Fine Games for Players & Collectors Games by Historical ERA then TOPIC for: FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games Available Items Categorized by Specific TOPIC & Era as of 01-22-25 19:41 Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA 541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: URL: FINE GAMES' GOAL is your gaming satisfaction. Towards that end, you can get fast & knowledgable responses to your questions, reserve games you are sure you want, have us maintain a want-list for items you're searching for, and ship each & every order carefully & lightning FAST, with a shipment confirmation email with tracking info with each & every order. Promise! LEGAL STUFF: All items individually priced and subject to prior sale. Prices shown, including shipping, based on cash/check; add 3.1% when using credit cards (Visa/MC/Disc/AmX). Domestic shipping rates are $11.00 for up to 4 flat, unboxed items, or $ 23.00 for most orders with any number of boxed games. A $ sur- charge applies to each "LB" Lrg ( 4.00) or "HB" humungous ( 7.50) box items & those weighing 3lbs+ (marked with "*"). Add $ 6.00 if your zip code is one that UPS surcharges as "rural." See for info on international & APO shipping rates & other charges. Lighter US orders & all international shipments sent via USPS; heavier shipments by UPS ground. Special handling by request, additional charges may apply; contact us with your needs. PUBLICATION STATUS reflects any known issues regarding item availability, and always reflects the best info available to us. Where NO notes exist, item is readily available. Where notes DO exist, it may take longer to special order a game or it *might* not be available. See . TEMP OoS/OoP = Item temporarily out of print & NOT currently available. OUT OF PRINT = Item permanently out of print & avail ONLY if in-stock (and so has a numeric Part #). GOING OoP = Supply of the item is limited & soon to be exhausted. RELS PENDING = Item NOT YET PUBLISHED (i.e. not yet in print); date reflects (in format DUE YY/MM) anticipated release date & is subject to change & delay. Contact the publisher directly if you want more exact or current info. Numeric PART# = (eg "123456") denotes a copy is in-stock & available for sale. stock = normally a stocked item; just momentarily out of stock. Specl Ordr = normally special ordered on your behalf & not stocked. It typically takes ~5-21 days to obtain a special order. n/a = Item is OUT OF PRINT & not immediately available. Can be Want Listed. BOX BC-Bookcased FT-SPI Flat Tray HB-Huge Box+$ n-not boxed TYPES: DC-Dbl BCased WT-SPI Wht Tray LB-Lrg Box+$ fo-unboxed folio HC-Half BC IT-SPI Illus Tray SB-Sml Box zl-unboxed ziplock SC-Small Case Tb-Tubed FO,ZL-HUGE (tho unboxed) folio or ZL HP-Plastic HC FB-Flat Boxed MUST ship as boxed game CONDITIONS in descending order: New, Mint, Excel, V.Good, Good, Fair, Poor. Full details available at PUBLISHER contact info is found in . = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! ANCIENT, GREEK & ROMAN Era, ?? BC -- 500 AD ANCIENT: Roman Chariot Racing & Gladiating ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CHARIOTEER, RACE FOR GLORY IN ROME (GMT) DC* 4.3 1-3wks Turnarnd Simpler, fast playing strategic game of chariot racing at Circus Maximus. Movement is based on achieving a set of cards, but those same cards offer special abilities or events if used for other purpuses. Players can attack others, or simply race, and the emperor can always intervene. A player's skills increase over multiple races, or with the emperor's pleasure. 2 mounted maps, 6 wooden chariots, 171 cards, various markers & tokens. Simpler game suitable to family play. Matt Calkins'22 2 Special Ordr NEW $58.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Strategy Board Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- AMERICAN MEGAFAUNA PARTS (Sierra) FL Out-of-Print 1 113866 EXCELL $1.00 Unassembled, unused box, only. Has narrow, 1" mar on box btm, otherws mint. May required boxed shipment if not folded. 2 113864 MINT $2.00 Unassembled, unused box, only. May required boxed shipment if not folded. 3 113865 MINT $2.00 Unassembled, unused box, only. May required boxed shipment if not folded. ATTIKA PARTS (RIO) BC Out-of-Print 1 69865 MINT $3.00 Box only. Minor ding to an edge, crease along length of box bottom, 1 corner torn & repaired. AZTECA (Tilset) LB* 3.8 Going OoP 3-4 player game of competition among empires of the Aztec nation prior to Cortez in the Great Valley of Mexico. Enlarge your empire thru human sacrifices, trace diplomacy, spies and even war. Colorful, modestly simply game played with cards on a colorful board. All components in English; imported from France. P.Bernard'00 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 * CHOPPER STRIKE PARTS (Milton) n Out-of-Print 1 13429 EXCELL $5.00 Board only. COURTESANS OF VERSAILLES (Tilset) FB 2.4 2-6wks Turnarnd Simpler family game of intrigue in the court of Louis XIV. 3-6 players move standup cardboard pieces around a small, abstract but colorful board seeking to gain favor with the king & queen by playing cards of various sorts. 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 DINOSAURS OF THE LOST WORLD PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 70713 EXCELL $5.00 Set of 8 Adventure Cards. Folded horizontally, but otherws EX. JAMES BOND 007, LIVE & LET DIE PARTS (AH-VG) n Out-of-Print 1 92272 V.GOOD $3.00 Board only. 1 of 4 panels separated, otherws EX. JAMES BOND 007, MAN W/ GOLDEN GUN PARTS (AH-VG) n Out-of-Print 1 97584 EXCELL $5.00 Map set (A-D), only. JAMES BOND 007, YOU ONLY LIVE TWICEPARTS (AH-VG) n Out-of-Print 1 92273 MINT $4.00 Board only. 2 97620 V.GOOD $1.00 Box lid only (no box btm). Some scuffs & wear. ROBO RALLY 5TH (RGS) LB* Latest reprint of this simple, elegant, colorful, family-oriented & HIGHLY RECOMMENDED game of 8 robots dueling w/ one another on an automated factory floor to complete a race circuit. Cards provide special weapons & abilities. Map sections can be combined in innumerable ways. Has been out of print for 7 years. '23 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 * SIROCCO PARTS (TSR) n Out-of-Print 1 61459 EXCELL $1.00 Basic rules, only. 2 61458 EXCELL $2.00 Basic rules, only. VOX POPULI (Tilset) LB* 3.0 3-6 player game of managing stables of Roman gladiators to be the best. Use bribes to secure favor with politicians in hopes that the future emperor will name you the sole organizer of the games. All components in English; printed in France. 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Classics (Risk, Chess, Checkers, etc) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- RISK 1959 EDITION (WMI) LB* 2-6wks Turnarnd 1959 reprint version of this venerable, abstract classic of world domination. Uses original artwork from 1959 printing, includes wooden army pieces, and include a booklet covering the history of the Risk game. A.Lamorisse'09 1 Special Ordr NEW $39.00 * = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Abstract Board Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- BREAK THRU PARTS (3M) n Out-of-Print 1 47148 EXCELL $4.00 15 plain, beveled pieces only: 3 silver, 6 gold & 6 bronze. Sold together. CODENAMES DUET XXL (CGE) BC* 3.3 Cooperative, 2+ player game in which players must give each other 1-word cludes to help each other identify "safe" secret agents in a network. 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 * CONQUEST: 2 PLAYER PARTS (Quest) n Out-of-Print 1 61469 EXCELL $2.00 Rules, puzzle book 1 and Spanish language rules, only. DOMINANT SPECIES 6TH (GMT) DC* 5.1 1-3wks Turnarnd 5th reprint of this 2-6 player game of survival of the fitest species, 90,000BC, as another ice age approaches. Each player represents a major animal group (eg mammal, reptile, bird etc) and seek to become dominant on as many terrain tiles as possible, receiving victory points for each. 3rd ed has new graphics on cards, map, terrain tiles & counters. C.Jensen'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $60.00 * DOMINANT SPECIES: MARINE SPECIES KIT 2ND (GMT) DC* 5.0 1-3wks Turnarnd 2023 reprint. Large kit adding ocean creatures to this game of survival of the fittest. Presents 4 aquatic classes of animals - dinosaur, fish, cephalopod & crustacean, and each must seek dominance in a changing environment on earth after an ice age 60 million years ago. Modest complexity. 54 cards, 7 sheets of tiles, 178 wooden cubes. Chad Jensen'23 1 Special Ordr NEW $59.00 * DOMINION: ALCHEMY KIT (RIO) BC 1.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Kit for either Dominion or Intrigue adding new rules & game elements to either base game. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 DOMINION: DARK AGES KIT (RIO) FB Kit in which players are now beggers who must beg for basic resources and trade without money. You still conqueror others, and try to gather the most goodies, but its grim life... '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $35.00 FLASH POINT, FIRE RESCUE 2ND (IBC) BC 2nd edition reprint. Cooperative board game of firefighting & rescuing those threatened by a building fire. With four levels of complexity. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 FRIDAY, A SOLO ADVENTURE (RIO) BC 4-8wks Turnarnd Very fast playing, solitaire board game. You are man Friday, helping Robinson Curusoe. You organize a deck of cards to allow Robinson to best gain experience during his time on the island. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 GNOME TRIBES (Tilset) LB* 2-6wks Turnarnd 2-4 player game of tribes of gnomes seeking technical innovations to secure dominance over a fictional island. '02 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 * HEXAGONY PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 61056 EXCELL $1.00 Rules only, some wear on cover. 2 61057 EXCELL $1.00 Rules only. HIVE (TeamCo) BC 1.8 Popular & highly rated 2-player game in which players play hex tiles representing various animals that threaten your opponent's bee hive. Goal is to completely surround your opponent's queen. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $26.00 HIVE POCKET (TeamCo) SC Temp OoP/OoS Repackaging in a smaller, compact form with portable cloth bag. Popular & highly rated 2-player game in which players play hex tiles representing various animals that threaten your opponent's bee hive. Goal is to completely surround your opponent's queen. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 HIVE: CARBON KIT (TeamCo) FB Kit adding an alternative to the existing set of Hive stones for those prefering black & white, and also includes mosquito stones & the ladybug piece. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 HIVE: LADYBUG KIT (TeamCo) SB Kit adding the ladybug, which can move 3 spaces at a time. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 HIVE: MOSQUITO KIT (TeamCo) SB 0.1 Kit adding addtl playing pieces so that each player has 12 pieces to start with. Mosquito pieces are played like any other, but then takes on the characteristics of the piece it touches for movement. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 HIVE: PILLBUG KIT (TeamCo) SB 0.1 Kit adding the pillbug with 2 pairs of tiles. The pillbug moves like the queen bee but has a special ability that renders other pieces inert for a turn. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 IMAGE 2ND (AH-3M) BC 2.3 Out-of-Print Simple family gm for 2-6 in which players think of people who match characteristics of various cards played by everyone that indicate time, place, activity, alive/dead, etc. Score more points the greater the number of qualifying cards. 1 88107 EXCELL $3.00 LEAPING LEMMINGS (GMT) BC 2.4 1-3wks Turnarnd Fun, fast playing card-driven family board game. Players represent genetic scientists seeking to manipulate their colony of lemmings to be best at throwing themselves off a cliff. But there are hazards: hungry eagles & lots of treachery. Has a depth of strategy that isn't obvious by the topic. R.Young, J.Poiniske'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 LEAPING LEMMINGS: MOUNTED MAP (GMT) n 1-3wks Turnarnd Mounted map for this game. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $16.00 MAYA (Zvezda) BC 1-3wks Turnarnd 2 players represent priests in the Mayan culture trying to move stones to rebuld 9 towers first. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 MED SIROCCO (Hexasi) SC 1.2 1-3wks Turnarnd French-produced, English-language card game for 2-6 players akin to Atlantic Storm, Modern Naval Battles and Pacific Typhoon. Played in 21 rounds with multiple players on each of two sides. A card is drawn to determine the kind of engagement: battle or convoy. Then players on each side commit force cards. Side with the largest total wins, then the one player that committed the plurality of force distributes the enemy ships & convoy (which are worth points). Lots of interactivity & continuous action. 165 cards. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $30.00 MEDIEVAL CONSPIRACY (UGG) DC* 3.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 2-6 player card & board game in which players are a noble family in Germany during the Middle Ages seeking to gain votes to be elected the new Holy Roman Emperor. Play is motivated by Action & Event cards which players bid on or receive from the deck, and play as part of their turn. Cards can have numerous & special affects, making each game unique. Board printed in German words & script, but game components otherwise in English. Includes 161 cards, 352 blocks, mounted map. U.Grebe'16 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 * OH GNOME YOU DON'T (GutBus) SB 4-8wks Turnarnd Simpler multiplayer game of gnomes traveling & gathering treasure to trade with others. Set traps, get into brawls, but have the most gems at the end. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $24.00 RED DRAGON INN (SlugFe) FB 2.2 Cute game in which you & your buddies have just returned from a hard day of killing monsters in the dungeon. But now you're back in town, cleaned up, and ready to party & spend some of that loot. But you'll best do that carefully & not get drunk or beaten up. Last one conscious with some gold wins. '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 RED DRAGON INN 2 (SlugFe) FB 2.2 Temp OoP/OoS Stand alone game that mates with original game by this name in which you & your buddies have just returned from a hard day of killing monsters in the dungeon. But now you're back in town, cleaned up, and ready to party & spend some of that loot. But you'll best do that carefully & not get drunk or beaten up. Last one conscious with some gold wins. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 RED DRAGON INN 3 (SlugFe) FB Stand alone game that mates with original 2 games by this name in which you & your buddies have just returned from a hard day of killing monsters in the dungeon. Adds 4 new members of the game allowing up to 12 with all 3 games combined. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 REDNECK LIFE (GutBus) BC 2.8 A humorous look at park of American culture, Redneck Amercian culture. 2 dice determines the grade you completed in school, and that sets you up for fabulous careers like salon operator or monster truck announcer. Go into debt to buy a home, get married, make babies, divorce, remarry. Thru it all, you have accidents & brawls, losing teeth in the process. Buy teeth back if you can afford it, but the player with the most teeth at the end wins! '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $22.00 REDNECK LIFE: BUSTIN' A GUT KIT (GutBus) zl 0.6 Add-on kit providing 20 more rigs, 10 more homes, 50 more Go Rednecks cards plus charts. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 REDNECK LIFE: PURPLE FLAMINGOS KIT (GutBus) SC 4-8wks Turnarnd Pack of an 100 purple yard flamingos in bendable, rubbery plastic. No one needs 'em, everyone wants more. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 REDNECK LIFE: TRAILER PARK WARS! KIT (GutBus) FB 4-8wks Turnarnd Add-on kit providing another interesting Redneck scenario: as the best darn Trailer Park Manager, you want the best tenants you can drag in for your TP. And you want to trash other TPs. Adds 178 cards, 18 tiles & 100 plastic pink flamingos. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $24.00 REDNECK LIFE: YARD FLAMINGOS KIT (GutBus) SC Pack of an extra 100 yard flamingos in bendable, rubbery plastic. No one needs 'em, everyone wants more. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 THIEVES OF BAGDAD (Tilset) LB* 2.2 2-6wks Turnarnd 3-6 player game in which players wander Bagdad seeking the perfect gift for the king. Players move around a colorful board w/ stand-up cardboard characters buying what they hope will be the finest gift. Fast playing, and suitable for older kids & up. All components in English; printed in France. F.Pacherie'00 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 * TRAX (Excal) SB 0.4 4-8wks Turnarnd Sml, v.simple abstract 2-player gm of playing tiles w/ "track" to force & eventually block opponents move. D.Smith'81 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 TSURO OF THE SEAS (Callio) FB Abstract, multiplayer player game where you move are captaining a ship exploring the Mystic Seas. Navigate by placing tiles in front of your ship - avoiding opponents & the dangers lurking under the seas & on the unknown horizons. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $27.00 VERDICT II (AH) FB 1.7 Out-of-Print Family game of logical, legal rules of evidence & courtroom drama. Decent game.'61. 1 627 V.GOOD $35.00 Isolated spots or stains on case books, rules of evidence & instructions. Otherws very clean & EX. WAR MASTER CHESS 2000 #49 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 75859 EXCELL $1.00 Counter set, only. Complete. WARMASTR CHESS V1 #49 PARTS (XTRCmd) n Out-of-Print 1 59001 EXCELL $1.00 Rules, only. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Finance & Business Oriented Board Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ACQUIRE, 1ST PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 8030 EXCELL $3.00 Rules only. ACQUIRE, 2ND [DELUXE] PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 74121 MINT $0.25 One plastic piece only, "2-I". MANAGEMENT PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 87706 EXCELL $4.00 Counter set, only. 2 87704 EXCELL $4.00 Basic & Tournement rules booklets, only. Tourney booklet had been folded in half. 3 87707 EXCELL $3.00 Situation card set, only. 4 87705 MINT $3.00 Financial record pad, only. MONOPOLY PARTS (Parker) n Out-of-Print 1 16693 V.GOOD $2.00 Largely complete but somewhat worn set of cash, houses/hotels/ property cards & event cards. 4 property cards lost & replaced w/ crudely handmade repl. SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS (Excal) FB 1.8 4-8wks Turnarnd Simple, strategic level 2-6 player game of international trading in the 17th-18th Centuries via merchant ships. Like a mix of Rail Baron & Empire Builder, goods available appear in a port by card play, and can be transported for $ to another port in the world. Pirates, storms & other players may make things tricky. Orig published by LCRL Ent. '79 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 STOCK MARKET PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 21237 EXCELL $1.00 Basic rules card only. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Politics & Political Contests Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- WATERGATE (CSG) FB Temp OoP/OoS 2-player card game that represents the contest between the Nixon administration, 1969-74, and journalist who amass sufficent evidence to unmask the administrations misdeeds. On player is the Administration seeking to supress any evidence of wrongdoing and diffuse popular discontent, while the Journalist side collects sufficient evidence to tie to whistleblowers directly to Nixon. '20 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Exploration Games (Terrestrial or Space) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- HEART OF DARKNESS PARTS (Legion) BC Out-of-Print 1 149752 < NEW $1.00 Box only. Box cover has big X in blue; minor ripple on one side panel. Otherws new. HEART OF DARKNESS, EXPLORATION OF AFRICA (Legion BC 1.8 2-6wks Turnarnd Adventure game of in which players are a team of explorers leading an expedition into uncharted (by white men) Africa during the 19th century, hoping to bring back fantastic stories & artifacts. Game traces its heritage to Source of the Nile, one of the most innovative & fun adventure games ever published in our opinion. Kim Kanger'21 1 Special Ordr NEW $55.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Urban & Cultural Development Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- URBAN SPRAWL (GMT) DC* 4.9 1-3wks Turnarnd 2-4 player game modeling how a town grows into a sprawling metropolis. Players are entrepreneurs, tycoons & politicians seeking "growth" & thus wealth & prestige. Buildings are placed on an existing grid of streets, Building Permits can be converted to cash, and players can execute a limited number of actions each turn: gain new building permits, build, or acquire a favor. Something like SimCity, except the goal is ultimately personal - rather than social - advantage. C.Jensen'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 * WELCOME TO CENTERVILLE (GMT) BC 2.0 1-3wks Turnarnd Fast-playing 2-4 player game of building & running a small town. Players are movers & shakers seeking personal fortune "in the public benefit." Requires skillful play to win, but chance is a big element to keep you guessing. Chad Jensen'17 1 Special Ordr NEW $41.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Drinking or Dope Dealing & Growing Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- STONER FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.4 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, that celebrates the Weed, Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness while allowing you to change the rules in mid-game. The goal of the game is to end marijuana prohibition, cards contain lots of stoner humor (e.g. "Uh...what were we just doing?") A likely winner encouraging those who sympathize with pot use to say "enough is enough." Like Canada, our progressive neighbor to the north already has. $1 donated by publisher to end marijuana prohibition for each deck sold. '03 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Children's Games (under 12y/o) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- ONCE UPON A TIME, 3RD (Atlas) SC 0.8 Neatly little card game for all ages, esp. good w/ children. Players tell stories to match each card played. Object is to play out all cards, the last being a Happy Ending card. Cards nicely illustrated. R.Lambert, A.Rilstone, J.Wallis'95 1 Special Ordr NEW $20.00 ONCE UPON A TIME: ENCHANTING TALES KIT (Atlas) SC Kit adding 38 story cards & 17 ending cards that can be shuffled into the base game's deck to add new themes & variety to this story-telling game. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 ONCE UPON A TIME: KNIGHTLY TALES KIT (Atlas) SC 0.4 Kit adding 38 story cards & 17 ending cards that are shuffled into the storytelling deck to add chivalrous themes & variety to this game of storytelling. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.50 ONCE UPON A TIME: SEAFARING TALES (Atlas) SC 0.4 Temp OoP/OoS Kit adding cards that suggest a seafaring theme including pirates & oceanic artifacts. 38 story cars & 17 ending cars. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Party Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CHEMISTRY FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Card game in the Fluxx family focused on chemistry & the elements. Find the elements needed to combine to achieve a goal. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 CODENAMES DUET TOP SECRET CO-OP GAME (CGE) SC 1.5 Stand-alone 2+ player cooperative, very fast playing game of hint dropping using code words. Players represent secret agents, each of which knows the agents the other person can safely contact. Players give each other one-word clues that to help locate all the agents before time runs. Vlaada Chvatil & Scot Eaton''17 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 DRINKING FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Game in the Fluxx family focused on the fun of drinking alcohol. Players must collect the individual elements needed to complete a goal (eg beer & pizza).. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 FLYIN GOBLIN (IEL) FB 2.4 Simple, low level game of catapulting your goblin soldier minis over the walls of a city in order to pillage the castle keep in the center. Silly fun for 2-4 players of most any age. 1 Special Ordr NEW $19.00 LETTER JAM COOPERATIVE WORD GAME (CGE) SC 1.2 Simple, 2-6 player word guessing party game. 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 MAD LIBS, ADULT VERSION, THE GAME (Loo) SC 0.5 Game aimed at a mature audience that allows the possibility of suggestive words, but really its pretty mild. Combine a word card with a sentence card in an effort to create the funniest sentence each round. For 3-8 players, very fast playing. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MATH FLUXX (Loo) SC 0.5 Game in the Fluxx family. Players collect cards with the individual elements needed to achieve a goal card. Very fast playing, for 2-6 players. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SCATTERGORIES, THE CARD GAME (WMI) SB Temp OoP/OoS 2-12 player party card game in a very portable format. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Card Games (Non-Collectable) ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- APPRENTICE (Tilset) SB 1.2 1-3wks Turnarnd 3-6 player card game in which players engage in a magical duel to succeed the retiring witch. Simple, fast playing game suitable for kids 7+. P.Bernard'00 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.00 AQUARIUS CARD GAME (Loo) SB 0.3 2-5 player, simple card game. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 BALI PARTS (AH) n Out-of-Print 1 8026 V.GOOD $0.50 Rules only. Small corner of rules torn away, with lose of part of title & a bit of non-essential text. BANG 4TH (DVG) SC 0.9 Reprint of this card game of a gunfight between the sheriff & deputies v the Outlaw gang. A renagade livens things up by shooting at either side. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 BANG, THE BULLET 2ND (DVG) LB* 1.8 Set including all the Bang components published to date, plus some bonuses. Includes all cards from Bang base game, plus those from the High Noon, Dodge City & Fistful of Cards expansions. Also includes 2 new High Noon cards plus 3 new special characters, & 2 blanks & Sheriff's badge. Card game of a gunfight between the sheriff & deputies v the Outlaw gang. A renagade livens things up by shooting at either side. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $32.00 * BANG: ARMED & DANGEROUS KIT (DVG) SC 0.6 Expansion kit for Bang containing 28 playing cards, 8 characters & 32 load tokens plus rules. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 BANG: GOLD RUSH KIT (DVG) SC 0.5 Expansion kit for Bang. Kit adds rewards for the quickest gu & allows earning gold & thus buying new equipment. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 BANG: HIGH NOON & FISTFUL CARDS KIT 2ND (DVG) SC Combined & updated Expansion kits with High Noon's 13 cards focused on shootouts between the Outlaws & the Sherrif, and Fistful's 15 cards, and a rulebook. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 BEER MONEY (Atlas) SC 0.6 Stand-alone game that is also compatible with its predecessor, Lunch Money (when combined, 8 people can play) & Sticks & Stones. Ups Lunch Money by taking the no-rules brawling to the streets with weapons like Beer Bottle, attacks like Knuckle Sammitch, defenses like Suck It Up, and specialities like Pile Driver. '04 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 CASTLE LORDS (Tilset) FB 2-5 player card game in which players defend the reign of Richard the Lionhearted while he's off crusading. '02 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 CHRONONAUTS (LOO) SB 0.6 Temp OoP/OoS Simple card game of time travel for 1-6 players in which players attempt to change history, then travel back to the present. Fast playing & intriguing. Best card game of '00 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 CHRONONAUTS: LOST IDENTITIES BOOSTER (LOO) zl 0.3 Boosters containing 13 Chronoaut IDs, 1 mission card. '01 1 Special Ordr NEW $2.50 CHRONONAUTS: THE GORE YEARS KIT (LOO) n 0.1 Set of add-on cards that allow a miracle: what if time travelers could alter the outcome of the 2000 US presidential elections? Includes 11 cards that would spare everyone much heartache. '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 COLORETTO (RIO) SB 0.4 Card game in which 3-5 players draw cards & try to minimize the color assortment of their cards, the fewer the colors the more points. '03 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 CTHULHU FLUXX (Loo) SB A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, utilizing Lovecraft's Cthulhu theme. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 DELUXE ROOK (WMI) SC Simple, classic bid & trick-building game given an upscaled treatement. '99 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 DOCTOR WHO FLUXX CARD GAME (Loo) SB 0.5 Fast-playing family card game for up to 6 players that integrates the themes of the Doctor Who show with the basic Fluxx game. The rules change, the good Doctor changes, as does some of his companions. This version includes creepers & surprise cards. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 FLUXX CARD GAME V5.0 (Loo) SB 0.4 Current v5.0 version of this 2-6 player, fast playing card game in which both the rules & the goal change thru the course of the game. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.00 FLUXX CARD GAME: BLANK CARDS KIT (Loo) zl 0.2 Pack of 13 blank cards which you can use to make your own bizarre twist in time. '01 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 FLUXX: DICE EXPANSION KIT (Loo) SC 0.2 Kit that adds dice to any version of fluxx; a roll of the dice will now change the draw & the rules, too! 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 FORBIDDEN ISLAND (Ceaco) FB Cooperative game of treasure hunters exploring an island doomed to sink below the waves. Packaged in a metal box. M. Leacock'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 GET LUCKY, THE KILL DOCTOR LUCKY GAME (Cheapa) SB What amounts to a 5th Ed of Kill Lucky. Simple, humorous card game for 2-15 players. Akin to Clue BEFORE the murder. Players find a weapon, hunt down Dr. Lucky (who is just that - very hard to kill), and take him out. Players use cards to locate a room, weapon & murder-intent character; other players are Dr. Lucky's luck. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $23.00 GLOOM CARD GAME 2ND (Atlas) SB 2-6wks Turnarnd Update of this dark card game in which you, as the patriarch of an extended family of misanthropes, try to cause your family to suffer the most tragedies until their death (like Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midges) while causing your opponents to experience happy events. Cards are transparent except where printed, so one event may cover or not a prior event played, also influencing play. 2nd edition adds a new larger box, rules updates, timinig icons, reminder cards & more. '17 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 GLOOM: UNPLEASANT DREAMS KIT (Atlas) SC Kit adding the horrors fo dreamland to this game. Includes 55 transparent cards to be mixed with the base game (and any of the other kits), plus new morbid modifiers, events,stories, transformations & untimely deaths, and a new family whose home is in dreamland. Also includes 2 new characters, unwanted guests, and allows 1 additional player in the game. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $11.00 ILLUMINATI, THE GAME OF CONSPIRACY 3RD (SJG) SB 1.0 Box says 2nd edition but is actually 3rd edition. 2018 substantive revision of the highly popular 2-6 player card game from the '80s in which all sorts of secret sects & govt agencies try to rule the world. This edition uses more current events & contemporary references in the game material. Best Sci Fi game of '82. Includes 110 cards. '18 1 Special Ordr NEW $29.00 KILL SHOT, COUNTER-TERRORIST PARTY GAME (Versse) SC 0.5 Very simple, very fast playing card game of "terrorist hunting." Played in real time, each side frantically puts down cards. Each round typically lasts 1-2 minutes, a game 20 min. Due process? - what a quaint idea! '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 LOONACY, THE MANIACAL MATCHING CARD GAME (Loo) BC Simple, very fast paced & fast playing, 2-5 player family card game of matching images quickly with the open piles of cards in front of everyone. First to discard 7 cards wins. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 LUNCH MONEY CARD GAME (Atlas) SC 0.5 Popular, addicting 2-4 player card gm of street fighting in a school yard. Ea deck is complete; addtl sets allow addtl players beyond 4. 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 LUNCH MONEY: STICKS & STONES KIT (Atlas) SC 0.4 Temp OoP/OoS Expansion kit with 55 new cards for this popular card game of bullying & coercion in the schoolyard. Adds new weapons like spanking, the Evil Eye, defenses like backlash & hiding, and specialties like tantrum, cooties, wedgies, etc. '04 1 Special Ordr NEW $10.00 MAD LIBS, THE GAME (Loo) SC 1.0 Card game in which players play word cards to complete a sentence card in either an appropriate or most inapporpriate way. The game has been in circulation since 1958, reprinted here by Looney. '16 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MODERN NAVAL BATTLES II PARTS (WWW) n Out-of-Print 1 99675 EXCELL $2.00 Rules photocopy, only. MODERN NAVAL BATTLES III PARTS (WWW) n Out-of-Print 1 99676 EXCELL $3.00 Rules photocopy, only. MODERN NAVAL BATTLES, GLOBAL WARFARE 3RD (Versse BC 1.5 Overhaul of the popular 2-6 player card game of ahistorical ship-ship combat in the modern age. 2-6 players, fast playing, includes 110 ship & aircraft cards now featuring photos of the craft in question. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $43.00 MONTY PYTHON FLUXX (Loo) SB Another variation on Fluxx, focused on Monty Python's Holy Grail movie. Players attemp to help Arthur & his knights find the Holy Grail by bringing a shrubbery to the Knights Who Say Ni!, etc. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN 3: CLERICAL ERRORS! KIT COLOR (SJG) Fo Revised, full color version of this add-on kit w/ 112 cards, including new race, classes, tools & weapons. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN 7: CHEAT WITH BOTH HANDS KIT (SJG) Fo Kit designed with those "anything goes" game that include 2+ base games & other kits. Some cards previously published (with different backsides) in Munchkin Blender. 112 cards. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN 8: HALF HORSE, WILL TRAVEL KIT (SJG) Fo Kit adding 2 new races: Centaurs & Lizard Guys. Plus, new race & class enhancer. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN APOCALYPSE (SJG) SB Temp OoP/OoS A new game in the Munchkin line. Players experience - & throw at each other - every possible natural & unnatural disaster possible. Also includes variable victory conditions. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN BITES! (SJG) SB 1.2 Stand-alone that combines with other games in the Munchkin series. This time, the characters are vampires, werewolfs, etc. You can't kill your fellow munchkins, but you sure can send nasty things their way, curse them, and steal their stuff. J.Kovalic'04 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 MUNCHKIN BOOTY (SJG) SB Stand-alone game that combines with other games in the Munchkin series. This time, the characters are swaggering pirates in search of plunder & booty. '08 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN BOOTY: JUMP THE SHARK KIT (SJG) SB Kit in the Munchkin theme, moving the game to the ocean in search of booty. Fight various sharks or Moby Dick. New ships, new class (explorer). '09 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME (SJG) SB 1.0 Simple, fun, multiplayer card game that captures the essence of a dungeon experience, tongue in cheek: Grab the Horny Helmut & the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. '01 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME: DE-RANGED KIT (SJG) Fo 0.6 Add-on kit w/ 112 cards, including new race, classes, tools & weapons. Oh, and monsters including a telemarketer, a Poultrygeist & Undead Clowns. '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME: NEED FOR STEED KIT (SJG) HP 0.5 Add-on kit w/ 112 cards, including new race, classes, tools & weapons. Oh, and monsters including a dragon, a tiger, and a Giant Mutant Gerbil, a chicken, and Big Joe. '06 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME: UNNATURAL AXE KIT (SJG) Fo 0.6 Add-on kit w/ 112 cards, including a new race (Orcs). '02 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 MUNCHKIN CTHULHU CARD GAME (SJG) SC 1.0 Stand-alone, matable card game in the Munchkin series. This time the game lampoons Lovecraft's classic Mythos & the horror gaming genre. Adds 4 new classes, including the cultist, and many monsters from beyond our reality. Can be combined with any of the othe Munchkin system games. '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN DELUXE (SJG) FB 1.8 Physical elaboration of this simple, fun, multiplaer card game that captures the essence of a dungeon experience, tongue in cheek: Grab the Horny Helmut & the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 MUNCHKIN LEGENDS (SJG) SB A new game in the Munchkin line. Players face mythical monsters & collect their loot. Challenge the Boogie Man by wearing your Achilles Heels! This is a stand-alone game, compatible with all other Munchkin games & kits, with 168 cards. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES (SJG) SB Temp OoP/OoS Simple, multiplayer card game in the Munchkin theme but focused on zombies kicking in the door to eat your brains. '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES 2: ARMED &DANGEROUS KIT (SJG) SB Kit adding 112 new cards to Munchkin Zombies. Use your Trained Attack Flies or your Prehensile Tongue, or use the Power of Scientists against the braindead Survivalist... '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $14.00 MUNCHKIN: KITTENS KIT (SJG) n 2-6wks Turnarnd Kit with 30 new cards for Munchkin, each with a depiction of a cat in some form. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $7.50 NUCLEAR WAR ['16]: DELUXE POPULATIONDECK (FlyBuf n Avail Uncrtn Extra copy of the population card deck from the 50th Anniv version of Nuclear War. There are 55 cards (rather than the 40 of earlier editions), and are in color. 1 Special Ordr NEW $4.00 NUCLEAR WAR ['83] PARTS (FlyBuf) n Out-of-Print 1 5026 MINT $1.00 RULES ONLY 2 40170 MINT $1.00 Box only. Writing scrawled across cover. PIRATE FLUXX (Loo) SB A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, that is part party game combined with Fluxx. Players must at times Talk Like a Pirate & plunder from yer mates, and find fruit to protect from scurvy. '10 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 PIT CARD GAME (WMI) FB 0.5 Small, classic 3-8 player family card game. Players shout out trades to other play in an attempt to gather all the cards for any of several commodities to win the hand. Fast playing. '98 1 Special Ordr NEW $9.00 RESISTANCE, AVALON CARD GAME (IBC) BC Stand-alone card game compatible with The Resistance. Card game of in the time of Arthur & the Round Table. But hidden among the good knights are some of Modred's evil ones. They know of each other, but are known by only Merlin who hints of their presence in riddles. You must root them out. '12 1 Special Ordr NEW $15.00 RETRO LOONACY, MANICAL CARD MATCHING GM (Loo) SC 0.4 Rapid-paced, 2-5 player, very quick playing card game where players strive to be the first to paly all 7 cards from their hand by matching 1 of 2 images on each card with images on previously played cards. Quick wits are important. '15 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SEVEN DRAGONS (Loo) SC Fast-paced, domino-like game played with colorfully illustrated cards & bluff & subterfuge. Players seek to connect 7 panels of cards. L.Elmore'11 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 SMASH UP (AEG) FB 2-4 player "shufflebuilding" card game in which players form decks composed of pirates, ninjas, robots, zombies, aliens, wizards, tricksters & dinosaurs (all trying to take over the world). Each card type has a special ability (pirates move cards, zombies come back from the discard pile, etc). Intended to be total awesome fun. P.Peterson'12 1 Special Ordr NEW $25.00 SMASH UP, AWESOME LEVEL 90000 (AEG) FB Can be played as stand-alone game, or mixed in with Smash up for all kinds of weirdness. Adds all sorts of new tricks to the deck for this game. Killer plants, steampunks, ghosts, bear cavalry, & more. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $17.50 STAR FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.5 A new, stand-alone version of Fluxx, set in space & depicting many strains of popular sci-fi TV, movie & fiction characters & settings. Visit this wormhole of hilarity...! '11 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 STAR MUNCHKIN (SJG) SC 0.8 Simple, stand-alone, 2-6 player, 168-card game of munchkin warfare in space using the Munchkin game system rules. Origins Award for best traditional card game in '02. S.Jackson'02 1 Special Ordr NEW $21.00 SUPER MUNCHKIN [REVISED] (SJG) SC 1.0 Revised edition of this stand-alone game that can be combines with any of the other Munchkin series games. This version of Munchkin parodies & adds the abilities of the superheroes: be a mutant, an exotic, a mystic, a techno; the higher your level, the more power you have. Battle Masterminds, monsters & aliens -- and take their stuff. Lots of humor for 3-6 players. S.Jackson'10 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 TALES OF ULYSSES (Tilset) LB* 2.6 2-6wks Turnarnd 2-4 player game targeted at kids. Players follow Ulysses in his voyage from Troy home to Ithaca (based on the Odyssey). Each player pilots a ship thru all the seas & mythical creatures of Ulysses's epic adventure. E.Wimble'00 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 * ULTIMATE WEREWOLF INQUISITION (Bezier) SB Multiplayer game in which the players are master inquistors determining who among them in a village AND amongst the inquistors is a werewolf. Played with cards & voting tokens. T.Alspach'13 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 ULTIMATE WEREWOLF, ONE NIGHT... (Bezier) SB Stand-alone, very fast playing card game for 3-10 players. There is no moderator, no elimination, and games can take as little as 10 minutes to play. You must live thru the night and in the course of it, discover who among you is the werewolf. '14 1 Special Ordr NEW $18.00 UNEXPLODED COW DELUXE EDITION [2ND] (Cheapa) SB Graphically updated & enlarged, simple, humerous card game of two unrelated problems: mad cows in England & unexploded bombs in France. Clear the WW1 bombs w/ mad cows... '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $19.00 ZOMBIE FLUXX (Loo) SB 0.5 Newest version of Fluxx -- now with zombies. Introduces the Creeper card, and Keepers are used against zombies. If other players become zombies, you must destroy them! '07 1 Special Ordr NEW $12.00 = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games FAMILY-ORIENTED: Dice Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- BANG, THE DICE GAME (DVG) SB The popular Bang! card game ported into a dice game format. Players take turns rolling the dice up to 3 times each turn. The dice determine the actions the player can or must take that turn. Good strategy involves managing your dice rolls to attach opponents or avoid threats. Includes 5 custom dice, 30 game cards, plus various tokens. '13 1 Special Ordr NEW $13.00 DIRTY WORDS (Misc) SB 0.6 Out-of-Print Adult party game where players score points by assembling sentences Scrabble-style using 23 6-sided cubes, scoring for each cube used. Words are of course provocative. '77 1 1432 EXCELL $3.00 Previously played, but clean. = Games by Era / Game TOPIC === 541-756-4711 10-9 PST Prices TRIPLE after hours! FAMILY-ORIENTED, Simpler Games Family-ORIENTED: Educational & Historical Games ===================================================== ===== Game Title, Edition & (Publisher Code) Game Box Wgt# Publication Only? Typ & Stock Status General +$ PART#/Status Conditn Price-$ Sur Specific, Detailed Condition Notes ------------ ------- -------- --- ---------------------------------------- CYTOSIS, A CELL BIOLOGY GAME 2ND (GEN) FB 2.5 Interesting theme: players guide biological functions within human cells as players take turns guiding cellular actions by placing "workers" on organelles & collecting resources, then reinvesting resources in detoxifying the cell & building enzymes, hormones & hormonal receptors to score health points. Healthiest player wins! '19 1 Special Ordr NEW $28.00 - - 156 Items & 35 Titles Listed Here for Your Shopping Pleasure! EMAIL anytime, or PHONE (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve a game, complete a purchase, or ask for more info. Please remember... [IM_Topic:2025] XXX Michael Dean