PENDING GAME RELEASES due between due 25/ 1 and due 25/ 7??? ***************** Fine Game for Players & Collectors ****************** ************************* 01-22-25 19:38 **************************** Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 Box Est Cash Expected Publsr / Game Title & Edition Typ Wght PriceEA Rels Date ------ -------------------------------- --- ---- ------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPASS GAMES (Compas) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST SCHUTZTRUPPE, HEIA SAFARI 1914-18 3RD BC $49.00 due 25/ 2 Modernization of this older game of the determined German guerilla campaign against Britishs in German East Afrika, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, during World War I. Monthly turns thruout war, 1914-8. Third edition adds the game system with naval rules, campaign map, OoB & supply rules. J.Bumpus, Dennis Bishop'19 SILENT WAR 2.0 WITH IJN KIT [4TH ED] BC $65.00 due 25/ 2 Update of the based Silent War game now integrated with the IJN kit previously published separately. This edition has a mounted map, consolidated rulebook, additional scenarios & additional counters previously found published in Steel Wolves. Large & detailed solitaire game of the US's submarine war against Japan in WW2. Many scenarios of various specific engagements & speific sub's patrols, and also campaigns of varying length. Single patrols can be gamed in 10 minutes. Rules cover American torpedo evolution, Ultra, repair & readiness, war progression, Japanese battleship doctrine, 2 player rules, etc. 8 counter sheets, 1 mounted map. B.Miller'14 TANK LEADER, EASTERN FRONT 2ND BC $69.00 due 25/ 2 Designer edition update of the first in the Tank Leader game series. Pltn/co lvl units in btln formation in armored combat in the East. Emphasis on command & combined arms. Relatively simple yet w/ plenty of detail & tension. Multi scenario, 1 map, 2 countersheets, 72 unit cards. Good Game. John Hill'22 WAR STORM: ALONE IN THE STORM KIT BC $56.00 due 25/ 2 Kit compatible with all past & future games in the War Storm series (eg Las Barricades) of tactical combat in World War II. Allows solitaire & semi-cooperative play. 15min/turn, 200m/hex, Co level & individ AFVs, 3 countersheets. '17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPASS GAMES PAPER WARS (Com_PW) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST CASE GELD, AXIS INVASN NORTH n $36.00 due 25/ 2 AMERICA#101 Mag & game. Game continues the what if had the Axis won World War II, and invaded North America c.1946. Two player game suitable for solitaire. A simple mini-monster game with 2 maps but only one countersheet. 50mi/hex, corp/army level. Uses the mechanics of dual control ala Battle for Germany, with one player controlling the Japanese & east coast Americans, while the other play controls the Germans & west coast Americans. Each command can achieve a victory on its own. '22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECISION GAMES S&T GAMES (DecS_T) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST FRENCH & INDIAN WAR 1754-63 #352 n $37.50 due 25/ 1 (Mag & Game. Strategic level, hex-based game of the struggle for control of North America between Britain & France during the wider Seven Years War, with the possibility of Spanish Intervention. 1-2 Btln/unit or Regt for Militia, 228 counters, 50mi/hex, 1yr/turn. Joseph Miranda'25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECISION GMS WORLD AT WAR (DecWAW) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST SOLOMONS CAMPAIGN #101 n $37.50 due 25/ 2 (Mag & game. Solitaire game of the pivotal campaign for the Solomon Islands, 1942-43. Player controls US forces, winning by accomplishing as set of milestones ahead of what happened historically by isolating Rabaul. Played on a grid map with each representing 50mi across. Div level, air groups & wings, individual capital ships & cruisers, 1mo/turn, 228 counters. Allyn Vannoy'24.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGION WARGAMES (Legion) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST OPERATION NORDWIND 1945 BC $0.00 due 25/ 2 Simple, card-assisted game of the final German offensive in the West, Operation Nordwind from 31 Dec 1944 to 20 Jan 1945. The Germans sought to secure the Saverne Gap in the heavily forested Alsace region to allow its armored forced to attempt to cut off the US 7th Army, but failed to do so. 120 counters, 105 cards. '22 WERWOLF, INSURGENCY IN OCCUPIED GERMANY BC $68.00 due 25/ 2 Game of the horrific hypothetical situation had Nazi Germany orchestrated a prolonged guerilla resistence to allied occupation after World War II. Uses the COIN counter-insurgency game system to model the situation where there are 4 factions competing for the loyalty of the German populace: the Western Allied Occupation forces, Soviet occupation forces, a nationalist anti-nazi faction, and the nazi-led Werwolf organization. Clint Warren-Davey, Ben Fiene'22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST CROWN & CRESCENT, STRUGGLE IN S BC $56.00 due 25/ 3 CAROLINA Game of the 2 years of fierce fighting in South Carolina during the American Revolution, using the Angola game system. Area move with 7 districts, each of 6 or 7 locations. DEVIL'S CAULDRON, ARNHEM & NIJMEGEN 2ND GB* 4.5 155.00 due 25/ 6 Reprint of this large, company level game of the northern part of Operation Market-Garden, Sept 1944. Covers the critical Nijmegen & Arnhem areas at 500m/hex, 2hr/turn w/ up to date historical info. Uses the Panzer Command system. 4maps, 1600 counters. Mating southern portion of Market-Garden planned for later release. A.Starkweather'15 GREATEST DAY, BATTLE FOR NORMANDY V.2 GB 209.00 due 25/ 6 Second of a planned 3 game set to cover all of the Normandy landings. Large game using the Grand Tactical Game series (ala Devil's Cauldron & Where Eagles Dare) to cover the D-Day landings at Utah beach in this game. Includes ~17 scenarios, ~16 countersheets, ~4 maps (3 dbl-sided) plus 8 map extensions. Big, did we say BIG?, and bulky. A.Starkweather'16 RELUCTANT FRIENDS, BITTER ENEMIES BC $75.00 due 25/ 3 2 or 3 player game of the battle for Sicily in 1943. '24 13 Games Listed Here; LGms_Nu1 Report. (c) Fine Games 2025