combat game series. Regt/Div level, 3.5days/turn, 5mi/hex. Includes 2 maps, 6 countersheets, 13 scenarios using 1 or 2 maps plus grand campaign. Stephane Acquaviva, Dean Essig'20 1 Stock NEW $99.00 * KANEV #115 PARTS (WWWS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 45198 MINT $4.00 Rules, only. KANEV PARTS (PWG) n Out-of-Print 1 69450 EXCELL $2.00 Photocopy of rules, only. KESSELSCHLACHT #3 PARTS (Agains) n Out-of-Print 1 97585 MINT $5.00 Map, only. KHARKOV #68 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 91889 EXCELL $4.00 Rules only, plus errata. KHARKOV BATTLES, BEFORE+AFTER FALL BLAU (Compas) BC 2.4 Avail Uncrtn Game using the Fall Blau game system covering the 2nd & 3rd Battles of Kharkov, May 1943 & March 1943. Stand-alone game, but can mate with Fall Blau to offer a grand campaign. Div/corp level, with stacking of 3 units but only one large unit (& all smaller sized units) may attack from a hex. 4 scenarios, High solitaire suitabililty. 3days/turn, btln/brig/div/corp level, 6.5mi/hex, 2.5maps, 3 countersheets. Greg Blanchett'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 KIEV 1943 (VaeV_G) Fo 0.6 1-3wks Turnarnd French-produced, English & French-language, game of the Nov 1943 battle for Kiev and beyond, punctuated by a German counterattack in mid-November. 216 die cut counters. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 KONIGSBERG, SOVIET ATTACK ON E PRUSSIA2D (Revolu zl 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the Soviet offensive into East Prussia in January-Feb 1945. Two Soviet Fronts launch a two sided offensive while the Germans put up a very stout defense, actually pushing the Soviets back at first. Uses a chit activation system. 2days/turn, 280 counters, brig/div/corp level. Stefan Elkstrom'18 1 Stock NEW $35.00 KRIM #6 PARTS (XTRCmd) n n Out-of-Print 1 128870 MINT $4.00 Countersheet, only. KURSK 1943, EL FIN DE LA BLITZKRIEG # 31 (Alea) n n 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd 52pg mag & game. Kursk is a rgt level game of the German's Summer 1943 offensive. Includes about 340 counters in mag that must be mounted & cut apart. Game is 1st half; 2nd half published in #33. Includes addtl scenarios for Nordkapp#29. Spanish magazine with ALL material in Spanish; includes English translated rules to Kursk, & translation avail at '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 KURSK, OPERATION ZITADELLE 1943 ['71] 2D (SPI) LZ 1.4 Out-of-Print 3-scenario battle of Kursk, options to start in July, June or Aug. S.Hart'71 1 2337 V.GOOD $45.00 Complete. Map mounted to thick cardstock, PBM coordinates written onto margins, and a 1x3" cutout made to top margin of map. Map surface clean. Otherws EX. LAND WITHOUT END PARTS (DecGms) n Out-of-Print 1 128927 MINT $3.00 Rules, only. MERCY, WAR WITHOUT... 2ND (CofA) BC 1.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Reprint with new (& nice) box art. Strategic, div/corp lvl gm of the war in the East 1941-4 using 2 maps, 8400 counters. Very nicely done graphics on counters & map. Game mates with Brute Force & the Mediterranean. R.Beyma'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 NORTH KURSK, BATTLE OF... (KuroNk) BC 1.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Chinese-produced game published with Chinese & (broken) English rules. Area-move game of the battles near Oryol at the northern German pincer at Kursk, July-Aug 1943. Btln/rgt/brig/div level, 196 counters, 40 cards, 4days/turn. (Again, publisher's use of the English language is broken and odd phrases & misspellings abound.) '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 OPERATION KREMLIN PARTS (DecGms) HC Out-of-Print 1 82373 MINT $2.00 Box, only. OPERATION SPARK PARTS (CofA) n Out-of-Print 1 69796 MINT $2.50 Original rules, missing cover page sheet; photocopy of pgs 1-2, 31-32 included so its complete. OPERATION TYPHOON PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 107580 EXCELL $5.00 Rules, only. A few case #s circled in ink, otherws clean. 2 101262 MINT $5.00 Promotional mailing copy of the Op Typhoon rules, only. Most pages have a sml (1/2") dog-ear. ORAGES A L'EST [STORMS IN THE EAST] (VaeVGm) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd French-produced game with both French & English rules. Covers the Soviet offensives against two German Allied nations in 1944. In 1944, the Soviet 30th Guard Army attempted to knock out Finland via assault in the Tali-Ihantala area, including against the VKT fortified line. They made progress to the point of breaking thru, but were turned back by the last of the Axis reserves and armored forces. In Romania, the Soviets and the now-Soviet-allied Romanians attacked the Hungarian 2nd Army in Translyvania attempting to cross the Mures River & force the Turda Pass. Backed by the German 23 Pzr, the Soviets eventually ceased their offensive. Rgt/div level, 4.5km/hex, 2days/turn, 216 counters, 7 scenarios. F.Coupeau'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 PANZERGRUPPE GUDERIAN #57 (SPIS_T) n 0.8 Out-of-Print 1 114222 V.GOOD $3.00 Rules, only. Wrinkled thru use. 2" circular spot on rules cover where text somewhat abraided & partially obscured by moisture; no text lost. Otherws clean. PANZERKRIEG, 3RD (WWW) BC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Graphic update to this venerable 9 scenario gm of campaigns across all of S.Ukraine '41-44 (Kiev south) at div/corp lvl. System & some units have been tweaked by orig designer. J.Prados'94 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 PANZERS LAST STAND (MMP) DC* 3.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Large game using the Battalion Combat (BCS) system to cover the German's final series of offensives of World War II. Game covers the period of Jan-Mar 1945 as the Germans attempted to relieve Budapest thru a series of attacks (Konrad, Southwind and Spring Awakening) involving a third of Germany's remaining panzers. Units include the war's biggest & best tanks including the Tiger II, Brummbar, IS-2 & ISU-152, together with the many specialized & ad hoc forces involved in the defense of Budapest. Includes 10 scenarios (2 with 1 map, 7 with 2 maps), 4 maps, 1680 counters. Carl Fung'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $125.00 * RED TYPHOON, SOVIET COUNTEROFFENSIVE 2ND (Revolu zl 0.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Reworking of game originally appearing in the Japanese edition of Command Magazine. Covers the early 1942 Soviet winter counteroffensive in front of Moscow that pushed Army Group Center away from Moscow. Game starts with the Soviets having made several breakthrus in the German line. Uses a traditional Ugo-Igo game system with a chit activation system superimposed; that system allows formations to either move, attack, or both, and not all units will be able to act at all. Units are retreated by the attacker and disrupted; this affects the course of the game. This edition alters allocation of Soviet activation, adds surprise, historical deployment. 200 counters. 4th game in the PanzerKorps game series. Shigeru Hirano'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 RUSSIA BESIEGED DELUXE [3RD] (Compas) BC* 2.9 Nicely produced corp/army level game of the war in the east, 1941-5. Includes production and step reduction. 528 counters, 2 maps, 2Mo/turn, 32mi/hex. This edition includes the prior expansion kit, refined scenarios, updated artwork, and 5/8" counter size. A.Lupinacci'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $77.00 * RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN, 2ND PARTS (AH) FB Out-of-Print 1 95095 V.GOOD $3.00 Box, only. Structurally intact but with some concaving, creases, wear, minor tears & ink scrawls to box cover. 2 5944 V.GOOD $5.00 2nd ed rules. Portion of cover folded over. 3 95093 V.GOOD $2.50 Passable photocopy of 2nd ed rules + TEC + CRT, only. SIEGE OF LENINGRAD #13 PARTS (Jagdpa) n Out-of-Print 1 151868 MINT $2.00 Map only. Cherry. SIMULATIONS CANADA COMPUTER GAMES [PC] (SimCan) Fo Going OoP Moscow Campaign 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 SMOLENSK, BARBAROSSA DERAILED PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 132299 < NEW $4.00 Box, only. Slight ding to one box corner. Otherws new. STALIN'S WAR PARTS (GMT) n 1 128266 MINT $3.00 Tables & Charts aid, only. STALINGRAD '42: LITTLE SATURN KIT (GMT) zl 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit for Stalingrad '42 that adds a 5th scenario to the game including a half-sized countersheet of new counters. Covers the concurrent German Winter Storm offensive to relieve Stalingrad and the Soviet Little Saturn offensive on the Italian forces NW of Stalingrad. Covers Dec 42 - Feb 43. Mark Simonitch'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 STALINGRAD, ADVANCE TO THE VOLGA 1942 2D (Revolu BC 1.9 2-6wks Turnarnd 2024 Reprint. Solitaire, area-move game of the German drive to the Volga, into Stalingrad and possibly their historical fate. Includes the Sept 1942 investment into Stalingrad and its industrial core. Victory is judged by besting the historical German achievements. Full game is 9 turns, plus there is a 5-turn Factory District scenario depicting the final German offensive in October. Quick set-up, low counter density, lots of variability game to game, and fast playing, it is suitable for repeated play and to beginners. Small mounted map, 1 countersheet. Michael Renella'24 1 Stock NEW $39.00 STALINGRAD, BATTLE FOR... (Versse) BC 1.8 2-player card game of the bitter battle for Stalingrad, July 1942-Feb 1943. German forces attempt to capture the city by fighting for one rubble-strewn city block after another in the face of mounting resistance & casualties. A key dynamic is that as the city is destroyed, your supplies dwindle reducing your ability to move & fight. Includes 168 cards. Fast playing, simple. D.Verssen'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 STALINGRAD, BATTLE OF... (AgaTPS) HP 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd First in an intended line of 20 games, each corresponding to a chapter in Joseph Mitchell's book, Twenty Decisive Battles of the World. This game is a corp/army level look at the 1942 campaign in southern USSR with the German Fall Blau offensive followed by the Soviet Uranus counteroffensive, with Stalingrad in the middle of things. Mounted but bland map covers the area from Kharkove to Astrakhan. Political influences on the campaigns are key. 280 counters. H.Gerber'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 STALINGRAD: MURMANSK KIT (Misc) n 0.1 Out-of-Print Small, very early variant extending AH's Stalingrad north to include the vital city of Murmansk & its rail corridor plus 4 units & 1pg rules. Hand drawn paper map; counters on paper & must be mounted & cut apart for play. M.Carr 1 87561 MINT $19.00 STRUGGLE FOR STALINGRAD #47 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 79403 MINT $3.00 Map, only. 2 79402 MINT $3.00 Rules, only. SUNRISE OF VICTORY, 1942-3 # 2 PARTS (XTRCmd) n n Out-of-Print 1 128867 MINT $4.00 Countersheet, only. TAMAN '42 PARTS (PacRim) n Out-of-Print 1 61071 EXCELL $2.50 Rules only. THIRD WINTER, UKRAINE PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 150050 < NEW $2.00 Box only. Ding to a box btm corner with a 3" crease. Otherws new. 2 150049 < NEW $2.00 Box only. Ding to a box btm corner with a 3" crease. Otherws new. TITO #81 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 68232 EXCELL $2.00 Rules photocopy, only. 2 79371 MINT $3.00 Rules, only. URALS KIT PARTS (GRD) n Out-of-Print 1 13128 MINT $2.00 Map #31 only VELIKIYE LUKI, STALINGRAD OF THE NORTH (Legion) zl 2-6wks Turnarnd Mini-game of the bitter, winter battle of Velikiye Luki, Nov 1942-Feb 1943, as the Soviets' northern Operation Mars pincer seeks to cut the main north-south rail line for the Germans. The Soviets advanced thru difficult terrain around the town & isolated it; Hitler insisted that the town be held, but fell in mid-January. 1 small map, 64 counters. Michael Taylor'24 1 Stock NEW $15.00 VICTORY AWAITS, OPERATION BARBAROSSA '41 (MMP) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Large game of first 10 weeks of Operation Barbarossa, June-Sept 1941. Previously published as three mating games in the Fierce Fight series in Japan. This unified update covers all of Barbarossa south of Leningrad, using 3 maps, 3 countersheets. Scenarios cover Army Group North, Center or South's offensives on a single map. Includes multiplayer rules for 4-8 playes. 840 counters, 3 maps, 16km/hex, 10days/turn. Div level. Uses the game system found in Victory Lost, Fire in the Sky, Most Dangerous Time and What Price Glory. Tetsuya Nakamura'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 WAR IN THE EAST 2ND PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 135360 EXCELL $6.00 War in the East CRT chart, only. 2 135361 EXCELL $6.00 War in the East CRT chart, only. YELNYA, CRUSHING THE SALIENT (Schutz) HC 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Smaller, simpler game of Zhukov's first counterattack against the Germans, Sept. 1941. Zhukov, commanding the Soviet's reserve army, finds an opportunity to attack Army Group Center after it has been stripped of it's panzers (off encircling a half-million Soviets in the Ukraine), and push the Germans back from the approaches to Moscow. 88 counters, small map. P.Schutze'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 ZITADELLE, DUEL FOR KURSK PARTS (WWW) n Out-of-Print 1 83232 EXCELL $6.00 Photocopy of rules, CRT, deployment charts & map, only. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Campaigns & Battles - Western Front, 1939-40 ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- BLITZKRIEG 1940 #42 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 80406 EXCELL $1.00 CRT/TRC Chart, only. BLITZKRIEG 1940 2ND # 7 (UGG_CS) n HC 1.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Update printed entirely in English. Game of two grand tactical battles that occurred as the Germans attempted to breakout thru French lines, May 1940: Hannut, 12-13 May, and Stonne 16-18 May. 500m/hex. Company level. w/ 432 color cardstock counters that must be mounted & cut apart. Originally announced as an English language version of Vae Victis; now a special edition of C&S. Also includes final installment of Pearl Harbor including 1 countersheet. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 CASE WHITE, 1ST PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 73551 V.GOOD $1.00 Set of 2 CRTs/Unit ID Charts. Coffee ring stains & annotations on both. COUNTER-ATTACK, THE BATTLE OF ARRAS 1940 (Revolu zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2-player, area-move game of the 21 May 1940 attack by British forces that gave the Germans their greatest fear of the French campaign as the offensive threatened to cut off the panzer divisions from the German infantry lagging behind. Includes one modest sized map, 1 countersheet, rgt/div level. Michael Rinella'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $24.00 DEFIANT HOLLAND (FGA) n 0.4 Out-of-Print Includes 2 Empire of the Sun errata counters, 2 Brother Against Brother counters. Simpler game of the invasion of The Netherlands, May '40, using FGA's Op Crusader system at btln/rgt level. New design. The Dutch WILL lose, but can the Germans defeat them in a timely manner? Good sized, colorful game. 12hrs/turn, 3mi/hex, btln level, 240 counters. '92 1 980 MINT $29.00 DEFIANT HOLLAND PARTS (FGA) n Out-of-Print 1 61462 EXCELL $2.00 Photocopy of rules, taped to facilitate further copying. DYNAMO, DUNKIRK 1940 #53 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 17881 V.GOOD $2.00 Map only. FALL OF FRANCE 2ND (Schutz) HC 1.1 2-6wks Turnarnd Professionally produced games w/ die cut counters. Covers the campaign for France, 1940, in which both the Germans & Allies are treated as competent armies. Corp level, 216 die cut counters. 2nd ed includes addition variants & counters. P.Schultz'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 FALL OF FRANCE PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 73570 V.GOOD $0.50 Europa Corp Marker display, only. Coffee splattered. FIRST TO FIGHT, 1ST PARTS (GRD) n Out-of-Print 1 79413 EXCELL $4.00 Order of Battles booklet, photocopy only. 2 79411 EXCELL $5.00 Rules, photocopy only. 3 79412 EXCELL $4.00 Rules, photocopy only. Some highlighting in yellow. 4 79414 EXCELL $4.00 Order of Battles booklet, photocopy only. FIRST TO FIGHT, 1ST: PARTS (GRD) n Out-of-Print 1 97827 MINT $12.00 Order of Battle booklet only. FOUR ROADS TO PARIS (Agains) HP 1.5 2-6wks Turnarnd 2016 Annual (published at the end of 2017) w/ 4 games focused on the fall of France in May 1940: STRANGE VICTORY is a solitaire game depicting the smaller, nimbler Germans confounding the Allied command structure. SPRINGTIME FOR HITLER supposes that the Germans simply had the best army, airforce, doctrine, and used all to their advantage. SEEDS OF DISASTER explores the pre-conflict planning and projection of motivations onto the enemy that led to the disaster. BETRAYAL! is a unique game akin to many solitaire games in that the Germans are driven by the game system whle the two players represent Britain & France, erstwhile allies that are looking out first for their own national interests in the event that France falls. 4 maps, 300+ counters.'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 FRANCE '40, SICKLE CUT & DYNAMO 2ND (GMT) BC 1.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 update with a new 2-map scenario, 10 new units, revised OoB, and updates to rules & charts.. Pair of games in one box using the same game system, each with its own mounted map. Sickle Cut covers Guderian's drive thru to the English Channel in May 1940, starting 13 May. 6 Panzer divs have cleared the Ardennes and are at the Meuse River facing strong Allied forces. DYNAMO covers the British withdrawal to Dunkirk & their evacuation there. Starting 24 May, the British decide to withdraw to Dunkir rather than risk isolation - but some of the panzers are closer to Dunkirk than they. Challenge is to hold the perimeter for 8 days during the withdrawal. Maps may be joined, but there is no scenario for the combined period (likely to be published later). Rgt/div level, 4mi/hex, 1day/turn. M.Simonitch'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.50 FRANCE 1940 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 116122 EXCELL $2.00 Set of 3 German scenario cards, only. NARVIK 2ND PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 108888 EXCELL $4.00 Photocopy of Collectors Series Draft 3rd ed rules set. Rules only, no charts. Photocopy of rules as published in Europa magazine. NORWAY 1940 [NORUEGA 1940] (Trafal) BC* 3.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Spanish-produced, English & Spanish language game of the German invasion of Norway in April 1940. Colorful, 2pc, A1 sized map, 580 counters. Point-point movement, including critical air & naval support for this campaign. Players must coordinate air, naval & land forces over the huge expanse of the Norwegian coast & interior, and the Germans must carefully plan to make supplies available. Rules availablefor review via download on publisher's website. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $99.00 * PARATROOP #77 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 61666 V.GOOD $1.00 Red Devil portion of map, only (other parts cut away & not included). SEELOWE (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print What if Germany invades England in July or Spt '40? Lots of What-ifs. J Young '74 1 2144 EXCELL $29.00 Complete. British units have a code written onto blank backsides. Otherws clean. SWITZERLAND MUST BE SWALLOWED 2ND (Schutz) HC 1.2 4-8wks Turnarnd Boxed update of this game of a possible German invasion of Switzerland sometime after the summer of 1940, as well as a possible Allied invasion in 1944. The southern portion of the country was well protected by the Alps, but the Swiss themseles realized the northern half may be swiftly overrun. 264 dbl sided div level counters. 15k/hex, 3days/turn. 2nd ed adds several new scenarios plus rules tweaks. P.Schutze'07 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 THEIR FINEST HOUR, 1ST (GDW) LZ 1.8 Out-of-Print Includes supplementary errata countersheet. 3 distinct games included: both an Europa-level & a squad-level air combat games of the Battle of Britain, & a game of the hypothetical Sealion naval & ground invasion of Britain. Ambitious attempt to cover both the Battle of Britain and Sealion. Includes the entire British & German navies. 2 maps, 1056 counters. Europe std is 16mi/hex, 2wks/turn; Detailed aire game is 12-23 turns (4days/turn). Sealion is 5.3mi/hex, 4days/turn. M.Miller, P.Banner, F.Chadwick'76 1 1167 MINT $69.00 Includes supplemental errata countersheet & extensive errata. 4 counters fallen from trees. THEIR FINEST HOUR, 1ST PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 73567 EXCELL $1.00 Combat results table, only. 2 73560 EXCELL $1.00 German Air Order of Battle (Europa scale). 1pg. THEIR FINEST HOUR, 2ND PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 73565 V.GOOD $2.00 British & German Order of Battles (p.27-32). One tear to a page margin, many inked annotations on German page. 2 73562 V.GOOD $1.00 Sea Zone Display, only. Coffee splattered. VICTORY IN THE WEST, FRENCH CAMP PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 108013 MINT $3.00 Countersheet 3 (Brits,Dutch, Belgians/Markers), reverse printed. 2 19895 MINT $3.00 Countersheet 3 (Brits, Dutch, Belgains/Markers), reverse printed. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Campaigns & Battles - Western Front, 1941-45 ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AACHEN, STORMING THE SIEGFRIED LINE, 2ND (WWW) BC 1.0 4-8wks Turnarnd Initial Allied assault against Siegfried Line around Aachen followed by German counterattack and methodical allied repost, Sep-Oct 44. Reprint from PWG. J.Radey, W.Hamilton'95 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 ARDENNES II [2ND] (MMP) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2023 overhaul of this game using the SCS Std Combat System. OoB & map have been updated, and artillery has been modified. Fun, relatively simple and extremely colorful grand tac, 2 map game of entire Battle of the Bulge Campaign, Dec 1944-Jan 1945. 1.8ed of series rules; 3rd in Std Combat series; 560 counters, 6 scenarios, 1day/turn, 1mi/hex. Dean Essig'23 1 Stock NEW $54.00 ARNHEM (PanzrF) n 0.2 Out-of-Print One of two contemporanious games with the same name. 4pgs of rules produced by ditto machine. Map & counters on thin cardstock. Counters best if mounted & cut apart for play. Crude by today's standards but eagerly awaited in '72. Chris Johnson'72 1 151754 MINT $75.00 ARNHEM (Sparta) n 0.2 Out-of-Print One of two contemporaneous games with same name; this was published by Sparant Intl/Jagdpanther. Map & counters printed on paper; counters must be mounted & cut apart for play. Incudes naval images of Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Hood, Prince of Wales, Norfolk & Suffolk. Early, rather primitive game of the battle for the bridges around & city of Arnhem (and not the larger campaign). Chris Ostermeyer, Dan Hoffbauer 1 1750 MINT $40.00 ARNHEM BRIDGE PARTS (Attact) n Out-of-Print 1 98723 EXCELL $6.00 Photocopy of rules, Quick Reference Sheet (w/ all charts) & Hidden Movement Sheet, only. BEYOND THE RHINE PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 145494 < NEW $6.00 Box only. Ding to one corner. BREAKOUT & PURSUIT (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print Div-lvl game of Allied breakout in France, July-Aug 44, and pursuit across France thru Spt. 15. 2 Scenarios & camp, many what-ifs. Allied supply is key element. J.Dunnigan, 72. 1 1842 EXCELL $25.00 Complete. Rules & errata hilited in yellow. Otherws EX. BULGE, BATTLE OF THE... ['65] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70765 EXCELL $1.00 German OoB card only. 2 169 V.GOOD $1.00 Basic rules (only) stained & wrinkled. BULGE, BATTLE OF THE... ['81], 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 48075 V.GOOD $5.00 1st ed rules only, w/ handful of paragraphs underlined in ink. CAEN (Excal) zl 0.2 Out-of-Print British face stout German resistance from several Panzer & SS divisions shortly after D-Day in the area around Caen, France. Simple game & system. 100 counters. '77 1 955 MINT $14.00 Addr label of latest Excal owner on rules cover. CELLES, THE ARDENNES, 23-27 DEC 1944 2ND (Revolu zl 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Reprint of this first game in the Battle of the Bulge series using a chit activation system, and set at the high water mark of the German Bulge offensive, 23-26 Dec 1944. The Germans must make a desperate lunge for the Meuse while the Allies both try to blunt those moves & prepare for their own counteroffensive aimed at destroying the overextended panzers. Each sides' units are activated by chit draws which makes every game different & exciting. 1mi/hex, 12hrs/turn, 88 counters. Errata & French translated rules avail online. R.Miller'17 1 Stock NEW $25.00 CHERBOURG (PanzrF) n 0.2 Out-of-Print Early game of the battle for the key port of Cherbourg after the D-Day landings. Produced as 4 map panels with counters on thin stock; counters should be mounted & cut apart for play. Larry Schmidt 1 108220 V.GOOD $75.00 Map colorized fairly neatlym and directional compass added. Unit IDs clarified (from muddy ditto) in red ink. Otherws unused & mint. COBRA, THE NORMANDY BREAKOUT, 2ND PARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 70701 EXCELL $4.00 Rules only. A few errata annotations. D-DAY ['65] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 71117 EXCELL $1.00 Order of Battle charts. 2 79393 EXCELL $2.00 Basic game rules, only. Couple of isolated spots plus wrinkling thru use. 3 85558 EXCELL $1.00 Photocopy of '65 rules, only. 4 71118 EXCELL $1.00 Order of Battle charts. 5 65645 EXCELL $2.00 Basic game rules. Couple of spots. 6 79392 EXCELL $3.00 Battle Manual, only. Some lite stains. 7 71128 V.GOOD $1.00 Time Record Chart, only. 1965 version. 8 71119 V.GOOD $0.75 Order of Battle charts. Writing in penci. 9 71126 V.GOOD $2.00 Rules, only. 1965 version. Wrinkled. 10 71127 V.GOOD $2.00 Battle manual, only. 11 71120 V.GOOD $0.50 Order of Battle charts. Some staining. DAI SENSO! PARTS (DecGms) LB* Out-of-Print 1 104020 NEW $10.00 * Box, only. Clean. DAY OF DAYS PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 116261 MINT $8.00 Box only. Extremely slight ding to 3 box top corners. DAY OF DAYS, INVASION OF NORMANDY 1944 (MMP) DC* 3.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Highly detailed, company-level game of the first 10 days of the Normandy invasions, June 1944. Allies strive to move away from the beach & develop a secure beachhead; Germans try to try throw them back into the sea. Using a playable system, this huge game includes all the action of those furious & chaotic days: para drops, ranger assaults, & more. Uses the Standard Combat System. Includes 4 maps, 8 countersheets, v1.7 series rules, 15 scenarios (many using only 1 or 2 maps). D.Essig'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $90.00 * DAY OF DAYS, INVASION OF NORMANDY PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 128770 MINT $8.00 Box only. Ding to center of box cover upper edge creating small crease & indent. Otherws new. DEADLY WOODS, THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE (Revolu) BC 1.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Packaged in a bookcase box. Game of the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944 - Jan 1945, using a modified chit pull system as pioneered by earlier Dark Valley. Each side as a varying number of chit pulls each turn, which also vary by type of chit. Reinforcement chits determine the round (but not turn) of arrival, German logistic chits that model their logistical constraints, plus movement & combat chits which allow one of those two choices. Plus special event chits. Victory based on taking geographical objectives, but the German can score an instant victory if able to exit units beyond the Meuse River. All in all, many more decisions to be made in this game. Shorter scenario covering only the German offensive, and a longer campaign covering the Allied counter offensive. Units are demi-divisions, 2-3days/turn, 3mi/hex, 1.5 countersheets. Designed by a yeoman designer, Ted Racier'21. 1 Stock NEW $55.00 DEADLY WOODS, THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE ZL (Revolu zl 0.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Packaged in a ziplock. Game of the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944 - Jan 1945, using a modified chit pull system as pioneered by earlier Dark Valley. Each side as a varying number of chit pulls each turn, which also vary by type of chit. Reinforcement chits determine the round (but not turn) of arrival, German logistic chits that model their logistical constraints, plus movement & combat chits which allow one of those two choices. Plus special event chits. Victory based on taking geographical objectives, but the German can score an instant victory if able to exit units beyond the Meuse River. All in all, many more decisions to be made in this game. Shorter scenario covering only the German offensive, and a longer campaign covering the Allied counter offensive. Units are demi-divisions, 2-3days/turn, 3mi/hex, 1.5 countersheets. Designed by a yeoman designer, Ted Racier'21. 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 GERMANY, BATTLE FOR... #50 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 114211 MINT $9.00 Rules only. GREATEST DAY PARTS (MMP) GB Out-of-Print 1 116899 MINT $6.00 Box, only. Box edge dinged, creating a 2" circular crease around ding on cover and a vertical crease on side panel. Otherws new. 2 119304 NEW $12.00 Box, only. Clean. GREATEST DAY, BATTLE FOR NORMANDY V.1 (MMP) GB* 6.2 2-6wks Turnarnd First of a planned 3 game set to cover all of the Normandy landings. Large game using the Grand Tactical Game series (ala Devil's Cauldron & Where Eagles Dare) to cover the D-Day landings at Sword, Juno & Gold beaches. Includes 17 scenarios, 16 countersheets, 4 maps (3 dbl-sided) plus 8 map extensions. Big, did we say BIG?, and bulky. A.Starkweather'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $209.00 * HELL'S HIGHWAY PARTS (AH-VG) n Out-of-Print 1 71112 EXCELL $2.00 Player Aid Card (one only). 2 88410 V.GOOD $1.50 Player Aid Card, some creases. Otherws EX. 3 88411 V.GOOD $1.50 Player Aid Card, some creases. Otherws EX. HITLER'S LAST GAMBLE PARTS (Rand) n Out-of-Print 1 97588 MINT $5.00 TEC/CRT chart only. HOLLAND '44, OP MARKET-GARDEN SEPT 44 2D (GMT) BC 2.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Reprint of this game of the Sept 1944 Allied attempt to capture an intact bridge across the Rhine and flood into the northern German plain, Operation Market-Garden. Covers both the overland & airborne offensives. Uses the Ardennes '44 (and Ukraine 43) game system. Includes key rules for supply, troop & armor quality, artiller, command control. 2 scenarios, 2 countersheets, 8hrs/turn, 2km/hex, company/btln level. Mark Simonitch'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 IT NEVER SNOWS (MMP) BC 2.1 2-6wks Turnarnd Standard Combat System game covering the Market-Garden offensive, Sept 1944. 600m/hex, co level, 12hr/turn, making for a very playable game, & on a similar scale to Highway to the Reich. Covers both the para drops & the ground offensive in a 17 turn campaign game. Detailed OoB depicts the wide-ranging assortment of units the Germans scratched together to deal with this offensive. 5 maps, 840 counters. D.Essig'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $69.00 LAST GAMBLE, ARDENNES OFFENSIVE 1944 2ND (Compas DC* 8.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Designer's (2nd) edition of game previously published as Hitler's Last Gamble by 3W. Complete overhaul with careful revisions to the map which now includes more points of reference and covers a broader area; revised OoB, new morale rules; revised artillery rules; changes to movement affected by weather; new scenarios & variants; more detailed historical notes; and more coherent rules. CSR Award for best WW2 game in 1989. Includes 4 2-map scenarios & an intro 1-map scenario. 3 maps, 6 countersheets, 3.2km/hex, btln/regt level; 8-16hrs/turn. Hi solitaire suitability. Danny Parker'24 1 Stock NEW $85.00 * LAST HUNDRED YARDS, AIRBORNE OVER EUROPE (GMT) BC* 3.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete game extending this game series of tactical combat in Europe during World War II to include airborne troops & drops. System focuses on modeling small unit behavior in combat in a brisk system. This game includes missions from two Allied airborne campaigns: the initial drops in Normandy and later at Market Garden, both by the 82nd & 101st airborne. Platoon/Company level with individual guns & AFVs, 50yds/hex, 2-5min/turn, 6 dbl-sided geomorphic maps, 4.5 countersheets, 10 missions. Mike Denson'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 * LIBERTY ROADS: ROUNDHAMMER 1943 KIT 2ND (Hexasi) zl 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Reprint of this kit providing counters & rules for the big, big what-if of an Allied invasion of France in Sept. 1943 when German defenses were weak & ill-prepared - as were the Allies. Includes 128 counters, rules & play aids. Rules in English & French Y.le Quellec'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 LONGEST DAY PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print Color photocopy of the Cherbourg map board, which was missing in the last few copies of this game sold. Comes in 2 sections. 1 42475 NEW $5.00 Countances (B) mapboard, only. 1/4" nick on seam hex in sea area. MONTY'S GAMBLE, MARKET-GARDEN 2ND (MMP) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Update of this game of battle for "Hell's Hiway" during Market Garden, from Eindhoven to Arnhem, based on the Storm Over Arnhem game system. Btln/rgt level, daily turns. Each turn brings tough choices to both sides. 2 countersheets. 1.5mi/inch, btln/rgt/brig level. High solitaire suitability. 2nd ed is graphically updated, and includes a Fortress Holland 1940 variant with 100 counters (reprinted from Ops Special Mag #2). 469 counters, 1 map. M.Rinella'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $45.00 NORMANDY '44, JUNE 6TH-JUNE 27TH 4TH (GMT) BC 1.7 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint of this 2-3 player game of the D-Day landings & the crucial 3-week period of establishing a firm beachhead, June 1944. Uses a simplified Ardennes 1944 system with movement, combat & reserve movement, and a key quality rating. 1day/turn, 2.3mi/hex, btln/rgt/brig level, 2 scenarios & campaign. M.Simonitch'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 NORMANDY '44: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) zl 1.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit containing a mounted map for this game of the Normandy campaign in 1944. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 NORMANDY '44: MOUNTED MAP & DC BOX (GMT) DC 2.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit containing a mounted map & a larger, double-case box for this game of the Normandy campaign in 1944. '24 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 NORMANDY 1944, BLOODY SUMMER [2ND] (Ludofo) zl 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Revision of earlier Normandie 1944 game from Vae Victis #27, with new mechanics & revised OoB (with twice as many units), plus air support units, and a second map extending the game to Paris and covering the D-Day landings thru August 1944. Regt/div level, 1week/turn, 6km/hex, complex, 2 scenarios (Cherbourg & Goodwood/Cobra) plus campaign. E.Teng'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 NORMANDY, 2ND (SPI) FT 1.0 Out-of-Print Btln/Rgt game of initial D-Day landings to D+5. Variable German forces & setup. Good, clean game. JD'72 1 2071 V.GOOD $35.00 Packaged in a flattray, but no coversheet. Complete; 7 blanks made into addtl step reduction counters. Several units have step reduction added to blank backside. Discoloration at margin of rules cover page, 1/2" coffee spill stain on 1 of 2 CRTs. Allied OoB corrected w/ proper unit sizes. 2 forts on map corrected per errata. NORMANDY, 2ND PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 79379 V.GOOD $3.00 Rules only. Some lt stains. NORMANDY, BATTLE FOR...: EXPANSION KIT (GMT) zl 1.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit for this now out-of-print game which extends the game thru the end of August 1944, adds two full & 1 small map sections allowing play of Mortain & Falaise Pocket scenarios, and includes 560 counters of unit-specific breakdown counters for AT & mech inf. Also includes a full color reprint of the rules & scenario booklets (all original content plus 6 additional scenarios), and 2 maps. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 OBJECTIVE SCHMIDT PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 21108 EXCELL $12.00 First (primary) counter sheet, only. Missing 2 units, list enclosed. OMAHA BEACH (Rand) n 0.3 Out-of-Print ~~ 1 1627 V.GOOD $15.00 Missing 1 unit, ID included. Counters spotted. Otherws EX. OPERATION CAULDRON, DIEPPE 1942 #131 (VaeV_C) n n 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Operation level game of the 1942 Canadian invasion (raid) at Dieppe, France, that proved disasterous. French-produced, French-language magazine of military history of all eras but with a special fondness for Europe & French history. English-language rules must be found & downloaded from publisher's web site. 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.99 OPERATION GRENADE #84 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 140432 EXCELL $2.00 Photocopy of std & exclusive rules, only. 2 13122 EXCELL $3.00 Std & Excl rules only. 3 96906 MINT $4.00 Rules only 4 17882 V.GOOD $2.50 Map only w/ tape reinforcements. 5 79369 V.GOOD $2.50 Rules only; some edge soiling thru use. OPERATION ROUNDUP (Agains) HP 4-8wks Turnarnd Against the Odds Annual. Game covers the hypothetical situation had the western Allies invaded France near Calais in 1943 rather than the Italian mainland. Their forces are not a strong, and they aren't nearly as well prepared with special units such as mine destroyers & mulberries, while the German forces are still rather hollow. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 PATTON'S 3RD ARMY #78 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 52630 MINT $4.00 Rules, only. PATTON'S VANGUARD, ARRACOURT 1944 (Revolu) zl 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd Game of the battles surrounding Arracourt, France, in late summer 1944 as Patton's 4th Armored Div approached the German frontier. Played in 2 scenarios. In the first, 2 raw panzer brigades attacks the experienced & well-supported Americans. In the second, the 11th Panzer attacks Combat Command A & B. 176 counters. Publisher made a setup correction in black ink to all copies. Mike Rinella'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 RACE FOR BASTOGNE, SEVEN ROADS TO HELL (MMP) DC 2.8 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the German 47th Corp's attack in the Ardennes from the Our that led to its siege of Bastogne, Dec 1944, using the Grand Tactical (GTS) game system. Begins with their attack across the Our River against the 110th Inf Reg on 15 Dec, includes engagements with 9/CCR and 10/CCB armored brigades. Extends thru 25 December. Includes 3 maps, 8 countersheets, 6 scenarios plus campaign (5 using 1 map). Company level, 2 maps, 8 countersheets, 500m/hex, 2hr/turn. Joseph Chacon'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $120.00 RUDDER'S LINE PARTS (CRI) n Out-of-Print 1 90117 NEW $2.00 Playing Aide Card, v1.5. (Shows Move costs, off & deff total determination, etc.) ST. LO PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 6875 EXCELL $0.50 German Artillery tracking chart only. STORM OVER ARNHEM, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88412 V.GOOD $6.00 Rules only. Wrinkled w/ some minor stains thru use. TIME FOR TRUMPETS, THE BTL OF THE BULGE (GMT) DC* 5.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Larger, battalion-level game of the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944, using ideas from earlier Bitter Woods & Wacht am Rhein games. Units activated thru HQs, formation & supply are key, as well as weather, defensive positions, infiltration, Kampfgruppe Peiper, exploitation movement. Includes historical campaign, plus 6th Panzer Army, 5th Panzer Army Relief of Bastogne, and the Race to the Meuse scenarios. Complex, with high solitaire suitability. 6hrs/turn, 1mi/hex5 maps, 12 countersheets. Playable game system despite size. Bruno Sinigaglio'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $99.00 * TWILIGHT WAR (TSR) BC 1.2 Out-of-Print Simple 2-4 player game of French Resistance, 1944. 1984. 1 2829 MINT $17.50 Included counter tray. Minor abrasions to box btm edges & 2 cover corners. WACHT AM RHEIN, BATTLE OF THE BULGE (SPI) FT 2.6 Out-of-Print Large 4 map, 1600 counter game of Battle of the Bulge, 16 Dec 1944-2 Jan 1945, using an evolution of PanzerGruppe Guderian system w/ hi unit differentiation. Co/btln lvl. 2 single map scenarios & 2 campagin games. Popular & very hard to find, tho later updated by Decision Games. J.Dunnigan'77 1 2226 MINT $175.00 2 FTs. 1 tray corner repaired; 2nd tray cover yellowed with age. WEST FRONT II (ColumG) BC 2.8 1-3wks Turnarnd Redesign of this block system game of WW2 throughout France, Italy & the Balkans. This game covers the western front from Spain to Norway to northwestern Africa and the western Med (plus area boxes for other world regions) on two maps (34x45" total). Blocks & labels revised from prior version. Inlcudes multiple senarios from '43-45 with invasions, production and supply limitations. Simple yet extremely challenging. Mates w/ East Front II using Euro Front II kit. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $90.00 WESTWALL QUAD PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 6881 V.GOOD $2.00 Std rules to Westwall qd, stained & wrinkled WESTWALL QUAD: ARNHEM PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 98180 MINT $6.00 Exclusive rules, only. WHERE EAGLES DARE PARTS (MMP) LB* Out-of-Print 1 109894 EXCELL $8.00 * Box, only. One dinged corner repaired & reinforced with magic tape, plus a horizontal crease along one end panel and a crease extending from a far box corner on cover. Structurally sound & other otherwise new. WWII COMMANDER, BTL OF THE BULGE (Compas) BC* 3.0 Temp OoP/OoS First in an intended series of fast-playing, area move games of World War II in Europe. Covers the Battle of the Bulge offensive in Dec 1944. Fast playing, regt/div level game that is a good game for beginners. Uses an activation system. Includes mounted map, 2 countersheets. 1day/turn, ~15mi/area. John Butterfield'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $50.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Campaigns & Battles - Mediterranean, Balkan & North African Fronts ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AFRIKA, NORTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 24510 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules, only. ALBANIA, EPIC ITALIAN INVASION OF GREECE (Taurus n 0.3 Out-of-Print Desktop published-style game (with all components printed on paper) of the ill-fated Italian invasion of Greece, 1940, along the mountains bordering Albania. Italians must dominate the Greek & British forces before the historical date of German intervention. Brig/Div level, 1wk/turn. Counters printed on cardstock & must be separated for play. '75 1 87541 MINT $69.00 Board has a small dogear & 1/4" tear on blank upper margin. ANZIO, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 79387 EXCELL $1.00 Game I Initial Placement Chart. 2 79386 EXCELL $1.00 Game I Allied Order of Appearance Chart. 3 79384 MINT $1.00 Game I Time Record Card. 4 79385 V.GOOD $2.00 Game I German OoA/Game II German Organization chart. Some spots & soiling. 5 17481 V.GOOD $3.00 Battle Manual w/ errata, only. Some stains & spots. ANZIO: PLAY-BY-MAIL LOG PAD (AH) n Out-of-Print INDIVIDUAL SHEET of 2-side PBM sheet that includes a copy of the map & space for orders. 1 83825 MINT $1.00 INDIVIDUAL SHEET of 2-side PBM sheet that includes a copy of the map & space for orders. 2 83826 MINT $1.00 INDIVIDUAL SHEET of 2-side PBM sheet that includes a copy of the map & space for orders. 3 83824 MINT $1.00 INDIVIDUAL SHEET of 2-side PBM sheet that includes a copy of the map & space for orders. ASSAULT ON TOBRUK 2ND #99 (Com_PW) n n Avail Uncrtn Update of a 1980 SimCan, company level game of Rommel's successful one-day, June 1942 assault on Tobruk. Map covers the fortress of Tobruk and its strong points along the perimeter. Turns are double impulses. 7 scenarios including historical battle plus 6 other what-ifs exploring improved Allied command control & tactics, artillery coordination and an alternative attack plan for the Axis. Low complexity. 670m/hex, 2hrs/turn, company level. Stephen Newberg'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 BLOODY KASSERINE PARTS (GDW) n Out-of-Print 1 6886 MINT $1.00 Countersheet only, unpunhced but badly miscut. Unit size & ID cut off on most units. BRAZEN CHARIOTS PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 138129 EXCELL $4.00 Box only. Crease along length of one box btm end. Otherws new & clean. CANNIBAL, BURMA 1942-3 PARTS (Avalan) n Out-of-Print 1 70692 MINT $4.00 Countersheet, only. Unpunched but missing 1 counter (either a generic breakdown unit or a superordinate marker, exact ID unknown). CASSINO (Excal) zl 0.2 4-8wks Turnarnd Simple, div level game of the battle for central Italy, 1944. R.Hlavnicka'77 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 CASSINO, BATTLE FOR... #71 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 92877 MINT $4.00 Rules only. DESCENT ON CRETE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 141613 V.GOOD $3.00 1-sided photocopy of rules, only. 2 141614 V.GOOD $4.00 1-sided photocopy of rules, only. Some highlighted in orange with annotations. DESERT FOX (Cavalr) LZ 0.9 Out-of-Print Operational level game of the war in northern Africa, Sept 1940-Jan 1943. Includes 3 shorter scenarios plus entire campaign. Chuck Lane, Vance Von Borries'73 1 803 EXCELL $139.00 Complete. Errata annotated onto OoB, some counters. Glue adhering couter faces to counters has ages; be prepared to readhere counters with a glue stick. DESERT FOX #87 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 141666 GOOD $1.00 1-sided photocopy of rules, only. Several creases, and 1st page soiled. Good photocopy. 2 79111 MINT $3.00 Photocopy of rules, only. DUEL IN THE DESERT #51 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 112141 MINT $2.00 Single mapboard, only. (Two needed for play.) FIELD COMMANDER ROMMEL, DELUXE [2ND] (Versse) BC 2.4 Deluxe reprint of this solitaire game of each of 3 campaigns of Rommel, the Desert Fox. The player commands the German during the France 1940, North African campaign 1941-2, and France 1944 campaigns. Includes options which increase difficulty, and also tracking of unit performance over time. Success in one campaign impacts later campaigns. Deluxe edition has a mounted board. D.Verssen'11 1 Stock NEW $42.00 GAZALA, THE CAULDRON (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the battle of Gazala around Tobruk in May-June 1942 that ended in a telling Axis victory. Units are activated by a chit pull, making each game unique; number of chit pulls are influenced by supply situation. Units are reduced in strength after movement, making counter-attacks a key tactic. 168 counters. R.Miller'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 GELA BEACHHEAD PARTS (CentG) n Out-of-Print 1 61522 EXCELL $2.00 Charts card only INVASION OF MALTA & BATTLE OF LEROS (Legion) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the grand what-if had the Axis forces actually invaded Malta by air & by sea at any of 3 key time frames: Fall 1940, Spring 1941 or Summer 1942. Uses a chit-draw system for unit activation, and efficiency ratings for each individual unit. Includes random events and a well-researched OoB by a veteran designer. Game also includes a game on the German Nov 1943 air & sea invasion of Leros, with forces about a third the size of those on Malta. 8hrs/turn, 600yd/hex, Btln/Comp level, 3 maps, 704 counters, total of 4 scenarios. Vance von Borries'24 1 Stock NEW $60.00 ITALIAN CAMPAIGN, MED WAR #160 PARTS (DecS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 100252 EXCELL $4.00 Rules photocopy, only. ITALIAN CAMPAIGN, SALERNO #150 PARTS (DecS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 108015 MINT $1.00 Unpunched countersheet only, very poorly die-cut such that initial combat value on front (& move factor on back) largely or complete offset onto adjacent unit. Unuseable without signif annotations. LA PRIMOGENITA, 1941 EAST AFRICA (Legion) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Operational level game of the Italian East African campaign of 1941. The Allies invade Italian-held Eritrea with two Indian divisions & some Free French units. The defenders are all colonial units, plus some Italian units in reserved. The Italians held off the Allied forces for 8 weeks around the town of Cheren (Keren) before being forced to retreat. Units are assigned orders to attack, move, entrench, resupply, etc, with prioritized numbers what decide which actions occur first, each side getting 4 sets of orders at a time. 1wk/turn, 7.5mi/hex, btln to brig level. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 LEGEND BEGINS, N.AFRICA 1940-2 3RD PARTS (Terran HC Out-of-Print 1 137532 < NEW $4.00 Box, only. Straight, slight indents next to 2 box btm edges. Otherws new. 2 123013 MINT $3.00 Box only. Slight concave creasing to two areas on box btm. Otherws new. 3 123012 MINT $3.00 Box only. Slight fading (or less bright printing) on all 4 side panels. LION OF ETHIOPIA #4 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 79378 MINT $6.00 Rules only. CRT & counter manifest are photocopies due to placement in mag. 2 128869 MINT $4.00 Countersheet, only. NO QUESTION OF SURRENDER (MMP) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Grand Tactical Series game (based on Panzer Command system), similar to Devil's Cauldron, covering the Axis assault on 2 Free French battalions holding the southern end of the Gazala line in an old fort at Bir Hacheim, May-June 1942. 3 countersheets, 3 scenarios + full campaign. N.Richardson'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $54.00 NO QUESTION OF SURRENDER PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 131988 V.GOOD $3.00 Box only. Box side pressed in by our friends at UPS, creating a large deep crease extending from & connecting two box cover corners, with some minor deformity of box side. Otherws new & shrinkrwapped; components clean. NORTH AFRICA '41, WESTERN DESERT 1941 (GMT) BC 2.2 1-3wks Turnarnd Overhaul of the earlier and well regarded The Legend Begins, plus ideas from later games, by the original designer. Covers the campaign in northern Africa from Rommel's arrival in the theater in March 1941 thru the end of that year. Bttln/Reg/Brig level, 2wks/turn, 2 maps, 2 countersheets. Scenarios for Battle Axe & Crusader, plus the campaign game. Mark Simonitch'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.50 NORTH AFRICA QD: KASSERINE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 70850 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. 1/2" tear on bottom margin. 2 70851 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. NORTH AFRICA QD: SUPERCHARGE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 70852 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. 2 70853 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. NORTH AFRICA, AFRIKA KORPS V DESERT RATS (MMP) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the war in North Africa, 1941-42, using the SCS Standard Combat System; essentially, a reworked & condensed DAK. Covers the war from Operation Compass (1940) to the final battles at El Alamein (1942). Uses a unique activation system tied to supply units in a supply-scarce environment. 4 maps, 560 counters, 10 scenarios (2 using 1 map, 3 using 2 maps). Dean Essig'21 1 Stock NEW $60.00 NORTH AFRICA, BATTLES FOR... PARTS (GMT) n Out-of-Print 1 79343 MINT $4.00 Eastern map, only. 2 79344 MINT $5.00 Countersheet #2, only. Mint. 3 19029 MINT $5.00 Rules, only. O'CONNOR'S OFFENSIVE #41 PARTS (WWWmag) n Out-of-Print 1 61079 MINT $2.00 rules, only. OBJECTIVE TUNIS #140 PARTS (DecS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96891 MINT $3.00 Rules, only OPERATION BATTLEAXE, WAVELL VS. ROMMEL (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the June 1941 Allied offensive aimed at relieving Tobruk & destroying Rommel's Afrika Korp. German forces are in well-prepared defensive positions, with the panzers to the rear. Uses an area-move map, and variable impulses. Each side has distinct advantages that must be fully exploited to win. 88 counters. M.Rinella'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 OPERATION MERCURY (MMP) DC* 3.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the German airborne invasion of Crete, May 1941. Uses the Grand Tactical game series (Where Eagles Dare, etc), version 2. German parachute and air landing troops, and later army units, assault Crete which was held by 30,000 Allied forces. Over a dramatic, 9-day battle, the Germans wrestled the critical airfields from the Allies, forcing an Allied evacuation of the island. Covers all the major airdrops from Heraklion to Rethymnon to Maleme & Suda Bay. Includes a total of 9 maps, 8 countersheets, 9 countersheets ranging from small engagements to the entire campaign. Co/platoon level, 500m/hex, 2hrs/turn. Joe Chacon'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $145.00 * OPERATION MERCURY PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 134254 < NEW $6.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box corner. Otherws new & shrinkwrapped. PATTON'S FIRST VICTORY, TUNISIA (DecGms) HC 0.6 Avail Uncrtn Folio-style PLUS matching PC game of the Allies' strangulation of Tunisia in 1943 while the Axis looks for opportunities to counterattack. Fast playing, division level game including support assets allowing shifting of power among a player's units. 114 counters. Good Beginner game with the understanding that it involves attritional combat. ALSO includes a full PC game that parallels the board game. PC game includes play via internet & many automation features; minimal system requirements aside from Win XP/Vista/+. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 RELUCTANT ENEMIES PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 118423 EXCELL $5.00 Box, only. Creases extending from 2 box btm corners, with a small seam tear at one corner. Also, crease parallels one box edge. Otherws new. 2 126808 MINT $5.00 Box, only. Box btm has a mild crease along btm edge & partway up side edge. Both are just light creases. ROAD TO CHEREN, 1941 EAST AFRICAN CAMPGN (Revolu zl 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the campaign in Italian-held Eritrea, East Africa, 1941. The British & Free French attack the isolated & mountainous Italian colony. A unique rule allows the non-phasing player to react (move) to the phasing players movements to a limited degree. 113 counters. K.Kanger'14 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 ROMMEL @ GAZALA #34 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 102578 MINT $3.00 Charts & Tables page, only. ROMMEL IN NORTH AFRICA PARTS (WEG) n Out-of-Print 1 65659 V.GOOD $2.00 Photocopy of rules & errata. ROMMEL IN THE DESERT 4TH (ColumG) BC* 3.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Reprint with a complete cosmetic overhaul. Remastered, larger map is now mounted, Rommel cards are printed on playing-card stock, even the box is better (printed rather than sleeved). Mechanics are the same. Simple, challenging and long a popular block system game of the entire war in N.Africa, Spt'40-Nov'42, at rgt lvl. 7 Scenarios using the block system to provide fog-of-war and logistical limits. Includes the 1940 Italian campaign, 1941 & 1942 scenarios, 1941-42 campaign, Crusader & Gazala & El Alamein battles. 113 wooden blocks 42 cards map. RECOMMENDED. C.Besinque'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 * ROMMEL IN THE DESERT, 1ST (GmPres) BC 2.1 Out-of-Print 1st of the now classic WW2 block game series. Low unit density, limited intelligence, & uncertain supply combine to make a for a very fluid, exciting game. RECOMMENDED. Simple, covers entire war in eastern north Africa, Spt'40- Nov'42, at rgt lvl. 7 Scenarios. C.Besinque'82 1 6093 EXCELL $55.00 Includes #856 2nd Ed Upd Kit. 1st edition components complete & clean. Rules hilited in yellow (on yellow paper!). 2nd ed kit includes rewritten rules, a beautifully updated map, & more colorful unit sticks (mint). Sml tear to outer sleeve repaired. ROMMEL, WAR FOR NORTH AFRICA (Rand) n 0.3 Out-of-Print Regt/Brig/div lvl game of the war in Northern Africa covering 3 key battles, Gazala, Crusade, Battleaxe. '75 1 1628 EXCELL $22.50 Complete. ROMMEL, WAR FOR NORTH AFRICA PARTS (Rand) n Out-of-Print 1 97581 EXCELL $5.00 CRT/Historical notes insert, only. SALERNO '43: MOUNTED MAP KIT (GMT) n 1-3wks Turnarnd Mounted map (only) for Salerno '43 game. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.50 SICILY, RACE FOR MESSINA #89 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 1 42688 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 2 42686 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). 3 42687 MINT $3.00 Color copy, front & back, of countersheet 2 (missing in some copies). SLOUCH HATS & EGGSHELLS (Legion) BC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game covering the de Gaulle-inspired, Allied invasion of Vichy Palestine in 1941. The Allies expected a bloodless cakewalk but the Vichy forces resisted fiercely. Designed to facilitate mating with L2D's Rommel's War 2nd. 200 counters. V.von Borries'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 TANK DUEL: NORTH AFRICA KIT (GMT) BC 1-3wks Turnarnd Expansion kit for this card-based game of tank-tank combat during World War II. This kit switches the subject to combat in North Africa. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 TITO & HIS PARTISAN ARMY, YUGOSLAVIA #81 (SPIS_T Y n 0.8 Out-of-Print GameOnly. Guerilla war in Yugo thruout war using area move. Never a popular game, an innovative & accurate system nonetheless. D.Rustin'80 1 115760 MINT $3.00 Cherry mint. TUNISIA II [2ND] PARTS (MMP) BC 1 118425 EXCELL $5.00 Box, only. Concaved lip along 2 box sides. Otherws new. 2 118424 EXCELL $5.00 Box, only. Minor dings at 2 corners plus a several spots along box btm edge. Sml seam split & crease at one btm corner. Otherws new. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Campaigns & Battles - Pacific Front ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ASL:BITTEREST DAY (Boundi) n 1-3wks Turnarnd Module covering the bitter fight in the mountainous terrain of Okinawa, Feb 1945. Includes 9 scenarios, 1 countersheet of specialized units included in the scenarios, and one historical ASL map. Requires prior modules (rules, US & Japanese) to play. '24 1 Stock NEW $72.00 CAMPAIGN FOR GUADALCANAL PARTS (WWW) n Out-of-Print 1 62065 EXCELL $2.00 Combat Results Table Chart card, only. CHENNAULT'S FIRST FIGHT #12 (Agains) n HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag & Game. Covers the Japanese invasion of Burma, 1941-2, and the Allied resistence led by the Flying Tigers, a well known group of mercenaries in the service of China. Includes the land campaign but focus is on the air campaign with units representing about 6 aircraft each. '05 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 DEFEAT INTO VICTORY #36 (Agains) n HP 1.1 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Covers the 1944 & 1945 campaigns in Burma. The Japanese preempt an Allied offensive in May 1944, attacking at Impphal & Kohima to cut the supply line to China despite inadequate supplies, but are defeated by July. Then in March 1945 the Allies launch a well prepared offensive that drives the Japanese out of Burma & crushes their forces there. Focuses on supply, morale & leadership, weather & special events. 300 counters. P.Rohrbaugh'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $28.00 FALL OF BATAAN (Jagd) zl 0.2 Out-of-Print Simplistic game of the final battles of the Philippines on the Bataan penisula. Japanese must eliminate all American units in 10 turns in roughter terrain to win. A.Eldridge, S.Cole'75 1 3977 EXCELL $18.00 Complete. Thin-stock counters have been cut apart. FIELD COMMAND, SINGAPORE 1942 (WFG) GB* 4.4 Large game including cards, plastic minis & 3 players to recreate the battle for Singapore island in multiple scenarios including an Allied reconquest. Board is an area-move coverage of the fortified island including coastal defenses. Players play Brit, Aussie & Japanese forces. Minis are historically accurate depictions. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $89.00 * FIELD COMMAND, SINGAPORE 1942: CARD KIT (WFG) SB 0.5 Kit including 72 additional action cards for this game. Adds one new 36-card deck for each side, and enhances 2 campaign scenarios. Cards emphasizing specific incidents during the campaign such as Japanese disguising themselves as Indian soldiers. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 FIRES OF MIDWAY (CofA) BC 2.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Card game of War is Hell series. Depicts naval combat in the Pacific in 1942 from Coral Sea to Santa Cruz. Uses 4 decks to represent naval vessels, combat, and the elements of the islands of Midway or Guadalcanal. Can be played quickly or in a short evening as a multiplayer campaign game. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $47.00 FORLORN HOPES, 2012 ANNUAL (Agains) HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd ATO 2012 Annual (published as usual a year late). Game & historical booklet focused on the two month campaign for the Dutch East Indies as the Japanese extend their control southwards to capture this area vital to their war effort. Game integrates air, land & sea operations using the Chennault's First Fight & Op Cartwheel game systems. Both sides must measure the costs to use (& maybe lose) hi cost & value assets to defend or capture their objectives, and not everything can be attended to. Includes 288 counters. P.Rohrbauh'13 / Also includes GRAF SPEE, a small game of the Commonwealths hunt for this lone raider in the first months of the war. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 FROZEN HELL PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 122219 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules & scenarios, only. Includes 2 ops sheet. GD'40 PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 122218 EXCELL $4.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules & scenarios, only. Includes 4 ops sheet. GD'41 PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 122217 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules & scenarios, only. Includes 2 ops sheet. GUADALCANAL ['66] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 66006 V.GOOD $2.00 CRT Chart only. GUADALCANAL ['92] / MIDWAY ['92] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 61689 MINT $4.00 Search screen, applies to both games. HONOUR ALONE, FALL OF HONG KONG PARTS (PacRim) n Out-of-Print 1 83311 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet, but 10 counters loose in strips. Color photocopy included. ILLUSIONARY FORTRESS, SINGAPORE 1942 2ND (Schutz HC 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Boxed version of this game of the Japanese assault on the fortress island of Singapore early in 1942. 3 highly motivated but exhausted Japanese divisions at the end of a long logistical trail assault the island fortress defended by battered UK forces. Covers Singapore exclusively. 264 die cut counters, 1km/hex, Btln level, 1day/turn. Schutze'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 ISLAND WAR QUAD PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 97594 EXCELL $4.00 Std rules, only. 2 89388 MINT $2.00 Std rules for the quad, only. 3 89386 MINT $2.00 Std rules for the quad, only. 4 89387 MINT $2.00 Std rules for the quad, only. 5 70856 V.GOOD $1.00 Standard rules booklet only. Moisture warped w/ some stains. ISLAND WAR: BLOODY RIDGE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 97596 EXCELL $5.00 Exclusive rules only. 2 70857 MINT $4.00 Exclusive rules only. 3 89382 MINT $4.00 Exclusive rules only. ISLAND WAR: LEYTE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 89381 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. 2 57269 EXCELL $3.00 Exclusive rules only. Some yellowing to upper margin of rules. 3 97595 EXCELL $4.00 Exclusive rules (only). 4 70858 NEW $4.00 Exclusive rules only. 5 1967 V.GOOD $3.00 Exclusive rules (only). ISLAND WAR: OKINAWA PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 89385 EXCELL $5.00 Rules, only. Annotated with 2 errata changes. 2 97597 EXCELL $5.00 Exclusive rules only. ISLAND WAR: SAIPAN PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 97598 V.GOOD $4.00 Exclusive rules only. One lite stain. IWO JIMA #92 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96902 MINT $7.00 Rules only KAWAGUCHI'S GAMBLE, EDSON'S RIDGE (MMP) BC 1.1 2-6wks Turnarnd Grand tactical game using MMP's area move system of the Japanese mass banzai attack at Bloody (Edson's) Ridge overlooking vital Henderson Field on Guadalcanal, Sept'42. 3000 (3 btlns) Japanese assault 800 marine defenders, but a valiant defense holds the line. Uses a variable activation game system, area movement, and is only 5 turns in length. 2 countersheets, platton level, 1-2hrs/turn, 1"/200yd. K.Dunn'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $36.00 LAST BATTLE, IE SHIMA 1945 (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of Operation Indispensable, the American invasion of the Japanese home island of Ie Shima in April 1945. Rgt/brig level, Area move, 88 counters. M.Rinella'15 1 Stock NEW $25.00 LAST BLITZKRIEG, WACHT AM RHEIN PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 116262 NEW $8.00 Box, only. V.minor ding to one box btm corner; otherws very clean. 2 115758 V.GOOD $6.00 Box only. Box suffered a signif ding to one box btm corner deforming about 1/2" of a box btm corner in all directions. Box intact & otherwise unused. LAST HUNDRED YARDS, SOLOMON ISLANDS (GMT) BC* 3.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete game extending this game series of tactical combat into the Pacific. Focuses on campaigns in the Solomon Islands of Guadalcanal, Bougainville & New Georgia, Fall 1942-43. Includes US 1st & 3rd Marines and 25th Inf divisions. Will be the base game for Pacific modules. Adds infiltration, nigh attacks, fanaticism & jungle rules. Platoon & company level, 4 dbl-sided geomorphic maps, 1.5 countersheets. Mike Denson'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 * MANILA, THE SAVAGE STREETS 1945 (Revolu) BC 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of the bitter, 2-month battle for Manila in Feb-Mar 1945. Area move game. The closer the American forces come to the city center, the stiffer the Japanese resistance becomes. 1 countersheet, 1 small map. Mike Rinella'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.50 MATANIKAU PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 122215 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules & scenarios, only. Includes 4 ops sheets. MILNE BAY (Schutz) HC 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler game of the battle between Australian & Japanese forces on the east end of New Guinea during late 1942 which resulted in the first clear defeat of Japanese forces on land. A scratch force of Japanese naval forces invades at what is a lightly held area (Gili Gili or Milne Bay), only to discover it defended by 2 brigades. Fast playing with only 88 counters. Multiple scenarios, Company level, 2mi/hex, 1day/turn. P.Schutze'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 NEMESIS, BURMA 1944 (Legion) HC 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of Burma in 1944. Th largely unsupplied & undermanned Japanese launch an offensive against India. At the same time, the Allies press into southeastern Asia from multiple directions, with a host of big-name leaders including Stillwell, Slim, Mountbatten and Chiang Kai-Shek, each with their own goals. Ultimately, the Japanese were soundly defeated. Btln/reg/brig level, 10mi/hex, 15days/turn, 202 counters, 1 map. Kim Kanger'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 OPERATION ICHI-GO #52 (Agains) n HP 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Game covers Japan's massive, 1944 offensive thruout China which sought to open a land route across China to Indochina to circumvent the US sub blockade of coastal shipping, eliminate B-29 bases in China, and maybe even knock China out of the war. It was the largest Japanese offensive, with 500,000 troops & 800 tanks involved, with the armor concentrated contrary to their norm. They largely succeeded, but American airpower and capture of other island bases largely negated the victory. Includes a hypothetical scenario in which US forces destined to invade the Philippines instead invade much of the Chinese mainland. 2-player game, but includes a full set of solitaire rules in which the player commands Japanese forces. 1mo/turn, div/army level, untried Chinese units, 252 counters. Ty Bomba'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.50 OPERATION OLYMPIC PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 98664 EXCELL $5.00 Rules photocopy, only. 2 98663 EXCELL $5.00 Rules photocopy, only. RAGING STORM PARTS (Gamers) n Out-of-Print 1 122216 EXCELL $3.00 Photocopy of exclusive rules & scenarios, only. Includes 1 ops sheet. RED SUN/RED STAR #158 PARTS (DecS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 100466 MINT $4.00 Rules only. RETURN TO THE ROCK, CORREGIDOR 1945 (Revolu) zl* 4.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of Operation Topside, Feb 1945, the American assault on Corregidor in 1945 as a largely symbolic act of recapturing the Philippines. A combined amphibious & airborne assault against a planned 600 defenders when in fact there were 6000. 96 counters, smallish map. Charles Kibler'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 * SAIPAN & TINIAN (Legion) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Co/Btln lvl game of the US invasions of 2 key islands in the Pacific in 1944. Eventual US victory is a certainty; the Japanese must due better than they did historically to win. 2 maps, 450 counters, 0.5mi/hex, 12hrs/turn. R.Lein'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $52.00 SANDS OF IWO JIMA 2ND (Schutz) HC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Boxed version of this operational level game of the fierce battle for Iwo Jima, Feb-March 1945. Co-btln level, 3days/turn. Fairly simple rules. US goal is to eliminate all Japanese units while the Japanese seek to hold out as long as possible and cause maximum casualties. Includes 176 counters, 431m/hex, btln level, 3days/turn. B.Costello'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SIEGE OF HONG KONG (MDG) Fo 0.3 Out-of-Print Small, DTP game of the Japanese invasion & conquest of Hong Kong late in 1941. 800m/hex, 12hr/turn, company level. Played on color 11x17 map w/ 280 unmounted color counters. Straight forward game system. M.Gilbert'97 1 55416 NEW $16.00 SINGAPORE, FALL OF MALAYA #96 PARTS (TSRS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 96899 MINT $5.00 Rules only TINIAN, THE FORGOTTEN BATTLE (Compas) BC 2.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Game of this lesser-known battle overshadowed by the invasions of Saipan & Guam. Third game in the Company Scale series of games of island invasions in the Pacific during World War II. This covers the well-planned and executed US invasion that lasted a mere 9 days. Includes 3 scenarios (first day, 2 days of securing the north of the island, final 3 days, plus 3 campaign games. Includes 1 map, 4 countersheets. Ross Mortell'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $76.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Tactical Combat, European Theater ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ASL:ACTION PACK # 8, ROADS ROME PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148055 MINT $1.00 Folio cover front & rear, only. No game components. ASL:ACTION PACK #12, OKTOBERFEST PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148051 MINT $2.00 Folio cover front & back, plus 5 (of original 7) scenario cards (w/ Scen 111-114, 117, 119, 120; missing 115 & 118). ASL:ACTION PACK #13, OKTOBERFEST XXX II (MMP) Fo 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario kit that celebrates the 32th ASL Octoberfest in Cleveland. Includes new boards #78 & 79, plus 11 scenarios. Involves US, Soviet, German, Polish, British, Japanese, Chinese, Free French & SS forces. Bill Sisler, Pete Shelling'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 ASL:ACTION PACK #14, OKTOBERFEST XXXIV (MMP) Fo 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario kit including a double-sided board (12a/b) and a new board (#84), plus 12 scenarios from the summer of 1944 in France, and involving most of the forces then fighting in France. Rules and key ASL modules required to play. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $26.00 ASL:ALL AMERICAN! 82ND AIRBORNE PARTS (CRI) n Out-of-Print 1 50325 NEW $1.00 TEC/Allied Fire chart, only ASL:ARMIES OF OBLIVION 2ND PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 134255 EXCELL $6.00 Box only. Couple of very small (largest is 1/8") discolored linear marks on box btm, otherws new & shrink wrapped. ASL:ARMIES OF OBLIVION PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 132774 NEW $9.00 Box, only. Clean. ASL:BEYOND THE BEACHHEAD 2 [3RD] (Boundi) Fo 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd 2023 reprint. Scenario pack including 4 maps & 5 overlays covering 16 scenarios in the bocage country of Normandy, 1944. Reqs multiple ASL kits to play. This is a superset of the 1st ed BtB kit. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $59.00 ASL:BEYOND THE BEACHHEAD PARTS (HOB) Fo Out-of-Print 1 66548 NEW $1.00 Folio jacket only. Small tears on spine. 2 66543 NEW $3.00 Folio jacket only. 3 66546 NEW $1.00 Folio jacket only. Small tears on spine. 4 66545 NEW $1.00 Folio jacket only. Small tears on spine. 5 66547 NEW $1.00 Folio jacket only. Small tears on spine. ASL:BEYOND VALOR 3RD PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 148015 V.GOOD $7.50 Box, only. Some creasing & minor edge scuffs. ASL:BEYOND VALOR 4TH PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 126319 EXCELL $8.00 Box only. Box has minor wripples to two upper corners. Not so much a ding as raise or narrow ripples. Otherws new. ASL:CAPTURED RUSSIAN AFVS PARTS (HOB) n 0.3 Out-of-Print Reverse printed unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. Original printing were reverse printed; new. 1 114394 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 2 98075 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 3 102958 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 4 136903 NEW $5.00 Reverse printed, unpunched countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs in German service, taken from Recon by Fire #4. 5 114392 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 6 126976 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 7 102957 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 8 114395 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 9 114393 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. 10 126977 NEW $5.00 Unpunched Countersheet of 176 5/8" counters depicting captured Soviet AFVs operated by Germans, taken from Recon by Fire mag #4. Countersheet reverse printed, otherws perfect. ASL:CROIX DE GUERRE 2ND PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 147640 < NEW $9.00 Box, only. Ding to one box side panel near corner. Mild deformity only. Box otherws new & clean. ASL:CRUCIBLE OF STEEL 2 [2ND] (Boundi) Fo 2.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Reprint of this large, 32 scenario kit depicting tactical battles from the southern pincer of Kursk, Op Citadel, July 1943. Includes 3 boards, rules & magazine with historical articles plus analysis of slopes, dug-in tanks, forts etc. A major kit on a highly gameable subject. Req Blood & Jungle, Into the Rubble, High Ground 2, boards 16,17,33,38,43,44,56,57,62. Includes 2 countrsheets (less than included in first edition). C.Smith, S.Swann'17 1 Stock NEW $122.00 ASL:DELUXE ASL 2ND (MMP) BC 2.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario kit including all 8 ASL Deluxe maps (A-H) from previous Streets of Fire & Hedgerow Hell kits, plus 4 maps from Winter Offensive #9 (I-L); includes all overlays published in the 1995 ASL Annual, plus 2 sheets of new overlays; four new sheets of wood & stone rubble overlays; the original 18 scenarios, play-balanced plus 20 other scenarios previously published but out of print. ASL Deluxe is standard ASL that uses 2" hexes so that stacking is not necessary. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $79.00 ASL:DROP ZONE, SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE (MMP) BC 1.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Historical ASL module focused on the initial airborne assault by the 505th regt of the US 82nd Airborne on the eastern side of the Cotentin Penisula behind Utah Beach at Normany. Tasked with protecting the crossroads the Germans would need to launch any counterattacks on Utah Beach. Facing them were an Ost Btln of Georgians, the 709th Division, Panzer Grenadier Regt 1058, plus Luftwaffe's 91st Div, all supported by a Sturm Btln & other armored assets. Covers 2 days of time around the town of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Includes 3 historical map boards, 11 scenarios plus 3 campaign games, 1 countersheet. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $69.00 ASL:DROP ZONE, SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 151515 NEW $2.00 Box only. Moderate ding to one box corner; structurally intact & otherws new. ASL:DZERHEZINSKY TRACTOR WORKS PARTS (Cri) n Out-of-Print 1 147680 V.GOOD $10.00 MUST SHIP SEPARATELY at addtl $. 30x24" Map, only, mounted to thick cardstock w/ no folds. ASL:HAKKAA PAALLE 2ND (MMP) BC 2.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2022 reprint incorporating some errata. ASL module #14 containing the complete Finnish order of battle w/ 4 countersheets, board 52, Chp H rules for the Finnish vehicles & guns & early war Soviet vehicles, plus 4 chapter dividers, overlays & 17 scenarios. Includes a bunch of early war Soviet vehicles such as the T26 & T28, the aerosan (fan-driven sleds), and various other weapons. 2min/turn, 40m/hex, sqd level with indiv AFVs & guns. '22 1 Stock NEW $88.00 ASL:HATTEN IN FLAMES PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 131991 < NEW $4.00 Box only. 2" crease extending from one box cover corner. Otherws new. ASL:KING OF THE HILL/BERLIN RED VENG ERR (HOB) n 0.1 Out-of-Print 1 page of errata to HOB King of the Hill and Berlin Red Vengence. 1 87019 NEW $0.25 ASL:KRETA, OPERATION MERKUR: REVISED MAP (HOB) n 0.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Reprinted map printed on thicker paper & folded to a smaller size. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 ASL:OBJECTIVE SCHMIDT (Boundi) Fo 2.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Large ASL kit focused on the bitter battles in the Hurtgen Forest, November 1944, as the US 28th Inf approached the German towns of Schmidt, Kommerscheidt & Vossenack. Includes 17 scenarios with a campaign game covering the battle for Kommerscheidt, 576 1/2" and 88 5/8" counters, a total of 6 full-sized maps (2 for Vossenack & 4 for Schmidt & Kommerscheidt), an article on Slopes in ASL. Reqs Beyond Valor, Yanks & of course the ASL rules to play. '17 1 Stock NEW $99.00 ASL:ONSLAUGHT TO ORSHA 2ND (Boundi) LZ 2.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Update of this large kit now including 32 scenarios (2 solitaire) covering the reinforced Soviet 16th Guard Inf's attack on the German 78th Sturm inf in a heavily fortified area south of the Minsk-Moscow Hiway, during Operation Bagration, June-July 1944. Includes a focus on river & bridgeheads & very mobile actions. Includes three color maps, new rules, new player aid, 370 1/2" & 296 5/8" color counters. Chas Smith'20 1 Stock NEW $109.00 ASL:ONSLAUGHT TO ORSHA PARTS (HOB) Fo Out-of-Print 1 66541 NEW $2.00 Chapter divider only. 2 66532 NEW $3.00 Folio jacket & chapter divider. Sml tears on spine of folio, and divider tab bent. Inventory tag residue on cover. 3 66530 NEW $3.00 Folio jacket w/ chapter divider. Sml tears on jacket & divider tap bent. 4 66534 NEW $2.00 Chapter divider only. ASL:OPERATION COBRA 2ND (Boundi) Fo 0.9 2-6wks Turnarnd 2023 reprint. Scenario pack w/ 88 new counters, 12 scenarios & a bocage overlay covering actions during the US Cobra offensive that began the breakout from Normandy. Reqs many ASL kits to play all scenarios. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $56.00 ASL:OPERATION NEPTUNE (Boundi) zl 0.8 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario kit for ASL Advanced Squad Leader containing 10 scenarios plus campaign game covering the British crossing of the Seine River at Vernon, France, in August 1944. Also includes an historical map, 122 counters & special rules. Requires either Poland in Flames or Onslaught to Orsha 2nd, and Beyond Valor & either For King & Country or West of Alamein, plus boards 81 & 83 (Forgotten War) 1b & 4b (AP#8) & 7a (AP#9). '22 1 Stock NEW $56.00 ASL:PEGASUS BRIDGE PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 147730 EXCELL $3.00 Complete set of 4 scenario cards containing 6 scenarios. 2 147732 V.GOOD $1.00 Some discoloration. Set of 3 cards containing scenarios 1-5 + player aids; scenario 6 NOT included. ASL:POLAND IN FLAMES (Boundi) Fo* 2.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Large ASL kit focused on many clashes during the German invasion of Poland, 1939. Includes 6 boards, 1280 countersheets, and 45 scenarios -- its a BIG game. Reqs components from many game to play all scenarios: boards 3,5,6,10,13,17,18,21,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,45,46,52,57,59,62,63,64,65, 1a,2a,3a,5a,6a,7a/b, Beyond Valor, Armies of Oblivion, Into the Rubble, High Ground 2, Blood & Jungle, Crucible of Steel. '16 1 Stock NEW $122.00 * ASL:RED CHRISTMAS PARTS (CRI) 1 RL Out-of-Print 1 148680 EXCELL $5.00 MUST SHIP ROLLED. 2 original maps, only, each professional laminated. ASL:RED FACTORIES (MMP) DC* 3.4 2-6wks Turnarnd HASL (historical ASL) module that combines an update of Red Barricades with a newly created parallel kit, Red October. Red Barricades' maps were recreated, and separately published materials including a 4th campaign game are incorporated. Includes 4 maps, 8 countersheets, 4 chapter dividers, Chapter O, and 7 campaign games and a total of 21 scenarios. 2min/turn, 40m/hex, complex due to unit density & urban terrain '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $135.00 * ASL:RISING SUN 2ND (MMP) DC* 4.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 2021 update that now includes map & scenarios for Hell's Corner scenario previously published in Ops SE #3. ASL module that combines & replaces the earlier Code of Bushido & Gung Ho! kits. Includes the Japanese army & naval land forces, Chinese, and US Marines. Includes revisions & additions to Chp G, H & Z rules; 1892 counters, (16 countersheets), 7 boards 34-39,47, many overlays, 32 scenarios including 16 that appeared in various mags. A must have module if you're interested in the Pacific Theater. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $189.00 * ASL:RIVERS TO THE REICH SCENARIO PACK (MMP) n 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 15 scenarios adapted from official Squad Leader scenarios, completing the effort begun with Turning the Tide to convert all SL scenarios to ASL. Covers actions on the West Front after August 1944. Includes 2 overlay sheets (taken from GI Anvil of Victory). '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 ASL:ROMA 2020 (MMP) Fo 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario pack created in association with an Italian ASL group. Includes new, #86 map and 4 scenarios including Italian, Greek, German, French partisans, New Zeland & US forces. Scenarios occur in Greece & Italy, 1940-44. '20 1 Stock NEW $10.00 ASL:STARTER KIT #1 4TH PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 134252 EXCELL $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box corner causing just an irregularity. Otherws new & shrinkwrapped. 2 134253 EXCELL $4.00 Box only. Solid ding to one box cover corner creating lite wripples on 1/2" of 3 surfaces. Also a very minor ding to anothr corner. Otherws new & shrinkwrapped. 3 134367 V.GOOD $3.00 Box only. One box cover corner dinged causing a sml seam split and ripples & crease on cover & on box end panel; largely cosmetic but substantial. Otherws new. ASL:STARTER KIT #1 6TH (MMP) BC 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd 2021 reprint reprint of this complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 6 scenarios pitting US or Soviet soldiers against the Germans (focused soley on infantry). Includes 280 counters, 2 maps, along with tutorial style rules. 2 min/turn, 40m/hex, squad level. '21 1 Stock NEW $26.00 ASL:STARTER KIT #1 PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 148198 MINT $2.50 INCOMPLETE GAME. Includes box, rulebook, partial counterset (including 207 counters; missing 53 (mostly markers)), Qk Ref play aid. Missing maps, scenarios, dice. ASL:STARTER KIT #2 4TH (MMP) BC 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2022 reprint. Complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 8 scenarios pitting US or British soldiers against the Germans & Italians. Kit #2 focuses on ordnance & light AT weaponry. Includes 2 countersheets, 2 unmounted maps, along with tutorial style rules. '22 1 Stock NEW $27.00 ASL:STARTER KIT #2 4TH PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 151513 < NEW $2.00 Box, only. V.minor dings to 2 box corners top & btm; structurally sound & otherws new. ASL:STARTER KIT #2 PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 148197 MINT $2.50 INCOMPLETE GAME. Includes rulebook, 2 partial countersheets (including 210 counters; missing 175), box. Missing all maps, 2 play aid cards, all scenarios, 2 dice. ASL:STARTER KIT #3, TANKS 4TH (MMP) BC 1.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 2022 reprint. Complete game aimed at introducing beginners to ASL thru 8 scenarios which focus on the use of tanks & other vehicles within ASL. Includes 3 maps. Designed to introduce players to the basic ASL game system as well as vehicles & ordinance. '22 1 Stock NEW $32.00 ASL:STARTER KIT #3, TANKS PARTS (MMP) BC Out-of-Print 1 148196 MINT $5.00 INCOMPLETE GAME. Includes rulebook, Vehicle & Ordinance booklet, all 3 countersheets (Sheet #2 missing 36 AFV counters, otherws complete), 3 play aids, box. Missing all 8 scenarios, all 3 boards. ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #1 3RD (MMP) Fo 1.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Updated reprint of this scenario kit adding 12 scenarios, new counters, 4 maps (P,Q,R,S) & rules; requires Starter Kits #1, 2 & 3 to play all scenarios. Also designed to supplement each of the first 3 starter kits. 8 scenarios set in Poland'39, Finland'42, Sicily'43, France'44, Germany'44, and includes the Poles, Slovaks, Soviets, US, Italians, Free French. Labeled "2nd edition" but is actually 3rd printing. '21 1 Stock NEW $34.00 ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #1 PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148193 MINT $2.00 INCOMPLETE KIT. Includes folio cover front & rear, rulebook, Vehicle & Ordinance Booklet, 2 playaids, 2 partial countsheets (missing 177 counters total). Missing all 3 maps, all scenarios. ASL:STARTER KIT PARTS (MMP) n Out-of-Print 1 148587 EXCELL $1.00 One Starter Kit Quick Reference Data Card (w/ terrain effect & Inf Fire tables, etc). ASL:STREETS OF FIRE PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148014 V.GOOD $2.00 Scenario set only. First card (scen 1 & 6) provided as a photocopy. ASL:TWILIGHT OF THE REICH, ENDGAME'44-45 (MMP) DC 2.4 2-6wks Turnarnd ASL module focused on battles as the Western Allies advanced across into Germany in late 1944 thru 1945, encountering a series of fortress cities including Berlin. Adds a host of new terrain & obsticle types depicting vicious urban combat. Expands the late-war SS OoB & substitution rules & adds Soviet NKVD units, assault engineers & Volksgrenadier MMC units. Scenarios are set on 4 double-sided mapboards (16a/b-19a/b) & use 48 terrain overlays. Includes updated Chp A & B rules, 2 countersheets, 48 overlays & a total of 17 scenarios. '24 1 Stock NEW $129.00 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE # 2 2011 PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148050 MINT $1.00 Folio cover & scenarios (WO3-5) only. ATS: BERLIN, FUHRER'S BUNKER PARTS (Cri) n Out-of-Print 1 105949 NEW $5.00 Anhalter RR Station map, only COMBAT COMMANDER: FALL OF WEST KIT 2ND (GMT) Fo 0.7 1-3wks Turnarnd Battle Pack #5. Reprint of this kit for the Combat Commander series adding 12 scenarios played on 10 battle maps depicting actions in the Spring of 1940 in France. Special AFV rules reflect the still-developing nature of doctrines among armored forces meeting infantry forces. Reqs CC Europe & Mediterranean to play. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 COMBAT COMMANDER: MEDITERRANEAN 2D PARTS (GMT) DC Out-of-Print 1 118990 V.GOOD $4.00 Box, only. 1 box btm corner mashed (seriously dinged), with main damage extending 1/2" in each direction from corner. Box otherws new. COMBAT COMMANDER: NORMANDY KIT 2ND (GMT) Fo 1.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Battle Pack #3. Reprint of this kit for the Combat Commander system & covering tactical combat in Normandy, 1944. Includes 176 counters, 8 maps, 17 scenarios including Pegasus Bridge, Pointe du Hoc, and other key battles from the Normandy landings. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 COMBAT COMMANDER: SEA LION KIT 2ND (GMT) Fo 0.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Battle Pack #6. Reprint of this kit for the CC game ssystem adding units that may have been at the center of the battles had the Germans executed their planned invasion of England in 1940. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $19.00 COMBAT COMMANDER: TOURNAMENT BATTLE PACK (GMT) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit for the Combat Commander series providing 12 scenarios well suited to tournament play (most previously published), plus 2 new maps & tournament guidelines. B.Collars'15 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 COMBAT INFANTRY, EASTFRONT (ColumG) BC 1-3wks Turnarnd Block system game of tactical, squad level combat on the Eastern Front during WWII; sequel to Combat Infantry WWII which covers the western front. Uses an interactive system for fire & close combat. Game includes German & Soviet battalion leverl forces in engagements from 1941-45 on the eastern front; expansion planned to include British, Italian & Japanese. Each block represents a squad within a larger platoon or company, with unit integrity being significant. Includes leaders, rifle squad, weapons (machine gun, mortor, anti-tank) units, plus armored vehicles. 100m/hex, wooden blocks, 2 geomorphic maps. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $72.00 COMBAT INFANTRY, WESTFRONT (ColumG) BC 2.2 1-3wks Turnarnd Block system game of tactical, squad level combat. Uses an interactive system for fire & close combat. Base game includes US & German forces in engagements from 1944-45 on the western front; expansion planned to include Soviet, British, Italian & Japanese. Each block represents a squad within a larger platoon or company, with unit integrity being significant. Includes leaders, rifle squad, weapons (machine gun, mortor, anti-tank) units, plus armored vehicles. 100m/hex, 154 wooden blocks, 4 geomorphic maps. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $72.00 DESERT STEEL PARTS (WEG) n Out-of-Print 1 39119 MINT $5.00 Countersheet #2 (Axis, 160 counters), Only. 2 37760 NEW $5.00 Counter sheet 2 (only), reverse printed but otherwise mint. Multiple copies available. 3 39120 MINT $7.00 Countersheet #1 (Allied & markers, 320 counters), Only. Counters may be loose from tree. FIELDS OF FIRE: BULGE KIT (GMT) zl 0.9 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit adding details of the Battle of the Bulge to the base game. US 9th Reg of 2nd Inf Div faced nearly a month of intense combat; this kit models that. Requires any edition of the original Fields of Fire game. 55 cards, 176 counters. Ben Hull'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.00 FIGHTING FORMATNS: BATTLE OF KHARKOV KIT (GMT) BC 1.9 1-3wks Turnarnd Expansion kit covering the German Grossdeutschland Division's actions as a mobile fire brigade during the difficult days in 1943-4. They have upgraded equipment including Tiger Is, but the Soviets also have upgraded equipment. Includes 5 double-side maps, 10 scenarios, Bryan VanNortwick'18 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 KAMPFPANZER #41 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 58996 EXCELL $3.00 Charts, only. Some tears. LAST CRUSADE CARD GAME PARTS (CEE) n Out-of-Print 1 94727 EXCELL $2.50 Set of (1) v1.3 (4/96) rules with some lite spots on cover), (2) card list, (3) v0.2 (4/96) official tourney rules. LAST HUNDRED YARDS: MISSION PACK #1 KIT (GMT) zl 0.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit with 10 new missions set in France 1944 after D-Day, including Normandy, Hurtgen Forest & the Battle of the Bulge. Adds new weapons such as Rhino tanks, new terrain like Hedgerows. Reqs both Fields of Fire and Fields of Fire II to play all scenarios. Includes 2 dbl-sided maps, 10 missions. Mike Denson'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 PANZER '44, TAC ARMORED COMBAT IN EUROPE (SPI) FT 1.2 Out-of-Print Game of tactical level armored combat between Western Allied & German forces, 1944-45. 14 scenarios, si-move. SPI's second iteration of WWII tactical level games for WWII (with a companion Mech War '77 for contemporary battles). J.Dunnigan'75 1 2096 MINT $45.00 Cherry mint. 2 laminated SiMove charts included (only). PANZER 5TH (GMT) BC* 3.4 1-3wks Turnarnd 2021 reworking of this detailed, colorful game of tactical armored combat on the Eastern Front, 1941-45, integrating elements from miniature & contemporary wargames, and evolved from the Yaquinto trio of tactical games (including 88 & Armor). Covers small unit actions (platoon to btln sized), with individual AFVs at 100m/hex, 30+sec/turn. Base game has 10 scenarios (including intros) plus all the TO&E to design your own, 296 counters (rather stunning ones). Oh, & don't miss the Panzerblitz-like box cover. James Day'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * PANZER 5TH: AFV DATA CARD REPL SET (GMT) n 0.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Complete set of AFV data cards, reprinted so that each nationality is on separate cards to ease play. An optional but convenient fix to a minor problem. 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 PANZER 5TH: EXPANSION KIT #1 2ND (GMT) BC* 3.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2021 Update. Kit adding addition tank actions 1943-45. Adds 4 dbl-sided geomorphic mounted maps (1" hexes), 2 countersheets, 38 dbl-sided unit data sheets, TO&E booklets for 4 German Divs & a Soviet brigade at Kursk & the OoB for that battle, all the behemouth AFVs of the late war. A BIG kit. James Day'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $47.00 * PANZER 5TH: EXPANSION KIT #2 2ND (GMT) BC 2.5 1-3wks Turnarnd 2021 update. Kit rounding out this series' coverage of the Eastern Front, with AFVs from 1941-45. Adds early-war AFVs, lend lease vehicles, urban warfare. Includes 7 historical scenarios from 1941 on, 2 dbl-sided geomorphic maps, 2 countersheets, 24 data cards. James Day'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 PANZER 5TH: EXPANSION KIT #3 2ND (GMT) BC* 4.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 2021 Update. Drive to the Rhine, the 3rd expansion to GMT's Panzer. Adds the major US & British forces that saw the war thru till the end, plus some additional Germans as well. Adds 4 dbl-sided maps covering the bocage of Normany & other terrain closer to Germany. 176 5/8" & 352 7/8" counters. Data cards for 64 AFVs (include 12 versions of the Sherman), 36pg TO&E booklet, 10 scenarios, 4 geomorphic mounted maps. Reqs only base game to play. James Day'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 * PANZER GRENADIERS PARTS (Avalan) n Out-of-Print 1 140768 MINT $2.00 Clean, laser-printed, 1-sided 3rd edition rules set only. 2 97612 MINT $1.00 MANY AVAIL, price ea. Direct Fire/Bombardment Chart only. 3 97613 MINT $1.00 MANY AVAIL, price ea. Turn Record Chart only. Chart is generic to any game using 15min or hourly turns. 4 97611 MINT $1.00 MANY AVAIL, price ea. TEC/Assault Combat CRT chart page, only. PANZER LEADER PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 38126 EXCELL $1.00 CRT/Situation Map card only. 2 70756 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario & CRT set. 3 18212 EXCELL $3.00 Charts & scenarios set only. Complete. 4 70758 EXCELL $0.50 Incomplete set of scenario cards; contains two of scenarios 5-8, one of 13-19. Four cards total. 5 70757 V.GOOD $2.00 Scenario & CRT set. Some writing in pencil on one card. PANZER, 1ST PARTS (Yaq) n Out-of-Print 1 65487 MINT $2.00 Command Sheet pad, only. PANZER, 2ND (Excal) BC 2.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Reprint of this detailed, colorful game of tactical armored combat in the east, 41-45. Sister game to Yaquinto's 88 & Armor. Includes 3 map sections, 2 countersheets. '93 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.00 PANZERBLITZ PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 85733 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario card set, only. 2 106488 MINT $1.00 Scenario card 9/10, only. PRESTAGS: SPARTAN PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 98351 EXCELL $5.00 Coversheet, only. Used with some wrinkles but in EX condition overall. SNIPER! PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 109117 GOOD $2.00 Charts & Tables page, only. Single copy. Soiled & worn thru use, but whole & functional. 2 109116 GOOD $3.00 Rules, only. Well used, with lots of evidence of use: wear & repairs on seams, smudges, soiling, but fully functional. 3 109118 GOOD $2.00 Charts & Tables page, only. Single copy. Soiled & worn thru use, but whole & functional. 4 109119 V.GOOD $5.00 Map, only. Some lite stains on surface but VGd overall. 5 107568 V.GOOD $5.00 Counterset & AFV cutouts, only. Complete or substantially so. Some soiling thru use. Some counters written on on blank backsides. SNIPER!, 1ST PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 91906 FAIR $2.00 Rules only. Well worn & soiled, with several tears w/ some missing text resulting. Servicable for a players' copy. TANK DUEL: TANK PACK #1 KIT (GMT) zl 1-3wks Turnarnd Expansion kit for this card-based game of tank-tank combat during World War II. This kit adds more AFVs to the fray. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 TANK LEADER: EASTERN FRONT PARTS (WEG) n Out-of-Print 1 39124 NEW $1.00 Charts/tables card, sold invidually. Several available. 2 39122 NEW $5.00 Rules, only. New. 3 39123 NEW $5.00 Mapboard, only. New. 4 37722 EXCELL $2.00 Player cards, 2 avail; price EA. TANK! #44 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 97600 V.GOOD $3.00 Rules only. Some modest soiling thru use. TANK! #44: EXPANSION KIT PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 150281 EXCELL $1.00 Photocopy of expansion rules booklet only. Photocopy is a bit lite but clean. TANK! PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 151995 V.GOOD $2.00 Coversheet, only. 1x3 Inventory label permanently affixed to cover, various signs of wear. UNDAUNTED, NORMANDY (Osprey) BC Deck building card game of the battles for Normandy, summer 1944. Players play US or German forces fighting a series of missings in the Normandy area of Franc. Use cards at proper times to gain initiative, improve moral, or control troops' actions. Casualties remove cards from your deck. 108 cards, 18 map tiles. Fast playing. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 1 USA #1 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 2 UK #1 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 3 GERMANY #1 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Temp OoP/OoS Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Germany. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 4 GEAR KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards of various sorts of gear (weapons, equipment & hostiles) added directly into the base games deck. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 6 USA #2 (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the US; second set for this country. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 7 UK #2 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the UK. Second set for this nation. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 8 GERMANY #2 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the Germany. Second set for this key player. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 10 USSR #2 KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, the USSR. Second set for this nation. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 11 POLAND #1 (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion set consisting of 56 cards for one nation's force, Poland. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 24 US AIRBORNE KIT (Versse SC 0.3 56 card deck adding cards specific to the US airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 25 GERMAN AIRBORNE (Versse SC 0.3 56 card deck adding cards specific to the German airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 36 VEHICLE # 1 (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the US, France & Japan. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 37 VEHICLE # 2 (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the Germany, Finland & Pland. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 38 VEHICLE # 3 (Versse) SC 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Expansion deck providing additional vehicles for this game plus anti-vehicle hostile cards to stop them, plus some Driving Event cards. Included vehicles for the USSR, Britain, Australia & Canada. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 40 UK AIRBORNE KIT (Versse SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to Britain's airborne forces in World War II to the game. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 43 INVASIONS KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to adding beach invasions to the game. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 50 BASTOGNE (Versse) SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to the battle around Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 52 DIEPPE (Versse) SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to the raid on Dieppe, France, by Canadian forces in 1942. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 57 NARVIK (Versse) SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to the battle around Narvik during the German invasion of Norway, 1940. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20~~ 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WORLD WAR II, BARBAROSSA: DANUBE KIT (Zvezda) LB* 2.4 Kit for WWII Barbarossa providing scenarios & minis for battles on the Eastern Front in the early months of 1941. Includes 8 scenarios, 21 plastic minis, 6 dbl sided boards, & misc components. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Tactical Combat, North Africa 1940-43 ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- DESERT WAR PARTS (SPI) FT Out-of-Print 1 147196 MINT $7.50 NO COUNTERS OR MAP. Includes rules, errata, FT, scenarios & die. 2 tray corners cracked. Label residue on tray cover. PANZER NORTH AFRICA (GMT) LB* 7.9 1-3wks Turnarnd Stand-alone game in GMT's Panzer game series (5th edition), this one covering tactical combat in northern Africa 1940-2. Individual AFVs & guns, squad inf. 100m/hex, 15sec-15min/turn. High solitaire suitability. 6 double-sided maps, 8 countersheets, 49 dbl-sided data cards, 45 map overlays. James Day, Fernando Solo Ramos'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $89.00 * PANZER NORTH AFRICA PARTS (GMT) LB* Out-of-Print 1 151820 < NEW $4.00 * Box only. One corner dinged, box btm seam at that corner repaired with tape. WARFIGHTER, WWII MEDITERRANEAN (Versse) BC Avail Uncrtn 1-6 player card game of squad level combat & missions set in Sicily & Italy during 1943. Played either cooperatively or solitaire. Base game provides the full OoB of the Italian Army plus some British hostiles. Individual missions can be played in 60 minutes. Add-ons provide other nations' forces which which to play this game instead of the Italians. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $47.50 WARFIGHTER, WWII NORTH AFRICA (Versse) BC Avail Uncrtn 1-6 player card game of squad level combat & missions set in North Africa during WWII. Played either cooperatively or solitaire. Base game provides the full OoB of the British 8th Army. Individual missions can be played in 60 minutes. Add-ons provide other nations' forces which which to play this game instead of the Brits. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $47.50 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Tactical Combat, Pacific Theater ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ASL:BLOOD & JUNGLE 2 [2ND] (Boundi) Fo 2.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Update of this large scenario kit focused on ASL actions in the Pacific Theater. Includes a whooping 47 scenarios set in China, Burma, Borneo, the Philippines, Tarawa & other known & lessor venues. Includes 4 counter sheets, 3 16x22" geomorphic boards on heavy stock, mag w/ articles as well as rules, & a divider card. 2nd ed integrates errata & adds a new player aid & an enlarged map for one scenarios. Reqs US, Japanese, Brit, French, Soviet, Chinese & minor nations units plus boards 2,7,10-12,14-18,22,25,32-40,42,43,47-51, b,d,u, v, BRT & BRP board B for play of all scenarios. '17 1 Stock NEW $122.00 ASL:BLOOD REEF TARAWA KIT PARTS (HOB) n Out-of-Print 1 147679 V.GOOD $5.00 MUST SHIP SEPARATELY at addtl $, or be folded. Professionally laminated, very good laser printed copy ov the VASL version of this map. 6 pages neatly combined into one long map. ASL:CORREGIDOR, THE ROCK (Boundi) Fo 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Large ASL module focused on the 1942 and 1945 battles for Corregidor Island, the fortress guarding Manila harbor. 3 scenarios cover the Japanese assault on the Allies in early 1942, and 18 scenarios cover the US assault on the Japanese in 1945. Includes 2 campaign games that link scenarios, 180 1/2" and 64 5/8" counters (244 total), two historical ASL maps, and special rules. Req Beyond Valor, Yanks, Gung Ho & either Code of Bushido or Rising Sun to play all scenarios, including US, Japanese & partisan forces & boards 2,24,36,37,39,40,43,44,46,58,61. David Roth'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $79.00 ASL:KAKAZU RIDGE #2 2ND (MMP) 1 n 0.4 Out-of-Print 1 148672 EXCELL $5.00 Incomplete campaign game insert bundle, only, from ASL Journal #2. Includes Kakazu Chp Z special rules (1pg), color photocopies of 1pg play aid & 6 scenarios (J13-18), and remnants of 2 countersheets (including most but not all forts, all German & US satchel counters; all US infantry & all Japanese counters NOT included. Map also NOT included. ASL:KAKAZU RIDGE #2 2ND PARTS (MMP) n 0.5 Out-of-Print 1 148673 EXCELL $1.00 1pg Chp Z KR special rules, only. ASL:SWORD & FIRE, MANILA (MMP) DC* 3.4 2-6wks Turnarnd ASL module of the US conquest of the Phillippne capital of Manila in 1945 during the course of a month. The Japanese planned only to fight to the death, tenaciously contesting every building, using all their resources including veteran army & naval units as well as untrained conscripts. Adds new terrain types, and provides 25 scenarios & 5 campaigns. 6 maps, 4 countersheets. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $105.00 * KAIAPIT (Schutz) HC 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Tactical (sqd/pltn) level game of the Markham Valley Campaign, Sept.1943, as an Allied commando force attempts to capture the village at Kaiapit, near Lae, New Guinea, and renovate the nearby airbase. Includes full solitaire rules for the Japanese forces (optional; this is a 2 player game). 88 counters, 100m/hex, 1hr/turn. P.Schutz'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII PACIFIC THEATER (Versse) DC* 5.3 Base game in a very extened, intended set of game & kits allowing coverage of WWII combat in the Pacific to parallel earlier game on the European theater as well as kits for the various combatants in WWII and in the Korean War. This is the base (core) game. Card game for 1-6 players (including solitaire); you play cooperatively against the game system on squad-level missions. Given a mission objective, you select your soldiers, equip them with weapons & skills within a resource limit. Then fight your way thru enemy territory to complete your mission. Each eliminated enemy increases your experience and offers opportunities to up-gun & receive support cards. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 * WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 14 JAPAN #1 (Versse) SC 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 56-card expansion set for one nation's force, first of 2 kits for Japan in this case. This is the 1st of 2 for Japan. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 15 JAPAN #2 (Versse) SC 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 56-card expansion set for one nation's force, Japan in this case. This is the 2nd of 2 for Japan. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 16 US MARINES #1 (Versse) SC 0.3 Adds 56 cars focused on the US Marine corp during WWII. Just add these to your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 17 US MARINES #2 (Versse) SC 0.3 Adds 56 cars focused on the US Marine corp during WWII. Just add these to your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 WARFIGHTER, WWII: EXP 53 IWO JIMA (Versse) SC 0.3 56-card deck adding cards specific to the US invasion of Iwo Jima, 1945. Just mix them into your Warfighter decks. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Tactical Combat, Multiple Theaters ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ASL: BOARDS PARTS CARDSTOCK (MMP) n 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd #16,17,18,19,40 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.50 ASL: JOURNAL #12 (MMP_J) n 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 40pg magazine including 12 new ASL scenarios (on cardstock), corrected scenario 181 from Yanks, and many strategy & analyses articles. A must for ASL fanatics. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $24.00 ASL:ACTION PACK # 3, FEW RETURNED PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148052 EXCELL $1.00 Folio cover only; no game parts. ASL:ACTION PACK # 4, NORMANDY PARTS (MMP) Fo Out-of-Print 1 148053 EXCELL $1.00 Folio cover only; contains game credits & errata but no other game parts. ASL:ACTION PACK #16, FROM LAND DOWN UNDR (MMP) FO 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario pack focused on 15 scenarios involving the Australian forces in actions around the world. Includes map 15a/b. Developed by Australian ASL group. Req core ASL modules to play. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $23.00 ASL:ACTION PACK #18, OCTOBERFEST XXXVII (MMP) Fo 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenario pack focused on 14 scenarios from from an previous Oktoberfest. Includes 2 geomorphic maps (91,92). Actions cover actions on the Eastern Front from Dec 1941 to May 1945, the Pacific in Guadalcanal 1942, the Western Front in 1944, plus 4 scenarios involving the US 1st Cav in Korea in 1950. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 ASL:BEST OF FRIENDS 2 SCENARIO KIT (MMP) Fo 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd New scenario pack with new map #85, plus 12 scenarios, all of which were used in the Swedish Friendly Fire Tournament. Includes a variety of actions thruout WWII in Europe (with one in the Pacific between Russian & Japanese forces). '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 ASL:BEST OF FRIENDS SCENARIO PACK (MMP) n 0.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 12 scenarios drawn from the Swedish Friendly Fire ASL tourny including some tweaks by their original designers. Scenarios cover many fronts in both Europe & Pacific, including a scenario between the Soviets & Japanese at the very end of the war. Sequel to Out of the Bunker. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 ASL:FIREFIGHTS KIT #2 (HOB) Fo 0.5 Going OoP Kit providing 6 small, intensive firefight scenarios from France 1940, east Africa & west front '44-5, plus 6 half-map overlays designed for maps #1,14,19,26-31,33. '05 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 ASL:FOR KING & COUNTRY 3RD PARTS (MMP) DC Out-of-Print 1 149076 < NEW $8.00 Box, only. One box cover corner moderately dinged. Otherws new. ASL:FOR KING AND COUNTRY PARTS (MMP) n Out-of-Print 1 148012 EXCELL $8.00 Box, only. ASL:HIGH GROUND 2 [3RD] (Boundi) Fo 0.8 2-6wks Turnarnd 2023 update. Scenario pack that includes 8 scenarios from all fronts & 2 mounted geomorphic maps, all of which focus on hilly or mountanous terrain (or valleys). 2nd edition revises 7 of the 8 scenarios and adds 9 more, plus a half-board castle overlay. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $64.00 ASL:HOLLOW LEGIONS 3RD (MMP) DC* 3.9 2-6wks Turnarnd Overhaul of this module including the entire Italian OoB plus the desert components from West of Alamein (which were not printed in King & Country), plus components from Soldiers of the Negus (Ethiopia, 1935-6). Revised mix of 53 scenarios from previously published modules, action packs, magazines & Negus kit. Includes 5 countersheets, 8 boards (25-31, 25e), & all desert overlays. A core module for actions set in the North African desert or involving the Italians. '22 1 Stock NEW $138.00 * ASL:INTO THE RUBBLE 2 [2ND] (Boundi) n 1.0 4-8wks Turnarnd Update of this first ASL kit from this small ASL publisher since their 2008 revival. This updated scenario pack now includes 20 scenarios focused on intense firefights in urban rubble on all theatres of WW2 plus the Spanish Civil War. Includes 228 1/2 & 5/8" counters, and 2 geomorphic maps with city & rail yard terrain plus a rubbled city overlay. Reqs Beyond Valor, Yanks, Doomed Battalions, Armies of Oblivion, Red Barricades, Recon by Fire #4 to play all of scenarios. Errata has been incorporated into rules, maps & scenarios. C.Smith'16 1 Stock NEW $76.00 ASL:OVERLAY BUNDLE (MMP) zl 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Bundle that includes & reprints all ASL overlays published previously, printed on 37 cardstock sheets (with the exceptions of overlays from MMP's Red Factories & Deluxe ASL, and AH's Annual 93b (found in Rising Sun) & E1 escarpment from West of Alamein (found in Hollow Legions 3rd). '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $38.00 ASL:STARTER KIT BONUS KIT #2 (MMP) FO 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Kit adding 2 maps & 8 scenarios to all of the prior Starter Kits. Includes maps I & J, and scenarios S82-89, which cover actions thruout WWII and in both Europe & the Pacific. Requires parts all 4 Starter Kits plus Exp Pack #1 & 2 to play all scenarios. '21 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #2 (MMP) Fo 0.7 2-6wks Turnarnd Expansion kit with additional rules, counters, maps & scenarios for the Starter Kit series of games (#1-4).Includes 8 scenarios & 2 maps covering actions between Japanese army & naval forces and Australian, Indian, Filipino, Dutch & Chinese opponents on mainland Asia & on Pacific Islands, 1937-45. Rules introduce the use of regular & fanatical Chinese squads, overlays, vehicles & ordinance. Includes additional Dutch vehicles & other nationalities previously available in only token amounts. Includes mapbs k & l. Requires ownership of all 4 Starter Sets to play all scenarios. '20 1 Stock NEW $32.00 ASL:STARTER KIT EXPANSION PACK #3 (MMP) Fo 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd Expansion kit for the ASL Advanced Squad Leader game series with additional rules, counters, maps & scenarios for the Starter Kit series of games (#1-4). Adds 2 maps (g & h), 8 scenarios between US & US marines, Poles, Brits and Russians versus German, Italian & Japanese forces in Europe & the Pacific, 1941-44. Reqs Starters #1-4 & all Bonus & Expansions to play all scenarios. '23 1 Stock NEW $34.00 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #10 2019 BONUS PACK (MMP) Fo 0.4 Tournament scenario pack including 2 new maps (10 & 11), 4 scenarios covering actions in Greece 1940, two in France 1944, and Korea 1950. Reqs core modules to play. '19 1 150153 NEW $25.00 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #11 2020 BONUS PACK (MMP) Fo 0.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Tournament scenario pack including 3 new scenarios & one map (13). Scenarios span World War II on both the European & Pacific fronts. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $26.00 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #12 2021 BONUS PACK (MMP) Fo 0.3 Tournament scenario pack including one new map (14a/b) and 3 scenarios. Scenarios cover actions in France, Netherlands & Germany, all in 1944. Reqs core modules & boards 11b to play all scenarios. '21 1 146390 NEW $23.00 Last copy. ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #13 2022 BONUS PACK (MMP) Fo 0.5 2-6wks Turnarnd Tournament scenario pack including 3 new maps (m,n & o) and 4 scenarios (WO39-42). '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $34.00 ASL:WINTER OFFENSIVE #14 2023 BONUS PACK (MMP) Fo 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Tournament scenario pack including 3 new maps (89 & 90) and 3 scenarios (WO43-45). '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.00 ASL:YANKS 3RD (MMP) DC* 3.3 2-6wks Turnarnd 2022 update of this kit which provides the complete American army OoB plus the units & scenarios from earlier Paratrooper kit. Now includes a total of 41 scenarios (16 from earlier editions of Yanks & Paratrooper, & 25 from previously published but OoP scenarios, all revised & rebalanced). Includes 6 countersheets & 8 maps (16-19, 24, 40, 41, 46). Errata from prior edition incorporated. '22 1 Special Ordr NEW $119.00 * COMMANDO ACTIONS PARTS (Yaq) n Out-of-Print 1 132710 EXCELL $6.00 Complete counterset, only. SL: SQUAD LEADER PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 40422 EXCELL $3.00 Reference Data Cards (charts), set of 2 2 148612 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 3 148608 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 4 148614 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 5 148610 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 6 148613 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 7 148609 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 8 148611 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 9 91915 MINT $3.00 Single Cross of Iron/Crescendo of Doom CRT/Charts page, only. 10 148604 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 11 148606 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 12 148605 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 13 148607 V.GOOD $0.75 Quick Reference Data Card, only. Couple of sml stains, otherws clean. 14 148616 V.GOOD $2.00 Box, only. COver sun faded. Some sml abrasions. SL: SQUAD LEADER, 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148229 EXCELL $7.50 2nd ed rules, only. Spine preemptively reinforced w/ tape. Otherws clean. SL: CRESCENDO OF DOOM PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88473 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 2 88474 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 3 88472 EXCELL $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 4 148597 MINT $1.00 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. 5 148596 MINT $1.00 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. 6 150244 MINT $6.00 Rules, only. Clean. 7 148595 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. 8 148593 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. 9 88471 V.GOOD $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 10 88470 V.GOOD $1.00 One Quick Ref Data Card, only. 11 148594 V.GOOD $0.75 1st ed Quick Reference Card, only. Some minor signs of use & wear. SL: CROSS OF IRON PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148600 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 2 148241 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario set 13-20, only. 3 148602 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 4 148232 EXCELL $2.00 Scenario set 13-20, only. 5 148601 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 6 148599 EXCELL $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, w/ all-pink background, believed to be from COI. 7 71131 V.GOOD $2.00 Set of 3 (yes, 3) Quick Ref Data (charts) cards SL: CROSS OF IRON, 3RD PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148236 EXCELL $10.00 3rd ed rules. Rules cover separated at staples & repaired. Stain on inside back page. Otherws clean. SL: GI, ANVIL OF VICTORY PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 88477 EXCELL $4.00 Scenario set (#33-47). 2 148591 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 3 148589 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 4 148590 MINT $1.00 Quick Reference Data Card, only. 5 132701 V.GOOD $5.00 Set of 2 charts & tables cards. Several sml stains including staple rust. Otherws EX. 6 148592 V.GOOD $4.00 Box, only. Mildly scuffed w/ some box btm creases. Structurally sound. Writing on colored end panel. SL: GI, ANVIL OF VICTORY, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 148620 V.GOOD $8.00 1st ed Rules, only. Stain on btm of back cover page. Wrinkled thru use. Otherws clean. SL: SQUAD LEADER 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 150243 MINT $6.00 Rules, only. Clean. SL: SQUAD LEADER BOARD # 4 UNMNTD (AH) n 0.1 Out-of-Print # 4 Unmounted map board. 1 149754 MINT $1.00 MUST SHIPPED ROLLED or be folded in middle. SL: SQUAD LEADER PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 94263 EXCELL $3.00 SL scenario set (1-12), only. 2 148237 MINT $2.00 Scenario 1-12 set only. 3 69167 V.GOOD $1.00 Set of 2 Charts & Tables pages. 4 69166 V.GOOD $1.00 Set of 2 Charts & Tables pages. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Political & Economic Conflict ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CHURCHILL 3RD (GMT) DC* 4.2 1-3wks Turnarnd 2022 reprint. 3 player game the rivalry between the 3 major Allies in World War II to both conclude the war & shape the post-war world: Britain, US & USSR. Players must cooperate to defeat Germany, yet compete to further their individual agendas. Represents the 10 conferences among the Big 3 from 1943-45. Each of the 10 conferences is essentially a "turn," with issues being nominated for disccusion at each conference (such as directed offensive, production priorities, strategic warfare, etc). Cards influence how the conference proceeds & is resolved. Includes both 2-player & solitaire rules. 2 shorter scenarios included. M.Herman'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $66.00 * DIE ATOMBOMBE, THE REICH'S BOMB #50 (Agains) n HP 1.3 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag & game. 2-5 player card game of Germany's attempt to develop the atom bomb during World War II. Each player represents a faction within German society. Secure permission to start, secure scarce resources & personnel to develop a program, and go for broke despite the many other pressing needs of a nation at war. Oh, and spy on & sabotage your competitors' efforts, this being the Reich. Designed to show how difficult it was to mount a nuclear program despite the appeal of the goal.Quick playing. 108 cards, 64 counters. Steven Cunliffe'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.50 PLOT TO ASSASSINATE HITLER #59 PARTS (SPIS_T) n Out-of-Print 1 79370 MINT $3.00 Rules, only. 2 114215 MINT $4.00 Rules, only. SET EUROPE ABLAZE (Agains) HP 1.4 2-6wks Turnarnd 2014 Annual (yeah, in mid-2015). Card-driven game of the battle in western occupied Europe in WWII as Britain creates & supplies civilian resistance forces across Europe. Played on an abstracted, area-move map representing France & the Low Countryies. J.Prados'15 / Also includes Depths of Courage, a small, solitaire game of the first true, successful submarine attack launched in 1864 during the American Civil War. 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 TRIUMPH & TRAGEDY 3RD (GMT) DC* 4.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 2022 update. Geopolitical game for 2-3 players in the World War II era, 1935-45, between the advocates of Capitalism, Communism & Facism. Played on diplomatic, economic, technological and military spheres, with a map covering Eruope to India, and 208 wooden block units, 110 cards. Players can win economically, technologically or thru military conquest. Fast moving, interactive game. Area move, strategic level, armies/fleets, 1yr/turn. 1 countersheet, 110 cards. C.Besinque'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $67.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Air Combat ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AIR FORCE 2ND: EXPANSION KIT 2ND PARTS (AH-BL) n Out-of-Print 1 134685 EXCELL $5.00 Rules, only. AIR FORCE, 1ST: EXPANSION KIT PARTS (BL) n Out-of-Print 1 88857 EXCELL $4.00 Photocopy of rules, only. 2 88856 EXCELL $6.00 Color photocopy of countersheet, only. 3 79533 MINT $6.00 Rules, only. 4 85356 V.GOOD $4.00 Box, only. Some rubber band residue across box & spotting on box btm. AIR FORCE, 2ND: DAUNTLESS: VARIANT (AH_Gen) n 0.1 Out-of-Print Original article & aircraft charts from General providing 3 addtl Japanese late war fighters. 1 90187 EXCELL $1.00 Original article & aircraft charts from General providing 3 addtl Japanese late war fighters. B-17 FLYING FORTRESS LEADER 2ND (Versse) DC* 5.2 2nd edition fixes errors on a couple of cards, revised some rules, and provides examples of play in a separate booklet now. Solitaire game of daylight strategic bombing raids over Europe by the US 8th Air Force during World War II, 1942-45. Player must plan how best to damage the German war machine while also managing a flight of B-17s executing each planned mission, along with their fighter escorts. Includes 11 historical campaigns, a mini-campaign focused on one bomber surviving a 25-mission tour, a solo bombing mission focused on one bomber in one mission, and Down in Flames solitaire rules so that that game system of air-air combat can be used to resolve air-air combat (if desired; ownership of DIF required). Includes 336 cards, 6 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Fast playing, 30min/mission. Dean Brown'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $70.00 * B-29 SUPERFORTRESS, BOMBERS OVR JAPAN 3D (Legion HC 1.5 2-6wks Turnarnd 3rd edition reprint of this solitaire game similar to B-17 in scope; player operates a crew of an American B-29 of the 20th Air Force in bombing runs agains Japan. Goal is to live thru 35 missions. Missions vary by elevation & day or night, and face opposition in the form of flak, fighters, searchlights, etc. Your goal is to shepard your crew thru 35 missions to earn your return home. 172 counters, 48pgs charts, map. S.Dixon'16 1 Stock NEW $44.00 BOMBER PARTS (Yaq) n Out-of-Print 1 106085 V.GOOD $5.00 Decent photocopy of rules booklet, only. Text on right side of page fades out at margin on some pages; content still evident. BRITAIN, BATTLE OF... ['68] (GmSci) LB* 2.4 Out-of-Print 2nd printing with full sized box, yellow charts. Simple, reasonable gm of German bombing offensive over Britain. Basic & adv gms. L Zocchi '68 1 1201 V.GOOD $49.00 * 2nd printing. Complete. Includes #1204 Revised Rules 2nd Ed, cover litely spotted otherws mint. All corners & 1 side panel split & repaired with aging scotch tape. 5" tear on blank rear cover of rules repaired with aged scotch tape. Radar line on board extended into Euro land hexes with #'d stickers. Cardstock charts had sheet protectors taped to them with now aged scotch tape. Handmade radar site counters included. Inked annotation written onto inside bottom of box. ID#s annotated onto beginner game counters. Generall EX otherws. CORSAIR LEADER (Versse) DC* 6.5 Solitaire game based on the Hornet Leader game system, focused on engagements including the US F4U Corsair & other naval aircraft in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Provides 2 campaigns covering the Solomons from Fall 1942-Spring 1944. Player decides upon the aircraft to use for a mission, including the Corsair but also possibly B-17, B-25, Dauntlesses, and others, each with unique advantages & disadvantages. This game enhances the tactical options available while over the target. Basically a solitaire game but can be played cooperatively with others. 400 well-illustrated cards, 9 countersheets. Relatively simple. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $77.00 * CORSAIR LEADER: ACES KIT (Versse) SC 0.3 Expansion kit including 56 cards depicted real US navy & marine ace pilots to the game. Just add them to your game at the start of a game. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 DOWN IN FLAMES, GUNS BLAZING EXTRACARDS (Versse) n 0.3 Out-of-Print Deck of 63 aircraft cards. 1 142902 < NEW $2.00 Deck of 63 aircraft cards, only. New & Shrinkwrapped. 2 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 DOWN IN FLAMES, LOCKED ON (Versse) BC* 2.9 Temp OoP/OoS Stand-alone game in the DiF game system which moves the system ahead to the 1970s to today, covering jet aircraft & combat. Includes many aircraft & several campaigns. The deadly nature of modern air-air weapons changes the nature of the game considerably. Includes the best-known aircraft from major nations (US, Germany, England, USSR, northern Korea, Pakistan, northern Vietnam, etc). In each dogfight, you combine the unique abilities of your aircraft with the action cards available to you to maneuver, evade attacks, and attack. Introduces the idea of range as well as heat seeking, radar & active homing. Missions come from wars of the jet age: Korean War, Vietnam War, Yom Kippur War, Desert Storm & more. Includes rules for both solitaire & multi-player play. 224 cards, 3 countersheets, 6 historical campaigns. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 * DOWN IN FLAMES, WILD BLUE YONDER [2ND] (GMT) DC* 5.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Card game of World War II air combat, 1940-44. Represents a 2nd edition Down in Flames sans the title due to licensing issues. Fast playing & easy to learn. Artwork is very nice with aircraft depicted on one card deck and the game being driven by another, action deck. Covers air combat thru all of World War II between all major combatants. Variety of action deck has increased, new plane types introducted, and campaigns greatly expanded. Now includes 118 unique aircraft from Britain, Germany, USSR, Italy, US, Hungary & Romania. Also includes 182 named aces. Includes a solitaire campaign of defending Britain against V-1 attacks in 1944. 520 cards, 264 counters, individ aircraft scale. Verssen, Dan, Chris Janiec'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $62.00 * DOWN IN FLAMES, WILD BLUE YONDER2D PARTS (GMT) DC Out-of-Print 1 139719 V.GOOD $6.00 Box assembly only, including plastic tray insert. A sizeable ding to one box corner. Otherws new. DOWN IN FLAMES, WWII ACES HIGH: CARD SET (Versse SC Set of the 110 cards for this game. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 DOWN IN FLAMES, ZERO! PARTS (GMT) n Going OoP Replacement card decks, only. 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 DOWN IN FLAMES: CORSAIRS & HELLCT PARTS (GMT) n 1-3wks Turnarnd Replacement deck of cards, only. 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 DOWN IN FLAMES: SQUADRON PACK 1, FIGHTRS (GMT) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Collection of 64 fighter aircraft cards for the Down in Flames series, many of them entirely new, some reprinted with revised ratings. All use the upgraded graphic style used in Corsairs & Hellcats. With additional rules. '05 1 Special Ordr NEW $8.00 DOWN IN FLAMES: SQUADRON PACK 2, BOMBERS (GMT) Fo 0.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Collection of 64 bomber aircraft & formation cards for the Down in Flames series, many of them entirely new, a few reprinted with revised ratings. All use the upgraded graphic style used in Corsairs & Hellcats. With additional rules plus rules from Corsairs & Hellcats needed. Req Rise of Luftwaffe, Eight AIr Force or Zero. '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $8.00 FLYING FORTRESS (SPIPou) LZ 1.0 Out-of-Print ~~ 1 2332 V.GOOD $449.00 Sold as a set of both base game & FF II Expansion (#2333). Complete. Map neatly colorized with major rivers, ocean, national boundaries & cities. PBM coordinates added to map. Rules have paper clip rust on orig & expansion rules cover as well as 2 other other pages. Penciled annotations on planning chart. Otherws EX. FURY AT MIDWAY [2ND] (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Updated and enlarged from the Japanese game, Midway Turning the Tide in the Pacific. Primarily a game of air operations during the battle of Midway, June 1942. Players struggle with the key questions of what & when to strike, and how to defend your fleet (and for the Americans, the island of Midway). Game system adds variability to strike navigation & coordination and escort forces, which may undercut a good plan. Surface naval forces are not depicted directly. 2 maps, 72 counters, 12 cards. Yasushi Nakaguor'20 1 Stock NEW $30.00 LUFTWAFFE PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 107810 EXCELL $3.00 American OoB chart only. Clean. 2 132703 EXCELL $2.50 Pad of 16 Targeting Sheets only. Clean. 3 132702 EXCELL $2.00 10 Targeting Sheets only. Clean. 4 106572 EXCELL $2.00 Pad of 11 Target/Planning Sheets. 5 106569 V.GOOD $3.00 Rules only. Seams wearing with some repaired or repairable split seams. 6 106571 V.GOOD $2.00 German OoB chart, only. 7 106570 V.GOOD $2.00 American OoB chart, only. RAF, BATTLE OF BRITAIN 5TH PARTS (DecGms) DC Out-of-Print 1 138748 < NEW $6.00 Box, only. Minor ding to one corner. SKIES ABOVE THE REICH 2ND (GMT) DC* 5.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2024 reprint. Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Messerschmidt BF-109 fighter squadron in the face of endless American bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Jerry White & Mark Aasted'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $63.00 * SPITFIRE PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 108875 V.GOOD $5.00 Rules, only. Soiled & wrinkled thru use, with extra horizontal fold. A few sml stains. STALINGRAD III KIT (SPIPou) n 0.8 Out-of-Print ~~ 1 108215 V.GOOD $235.00 Missing 1 unit (ID included). Several units show minor damage by being bitten by a cat; nothing lost or destroyed. 1 counter corrected in ink in a messy fashion. STORM ABOVE THE REICH (GMT) DC* 6.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Solitaire game in which the player manages a German Focke-Wolf FW-190 fighter squadron in the face of endless American B-24 bombers & their dangerous escorts, late 1942 - early 1945. Can be played by 2 players as well. Fast playing, with individual missions lasting 30min, and campaigns consisting of 6-60 missions. Player must decide upon what armaments to use, what style of attack to employ, and what to do in the face of escorts, all of which greatly influence the game. Uses wooden blocks to represent German aircraft. Includes mounted map. Individual fighter level, with turns representing seconds to minutes. Sister game to Skies Above the Reich, and can be mated to that game. 4 dbl-sided mounted maps of various sizes, 2 countersheets, 60 blocks, 96 cards.Jerry White & Mark Aasted'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $66.00 * TARGET FOR TODAY PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 140315 EXCELL $3.00 Box only. Ding to one box corner with some minor deformation. Structurally intact & entirely servicable as a box. Otherws new. 2 147383 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Sml ding to one corner, several creases on box btm. Otherws clean. 3 148029 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Box btm has a few minor creases. 4 150047 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box cover corner, otherws new. 5 148028 < NEW $5.00 Box only. Box btm has a few minor creases. 6 143195 NEW $5.00 Box only TARGET FOR TODAY: AXIS FIGHTER AIRCRAFT (Legion) n 0.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Small Kit that adds fighters from Italy, Romania & Hungary to the Target for Today game of daylight strategic bombing of Germany, and its air defenses. Includes 56 1" counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 TARGET FOR TONIGHT (Legion) BC* 3.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Sequel to very popular Target for Today game. Solitaire game covering Britain's nighttime strategic bombing campaign over Europe, 1942-45. Player commands individual RAF bombers on night missions in any of 12 campaigns each with individual missions. Goal is to survive your tour of duty. Mounted map, 204 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'20 1 Stock NEW $67.00 * TARGET FOR TONIGHT PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 143362 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Modest ding to one box cover corner. 2 149102 < NEW $4.00 Box only. Minor ding to one box btm corner; otherws new . TARGET FOR TONIGHT: ITALIAN CAMPAIGN KIT (Legion zl 2-6wks Turnarnd (Kit that focuses on the RAF's night bombing campaign against the industrialized north of Italy between 1940-43. During this time, Italian air defenses were poor & poorly organized but slowly grew stronger. The British used primarily the Whitley bomber during this period. Includes 75 counters. Steve Dixon, Bob Best'24 1 Stock NEW $32.00 TOP COVER AIR COMBAT JOURNAL # 1 (CofA) Bk 0.6 2-6wks Turnarnd w/ Spitfires Over Darwin kit for Whistling Death game adds a map of NW Australia (centered on Darwin) and a 140 counters depicting the situation in 1942-3 as the Japanese freely raided NW Australia until a full wing of Spitfires replaced the aged P-40s previously defending the area. Entire journal contains the history of the Japanese threat to & attacks on NW Australia from early 1942 thru late 1943, with a variety of defending fighters, some long obsolete, plus the Spitfires. History of the progression of the defense interspersed among 36 new scenarios. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 WING LEADER, SUPREMACY 1943-45 2ND (GMT) DC* 4.8 1-3wks Turnarnd 2022 reprint. Second in an intended series of faster-playing games covering massed aerial combat in WWII in a unique & intuitively understandable way. This second game in the series covers theperiod in the last 2 years of the war in which the Allies gained dominance in the air. Presents squadron & flight-sized air battles using a unique side-view of the air space. Includes both European & Pacific theaters, with 48 aircraft from 7 nations' aircraft represented. Includes jet fighters & kamakaze attacks against picket defenses. Includes detailed air crew quality & special weapons like rockets. 4 countersheets, mounted map. L.Brimmicombe-Wood'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * WING LEADER, SUPREMACY 1943-45 2ND UPDT (GMT) DC 1-3wks Turnarnd Update kit for Supremacy bring this 1st edition up to current standards. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 WING LEADER, SUPREMACY 1943-45 PARTS (GMT) DC Out-of-Print 1 120022 EXCELL $6.00 Box only. V.sml ding to on one box top corner, barely noticable. Otherws new. WING LEADER, SUPREMACY: EAGLES KIT (GMT) Fo 1.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit for Wing Leader Supremacy adding 23 new aircraft, 22 scenarios & a campaign system to the base game. Covers battles over Budapest, Leyte Gulf, Tali-Ilhantala, Rabaul, the Kuban, and Operation Bagration. Lee Brimmicombe-Wood'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 WING LEADER, VICTORIES 2ND UPDATE KIT (GMT) zl 1.5 1-3wks Turnarnd Update kit containing all the material updated in the 2nd edition of the base game in 2019. Includes rules, 4 countersheets (with counters & aircraft tiles), scenario booklet, player aid cards, and a new battle display. '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 WING LEADER: BLITZ 1939-42 KIT (GMT) zl 0.9 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit adding more aircraft & scenarios, expanding the game into the USSR in 1941, Australia, Mongolia, France, the Mediterranean, and adds a Barbarossa campaign game (Drive on Kiev). Includes a map, 16 aircraft tiles, 140 counters. Reqs Wing Leader Victories to play. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 WING LEADER: LEGENDS 1937-45 KIT (GMT) Fo 1.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit covering the lesser combatant nation's aircraft (Italy, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia) in the Wing Leader system, and provides scenarios in the Philippines, the South Pacific, and a Kursk campaign game. Lee Brimmicombe-Wood'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 WING LEADER: ORIGINS 1936-42 KIT (GMT) zl 1-3wks Turnarnd Kit adding 29 new aircraft & 26 scenarios for minor nations from before & early in World War II (including China, Spain, Poland, Netherlands, Czechoslovakia; and includes the Malta campaign. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $31.50 WINGS OF THE MOTHERLAND 3RD (CofA) DC* 3.2 2-6wks Turnarnd Fourth volume in the Fighting Wings (Whistling Death) game series. Covers air combat on the Eastern Front during World War II from the German invasion to the fall of Berlin. This edition includes 48 mostly new aircraft, 2 double-sided maps, 630 counters. Includes more emphasis on air-ground combat than prior games in the series. 3rd edition rules have smoother, cleaner mechanics, 150 air combat & 60 ground & anti-shipping scenarios. 48 aircraft & 16 types of naval vessels. Received 4 Charlie Roberts award nominations in 2019. JD Webster'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $115.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! WORLD WAR II, 1935 -- 1945 WW-2: Naval Combat ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ARCTIC DISASTER, DESTRUCTION OF PQ17 #47 (Agains n HP 1.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Mag & game. Initial copies of this game had a poorly printed countersheet; a reprint is planned. Game of the disasterous destruction of PQ-17 in July 1942. When this arctic convoy was threated with focused German naval, surface & air attacks, the convoy dispersed making individual ships vulnerable. Each merchant & surface ship & U-Boat is represented by a counter, with ~10 aircraft per counter. 280 counters. Mark Stille'19 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 BENEATH THE MED, REGIA MARINA AT SEA (Consim) BC 2.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Solitaire game (with multi-player & tournament rules) of the Italian submarine fleet during World War II. Player commands one of many types of Italian submarines in missions on the Mediteranean Sea and elsewhere. Goal is to complete missions and survive until Italy surrenders in 1943. Uses The Hunters game system. Includes 480 named targe vessels. Gregory Smith'20 1 Special Ordr NEW $37.00 BISMARCK SOLITAIRE 2ND (Worthi) DC Avail Uncrtn Solitaire game of the German battleship the Bismarck, her escort the Prinz Eugene, and U-Boat support to breakout into Allied shipping lanes, and the British attempt to find & sink it. Uses solitaire AI rules to effect British actions. Depicts both the broader campaign and the battle of Denmark Straights in which the Hood was destroyed. Includes 18 missions which change the game play with each replay. Includes 2 double-sided mounted game boards, silk-screened playing pieces, wooden markers. Same game as earlier 1st ed bookgame, but now with traditional playing pieces. 1 Special Ordr NEW -n/a- BISMARCK ['78], 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 39565 EXCELL $2.00 German Basic/Int Player Aid Card 2nd ed, one only. 2 79381 EXCELL $2.00 Basic/Adv Games Tables & CRT, 2nd ed. 3 79380 EXCELL $2.00 German Basic/Int Player Aid Card 2nd ed, one only. 4 79400 EXCELL $3.00 Search board, one only. BISMARCK ['78]: GRAF SPEE VARIANT COPY (AH) n 0.3 Out-of-Print 2 color copied maps including counters, plus photocopied rules from General. Search for Graf Spee in S. Atlantic, '39 using Bismarck search & combat system. 1 150298 EXCELL $2.00 2 color photocopied maps including counters, plus photocopied rules from General 16/2 BY STEALTH & SEA (Versse) DC* 5.2 Solitaire or cooperative game of the pioneering Italian commando frogmen unit, Decima Flottiglia MAS, seeking to destroy elements of the Royal Navy in the heavily guarded harbors of Gibralter, Algiers & Alexandria. Includes 9 historic attack scenarios, plus campaigns during which you can develop your technology, train your frogmen while the Royal Navy also improves its defenses. 3 mounted mapboards, 116 counters, 141 cards. Fast playing. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 * CA, TACTICAL NAVAL WARFR IN PACIFIC #38 (SPIS_T) n 1.0 Out-of-Print 1 140979 EXCELL $4.00 Rules, only. Folded once horizontally. CARRIER BATTLE, PHILIPPINE SEA (Compas) BC* 4.0 Avail Uncrtn Solitaire game of the largest carrier battle during the invasion of Saipan, June 1944. Player commands US forces attempting to locate and attack the Japanese carrier groups before they can attack you. Uses Victory Games' Carrier game system (and by original designer). 9 scenarios: 4 use programmed instruction & cover slices of the battle; 2 cover individual days, 1 is a 2-day scenario, 1 is a hypothetical with different US plans, and 1 is a hypothetical scenario in which Midway never happend and the Japanese have their full carrier fleet. 33nmi/hex, 80min/turn, 528 counters, mounted map. Jon Southard'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $53.00 * COMMAND AT SEA, ATLANTIC NAVIES (CofA) BC* 3.9 4-8wks Turnarnd Miniatures oriented rules & counter set to recreate WW2 in the N.Atlantic & Mediterranean, in the air & at sea 1939-45. Sister game to Rising Sun & Supermarina. The edition focuses in depth on the navies of Germany, France & Britain, emphasizing French capabilities. Includes 4th ed series rules (which make all games in the series, including Fear God & Harpoon, compatible). Includes 700 counters & booklets for each of three featured nations. L.Bond'09 1 Special Ordr NEW $99.00 * COMMAND AT SEA: AMERICAN FLEETS (CofA) Bk 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Booklet compiling & revising data for all US navy ships, aircraft & weapons systems used in WWII, effectively replacing the data annexes in Rising Sun. Covers both Pacific & Atlantic theaters. 112pg. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $23.00 COMMAND AT SEA: BALTIC ARENA KIT (CofA) Bk 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Add-on rules & 13 scenarios covering the forgotten sea of WW2, the Baltic. Includes articles on the Finnish navy, Soviet subs, coastal artillery, plus updated mine rules. Includes 128pgs w/ 13 scenarios covering a variety of engagement types, and each with its own map. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 COMMAND AT SEA: BYWATER'S WAR KIT (CofA) Bk 1.0 4-8wks Turnarnd Scenario booklet with 2 countersheets allowing players to game any of 30 scenarios based on Hector Bywater's 1920s book of a naval war between Japan & the US set in 1931, plus 3 alternate scenarios set in 1926, 1932 & 1939. Its a mix of real world & the hypothetical, but all very astute & plausible. Reqs only the CAS 4th rules to play. B.Eldridge'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 COMMAND AT SEA: EMPEROR'S FLEET (CofA) Bk 0.5 4-8wks Turnarnd 94pg booklet compiling & revising data for 200 ships & 130 aircraft types used by the Imperial Japanese in WWII, effectively replacing the data annexes in Rising Sun & serving as a data annex for Steel Typhoon. Mates with American Fleets & Atlantic Navies. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 COMMAND AT SEA: GRUPPE NORD (CofA) Bk 0.7 4-8wks Turnarnd 128pg Booklet compiling & revising data for all German ships, aircraft & weapons systems used in WWII, effectively replacing prior data annexes & bringing this in line with CAS 4th ed. L.Bond'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 COMMAND AT SEA: HOME FLEET (CofA) Bk 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Booklet compiling & revising data for all British ships, aircraft & weapons systems used in WWII, effectively replacing prior data annexes & bringing it in line with CAS 4th ed. 112pgs. L.Bond'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 COMMAND AT SEA: LA GUERRE NAVALE (CofA) Bk 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Booklet compiling & revising data for all French ships, aircraft & weapons systems used in WWII, effectively replacing prior data annexes & bringing it in line with CAS 4th ed. Equal emphasis on the fleet that was and the fleet that could have been. CAS v7; Atlantic Navies book 1. L.Bond'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 COMMAND AT SEA: MEDITERRANEAN FLEETS (CofA) Bk 0.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Booklet containing all the details for ships, aircraft, weapons etc for the Italian, Greek, Turkish & Yugoslav navies during WWII (replacing the earlier Supermarina data, and making it compatible with CAS 4th). Includes 150+ ships & 90 aircraft, including updated Italian values & all from 1939-45 (plus some prototypes). L.Bond'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $19.00 COMMAND AT SEA: MIGHTY MIDGETS KIT (CofA) Bk 0.6 4-8wks Turnarnd Adds rules & counters for the many smaller craft used in coastal protection, raids & convoys. Focuses on PT boats and gunboats. Rules scales down game system to cover weapons as small as 30cal machineguns. D.Schueler, B.Madison'03 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 COMMAND AT SEA: NO SAILOR BUT A FOOL KIT (CofA) Bk 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Kit adding 7 detailed scenarios of naval coastal actions including Oslo 1940, St. Nazaire, the Channel Dash, Tarawa, etc. to this minatures-oriented gm system recreating air & naval combat. Slick system. Requires rules & data annex from either of earlier games. T.Sofian'96 1 Special Ordr NEW $24.00 COMMAND AT SEA: RISING SUN 3RD PARTS (CofA) Bk Out-of-Print 1 89794 MINT $4.00 Scenario & Stats booklet only. COMMAND AT SEA: RISING SUN 3RD [ZIPLOCK] (CofA) zl* 3.3 4-8wks Turnarnd Ziplocked. Huge minatures-oriented gm system recreating air & naval combat in the Pacific, '41-3, in 50 scenarios & excell scenario generator. Gorgeous, detailed counters provided for ships & aircraft. Slick system. Signicant revisions to all most components. L.Bond, C.Carlson, E.Kettler'94 1 Special Ordr NEW $42.00 * COMMAND AT SEA: STEEL TYPHOON KIT (CofA) Bk 1.3 4-8wks Turnarnd Booklet containing rules & OoB for the 2nd half of the War in the Pacific, with 36 scenarios covering the biggest naval battles in the Pacific during WW2, including Rabaul, Truk, the Marianas, Leyte Gulf & Okinawa. Includes both historical & what-if scenarios. Includes 3 counters sheets of ships & aircraft. Uses the 4th ed Command at Sea system. E.Kettler'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 COMMAND AT SEA: SUPERMARINA COUNTERS (CofA) n 2-6wks Turnarnd Counters for Supermarina, only. 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.90 COMMAND AT SEA: SUPERMARINA DATA ANNEXES (CofA) n 2-6wks Turnarnd Data Annexes for various vessels, planes & weapons for Supermarina. 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.20 COMMAND AT SEA: SUPERMARINA SCENARIOS (CofA) Bk 2-6wks Turnarnd Scenarios for Supermarina, only. 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.90 CONVOY, DEADLY WATERS (CofA) Bk 0.7 2-6wks Turnarnd First in a series of miniatures-oriented games of naval combat during World War II at the tactical & operational level. This initial game's focuses on the Gibralter convoy runs, Jan'41-Dec'42, during the critical period in North Africa. CD included with ship characteristic forms & damage cards. Designed for fast play, with minor contacts resolved with a few die rolls & others moving to tactical combat. 8hrs/turn. No counters included. M.Wright'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 CV PARTS (Yaq) n Out-of-Print 1 6770 EXCELL $3.00 Jap & US holding charts, only. As a set. FLATTOP 1ST PARTS (BL) n Out-of-Print 1 135369 FAIR $3.00 Rules, only. All pages have a 1/2" tear on margin. Soiled thru extensive use. Cover torn away, wrinkled & multiple crease and sml tears, partially repaired & reattached. FLATTOP, 1ST PARTS (AH-BL) n Out-of-Print 1 70708 EXCELL $4.00 Set of 2 Air Formation Charts (Jap. & Allied). 2 33092 V.GOOD $1.00 One Tables (CRT, etc) card, only. Some penciled notes in margins erased. FLATTOP, 2ND PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70705 EXCELL $1.00 Allied Air Ops Chart "A", only. 2 70706 EXCELL $5.00 Set of Playing Aid Charts (2x Card #1 (Hit Tables), 1x Card #2 (Misc Tables)). Staple rust on top margin of 2 cards. 3 70707 V.GOOD $5.00 Set of Playing Aid Charts (2x Card #1 (Hit Tables), 1x Card #2 (Misc Tables)). Some minor wrinkled & discolored. Petrified rubber band remnants on face of one Card #1. 4 70704 V.GOOD $1.00 Allied Air Ops Chart "A", only. One mark in ink; slight soiling. FLEET COMMANDER NIMITZ (Versse) GB* 4.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game of the US-led defense against the seemingly unstoppable Japanese naval expansion in the Pacific during World War II. Player takes the role of Adm. Nimitz, first defending against Japanese thrusts then bringing the war ever closer to the Japanese home islands. Covers nearly the entire war, from Jan. 1942 thru as late as Sept. 1945 at an operational & strategic level in 4 historical campaigns for each year. The player commands a combination of land, air & sea forces which engage in detailed battles as they pursue the goals of each campaign. Includes mounted map, 8 counter sheets. Its a heavy & big sucker. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $79.00 * GATO LEADER, BTL FOR PACIFIC (Versse) DC* 3.2 Temp OoP/OoS Sequel to U-Boat Leader. Operational & tactical level, solitaire game of the US submarine campaign against Japanese shipping in the Pacific, 1942-45. Depicts each of the 4+ major classes of subs produced by the US, each with individualized ratings. Subs are positioned to detect convoys & other targets; when sighted, they attempt to attack while evading escorts. Includes 4 campaign scenarios, modest complexity. 165 color cards, 352 counters, 2 mounted boards. D.Schueler'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * INCREDIBLE VICTORY, BTL OF MIDWAY PARTS (QtrDck) n Out-of-Print 1 19031 EXCELL $1.00 Game reference card only. Writing on back of card. KRIEGSMARINE PARTS (SimCan) n Out-of-Print 1 68242 V.GOOD $2.50 Rules photocopy, w/ charts. MIDWAY ['64] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 105450 MINT $3.00 Hit record pad, only. 2 88046 MINT $3.00 Hit Record Chart pad, only. 3 107880 MINT $2.50 Hit Record Pad w/ 11 sheets. 4 88047 MINT $3.00 Hit Record Chart pad, only. MIDWAY ['92] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 3866 MINT $1.00 Jap Operations Card (only) MIDWAY, BATTLE OF... (AgaTPS) HP 1.0 2-6wks Turnarnd Chosen as one of the 20 decisive battles of world, this game covers the June 1942 battle of Midway that broke the Japanese naval superiority in the Pacific. Includes all facets of this brief battle, including coverage of an actual land invasion of the two islands, as well as subs, seaplanes & many more details of the situation. Includes 176 counters & mounted map. P.Rohrbaugh'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.50 NORDKAPP, LOS CONVOYES DEL ARTICO # 29 (Alea) n n 0.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Mag + Game. w/44pg mag. Nordkapp is a 2-player game of the convoy battles in the Arctic, 1942-45. The Germans attempt to sink merchant ships, while the Allies try to get goods thru to the USSR or sink one of the German captial ships. Hex based, individ ship counters. ALL mag components printed in Spanish; English rules translation included. Color counters included in mag, and must be mounted & cut apart. Also includes Libertadores, a game of 2 tactical battles in Spain in 1818. Rules translations available at '04 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 PACIFIC FURY, GUADALCANAL 1942 2ND (Revolu) zl 0.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Smaller, simpler game of the many naval & air battles surrounding the key & contested island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon between Aug-Nov 1942. The Japanese must deploy a strategy that allows an amphibious counter-invasion of Guadalcanal given their superiority in surface ships but equality in carrier strength. Fast playing & tense game. Small map & 50 laser-cut counters that fall easily from the counter tree. Previously published in by a Japanese company, bonsai games. Y.Nakagura'16 1 Stock NEW $24.00 PAUKENSCHLAG / WINDS OF WAR #22 (Agains) n HP 1.1 1-3wks Turnarnd Mag & Game. Game covering the U-Boat campaign against the US's eastern seaboard & Carribean in 1942 (including the what-if of German strategic bombing). Strategic, operational & tactical, with units representing 1-2 warships or 6-12 aircraft. 1wk/turn. P.Moore'08 1 Special Ordr NEW $28.00 PQ-17: NORWAY 1940 KIT (GMT) zl 1.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Large kit adding all the British, French, Polish and German air & naval units allowing players to fight naval actions during the 1940 invasion of Norway. Includes a lot of secret what-ifs. Operational scenarios covering the periods of initial invasion, and also the British invasion & evacuation of Narvik in June, plus a campaign game. 281 counters. Chris Janiec'22 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 SCHNELL BOATS (Compas) BC* 3.3 2-6wks Turnarnd Solitaire game of tactical naval combat between German Schnell Boats (akin to US PT boats) in the English Channel, June 1943 to June 1944. Player leads a squad of 4 Schnell boats (or experimental hydrofoil boats) based in Cherbourg on missions against allied shipping or occasionally a special mission such as mine laying or pilot rescue. Players track up to 14 crew members as well as each boats' equipment and weaponry. Player's goal is to survive the full 12 months while also destroying as much Allied shiping as they can. Patrols can be completed in about 30 minutes. Moderate complexity, 10 missions/month, 2 countersheets, 1 mounted board. Follows in the long line of solitaire games begun with B-17 and the later Target for Today/Tonight. Joe Carter'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $49.00 * SEAS OF THUNDER (GMT) DC* 4.6 1-3wks Turnarnd Strategic level game of the naval war in World War II around the world. Depicts not only the struggle for supremacy, but emphasizes the challenge each nation's leaders faced allocating limited resources to the struggle. Game has 7 smaller scenarios that can be combined to include most of or all of the war. Something of a massive elaboration on earlier War At Sea & Victory in the Pacific games. 1400 counters, 1 dbl-sided map. Jeff Horger'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $40.00 * SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 40445 EXCELL $4.00 Starting Forces & Reinforcement (TRC) chart, only. 2 114197 MINT $6.00 Starting Forces/Reinf/TRC Chart, only. 3 114196 MINT $8.00 Rules, only. U-BOAT LEADER, BTL FOR NORTH ATLANTIC 2D (Versse DC* 3.2 Temp OoP/OoS Enlargement of this operational & tactical level, solitaire game of the U-Boat portion of the Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-43, including every type of U-Boat produced (including the late war Type XXI Walter boats), each with individualized ratings. U-boats are positioned to detect convoys; when sighted, they attempt to attack while evading escorts. 264 counters, 165 cards, 4 campaign scenarios, modest complexity. 2nd ed adds detailed rules for U-Boat damage. 352 counters, 165 color cards representing the ships of all types. D.Schueler'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $59.00 * U-BOAT PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 107876 MINT $4.00 Attack Record Pad, only. U-BOAT ['61 CARDBOARD] (AH) FB 2.0 Out-of-Print w/cardboard ships. Simple game of cat & mouse between UBs seeking entry into convoy zone & destroyers trying to stop them in any manner they can. '61 1 618 EXCELL $34.00 Complete. Includes 6 laminated attack record pad pages. Counters numbered 1-6 on blank backside. 4 box corners reinforced with tape. UP SCOPE! PARTS (SPI) n Out-of-Print 1 121471 MINT $6.00 Single mapboard, only. (Game published with two identical maps.) WOLFPACK, NORTH ATLANTIC CONVOY STRUGGLS (GMT) DC* 6.2 1-3wks Turnarnd 1-4 player game of tactical combat between German U-Boat wolfpacks and Allied merchant convoys between Oct 1941 - March 1943. Basically a solitaire game that can be played by teams as well. Players command groups of submarines having found a convoy, seeking to do as much damage as possible while remaining alive. Individual attacks are combined into campaigns, allowing crews to gain experience. Mounted map, 4 countersheets, Mike Bertucelli'24 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 * - - 766 Items & 681 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember... [IM_Topic:2025] XXX Michael Dean