Fine Games' Customer Service Policies


Our Policy: No Bullshit !Here are summaries of all of Fine Games' critical customer care policies. These include what services we will provide to you, and what we expect from you in return.


Our basic value is this: No Bullshit. No one deserves it. We don't give it, and we won't take it. Life is too short. We try to do the right thing the first time through. If we mess up, we fix it. Simple.



We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

Fine Games assures you that you'll be fully satisfied with each item and each order you place with us. We'll go what we can to remedy any problem that occurs. Please just let us know that there is a problem so that we can work with you to take care of it.


We stand behind our product descriptions and aim for 100% accurate, reliable representations of the items we offer to you. Of course, selection of the editorial content of any item is up to you.


If there is any undisclosed damaged or missing items, please contact us to discuss the matter. If such flaws occurs with new games, we'll assist you in contacting the publisher directly; the publisher is  responsible for the missing or damaged components in this case.

We Respect your Privacy

Fine Games has always respected the confidentiality of the information you entrust to us. We do not sell your contact info. We do not engage in dinnertime telemarketing calls. See our Privacy Policy for more.

Please Respect Our Business Hours When Phoning

Our business shares our home. So, we ask that you respect our business ours of 10am - 9pm Pacific Std Time (-8 GMT) by not phoning after 9pm PST or before 10am PST. To emphasize the point, our prices triple outside our business hours. So you CAN call, but you'll make it worth our while.


You may, of course email at any time.

Your Order Will be Shipped FAST !

Fine Games ships the average order in under two calendar days (including weekends, when we do not ship). Most orders ship the same day the payment is received. So, unlike other internet game sources, you'll get your games reliably FAST.


As part of the order confirmation process, we will tell you when we expect to ship your order. If unexpected problems occur that delay your order more than a week, we will notify you of the situation.


Once you've expressed a firm commitment to purchase one or more items, reservations may be placed on any item offered for sale to assure that you get what you want. Please observe these guidelines in placing any order or asking that items be held for you:

  • We must have your full mailing address, email address, and phone # on file to reserve an item.

  • Reservation privileges are based on your word that you definitely want the items and will send payment promptly. If you are still thinking about it, you are not ready to make a reservation. If you change your mind carelessly or often, you will forfeit future reservation privileges. So, please, don't be a flake. We are particularly sensitive to this with all of our special sales including our Annual Clearance and Retirement sales.

  • Reserved items will be held only for an appropriate time, or for as long as we might agree. That generally means 7-10 days for domestic customers, 2-3 weeks for international customers. If you need special arrangements, just ask.

  • It's best to be explicit as to whether you are or are not committing to a purchase. If you're simply asking for availability or pricing, say so. If you want to buy anything that's available, say so. Doing so will avoid communication problems that are frustrating to all concerned.

Cancellation and Returns

In general, when you place an order it is with the understanding that you will follow thru with it. If you cancel an order or fail to respond to emailed reminders, you will find us unwilling to reserve items for you in the future or, in extreme cases, even to do business further with you.


Items Special Ordered on your behalf may not be cancelled once we have ordered them for you. They are yours essentially from the time you place your order.


In general, we do not accept returns. Items we mis-ship or inaccurately described, or are damaged en route, are the exception. Please contact us before returning an item, and return it promptly after making arrangements to do so.

Special Order Items We Don't Stock at 30% Off List Price

Special Orders are those items that we do not stock and are obtained per your request. Virtually all in-print miniatures, historical books, collectable card games, fantasy board games and role playing products are special order items. In general, you can expect to pay 70% of the manufacturer's current list price for any item of this type. If possible, please provide the publisher and its own part # code. Special order items, once ordered, cannot be cancelled nor returned.


PRE-Orders are otherwise normal orders for items not yet published. When the pre-ordered item(s) are released, you get one of the very first copies we receive sent out to you the same day it arrives her. Thus, you get the game as quickly as possible at the same great discounts.


Payment arrangements must be made up front, preferably with a credit card so that you can be charged only when the game appears. Also, prices and weight are projected until the game appears and so are subject to change. Lastly, if you pre-order several games, or combine a pre-order with in-stock games, you'll need to specify when your order should be shipped. Each shipment incurs a standard shipping charge. But remember that games routinely arrive weeks or months past their announced release date.


Orders that involve reserving items for over three weeks are called layaways. Experience has shown that such orders generally require more work -- documenting payments, changes & cancellations, follow-up calls & emails, etc. Thus, such orders are generally subject to a minimum 5% surcharge per month on the value of all merchandise that must be stored beyond three weeks' time. Each such order is unique so please inquire to see what arrangements we might agree upon to suit your needs.

Order Confirmation

We confirm item availability, total price and expected ship date for all orders. We will contact you in the event of any questions or delays of more than a week beyond the expected ship date.

Shipment Confirmation

We confirm shipment by email for all orders shipping by UPS. This acknowledgement will include tracking info and estimated date of arrival.


At this time, we cannot routinely acknowledge shipment of orders by USPS.

If You Need an Itemized Invoice...

We do not include an itemized invoice with your order. If you want an invoice, we can email you a copy with your order acknowledgement and/or include a copy with your order IF you ask for this at the time of your order. There is a $5 charge for this service if you request it at a subsequent time.

If Your Check is Returned by Your Bank
 for Any Reason...

...You will be charged a $25 fee to cover charges imposed on us by our bank and our efforts to collect same. Please don't subject yourself to this fee. Please.

In addition, per Oregon law, you are liable for the greater of $100 or three times the face amount of your NSF check.

Printed, Mailed Catalogs

Fine Games' catalogs are always avaible to you online, both as fast-loading TXT files and also as nicely formatted PDF files. Should you absolutely have to have a printed copy mailed to you, we'd be happy to obligue at the cost of $5 domestically, a good deal more for international.

Maintaining a Want List

Fine Games will maintain a want list of items you'd like us to watch for on your behalf for any customer who provides their current contact info. When (and if) we next see a copy of the game you're looking for, we'll let you know by email. You're not obligated to buy it, of course, but we'll offer to sell it in the order in which customers' registered their request for each game.


We can track a limited number of items per person, and accept want listings only by email or mail. Further, want list items must be within the realm of the type of games we deal in. Just send us an email describing the game titles & publishers you're looking for.


Picking Up a Game at Fine Games

In general, you're welcome to make arrangements to pick up any items you desire at Fine Games. Our address is 2078 Madrona St in North Bend, OR (next to Coos Bay). See MapQuest for a map & driving directions. All visits are by appointment only, so you must make arrangements ahead of time, and we reserve the right to impose a minimum purchase amount if the effort required to coordinate your visit or provide directions becomes unreasonable.


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