In-Stock Magazine Issue Games Listed by Mag & Issue # ************* Fine Games for Players & Collectors ***************** ************ MAGAZINE ISSUE GAMES LISTED BY ISSUE # *************** ****************** as of 01-22-25 19:42 ************************** Michael Dean, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143, USA (541) 756-4711 10am-9pm PST email: This list is intended as a supplement to Fine Games's two catalogs, the NEW & OUT-OF-PRINT/USED Games. This catalog does * NOT * contain details about any flaws of any given magazine, or whether any parts are missing. For such details, please see any of our other catalogs or feel free to phone or email for details. Payment in the form of checks, money orders, cashiers checks, etc., as well as Visa/MasterCard/Discover accepted. All prices stated on a cash basis; add 1.0% when using CCs. DOMESTIC SHIPPING is generally $23.00/order, or $11.00 for orders of up to 4 flat, unboxed items. Add $ 4.00 per LBoxed or weighty (3.#+) item. Add $ 6.00 per order if you live in what UPS calls a rural zip code. INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING is based on actual shipping weight & service class; see for details. 01-22-25 Issue Game Cash # Game Title2 & Issue # Part# Only? Cndtn Bxd Price$ ---- ---------------------------------- ------ ----- ----- --- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- AH Avalon Hill GENERAL Ma Fine Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 General Magazine 29/2 71675 < New n $2.00 29 General Magazine 29/5 71735 < New n $2.00 29 General Magazine 29/6 71767 < New n $1.50 30 General Magazine 30/1 71783 < New n $2.00 30 General Magazine 30/2 71804 < New n $2.00 31 General Magazine 31/5 43835 < New n $2.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Decision Games S&T Games Fine Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 216 Asia Crossroads, Great Game #216 68197 n New n $12.50 219 Spanish Civil War Battles, v2 #219 73232 n New n $14.00 234 Lest Darkness Fall, Rome in 89978 n New n $17.50 Crisis #234 243 Sealords, Vietnam War in the 80332 n New n $40.00 Mekong#243 262 Frederick's War, Austrian 93669 n New n $15.00 Sucession #262 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Decision Gms Modern War M Fine Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Decision Iraq # 6 105891 n New n $15.00 24 LZ Albany #24 149344 n New n $30.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SPI S&T Magazine Games Fine Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 Tito & His Partisan Army, 115760 Y Mint n $3.00 Yugoslavia #81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XTR: Command Magazine Fine Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 I Am Spartacus: Pyhrric Victory 88616 Excell n $0.50 COPY 51 Fire Next Time / WarMaster III #51 55093 Y New n $2.50 * * * 16 titles & 16 items listed for your shopping pleasure! EMAIL us at anytime (& preferred), or CALL 541-756-4711 10am - 9pm PST (-8GMT) to reserve the titles YOU want. REMEMBER, tho, prices TRIPLE if you phone after hours !! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (c) 2025, Fine Games for Players & Collectors. BBS_Mag1 MagGms by Publs, #