Our Annual
Clearance Sale is the biggest sale Fine Games' offers each year. And now a 27-some year tradition.
This year is special, however. This will be our last such sale, and we are making a big push to clear out a sizeable part of our remaining inventory. So, 425 discrete games, mags, accessories and odds & ends all at true liquidation prices.
Since our first Retirement Liquidation Sale in Oct. 2020, we've sold off nearly 90% our inventory. Progress. But still 1,150 items to go (plus 1,400 parts). We are determined to find good homes to all of these irreplaceable games & mags from this unique hobby's long history. After which we will be FREE to go see the world one mile, one beer & one bike at a time!
Thank you for doing what you can by offering these games a good home (and coincidentally making my retirement that much closer to reality). We recognize that many of these items have been offered repeatedly. We can only offer an ever sweeter price on such items & hope that perhaps you'll pick up extra copies to use as future trade fodder.
Also, see below for a special offer on a bundle of 135 Munchkin items.
You just have to act, and act fast, to get the best selection among the many items offered. Each year, 10% of the items sell in the first couple of days, among them some of what turn out to be the best deals.
2023 Annual Clearance Sale Catalog
(PDF download 400kb)
This Annual Clearance Sale begins when our emailed announcement lands in our subscribers' inbox shortly, and expires after Monday, 4 December. Put it on your calendar you procrastenators cause its on ours. Our last shipping day of the year is expected to be Thursday, 21 December.
The main rules are simple:
- You must be a subscriber to our services including our newsletter to participate; and
- Place your order by email or phone, including (a) part#, (b) game title, and (c) appropriate price; and
- You choose: buy individual items each at their Clearance Price; and
- Tell us when you order both (1) how you intend to pay, and (2) where you want thing shipped so we can reserve your goodies for you; and
- Provide payment in a prompt fashion.
All items are in limited quantities — available quantities are indicated but many are a quantity of one-only. So we encourage you to read thru our Annual Clearance Catalog at your
earliest opportunity, and order immediately after. You are welcomed
to email, phone (541-756-4711 10am-9pm PST) your order to us, whichever you'd perfer. Please have item part #s, titles and prices available to speed things along. Example:
Part 123456 D-Day at Fine Games $99.99
Orders will be processed in the order they are received.
Provide all the info needed for an order -- what you want, your full name & shipping address & phone #,
payment info and an unconditional indication that you are ordering -- and we'll reserve games for you even if there are questions to answer
before things can ship. Once we have payment, your order will ship out ASAP. If you omit any of the required elements of an order just mentioned, especially a clear statement that you are ordering and how you intend to pay, we cannot reserve anything for you and so your desired goodies will remain available to others.
Please be aware of & respect our reservation policy. We will reserve items for you that you are certain – as in 100% certain – you want them. We will not reserve items prospectively or while you "think about it." If you tell us you are ordering an item but later change your mind, we will be hesitent to reserve anything for you on future orders. Do it twice and we will only reserve items when we have payment in hand. This is especially true of our Annual Clearance and Retirement Sales. And yes, our computer never forgets.
We accept checks (with the cash discount reflected in all our pricing), as well as credit cards and PayPal (sent to PayPal@FineGames.com, or via PayPal.Me/FineGames/$$$.$$ where $$$.$$ is the actual dollar value owed without any actual $ sign. Example: PayPal.Me/FineGames/123.45.) Note that payment methods where we must pay a fee to receive your payment (credit/debit card or PayPal) forego the cash discount and so the grand total will be 3.62% more than any stated price you see in our catalogs; that includes shipping as well.
We ship by USPS priority mail where possible, but ship larger orders via UPS.
For most orders, our normal shipping charges apply to each order, regardless of whether some or all items come from this clearance. However, for orders that require weight-based shipping, our weight-based domestic rates will apply and be quoted. Weight these days is the greater of actual or dimensional weight.
For most orders including boxed items $23.00 per order. A single unboxed item can ship for $9.00, multiple unboxed items for $11.00. A single boxed item (plus as many unboxed items as will fit) generally ships for $17.00; most other orders are $23.00. Heavy items, including items with a LBox, GBox or HBox are surcharged individually. We will quote shipping for your specific order. If an order cannot ship until January, then 2023 shipping rates will apply (likely +$1 per order).
International orders are generally based on shipping weight as they always have been. Contact us for a quote.
For the benefit of customers who are not familiar with our web site or ordering process, to place an order you simply
collect a list of the games or other items you wish to order (including
game title, part # and price ideally) from our catalogs. Then, email your list
to us with your full name, contact info & payment instructions.
You can also phone us, if you prefer. Your games will be shipped as
early as the same day, and rarely later than the next weekday. Note that we do not have
an online form for ordering. Go here for more complete ordering details.
Are you Subscribed ?
This & future Annual Clearance Sale notices are emailed to our subscribed customers. Like to receive timely notice of such
sales? Just make sure we have your full name, current home address, phone #
& email to subscribe to our emailed
newsletter. Simple as that. And subscribing opens the door to other free services we offer, including maintaining a want list for you.
Give the Gift of GAMES !!
We can help you give -- or perhaps just as importantly, receive -- the gift of games during the
holidays or on your birthday. Refer your significant-other to us with hints of what you're
hoping for. We also have Gift Certificates in any denomination you wish. They're
as good as cash for anything we sell, and they never expire. They can be purchased quickly
by phone or email. Even if its the last minute, we can get a gift certificate to you as a PDF by email.
And consult our updated Game
Gift Giving Guide which suggests many games that you'd be
happy to both give and get.

Yours truly, on two of our busiest days ever, each hours before a lengthy camping trip. In December. "Selling the gift of happiness in the form of games for 29+ years & counting."