Welcome to Fine Games!

The Best in New & Used Strategy Board Gaming

Fine Games provided strategy gamers -- especially wargamers -- thruout the world with the best selection & overall value in strategy games, magazines, gaming supplies and selected historical books together with outstanding, quick and knowledgeable service for 33 years now. We are a few months from calling it quits & retiring.. 


We got one last sale in the works. See our Retirement Liquidation Sales page for more.


Since 2024, we've made a number of changes you should be aware of as it directly impacts how you can contact us or pay for orders:

  • Our 866# is endandered and we will end it soon. If it doesn't work, please call us directly at 541.756.4711.
  • We no longer accept credit cards directly; simply too costly. You will need to either send a check or pay via PayPal as before.
  • We no longer have a fax number, tho this doesn't affect anyone it seems.

We have but 20 distinct game or magazine items remaining in our inventory (tho multiple copies of most of these). We do still have all our 1258 parts, plus the 130 personally-owned games offered.



(  If you find that something doesn't work on this site,
we'd appreciate you're letting us know about it so we can fix it!)

What Fine Games Offers You

If you're not sure of what it is you are looking for, our catalogs' detailed descriptions of each games' physical and editorial content can help you discover new gems & avoid some lurking turkeys. And if we don't have what you want, we will do our best to find it.  Our prices are competitive or better. We ship lightning fast, commonly the same day. And we have a solid reputation for responsive service earned by serving strategy gamers like yourself since 1992.

About the Services Fine Games Provides

Fine Games offers you these services: A guarantee of your satisfaction; vast selection of thousands of board & card games; the best catalogs of historical board games anywhere Up to 35% off NEW, in-print games & gaming supplies, including special orders on collectable card games & miniatures; free emailed newsletter keeping you abreast of new board games; 866 phone # for orders; customized want-list game search; same or next day shipping; and fast, professional service.

About the Resources on The Fine Games' Web Site

Resources for Those
New to this Site


Contact Info   FAQ 

New Visitor Info

   Special Offer to First-Time Customers

Newsletters Index

Most recent Newsletter, 6 Dec 2015 


New Game Releases  (last 2 months)

Pending Releases (next 6 months)

Our Catalogs


Catalog Orientation - learn to interpret our catalogs

Catalog Index - master listing of all our catalogs


  Game Releases by Year & Month  

Catalog Viewer


  Gift Recommendations (PDF - updated 2/24)


Neatly Formatted, PDF versions of our Game & Supplies Catalog, updated 2-3 times each month

Fine Games' Complete Inventory Catalog (PDF 1mb 58pgs)

or "Short" Catalog w/ the better half of our inventory (PDF 700kb 30pgs)

How to Order from Fine Games

We do business personally, usually by email or phone. We do not have an online form or shopping cart currently.


Procedures  Shipping 

Payment Options

  Special Order Price & Availability List (PDF) 

Shop from 20,000 new games, at up to 35% off list, complete
with clear indicators of current availability at our main distributor.

  Get up to 35% off List Prices everyday on

most special ordered NEW games.

How to Search for an Item


Can't Fine Something? Send us an email.

Send us your Want List by email

How to Find What You Are Looking For

Search our Catalogs

Learn to Read the Catalogs


Special Services & Sale Offers

New ItemFine Games' Retirement Liquidation Sales

Our latest (16th) Retirement Liquidation Sale extends thru 6 May. This sale offers fire-sale prices on all of our remaining NEW mag-games (Strategy & Tactics, World at War, Modern War, Against the Odds, etc.) Discounts off our already-discounted normal selling price start at 10% with just one item, and top out at 35% if you buy any 16 of these new mag-games. That means effective discounts of potentially over 50% of list price. Take a look by clicking the link just above.



Are you Subscribed ?

This & future Sale notices are emailed to our subscribed customers. Like to receive timely notice of such sales? Just make sure we have your full name, current home address, phone # & email to subscribe to our emailed newsletter. Simple as that. And subscribing is required to receive the extreme discounts offered in each of these sales. We'll email you a few times a year, whenever a new sale begins and shortly before it ends.


Recently Released, NEW Games

Our New Releases Catalog always list all the games that were published in the last 2 months that we believe our customers may be interested in.


And now you can review new games published by month or calendar year, all of which are currently still available either in-stock or as special order) with our New Game Release page. Check it out.

Pending Game Releases

Our Pending Game Release Catalog provides the best available info on the ever changing world of games due out in the next few months. Check here for the best info we have on what's soon to be available.

If You Have Never Ordered From Us Before...

...We have a special offer to make to you. They ain't making board gamers like they used to. So we need YOU to become our customer. And to ease the way, we've prepared a special offer on over 100 games that we hope you can't resist. Most are recently published, great games, and some are older games that are still quite popular. Plus a small number of games we simply have far too many of. Still, Fine Games would like to offer you some great deals -- and a chance to begin a long and happy relationship with us! Check it out here as an HTML page. Also available as TEXT or as an Acrobat PDF.


To be eligible for this special offer, you must simply never have ordered from us before. Once your first order has shipped to you, the offer expires and you are no longer eligible.

 Download Our Printed Catalog

You can download our complete Interim Printed Catalog (pdf 3mb), a nicely formatted and easy to read listing of our COMPLETE  inventory (as of the last update). It is generally current tho updated only 2-3 times each month.


Want a shorter, more condensed catalog? Download our "short" printed catalog (pdf, 700kb) that reflects the bulk of our inventory, around 2500 items, but without many of the duplicate items or parts. This is similar to what we once mailed to our customers, and is typically about 70pgs long.

Fine Games is Located on the Sunny Southern Oregon Coast

Should your travels take you down the Oregon coast, let us know and we'll help make your trip a memorable one. Stop by and cruise our racks & racks of games. And let us guide you to some of the best ocean coast Oregon and northern California have to offer, as well as spectacular Rogue River rafting, hiking, swimming and backpacking.  Note that all visits are by prior appointment only.

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