Orientation for New Visitors
to the Fine Games' Web Site

If this is your first visit to the Fine Games web site, this page is for you. This page provides an orientation on where to find our many catalog listings or a specific game, how to order, where to learn more about shipping and payment options, and more.


This page, together with our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, are the best places to come up to speed so you can make good use of the wealth of information available on this site.



If You Have Never Ordered From Us Before...

...We have a special offer to make to you. They ain't making board gamers like they used to. So we need YOU to become our customer. And to ease the way, we've prepared a special offer on dozens of games that we hope you can't resist. Most are recently published great games, and some are older games that are still quite popular. Plus a small number we simply have far too many of. Still, Fine Games would like to offer you some great deals -- and a chance to begin a long and happy relationship with us! Check it out First Purchase Offer.


To be eligible for this special offer, you must simply never have ordered from us before (directly). Once your first order has shipped to you, the offer expires and you are no longer eligible.

Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to the 10 questions new visitors are most likely to have about our services:

  1. Shipping on most orders is a flat$23.00regardless of how many games you order. Add+$4.00per item that is heavy (3.0# or more) and/or has a LB (large box) box type. Add+$6.00if your zip code is defined as "rural" by UPS (PDF). 
    Up to5flat, unboxed items may generally be shipped for a total price of$11.00via priority mail; just one items ships for$9.00.

  2. Follow our simple How to Order procedure to place an order with us. Orders will be quickly acknowledged by email. You'll be informed of the total amount of the order, when we expect the order to ship & by what means, and of any problems we see in filling your order.

  3. You can order from us by email, by phone (preferred), by mail any item(s) you find in our catalogs. See our Contact Info for the various ways to reach us. You can order by email anytime or phone (541-756-4711  10am-9pm PST) or toll free within the US at 866-690-7879 (10am-9pm PST).

  4. Our mailing address is2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR  97459-2143  USA.

  5. Our online catalogs are updated frequently, several times each week. You can rely on them to reflect our current inventory with 99+% accuracy. Trust us; its true!

  6. We are happy to reserve items you are committed to buying for a reasonable time to allow you to transmit payment to us. Be sure you're familiar with our Reservation Policy before you ask us to do this. Be sure to let us know what you want if you mail your payment to us.

  7. Our catalogs are all TXT (text-based) files that are fast to download. Use our Catalog Viewer for handy framed viewing of our text catalogs. Use the Explanation of Codes as well as our Catalog Orientation pages to learn to read the various codes and abbreviations we use. When you find an item you want to order, just copy the key information (Title, Part # and price) to an email or a list. Presently, we do not have a web-based form for ordering.

  8. We accept as payment cash, checks, money orders, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard & Discover®), and PayPal. We also accept trade-ins by prior arrangement.

  9. You can search for a game, game topic, designer name, or any other subject that might be found on our web site in a number of ways. See our Search Hints page for detailed instructions including your browser's FIND feature.

  10. We maintain over 140 catalogs online. Most either sort our inventory in different ways (such as alphabetically, by publisher, by historical era, by historical era and topic, or by historical era and game scale). Others list specific type of items such as Parts, Magazine-Onlys, ASL/SL games, ATS/Combat! series games, etc. See our Catalog Index for the full listing.

    Our catalogs are always free for you to view online. Printed catalogs are for $5 domestically, $10 internationally, but the same thing is available online for free.

Key Resources on this Site

We recommend you take the time to make use of these key resources available on this web site. They will speed your ability to make use of the resources on this site.

How to Find a Game

Our Search Page identifies four methods you might use to locate a game in our catalogs.  The single best way is to load one of our all-inclusive catalogs (such as the alphabetical listing), then use your browsers FIND (<CTRL>-F) feature to locate an appropriate search string on the web page displayed. Use shorter search strings focused on words that are central to what you're searching for.

Ready to Order ?

Just follow a simple Order Procedure to place an order with us. This can be conveniently sent to us by email anytime or phone (541-756-4711  10am-9pm PST) or toll free within the US at 866-690-7879 (10am-9pm PST).

Shipping Info

Basically, domestic shipping is$23.00to US addresses. We ship lighter orders by USPS priority mail; heavier orders by UPS ground.


International shipping rates are based on a combination of (1) actually shipping weight, (2) service class (PRIORITY MAIL or FIRST CLASS), and (3) the country you live in.


See our Shipping Rates & Policies for more details and exceptions.

Payment Info

Your order will ship to you as soon as both all the items you've ordered and your payment are on hand. We accept cash, checks, money orders, credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and Discover®), and PayPal. All prices are stated on a cash-basis;  if you pay by credit card  add3.75%to remove the implicit cash discount. Be prepared to issue your payment at the time you place your order.

Update Newsletter

We keep our customers informed of ongoing events in this unique hobby, includes news of changes at the publisher and distribution level and at Fine Games itself. We also keep you informed of new game releases and of games pending. You can read current and past issues of our newsletter at our Newsletter page. Subscribe simply by emailing us with your full contact info.

Special Sales

Fine Games maintains an inventory of over 10,000 items at any time. So, we often have special sales on games that are either overstocked, damaged in some way, or that have sat here 1 day too long. You'll often save a few $ by checking this listing periodically. We also offer special savings to our Newsletter subscribers each month. Our Surplus PC hardware & software are also available cheap.


We also offer a small selection of items from our own, personal collection for sale. These are now integrated into our normal catalogs, so you don't have to do anything special to hunt for them tho we do have a catalog of just these.


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